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Chapter 105 Thinking of Solving the Japanese Country

In Harbor City, Oriental Castle.

This is a large castle covering an area of ​​100 acres, similar to the style of a Greek temple. The main body is a three-level pyramid-shaped building with a reinforced concrete structure, with 29 floors and 110 meters high. The internal construction area is 550,000 square meters, and there are 1,028

rooms and conference rooms.

Tens of thousands of workers were invested and it took sixteen months to complete.

Elevators, telephones, electrical systems, running water, flush toilets, air conditioning and other modern facilities are all available at a cost of over 100 million.

It is the tallest landmark building in Harbor City, and the laser searchlight at the top can also serve as a lighthouse for guidance.

And because the entire surface is painted shell white.

Also known as the "White Castle".

This is where Xu Yuan currently lives and works. With the large swimming pool in front, the large lawn garden in the back, and the surrounding reinforced concrete box buildings that look like city walls, the total activity area is no more than one million square meters.

But he only lived there, two concubines, one son, more than 300 strong women and maids, chefs and drivers, 400 elite guards, and more than 100 attendant secretaries and civil servants, a total of only

More than a thousand people.

So it seems quite empty and deserted, and not very popular.

The luxury inside is even more astonishing, as if all the world's rare treasures and countless high-quality antique calligraphy and painting playthings from the Ming Dynasty are gathered in this white castle, making it dazzling and dizzying, as if you have entered a treasure house.

So some loyal people had to advise them, saying that this was too extravagant and extravagant, and could easily lead to a bad atmosphere. It would be better to be more restrained and frugal.

But Xu Yuan didn't take it seriously. As a time-traveler, he has worked hard for so many years, can't he enjoy it? He has devoted so much to the world of the late Ming Dynasty, can't he reward himself? Then play music and continue...

In addition, considering that the scale of Xujiazhuang will expand in the future, the difficulty and complexity of management will increase. Now we have to make advance plans and build the Baibao bigger, so that there will be no shortage of resources in the future - this explanation is convincing.

Most people have also greatly reduced the voice of admonishment and turned it into worship and respect.

This made Xu Yuan feel guilty and uncomfortable. Come on, he really didn't have the idea of ​​being an eternal saint. He was mainly motivated by his own selfishness. He didn't expect to get so many fans and worship. This gave Xu Yuan a lot of support.

There is a small amount of pressure, and there is a feeling of being framed. However, we can only maintain this personality, otherwise big problems and hidden dangers will arise. It can be said that among the more than two million residents of Xujiazhuang, Xu Yuan has become

A character like Liu Bei must not collapse into Cao Cao. He has to continue acting even if he doesn't want to. This is determined by the position under his butt.

"The owner of the village, the businessman Luo Houping wants to see you. He came back from doing business in Japan and got 3.5 tons of gold. He exchanged it all for silver dollars at Tianxiatong Bank. In addition, he also gave a heavy gift, so he asked to see you, the owner of the village." An attendant left.

Come in and report.

"Oh, let him wait for me in the small tea room on the third floor. I will go there later."

Xu Yuan, who was dealing with official documents, raised his head and said, bringing 3.5 tons of gold at once. Luo Houping has the value of seeing this. After the gold is exchanged for silver dollars, he will get a coupon, and he can enjoy price reductions when purchasing goods from Xujiazhuang.

The 5% discount is based on this strategy. This year Tianxiatong Bank has absorbed more than 30 tons of gold reserves. In modern society, Xu Yuan's goal of making money next year has also been achieved in advance.

As for the heavy gifts Luo Houping said, Xu Yuan didn't take it to heart. Recently, there have been too many people giving him gifts, including rare treasures, antiques, stunning beauties, etc. Xu Yuan would not know most of these gifts.

If you refuse, the rare treasures will be placed in the 'Treasure Museum', and the antiques and cultural relics will be collected in the 'Cultural Relics Museum', allowing tourists to visit for free.

Only stunning beauties are more difficult to deal with, because most of the young beauties sent here are the daughters of officials and gentry, some have their feet bound, some have read poetry and books, and some come with ulterior motives, and even

There may be assassins.

Therefore, for these beauties who came to his door, it is undeniable that some of them have outstanding appearance and temperament, which are heart-warming, but Xu Yuan still refuses to deal with them, leaving countless beauties with disillusionment, heartbreak and tears.

In the tea room on the third floor.

Xu Yuan was sitting on the sofa on the left, with a flower basket in the middle, listening to Luo Houping, who was sitting on the right, talking about his business experience in Japan, excitedly describing the best-selling goods in Xujiazhuang.

"Master, although the Japanese country is small, it has a large population and developed industry and commerce. It is quite similar to the prosperity of our Jiangnan. The purchasing power of those famous generals, warriors, and businessmen is quite good. If I go to the Japanese country to do business once a year, I can earn 2 million to

Three million taels of silver is not a big problem. After replenishing the goods, I will go to Korea next month and earn three to five million taels, which is no problem. This is the profit that can only be brought by the goods of Xujiazhuang...

Luo thanked the owner of the village."

Luo Houping bowed his hands and thanked him.

"It's your own fault to make money, there's no need to thank you."

Xu Yuan waved his hands and then fell into deep thought.

Japan and Goryeo, these two countries, if you put them on the Internet in modern society, as long as you see these two words, they will either attract sarcasm or ridicule, or they will lead to shouting and killing, arousing countless hostility.

