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Chapter 88: The Allied Forces of Six Surnames




Three colorful fireworks exploded in the sky one after another, and could be heard within twenty miles.

It's just ten people, facing more than 300 people.

It is impossible to say that I am not panicking at all.

But Yuan Ying and others were not so panicked that they were in disarray and feared collapse.

During the more than two years of studying at the manor school, in addition to the knowledge in the textbooks, there was also a military training class one day a week to cultivate discipline and exercise physical fitness.

There are also behaviors such as queuing up for meals in daily life, which have engraved discipline into the bones.

Before joining the publicity team, they all went through a period of professional training and learned various crisis response methods, as well as a set of mad dog knife skills.

Most importantly, Yuan Ying and the other ten people all wore a set of stab-proof suits. Although they did not wear protective helmets, 90% of their bodies were protected.

Seeing those ferocious faces getting closer and closer.

When the distance is less than five meters.


Yuan Ying screamed strangely, rushed over with a knife, and shouted: "One of the secrets of a mad dog is to strike first!"

There was a pop.

He inserted the dagger into the big man's heart and quickly pulled it out, blood splattering out.

Then he lowered his head and rolled on the ground, dodging several attacks, and then stabbed the dagger into the femoral artery of another big man, shouting: "Secret of the mad dog, roll around in a panic!"


He screamed strangely and rushed behind a short man. Taking advantage of his height, he suddenly opened his mouth, bit the short man's ear, and tore off half of it with force. Amidst the earth-shattering wail of the other man, he opened his mouth again.

He stabbed his throat with a dagger and said: "Mad dog secret three, everything is a weapon!"

After yelling, he stabbed the big man's eye socket with his finger, kicked the other man's crotch with his right foot, and slashed another man's throat with the dagger.

During this process, Yuan Ying was of course beaten at least a dozen times and suffered some blunt force injuries, but his deadly mad dog style of fighting took away five lives in a short period of time, causing

The few remaining people.

The other eight team members were also like this, each acting crazier than the other.

This made some of the young and strong men who were originally full of ferocious faces and full of thoughts of getting rich and revenge in their heads, were frightened by the bloody scene and retreated repeatedly, regaining their nature of bullying the weak, afraid of the strong and even afraid of death. Some of them were a little courageous and wanted to continue.

They rushed forward, but they bumped into the timid and fearful people who were retreating one after another, and the formation was immediately disrupted.

A piece of open space was even made available for Yuan Ying and others to gather together again to form a small circular formation.

"Come on, charge me! There are only ten of them. Each of us can drown them with just a spit of spit. Come on!"

The big man with a sinister face roared angrily, asking everyone to continue charging.

The nearly 300 big men in Da'an Town had no choice but to resume their ferocious looks and rushed towards Yuan Ying and others, but their speed was much slower and their momentum was also much weaker.


After entering the fighting distance, Yuan Ying screamed strangely again, holding an alloy dagger and heading towards the throat of a certain big man at an extremely fast speed.

Then there are moves like poking the eyes, kicking the crotch, piercing the leg arteries, piercing the kidneys, biting the ears, etc. There is no fixed routine, but the emphasis is on speed and accuracy.

The second wave of attacks in Da'an Town was repelled again, and the dead and wounded were lying on the ground again.

"Come on, come on, I'll do it. There are only ten of them, and they're all injured. They'll be dead after two more chops!"

"You are not allowed to retreat. I will kill anyone who retreats!"

"Come on, come on! Don't you want the white silver reward? One more charge, one last charge, and you can break off their heads and give them all to me!"

The big man with a sinister face was almost hoarse from shouting, but after rushing five times in a row, no matter how much he yelled and urged for the sixth time, it had no effect. Those with courage and courage almost all became

The corpses on the ground were found, and the remaining two hundred people were all frightened. No matter what Liu Black Panther ordered, they did not dare to rush forward. Even though five of the ten people in the encirclement had been seriously injured and fell to the ground, only

The five of them were still standing, and they were covered in blood and bruises. They looked so shaky that if they charged one more time, their heads would be cut off like vegetables.


Don't dare.

None of the besiegers dared to charge forward, including the commander with a sinister face and a fierce look on his face. None of them wanted to be the victim of the final counterattack, even if it only required the sacrifice of five lives, but no one wanted to die themselves.


The situation has reached a stalemate. The besiegers in Da'an Town are still surrounding the investigation team with eager eyes, but they all hope that they will fall after bleeding out.

Yuan Ying, who had received an unknown number of blows on his body, had several cuts on his head, and had lost a lot of blood, and whose consciousness had become quite blurred, did not know how long he could hold on, but he knew that as long as there was one last chance,

Tone, he must not fall!


"Hoo ho ho ho!"

A sharp whistle sounded.

Then there was the sound of bicycles coming quickly.

Seeing the bicycle team from far to near in the east direction, although there were only forty or fifty bicycles, Yuan Ying still breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down slowly. The other four could stand.

The performance of the players was similar.

