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Chapter 111 The rich man's style of play, the third loan negotiation

The monarch and his ministers talked all night long, mainly Fang Yizhi talking and Chongzhen listening carefully.

Fang Yizhi talked about the hardships of the people at the bottom, describing how their survival was not easy and they suffered endless oppression and suffering. However, the officials, gentry, and aristocrats became more arrogant and perverse day by day, and had no regard for the common people.

It is very similar to the end of a dynasty cycle, when the interests of the people are destroyed and trampled upon.

If this phenomenon is allowed to worsen, the imperial court will lose the true support of the people sooner or later. Even if the bandits in this area are eliminated, another area will break out, and there will never be peace. Sending a large army to encircle and suppress them will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

Chongzhen looked solemn, nodded, and promised to take action to crack down on the illegal phenomena that oppressed the people, improve people's livelihood, reduce the burden on the people, and never let the cycle of rise and fall happen to Ming Dynasty.

Fang Yizhi also told some good news, which gave Chongzhen great encouragement and confidence.

That is to say, the royal farm model is successful and can be promoted on a large scale. It can provide a way for the masses at the bottom to survive, and solve the problems of the imperial court's weak control over the grassroots, the shortage of food in the Ming Dynasty, and the difficulty in fighting against natural disasters.

Although compared with the collective estate in Xujiazhuang, the royal farm built by Fang Yizhi is a beggar's version of the configuration.

However, high-quality pesticides and farmyard manure pumps can also achieve a grain yield of 800 kilograms per mu, and the cost is barely affordable.

If it really doesn't work, in the absence of pesticides and water pumps, you can try to build a royal farm that only grows drought-resistant potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn, and raise some pigs, cattle and sheep, which can further save costs. Fang Yizhi will lead people to conduct experiments next year.

, has full confidence in achieving success, thereby further reducing dependence on Xujiazhuang.

in this way!

The food problem was solved and the people had something to eat.

The problem of refugees has also been solved. A royal farm can accommodate up to 10,000 refugees.

The problem of land is simpler. Today, in many areas of Shan, Shaanxi and Henan, due to natural disasters, wars and other reasons, ten houses are empty, and there are no roosters crowing for hundreds of miles. There is countless land that can be developed and utilized, and there is no problem in building hundreds of royal farms.


If there is insufficient land in the future, it can also be expanded to areas outside the Great Wall, Liaodong and other areas. This will not only consolidate the rule of these areas and build fortress-style royal farms, but also consolidate national defense and play a pioneering role, thereby increasing the living space of the people of the Ming Dynasty.


all in all.

As long as the people are given a way to survive, as long as they are organized, as long as they ensure that they live with dignity and are not easily bullied and persecuted by the powerful, they will be able to burst out huge energy on their own, and they will be able to achieve success one after another without paying much cost of management and rule.

The self-sufficient royal farm can also export food and resources.

1000 seats.

As long as there are a thousand such royal farms, the Ming Dynasty will have enough food, money, and soldiers, and the emperor will have the confidence and strength to solve all problems.

Based on his own exploration and practice, Fang Yizhi believed that as long as he could get the emperor's full support, he could turn these "three legs" into reality in five years or at most five years.

"Okay, okay, wonderful!"

Zhu Youjian's blood was boiling after listening to it. He stood up and was very excited. He immediately expressed his full support for Fang Yizhi and also gave him a Shang Fang sword to gain the right to do things cheaply, so that he could realize 'sufficient food and sufficient money' better and faster.

Soldiers' feet.

For such trust, Fang Yizhi bowed his hands and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

When we talked about the fact that Chongzhen could not bear it anymore and was preparing to completely wipe out the bandits, he learned that there was insufficient money and food, and there was still a shortfall of 3 million yuan.

Fang Yizhi, who also had a deep understanding of the war, said: "Your Majesty, I have stayed in Xujiazhuang for more than a year. As a staff member, I was fortunate to participate in the 'Salt Merchants' Rebellion' that broke out between Xujiazhuang and Jiangnan salt merchants. I fully understand the consequences of the war."

