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Chapter 89 Manor Formation


Spring plowing work is basically completed.

Collective Manor No. 101 has also successfully taken a complete prototype and achieved the planned land acquisition goal.

In order to build this manor, the members of the publicity team worked hard and overcame all kinds of unimaginable difficulties and used all the methods they could think of. Some methods can even be described as despicable, but for the sake of

To achieve the most noble goal, no matter how despicable it is, they don't have that much time to work slowly and wait for a long time.

During this process, the publicity team formed its own set of working methods and experience, which is of great reference value to the entire Xujiazhuang. It is called the "101 working method" and received key awards from the headquarters. It won the first-class collective merit and material

Several rewards - although the progress of the 101 work team in building the village is lagging behind, the difficulties it has overcome are indeed the greatest, and it has been unanimously recognized by senior officials including the village owner.

this day.

Orioles are flying, grass is growing, and the ground is green. It is the season when animals and plants are growing at an accelerated pace.

The sun is shining brightly outdoors, the warm breeze is gentle, and the blue sky is like a treasure cover. It is the most suitable weather for outings and camping in the wild.

Yuan Ying, whose injuries were not fully healed and whose head was wrapped in the image of a third brother, was given half a month's leave to recuperate. Although he felt that he could work as usual, he was kicked out of the office and forced to go back to rest.


This also gave Yuan Ying the opportunity to walk out of the town, ride a bicycle, and arrive on a grassy hillside near the Yangtze River. While blowing the humid river breeze from the south, she looked at the vast river with the same color of water and sky.

Looking back, you can see the busy construction scene of collective estates.

All of this immediately made him feel heroic, and he felt that his time in this world was not in vain.

"Brother Yuan."

Xiang Sirer, who came with him, put on the pink skirt she usually wore, making her look even more charming, lively and endearing. She walked up to Yuan Ying, took his arm, rubbed her chest and said coquettishly: "

My father has canceled the wedding he ordered for me. From now on, I can marry anyone I want. Brother Yuan, you should know what to do next, right?"

Hear this.

Look at the girl with a smile as bright as a flower, her head lowered and her pretty face flushed with shame. Her bright apricot eyes are full of expectation and a hint of spring.

Faced with such a girl and such obvious hints.

Then I thought of captain Wang Kangping’s reminder and the importance of the Xiang family to the collective estate.


Yuan Ying raised her eyes, looked at the river in the south, and said: "Si'er, how can I not know your intentions? Don't worry, I won't let you down. I will send a matchmaker to your door tomorrow to deliver the betrothal gift and settle our affairs first."

Come down and wait three years before we go to the church to get married and become husband and wife. What do you think?"

"I hate it. When it comes to marriage, the parents order the matchmaker. Si'er can only let her parents arrange it. How can she make her own decision?"

Xiang Sir'er was even more embarrassed and punched the man's arm with her pink fist.

"So, as long as it is arranged by your parents, you can marry anyone? Or, if you meet a man you are in love with and want to marry him, but you can't decide, so you can only miss it?"

Yuan Ying couldn't help teasing her.

"I, of course, I can't do it for everyone. If you are not satisfied, I will say that I want to be filial to my parents for a few more years. At worst, I will marry later or not marry at all."

Xiang Si'er was anxious and explained quickly.

"Oh? Does letting your parents arrange it mean that you like this man, so you are willing to marry him?" Yuan Ying asked with a smile.

"No, no, no, I didn't say that. If a certain idiot is nice to me, always makes me happy, doesn't beat me or scold me, is willing to take me out to play, and doesn't lock me at home every day after getting married, my father-in-law and mother-in-law will

If he doesn't force me to cook and embroider with such wood, I will reluctantly marry him."

Xiang Sirer said with a proud look.

Hearing her conditions, Yuan Ying pointed at herself in surprise: "Aren't these conditions of yours just prepared for me?"

Not beating or scolding women, respecting women, this is the education he learned very early in the manor school, and it is the basic quality requirement of being a human being.

It is the practice of many feudal parents to not allow women to go out in public, only to go out together occasionally, and to keep them in boudoir houses for a long time. However, Xujiazhuang does not have a rule that women are not allowed to go out, and will even crack down on behaviors that restrict personal freedom.

As for cooking and embroidery, these are skills that traditional women must master. However, Xujiazhuang has a large canteen and a highly efficient textile workshop. If women do not know how to cook or embroider, there is no problem in Xujiazhuang.

What's more, Yuan Ying's parents are dead and she is an orphan. If Xiang Sir'er becomes his wife, she will be the owner of the back house without any parents-in-law.

It's just that the conditions Xiang Sirer put forward may appear very willful and excessive in the eyes of others. Even she herself feels that they may be a bit willful. Maybe she should learn how to cook. If she can't do anything, maybe

She will be divorced by her husband.

It can only be said that if a man in modern society hears these mate selection standards proposed by Xiang Sirer, a pampered lady, I am afraid that no one will feel that they are too willful, but will be shocked that these standards are too low. As long as he is a man, he will be happy to accept them.

After all, in the face of the big mountains of betrothal gifts, houses, and cars, these small requests are nothing. Either of them can become the most ideal husband.

"You're so necrotic, it's not tailor-made for you. You're so beautiful." Xiang Sirer's cheeks flew up and she beat Yuan Ying even harder.

"If I send a matchmaker to your house to propose marriage, and I meet your requirements, is it possible for me to get a bargain and win the beauty?" Yuan Ying reached out to hold her pink fist and held her in his arms.

Li asked.

"Humph, that will make wood like you cheaper."

And the way she was so arrogant and stubborn but had to admit it in the end was so cute. Yuan Ying couldn't help but poke her head down, put her mouth to Chun, hugged her and began to tattoo. Her original plan of just relaxing and looking at the scenery was suddenly abandoned.

The back of the head.

Xiang Si'er struggled a little at first, but her body was weak and weak. Not only was she unable to resist, but she actively responded and did something shocking in this ancient society.

More than an hour later.

On the way back to the manor.

Xiang Sirer, who was sitting on the back seat of the bicycle, hugged the waist of the boy on the bicycle and asked without restraint: "Mumu, why did you stop just now? Am I really not allowed to have children at my age? My mother gave birth when she was sixteen.

of me."

"No! The body must be fully developed, otherwise there will be a risk of dystocia. Last year, there were two deaths from dystocia in Xujiazhuang Hospital. The mothers were both under 18, so for the safety of the mother, for the sake of more healthy children

For future generations, men and women must be over 18 before they can get married." Yuan Ying explained.

"How many people died every year in Dongjiang Town. With so many people in Xujiazhuang, only two of them had an accident. Isn't it very safe? And I want to get married as soon as possible. Even if I don't have children, I can still sleep with a big pillow."

There was a bump, and Xiang Sirer hugged her tightly.

"I'm not a big pillow, but you are a little goblin who wants to kill people. How can we guarantee that nothing will happen if we put firewood together? It's better to wait patiently." Yuan Ying said with a bitter smile.


Xiang Sirer nodded disappointedly, but she was even more full of yearning and expectation for the future.

This chapter has been completed!
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