But in fact, in ancient societies where population was roughly equal to national power, these two countries cannot be underestimated, and they are ranked high in the world.

The population of the Japanese state is no less than 35 million, which is about one-fifth of the Ming Dynasty. This population size is already exaggerated. In the so-called "Warring States Period" a few decades ago, the land of the Japanese state was dotted with hundreds of large and small people.

The various daimyo are constantly attacking each other. In the early stage, the village chiefs were fighting with weapons, but in the later stage, there were tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of people fighting. When there was a strong man to unify the Japanese country,

It is possible to mobilize an army of millions, and the weapons and equipment are not bad. And with such mobilization capabilities, how many countries in the late Ming Dynasty can achieve this?

The population of Goryeo is no less than 15 million, and its territory is the same as that of Japan. The only poor person is kimchi. It has the image of a small slave who can be bullied by anyone around it. The only thing worthy of praise is that it has a kind of tenacity cultivated in hardship and poverty, because

There were too many people, too little land, and few resources, so there was no oil or water, and it was very useless. The slaves fought several times and finally gave up the idea of ​​destroying the country. The country also has a kind of tenacity of "the sun goes up and the pawn is killed". If you can't defeat you, you will be disgusted.

, and has good thigh-hugging skills. It is the most difficult type to destroy. It never forgets the glorious past created by its ancestors and always wants to restore its former glory.

A country with a large population, hard-working people, and internal disintegration is okay. If some fierce people emerge and integrate the entire Japanese country, the threat will be unimaginable.

A person who is tenacious and tenacious, humble and dormant, and severely involved. Once he sees a perfect opportunity, he is afraid that he will immediately turn into a tiger and jackal.

It can only be said that there are these two weirdos around Daming, which can only be said to be bad luck.

what to do?

As a time traveler, Xu Yuan knows the nature of these two countries very well. Does he have a better solution?

Do you want to be more ruthless and exterminate the population to take a deep breath?

Shaked his head.

This is a brainless strategy. The character of a country is only related to the geographical environment in which they live. Even if the entire Japanese country is formatted and a large number of Ming people are moved there, after a few years, the living environment of the Japanese country will not be the same.

Either forcing immigrants to flee or giving birth to new expansionism, the level of evil will not decrease much.

Many people in Goryeo have Chinese ancestry and have accepted Chinese culture. Will they become cheerful and generous because of their ancestry?

Killing cannot solve the problem. The living environment is the root cause of all problems. Otherwise, there would be no saying that unruly people come out of poor mountains and poor waters.

So how can we solve the problem?

To be honest, Xu Yuan doesn't know yet that Xujiazhuang has not yet reached the stage of overseas expansion. He doesn't even have a general idea in his mind. He only knows that those extreme methods will not work. In addition, in the real world, the level of dog breeding in the beautiful country is very high.

Yes, this experience can be used as a reference.

"Lord owner~"

Luo Houping's words interrupted Xu Yuan's thoughts, and he said with a flattering smile: "This time I went to the Japanese country and paid a lot of money to buy two Japanese dancers. They are a pair of twins. They are both beautiful in dancing and perfect.

I want to present these two Japanese women to the owner of the village. I wonder if the owner of the village would like to see them?"

"Japanese beauty?"

Xu Yuan frowned slightly. Although Japanese people are generally short, they have many beauties. Male compatriots who have collected some short movies will probably not deny this.

"Let's meet." Xu Yuan nodded. The beauties from Japan are not as good as the beauties sent by officials and gentry, so it doesn't matter if you take a look.


Luo Houping was overjoyed and immediately clapped his hands and let the two Japanese girls into the tea room and asked them to perform a dance.

Sisters Tamako Ono and Noriko Ono, who wore performance kimonos and had their hair styled like a princess cut, seized this opportunity, showed their best and most serious attitude, and performed their best dance performance in front of the distinguished guests.

Xu Yuan, who was sitting on the sofa, watched with interest for a while. To be honest, Xu Yuan didn't know what the meaning of their performance was. He didn't have the artistic skills in this area. He might not be as good as the girls on station B, who wore

Wearing a short white silk skirt and dancing to a section of "Summer in a Small Town" attracted his attention more than three times.

But while they danced, they looked at themselves lovingly.

His looks are indeed good, reminding him of a star named Ishihara from the island country.

In addition, there is a gentle and submissive temperament unique to Japanese women, which many Chinese women do not have. Most of them are queen-like or princess-like. Even if they are cute, they are just pretending, but they are actually very independent.

The most important thing is that from their graceful dancing posture, Xu Yuan suddenly had an idea in his mind, how to deal with countries like Japan and Goryeo.

"No need to jump, just keep these two women, I will accept them." Xu Yuan said, making the decision to accept them. This may make Fang Qingyan, Xia He and the others unhappy, but now they

They are both pregnant, and they have urged themselves to take concubines many times. In this case, there is no problem in accepting these Japanese concubines.

"Thank you, Master!"

Luo Houping had a look of surprise on his face, it was done, the goal of building a good relationship had been achieved.

Sisters Tamako Ono and Noriko Ono looked at each other and smiled, hugging each other and crying. As canaries, they reached the ultimate height that canaries can reach, found a noble man with the best conditions, and had the opportunity to live in such a beautiful and majestic place.

What else are they dissatisfied with in their big house?

This chapter has been completed!
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