It's about money and food. This salt merchant rebellion lasted less than three days. The salt merchants' side only had more than 13,000 troops, but Xujiazhuang, which easily won, spent 300,000 silver dollars on the silver reward alone, plus armor, weapons, logistics, etc.

The expenses cost at least 1 million yuan."

"Your Majesty, a war that lasted only three days with no more than 10,000 troops cost millions of silver dollars. The rogue bandits who wreaked havoc in Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan and other places numbered at least 200,000 to 300,000. Plus the people they held hostage, I am afraid that in the future

More than one million, the imperial court will spend a year to encircle and suppress it, dispatch 200,000 elite troops, and only have 10 million yuan of food and grain. How can it be possible? Either the encirclement and suppression will fail, or it will be prolonged. It is destined to be one of these two results.



Zhu Youjian shook his head: "Ten million won't be able to stop me, my dear, how do you think we should fight?"

"According to Xujiazhuang's war formula, if a soldier or civilian is in a wartime state and earns in one month the food and wages that can be obtained in a year under normal circumstances, he will be invincible and invincible. He will have no fear of war but only desire. The standard of the imperial army is that I

To put it a little lower, let's calculate it as three months' pay per month. The monthly pay for imperial soldiers is about 3.5 taels. Multiply that by three, which is 10 taels per month. If they continue to fight at high intensity for ten months, they will get a total of one hundred taels.

, the imperial court has an army of 200,000. If we want to achieve complete victory, we need to prepare 20 million yuan of money and food."

"Twenty million?"

Chongzhen's eyes widened and he coughed repeatedly. How could he get so much money? Even ten million was short of three million! But what Fang Yizhi said was not unreasonable. Several examples of Xujiazhuang's complete victory were also shown.

There, Qi Xujiazhuang's war fighting style seems to be extremely expensive, but the battle often ends in a few days or ten, and the money spent in the end is not necessarily more expensive than the slow fighting style.

That is to say, as long as the budget of 20 million money and food is spent according to the needs to prepare for the war, victory will definitely be achieved.

If we can prepare 20 million yuan in money and food in advance, then launch a thunderous attack on the bandits, and shorten the war that originally took one year to ten months, half a year, or three months, the more time we save, the more money and food we save.

There are even situations where 20 million yuan of food is prepared, but only 10 million yuan is actually spent.

This is fundamentally different from preparing only 10 million in the early stage, and then increasing it to 20 million as if adding fuel. The former is a rich man's war, and the latter is a poor man's war, but after the war is over, the rich will spend a lot of money.

There must be more than poor people.


Hearing this, Chongzhen was enlightened and suddenly realized. He finally understood why the Ming Dynasty had been defeated repeatedly in the face of the slave establishment. The Ming Dynasty had been fighting the war of the poor. Although it spent a lot of money and food, it could not form an absolute advantage.

, but Jiannu, who seemed to be very poor, made a desperate move every time, betting all his chips to form a richer situation on the battlefield, thus winning again and again.

"I cannot repeat the same mistakes. I will also fight the rich man's war, destroy the bandits, establish slaves, and Xujiazhuang!"

Zhu Youjian clenched his fists and said.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to be so hostile to Xujiazhuang. Xujiazhuang has helped the Ming Dynasty a lot, and he and your Majesty complement each other. Xujiazhuang is a friend, not an enemy." Fang Yizhi said helplessly, not understanding why the emperor was so hostile to Xujiazhuang.

"Ahem, I made a mistake. My dear, can you contact Xujiazhuang on my behalf? I want to borrow money from them. This time, I want to borrow a large sum of money, 13 million silver dollars!"

Zhu Youjian first admitted his mistake, then revealed his purpose and asked Xujiazhuang to borrow money.

After all, I have already borrowed it twice, so borrowing it again is a familiar operation.

And this time Zhu Youjian was so courageous that he borrowed 13 million yuan when he opened his mouth, which was 10 million more than the previous two loans combined.

On the one hand, as long as the bandits can be completely eliminated, even if it is 20 million yuan in money and food, he will raise it and spend it all.