"The reinforcements from Xujiazhuang are coming, run!"

"These ten people can kill more than a hundred of us. These reinforcements are enough to destroy our Da'an town!"

"Run, run as far as possible, Xujiazhuang will not let us go!"

"Asshole, don't run away, come back to me!"

Liu Black Panther was so angry that he pulled out his long knife and chased after him to kill several escapees. However, he heard a bang and his whole body was shaken. A large hole appeared in his chest, and countless blood flowed out like a broken faucet. He immediately fell to the ground.

And died.

The person who shot him was a security team member about a hundred paces away.

Ten members of the investigation team were immediately sent back to Jiangdong Town for treatment.

Although Dr. Wu of the medical team tried his best, he still could not change the result of 1 death, 4 serious injuries and 5 minor injuries - Yuan Ying was slightly injured. Although he looked terrible covered in blood and his handsome face was a little disfigured, but

He just lost a little bit of blood and lost strength. He will be fine after a few days of rest.

Then there is anger, extreme anger.

The 101st Propaganda Task Force has exactly one hundred members. We have worked together for such a long time, and we have long developed a very deep friendship with each other, and have long been like brothers and sisters.

As a result, in the small town of Da'an, one brother left them forever, and the four were seriously injured and may be disabled, and they will not be able to return to their healthy and active appearance in a short time.


Absolutely intolerable!

Absolutely cannot forgive, must retaliate ten times, a hundred times or even a thousand times. Xujiazhuang will not repay evil with kindness or tolerate evil!

In addition, with the help of the intelligence support provided by the headquarters, everyone also had a general understanding of the situation in Da'an Town.

Da'an Town has a population of about 1,000 households, and more than 60% of the residents have the surname Liu. The patriarch Liu Jingfeng is in his sixties. He was a Jinshi during the Wanli period, a member of the Donglin Party, and was once the magistrate of Yizhou. During the Tianqi period, he was castrated for corruption.

The party was deposed and he had no choice but to return to his hometown and live in seclusion. He was pardoned by the court a few years ago. However, due to a corruption record, he could not resurrect, so he had to retire and retire. However, his greed for money is hard to change. He used his status as a gentry to kill several people in Da'an Town.

Thousands of acres of fertile land are all in his name. As the leader of the clan, he strictly restrains his clan members. The consequences of disobeying him are extremely serious.

If only that was it.

But for some unknown reason, Liu Jingfeng was extremely hostile to Xujiazhuang, with a kind of inexplicable hatred that came from nowhere. Although there was no conflict of interest between the two parties, Liu Jingfeng took various actions against Xujiazhuang.

The attack on the investigation team outside Da'an Town was planned by Liu Jingfeng himself. He wanted to use ten Xujiazhuang heads to prove his courage and ability in fighting against Xujiazhuang, and he almost succeeded.

After understanding these causes and consequences.

There is nothing more to say next.

April 26th.

The 101st collective estate stopped its spring plowing work for the day.

The members of the work team gathered all the young people from the six villages and towns of Jiangdong Town, Wang Village, Chenjia Village, Songjia Town, Daba Village, and Nanjiang Village, and temporarily formed a "six-surname coalition army" with 5,000 people.

", heading straight to Da'an Town in the west.

Plus twenty security personnel armed with breech-loading guns.

As well as the number of assisting defense team members expanded to 300, each of them wore a set of half-body plate armor and held a sharp alloy wild goose feather sword.

In addition, there are three tractors, which were slightly modified and used as mobile armor forces.

Although we didn't get a few more artillery pieces and cannons, they were used as important firepower for attacking the enemy.

But the above forces are enough to take down a small town of Da'an.

After the Six Surnames Allied Forces put on a powerful posture, they asked Da'an Town to send tribesmen out to participate in armed fighting and settle the grievances between the two sides.

But seeing such a posture, how could Da'an Town dare to accept the challenge? Isn't that asking for death? He immediately closed the door and evacuated the house to avoid the fight.

However, the coalition forces of the six surnames, who were eager to let out a bad breath, did not care whether Da'an Town should fight or not. They directly divided into several groups and rushed into the town. Anyone who dared to resist would be killed immediately. Those who raised their hands and surrendered would be spared death, but the Liu family

All the men of the same clan would have their hands and feet tied up and taken to one place.

The most intense battle took place at Liu Jingfeng's patriarch's residence. Thousands of people surrounded the residence and attacked from all sides. However, they encountered fierce resistance. They attacked continuously for more than two hours and killed at least two to three hundred people in the residence.

The blood flowed into a river, and then the voice begging for mercy came out:

"Stop fighting, stop fighting!"

"I was wrong. I shouldn't have offended the nobles of Xujiazhuang!"

"I am willing to apologize and bring my people to Xujiazhuang. From now on, everyone will regard peace as the most important thing. How about peace as the most important thing?"

Liu Jingfeng appeared in embarrassment and begged for mercy in person, hoping to spare the Liu family.

But it's too late.

This chapter has been completed!
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