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Chapter 107 Another Harvest Season

Starting from August 10th.

The 110 collective estates in Xujiazhuang and the rice cultivated around Harbor City are being harvested one after another and entering the harvest state.

This year's climate is still abnormal, with low temperatures and scanty rainfall. It can barely be called "smooth weather" in the Jiangnan region, but other regions may be facing another drought year.

Various manors in Xujiazhuang received good news one after another.

It's a good harvest.

A bumper harvest of rice!

The low yield is more than 800 kilograms per mu, while the high yield is 12, 130 or even 1,500 kilograms per mu.

With a total sowing area of ​​about 1.5 million acres of rice fields, it is not a problem to achieve an average yield of 1,000 kilograms per mu. After all the grains are returned to the warehouse, it can fully meet the food needs of Xujiazhuang's more than 2.1 million people for a year, and there is even a large surplus.

But don’t forget that rice fields only account for less than 40% of the nearly 4 million acres of cultivated land in Xujiazhuang.

There are also 360,000 acres of potatoes.

There are also 220,000 acres of sweet potatoes.

They are both close to maturity and are queuing up for harvest. Both of these crops can easily yield several thousand to ten thousand kilograms per mu. Their combined estimated total output will not be less than 2.6 billion kilograms.

It is expected that all the grain warehouses in Xujiazhuang's manors will be overrun, and the construction of supporting food processing plants must be accelerated to avoid the waste of grain due to difficulty in preservation.

Haimen County, collective estate No. 101, has recently begun to enter the harvest season.

The management team gave an order!

The manor entered a state of full mobilization and started a battle to ensure a good harvest and enough food. Most of the available labor force went to the fields, including the elderly, children and women. A total of five to six thousand people were busy in the golden rice fields of tens of thousands of acres.


However, the harvesting method they adopted was not a large combine harvester rumbling forward, but a sickle in each hand, returning to the original manual harvesting.

There are only twenty people using a single-person backpack-type half-horsepower gasoline harvester, which is similar in shape to a lawn mower. It has an L-shaped handle at the end. It uses a sweeping harvesting method to cut the rice and gather it together.

Then put it aside.

The efficiency of this kind of harvester is ten times that of human labor. It does not require bending and has extremely low fuel consumption. The average fuel consumption for harvesting one acre of rice is only one-tenth of that of a large combine harvester. It greatly reduces fuel consumption and is being vigorously promoted.


But this kind of harvester only solves the harvesting process. Someone still needs to bundle the rice on the ground and then transport it to the human pedal thresher for threshing.

Finally, the rice is packed in sacks, and transportation tools such as tractors, electric three-wheelers, and steel frame wheelbarrows are used to transport the bags of rice to the manor's drying field for drying. Three to five days later, they are blown with a hand-operated windmill.

, then bagged and transported, and stored in large granaries.

In short, there are many links, and no link is not laborious.

But even so, this is much easier than the old rice harvesting model that has been inherited for more than two thousand years, and the efficiency has more than doubled.

The biggest and most important change is the yield of rice.

"Here, the yield per acre is probably not more than a thousand catties. I have lived for sixty-eight years. This is the first time I have seen such a fruitful scene. I..." Standing in the rice field with a sickle in his hand, a man

As the elders of the Xiang family were talking, they suddenly couldn't help but shed tears.

"Third uncle, I have long said that joining Xujiazhuang is a wise move. You just don't agree with it. You should believe it now, right?"



As the patriarchs and elders of the clan, their power is not as great as imagined. It is not to the extent that the landlord gentry class can exploit the clan members. Including the clan leader Xiang Shixing, as long as they can do anything, they have to work in the fields every year.

They are also members of the working class, but they are generally highly respected and qualified to mediate and handle some affairs.

Now their rights have basically been taken away by the management team. At most, they only have the right to supervise and make suggestions, and the qualifications for jurors in the public trial court. They cannot take care of everything. This has caused some elders to be very dissatisfied and frustrated. Those young people understand

What? If you keep going like this, sooner or later everyone will be killed!

So even if these clan elders were forced to join Xujiazhuang, they would just watch with a cold eye, prepared to watch the joke, thinking that it would be a mess in the future and the time would come for them to return as kings.

As a result, just three or four months passed.

An incredible rice harvest lies ahead.

This made even the most stubborn clan elders like Third Uncle have to admit: Those young people sent by Xujiazhuang really have a way, they are very, very powerful, and they have created miracles that they could not possibly do.

With such a bumper harvest in front of them, most villagers not only felt happy that they had made the right choice, but also expressed their gratitude to the management team members and expressed their sincere support.

In the face of these thanks and support.

"You don't need to thank us, the most important thing to thank is yourselves."

Yuan Ying, who was also standing in the field and participating in labor, said loudly to them: "Because as long as you join the Xujia Manor, it is a common thing for the grain yield per mu to exceed one thousand catties, because Xujiazhuang has improved varieties, which can increase the yield per mu."

An increase of 200 kilograms; Xujiazhuang has chemical fertilizers, and applying 50 kilograms of fertilizer per acre will increase the yield by 150 kilograms; Xujiazhuang has pesticides, and the rice is sprayed with pesticides three times a season to avoid at least a 50 kilogram reduction in yield... There are also dragon kings like water pumps to ensure adequate water supply."

"With so many measures, how could there not be a good harvest? Where are these means of increasing production? Many people who visited Xujiazhuang can also see this change with their own eyes. But why are there still poor harvests in many places in the Ming Dynasty?

There is no harvest, but only those who join the Xujiazhuang can get a good harvest? Because you have made the right choice, you have escaped the fate of hunger. If you do not join the Xujiazhuang because of such worries and concerns, you will still see

Will we have such a good harvest?"