Secondly, he also came up with a clever little idea, which was to borrow more money from Xujiazhuang. The more he borrowed, the better. According to the theory that debts are the master's, as long as the more he owed, Xujiazhuang would be less likely to do anything to Daming.

In order to recover these loans, we may have to support the court in fighting the bandits, and we will not cause trouble behind the scenes or use the same weapon as any other.

That is to say, borrowing money from Xujiazhuang not only solves the military expenditure problem, but also prevents Xujiazhuang from making rash actions. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

For Chongzhen's scheming and calculation, I am afraid everyone would praise him for his wit and great cleverness.

"Okay, I will contact you right away!"

Fang Yizhi nodded.

the next day.

Imperial Palace, East Nuan Pavilion, Yangxin Hall.

Knowing that Emperor Chongzhen had a new need for borrowing money, Xujiazhuang Commercial Representative Qichunnian obtained the negotiation authorization and went to the palace to appear in front of Zhu Youjian and Fang Yizhi.

Looking at Qichunnian, who has short comb-like hair, a button-down windbreaker, jeans and leather boots, Zhu Youjian used to feel awkward every time he looked at her, and her impression of this person dropped greatly, but now she thinks about the possibility of tricking Xujiazhuang

A lot of Chongzhen chose to ignore these minor details, and even found it much more pleasing to the eye.

After exchanging a few words, we got to the point, when Zhu Youjian proposed a loan of 13 million, hoping to continue to be interest-free.


Qichunnian, who was sitting on the soft chair, put down his legs and nodded: "Xujiazhuang can borrow this money interest-free, but there are three conditions."

"What conditions?" Zhu Youjian asked quickly.

"First, allow Xujiazhuang to set up Tianxiatong Bank branches throughout the Ming Dynasty; secondly, the court will issue a "Friendship Law towards Xujiazhuang". From now on, all royal officials and noble vassals of the Ming Dynasty must be friendly to Xujiazhuang. Once anyone is unfriendly,

For hostile acts, Xujiazhuang has unlimited rights to retaliate, and the court cannot hold them accountable; thirdly, Xujiazhuang also has the right to impeach, remove, and arrest subordinate officials in the Yangzhou Prefecture area, and they must abide by the laws of the court and the rules of Xujiazhuang."

Qichun Nian has just finished speaking.

"No, there is no way I can agree!"

Chongzhen's eyes widened with anger and his chest heaved violently. What are you doing? What are you doing?! He just wants Xujiazhuang's money. Xujiazhuang actually wants to slap the imperial court in the face and interfere in the governance of Yangzhou Mansion. This is no longer a slap in the face.

His face is about to turn upside down.

Once these articles are agreed to, the ministers will fight to the death to oppose it. Even the hearts of the people in the world will be shaken. Countless people will raise objections, which will severely damage the prestige of the imperial court.

Poison, this is poison that will kill you if you swallow it.

"Your Majesty, please don't be angry. Xujiazhuang has always been a businessman. The conditions must be generous, but we can negotiate slowly and slowly. The purpose of Xujiazhuang is that as long as it is not unprofitable, we can negotiate anything." Qichunnian said calmly.

The way.

"Your Majesty, let me talk to him."

Fang Yizhi said something in the ear of Chongzhen, who was so angry that he wanted to throw away his hands and leave, and asked: "Excuse me, what is Tianxiatong Bank? This condition ranks first, is it very important?"

"Tianxiatong Bank is a unique financial institution in Xujiazhuang. Its function is similar to that of a bank, but it has many differences..."

It took half an hour for Qichunnian to introduce the specific functions of Tianxiatong Bank, its purpose, the benefits it brings, the various magical businesses and the ideas for the functions of Huitongtianxia and network synchronization. Lian Chongzhen explained it in simple and easy-to-understand terms.

Everyone was fascinated by what they heard, especially when they learned that at the military level, using the functions of remote deposits and withdrawals and long-distance transfers, there is no need to transport money and food thousands of miles. You only need to withdraw money from the nearest bank branch, which can greatly reduce the loss of money and food transportation.

It is truly an artifact that benefits the country and the people.

