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Chapter 87 New Contradiction

April 16th.

The propaganda team once again settled in Jiangdong Town, this time with a master's attitude, and received an extremely warm welcome, with cheers from adults and children everywhere.

The core stronghold of the 101st collective estate is finally established.

There are also 7,386 acres of cultivated land in Jiangdong Town that will also be used uniformly. The work team sent a telegram from the headquarters to apply for two tillers, three tractors with plows, five water pumps, and a large number of new agricultural tools, as well as

Improved seeds, pesticides, etc. were immediately added to the spring plowing work here to improve the efficiency of spring plowing.

However, taking Jiangdong Town does not mean that the work team's mission has been completed. The collective estate can be established quickly. It is not that simple.

We have to capture several surrounding villages and towns as well.

Eventually a large manor covering more than 30,000 acres of land was established.

And with Jiangdong Town as a ready-made example, is it not easy to take over the surrounding villages and towns? Just follow the example of the gourd.

Wang Kangping and others thought so at first, but when they heard that the surrounding Wang Village, Chenjia Village, Songjia Town, Dam Village, Nanjiang Village, and Jiangdong Town had joined the manor and set up the central town in Jiangdong Town, they all

He shook his head and said that he would not join the collective estate. It was not possible.

"Why don't you want to join again?"

Obviously, they were very active before, especially Wang Village and Chenjia Village. Although they are both clan-based villages, both the young people in the village and the clan elders are very active in joining the manor and have taken the initiative to apply many times.

These are the two villages that have been captured by default.

However, after learning that Jiangdong Town had joined the collective estate, Wangcun and Chenjiacun suddenly changed their attitudes and said they were unwilling to join. They said that they would not be able to join unless Jiangdong Town withdrew from the estate.

What is the reason?

After some visits and investigations, the members of the work team fell into frowns again.

Clan fighting.

The fundamental reason is that Jiangdong Town and the surrounding villages and towns such as Wangcun, Chenjiacun, Songjia Town, etc., have had many clan fights in the past history, and have long forged unsolvable blood feuds for generations, and every few

In more than ten years, there will be a high probability of fighting with each other, even to the point of red eyes and rivers of blood, and then they will no longer intermarry, and they will never have contact with each other until they die.

As for why clan fighting breaks out, there are too many reasons. Fighting for water, fighting for land, quarrels between husband and wife lead to a fight between the two parties, or there is a fight due to a dispute of temper, and the losing party is not convinced and calls for help. In the end, the person called by both parties

More and more, it developed into clan fighting.

But the most important thing is the battle for water and land, because after the population in ancient society increased in large numbers, in order to compete for limited resources, they had to use clan fighting to resolve conflicts. This was essentially a phenomenon of involution unique to agricultural societies.

And toward the end of a dynasty, clan fighting became more frequent and fierce, and it was difficult to eliminate it.

Jiangdong Town is a large town with thousands of households, and after the clan of Overlord Xiang Yu, it is very powerful in terms of combat effectiveness. Every time a fight breaks out with surrounding villages and towns, it always has the upper hand, winning more than losing, and taking up a lot of them.

Because of the advantages and disadvantages, most surrounding villages and towns are unwilling to interact with Jiangdong Town, and even form blood feuds. They are eager to see Jiangdong Town suffer losses and misfortune, so how can they join the same manor.

Anyway, in one sentence: if there is Jiangdong Town, there will be no them, and if there are them, there will be no Jiangdong Town!


The members of the work team were all confused. They finally managed to take down Jiangdong Town. They were about to relax and feel relieved when another big trouble came.

Are the conflicts and blood feuds that have been forged for hundreds of years and dozens of generations something they say they can resolve if they want to?

what to do?

I also sent a telegram to the headquarters and received three suggestions for solving the problem.

First, to solve the problem of land disputes, as long as you join the collective estate, the land will be all owned by the estate. There is no longer private land for individuals. The amount of personal income is no longer linked to the amount of land, but to the individual's labor contribution.

Relevantly, since the land is shared, there is no need to fight for land, and the conflicts are reduced to a certain extent.

Second, the problem of fighting for water is easier to solve. With the dragon king of water pumps, why do we need to fight for water?

Finally, if there are fights, quarrels, conflicts between husband and wife, disputes of temper, etc. between individuals, a public trial court will be set up to deal with them, and fair jurors will be selected. The principle of severely punishing the wrong party will be adopted. Anyone who insults others will be fined 10 silver dollars.

, to avoid small conflicts between individuals from infinitely escalating into major conflicts between two clans.

That is to say, as long as you join the collective estate, there will no longer be land disputes, and there will be no need to fight for water. The public trial court will do its best to ensure that the word "public" is used, and no matter whether it is a large or small village, there will never be any preference for one party.

So the members of the work team took action again and divided into multiple persuasion groups to do ideological work with surrounding villages and towns and persuade them to join the collective estates. Of course, the main targets were still young people, not those who

A stubborn and rigid patriarch.