"Our work team is a ladder in front of us, but it is you who made the decision to climb up. It is you who have put in the labor and sweat over the past few months and used your hands to create the harvest in front of you, so you should thank yourselves the most!"

With respect for workers, Yuan Ying said affectionately.

And his words made the workers around him all have wet eyes and nod their heads.

"Well said, well said!"

"We should thank ourselves, but we also have to thank the work team. Without the efforts of the work team, we would have just tried our best, and the yield per mu would be only three to four hundred kilograms. The work team should account for at least half of the credit."

"That's right, Secretary Yuan is too humble. We are already suffering. Even if we thank ourselves every day, we still can't harvest so much food."

"In the past, we prayed to gods and Buddhas, the Dragon King and the Lord of the Earth. We worked hard all year round, but we were still hungry. Now that we have joined Xujiazhuang, the grain from the fields has not been harvested, and we can live a good life with enough to eat.

Yes, joining Xujiazhuang is the wisest decision in my life, so Xujiazhuang wants to thank us, and the work team also wants to thank us. We can only thank a little bit. Do you think that’s right?"

"Yes, very true!"

"I only wish I hadn't joined Xujiazhuang a few years earlier, otherwise I would have lived a good life long ago."

"Even if you beat me to death, you still don't want to leave our manor."

The simple and honest voices rang out one after another, which just proved a sentence in "Quotations of the Farm Owner": The working people of China are the most grateful. As long as they know your kindness, they will treat you with their heartfelt feelings and give back to you.

Ten times and a hundred times the kindness and reward.

Therefore, these sounds moved Yuan Ying to tears, and she couldn't help but bow her hands and bow deeply to them.

This made the workers around them feel embarrassed, scratching their heads and ears, and they were at a loss. How could a big shot like Secretary Yuan salute to ordinary people like them? After a moment of panic, they also imitated Yuan Ying,

He bowed to him without even putting down the sickle in his hand.

The scene looks a bit funny and funny.

But saw this scene.

The third uncle couldn't help but look at Xiang Shixing with a look of jealousy and said: "Old Xiang, find a good grandson-in-law. Such a good official who always cares about the common people will definitely be extraordinary in the future."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Xiang Shixing stroked his beard and raised his head and laughed: "I'm sorry for the reward. There are no emperors or generals in Xujiazhuang. The officials are all friendly and easy-going. I don't expect to be rich and powerful. I just hope that the younger generation can live a happy and peaceful life."


The third uncle was noncommittal. He could see the powerful energy contained in Xujiazhuang. He definitely had the ability to change the dynasty, but he didn't know what the owner of Xujiazhuang planned. And the management of Xujiazhuang and those young and shameless officials were in

In this system, even if it is difficult to become rich and powerful, with the development of Xujiazhuang, the future will definitely have unlimited prospects. Thinking of this, the third uncle felt envious and jealous again.

"It's time to eat, it's time to eat!"

At this time, a sound like a silver bell sounded, and Xiang Sirer, with a cloth wrapped on her head and dressed like a working girl, drove an electric three-wheeler and delivered lunch to the fields, saying loudly: "There are potatoes today.

Braised pork, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, winter melon and pork ribs soup, and a cart of watermelon chilled with well water at the back!"

Hua Hua Hua~

Hearing this sound, people temporarily put down their work and gathered around the tricycle with joyful faces.

"Brother Yuan~" Xiang Sirer got out of the car, trotted to Yuan Ying's side, took out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat, and was gentle and considerate, spilling a lot of dog food.

For a time, the fields were filled with laughter and the playfulness of young people, and this was the joy of a good harvest.

August 20th.

The manors in Xujiazhuang have completed their autumn harvests one after another.

Harbor City, White Castle.

A latest "Autumn Harvest Summary Report" was placed on Xu Yuan's desk.

"The rice harvest rate exceeds 99%, and the total harvested rice is 1.5284 billion kilograms, which is enough for Xujiazhuang's food needs for at least one and a half years."

"The harvest rate of potatoes and sweet potatoes exceeds 85%, and 2.43 billion kilograms of potatoes and sweet potatoes have been harvested. Due to insufficient grain storage capacity, many manors have to suspend the autumn harvest. Next, they must expand the capacity of the warehouse, increase the processing capacity of non-staple food, or put some of the

Potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn and other coarse grains were dumped at low prices to the grain-deficient areas of the Ming Dynasty to resume our external sales of grain..."

"Manor No. 72's production was severely reduced due to the war. Although it was replanted in time, the autumn harvest production was reduced by more than 50%. Even so, it can still achieve self-sufficiency..."

"In conclusion, this year is another bumper harvest year, and we have completely overcome the crisis of food shortage."


Putting down the report, Xu Yuan stood up and shouted twice, food security is the key to peace in the world. Now he is full of confidence and confidence!

"Master, why are you so happy about this happy event?"

"Master, can we also listen?"

Sisters Ono Tamako and Ono Noriko, who were originally beating Xu Yuan's shoulders and legs, and occasionally squatting in the hole of the desk to perform special services, blinked their beautiful eyes and asked in relatively proficient Tang dialect with curious expressions on their faces.

"Hahaha, it's just a bumper harvest this year..."

Xu Yuan talked to them with great interest. The two sisters, who had only learned Tang dialect for half a month, still couldn't understand most of them. However, data such as 1.5 billion and more than 2 billion kilograms related to whether they could fill their stomachs.

They can still barely understand it.

"Si Guoyi~"

"Wow wow wow~"

"Lots, lots, lots of food~"

The two sisters made exclamations of exclamation.

This chapter has been completed!
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