Chongzhen wanted to directly 'learn' this idea and build a Ming Dynasty bank all over the country, but how could the imperial court have the technical strength in this area? Xujiazhuang could turn the Tianxiatong Bank into a reality, but the imperial court could only regard it as a fantasy that has not been realized.

Maybe, even if it contains countless benefits, you can only look at it and drool.

The two sides talked for more than two hours.

Zhu You asked Qichunian if he could only agree to the first of the three conditions. In addition, the imperial court would have to hold half of the shares in Tianxiatong Bank, but it would receive full support from the imperial court and would also lend 13 million interest-free to the imperial court.

,Can Xujiazhuang agree?

"No, the money in Xujiazhuang didn't come from the strong wind, and 13 million is not a small number! We want to set up a world-wide bank, and the court can hold 50% of the shares. It can come with 1 billion taels of silver. If you don't have money, don't talk! Also, be nice.

To make money, a friendly business environment is necessary for Xujiazhuang, not optional. Finally, there are many corrupt officials in Yangzhou Prefecture, and they have repeatedly harmed the people who have cooperative relations with Xujiazhuang. The interests of these people must be protected.

Protection... we cannot make the slightest concession."

Qichun Nian Road.

Chongzhen looked ugly and left Dongnuang Pavilion with his hands behind his back. The first negotiation failed.

But with Fang Yizhi's mediation and mediation, money must be borrowed after all, otherwise no big thing can be done, or even if it is done, it may be in vain.

So we talked for two days in a row.

Finally, on September 28, the final "Loan Agreement" was reached, which mainly included the following:

1. Zhu Youjian borrowed 3 million silver dollars from Xujiazhuang in the name of the emperor with an annual interest of 2%.

Second, Xujiazhuang was allowed to set up Tianxiatong Bank branches in the capital of the Ming Dynasty, Tianjin, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Guangzhou and other 38 major cities. Security forces were allowed to be deployed. Bank operations were tax-free. The government was not allowed to disturb and extort. It was endorsed by the imperial power.


Third, in return, the royal family's deposits in Tianxiatong Bank will enjoy 5% interest dividends. That is, as long as 1.2 million silver dollars are deposited, the interest on the 3 million loan can be offset, giving Chongzhen a hope of reducing interest and paying back the money quickly.


4. In Yangzhou Prefecture, Xujiazhuang has the right to report and impeach officials who are highly indignant and corrupt and bend the law, but they can only impeach them privately through Qichun Year and cannot make trouble in the court. The Chongzhen Council will send Jin Yiwei to investigate and find out the truth.

Deal with the appropriate officials.

Fifth, Chongzhen will send a eunuch to Xujiazhuang Harbor City as a permanent liaison representative, with the same status as Qichunnian, to prevent conflicts and misjudgments between the two parties.

There was a snap.

On the "Loan Agreement" in duplicate, he signed his name Zhu Youjian and stamped it with a jade seal. This time, Chongzhen did not have a strong feeling of losing power and humiliating the country. After all, this was the second time. He was already a little used to it, and even felt

I haven't suffered any big losses, and I might be able to get some of Xujiazhuang's wool through some loopholes in the future.

But the more he was so lucky, the more uncomfortable and sad Chongzhen felt. What's going on? In the era of Emperor Taizu, businessmen like Xujiazhuang could cut down and kill whenever they wanted. There was no need to find any excuses. Now it's time.

Here, he not only had nothing to do with Xujiazhuang, he also had a fierce fight with Xujiazhuang, giving up one right after another, and even shamelessly felt that he had taken advantage of the merchants. Oh my god, as a descendant of Taizu, he had fallen to this

In this situation, the unfilial descendant Zhu Youjian is guilty, but for the sake of the Ming Dynasty, he can only endure the humiliation and bear the burden. I believe that one day, he will be able to regain the power of Taizu. By then, the small Xujiazhuang, haha...

The image of Xu Jiazhuang kneeling down and surrendering, obediently handing over all his property, but still being beheaded by his order, appeared in Zhu Youjian's mind, and he felt a strong sense of elation in his heart.

He decided! In order to realize this scene in his mind, he will continue to work hard and never give up!

This chapter has been completed!
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