In order to enhance their persuasion, they simply brought a water pump and found a reservoir to prove that fighting for water has become a thing of the past.

"There is no need to fight for land anymore. Xujiazhuang's tillers can cultivate hundreds of acres of land a day, and tractors can plow hundreds of acres. Most people no longer need to do farm work. Instead, they go to breeding, working in workshops, and building buildings.

Building roads and building houses can earn you at least a hundred cents a day. Skilled workers earn even more. You can easily earn more than 30 silver dollars a year without having to bear any taxes. Isn't this better than what you lived before? Don't you all want to be miserable?

Sow it for a lifetime?”

"You have all seen the power of the water pump. It is at least as powerful as a thousand people carrying water. It can also pump water to high dry land through canals, turning all fields into irrigated fields, ensuring that every year

There is no problem with a good harvest, but if you have a water pump and you still have to fight for water, do you think this is stupid or is there something wrong with your brain?"

"As for how the public trial court decides the case, here are a few typical case videos... If you encounter any problem, the first thing you think of is to solve it through litigation. As long as you prove that the wrong party is at fault, you can make the other party pay unforgettable compensation. No need to

When clans fight, the court is your biggest protector!"

"Don't dwell on the past grievances and old accounts. We must look forward. For the peace and happiness of future generations, joining the collective estate is the only way! Don't have any worries and fears. Xujiazhuang only talks about laws and principles and does not look at clan blood.

, even if you are just an independent person, as long as you join the manor, everyone will be your strongest support!"

After such a speech.

The young people in Wangcun were convinced.

Not only the young people in Chenjia Village, but also the patriarchs and elders were conquered by a water pump, because as long as the water pump is used, the higher-lying Chenjia Village will be able to cultivate at least three thousand more acres of irrigated land and increase food production.

More than double? There is no need to work hard to carry water. Compared with the bright future, the grievances and grievances of the past are nothing. After all, an important characteristic of the Chinese people is pragmatism.

When they saw Wangcun and Chenjiacun, they joined in one after another, and the spring plowing was carried out with great vigor.

Songjia Town, Dam Village, and Nanjiang Village couldn't sit still and had to apply to join, because the benefits of joining can be seen immediately, such as the humming of the tillers and tractors in the fields, which were sorted out in one day

With thousands of acres of land, the efficiency of the water pump shocked them even more. They also wondered whether the suffering, blood and tears they had endured in the past were necessary. Did the deaths of those tribesmen who died fighting for water and land have any meaning?

The most meaningless thing in the world is to stay entangled in one place. Only by joining the collective manor can their children and grandchildren live a peaceful and happy life without having to participate in disputes and fights that have lasted for hundreds or thousands of years. And this is joining the collective.

The greatest significance of the manor!

Five villages and towns, including Wangcun, Chenjiacun, Songjia Town, Damba Village and Nanjiang Village, joined in succession.

The land occupied by the 101st collective estate suddenly increased to more than 27,000 acres, not including large areas of mountains, bamboo forests, wasteland, ponds, rivers, lakes and other resources.

The population under control has also reached more than 15,800.

Basically meet the conditions for establishing a large manor.

However, there is still one area that has not been settled yet - Da'an Town to the west of Jiangdong Town.

The number of household registrations and cultivated land in Da'an Town is comparable to that of Jiangdong Town. It is also a very famous town. The distance between the two towns is less than ten miles. In the past history, there have been several clan fights, and the result was a tie.

Therefore, the conflict between the two parties is not that big, and intermarriage is relatively common, because it is easier for two people of equal strength to become friends.

But this is Da'an Town.

The publicity task force has been sent several times, but to no avail.

Not even a single young man from Da'an Town came to work in the brick kiln factory.

In the face of various propaganda actions by the propaganda team, Da'an Town was the only one that could not be penetrated by needles or splashed with water, and it resisted them all.

In order to investigate why Da'an Town is so special, Wang Kangping sent a ten-person investigation team into Da'an Town to learn the reasons.

However, the ten-person investigation team had just arrived at the outskirts of Da'an Town and had not yet entered the town.


A frosty laugh sounded.

At least three hundred young and strong men surrounded the investigation team from all directions, holding sticks, chains, knives, axes and other weapons in their hands.

The leader, a thick black man with a sinister face, said: "Kill these people! The clan leader said that not only will they kill all the people in Xujiazhuang, but they will also have their heads chopped off and skinned to make

Drums, give them all to me, leave no one behind!"


"One head is rewarded with twenty taels of silver, I've got this money for sure!"

"I have long disliked them!"

"Want to annex our Da'an Town? Die!"

Facing the dense crowd of young and strong men rushing towards them, their faces were filled with ferocious murderous looks and they looked menacing.

Yuan Ying, who was the leader of the investigation team, felt her heart sink.

But he still pulled out the alloy dagger from his waist and gave the order decisively: "One person sets off fireworks to ask for help, and the remaining three or three groups form back-to-back formations to kill the enemy with the mad dog sword technique!"

This chapter has been completed!
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