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Chapter 114 Reborn, the Ming army is done!

Zhang Xianglong, surrounded by countless officers and soldiers, enjoyed the enthusiasm very much.

Because this is completely different from the treatment he received in Daming Mansion.

That's right.

Since he was on the same route and the distance was closer, Zhang Xianglong actually went to Daming Mansion first, paid a visit to Lu Xiangsheng, the chief general of the Tianxiong Army, and proposed that the two sides cooperate to jointly deal with the threat of rogue bandits.

The mission of the Tianxiong Army is to exterminate the bandits.

The purpose of Xujiazhuang is to recruit more young people to go mining in Shandong and provide them with a long-term stable job that allows them to survive, so that they do not have to lick blood and risk death to become bandits, and every 'recruitment'

For a rogue bandit, Tianxiongjun can get an intermediary fee of 10 to 30 silver dollars.

Both parties have common interests and can fully cooperate.

As a result, Zhang Xianglong miscalculated. Lu Xiangsheng not only sternly refused to cooperate, but also scolded Zhang Xianglong and even called out the soldiers on the left and right to capture and kill Zhang Xianglong and other members of the Xujiazhuang caravan.

Fortunately, the caravan guards were strong and did not suffer any loss. Lu Xiangsheng's aide Sun Yuanhua tried his best to stop and persuade him, and this stopped Lu Xiangsheng's impulse. In this time and space, Sun Yuanhua was not dead, but was dismissed from office and became a citizen. Later, after being unemployed in his hometown in Gaoyang County,

On the recommendation of Sun Chengzong, he came to Lu Xiangsheng as an aide to continue to use his proficiency in firearms without burying his abilities.

When it comes to firearms, the firearms of Xujiazhuang are the best in the world. Sun Yuanhua saw it with his own eyes in Dengzhou City, so he naturally knows that Xujiazhuang must not be provoked. Once offended severely, the consequences will be extremely serious! They can only be friends, not enemies.

Under Sun Yuanhua's persuasion, he also saw that his most elite servants and soldiers were fighting against the few. Not only were they unable to capture the people in Xujiazhuang, but they were beaten back again and again. Lu Xiangsheng had to regain his senses and issued an expulsion order to banish these people.

Kicked out of Daming Mansion.

The above is the unpleasant experience Zhang Xianglong encountered in Daming Mansion. Thinking about it makes me feel angry.

After all, those who are eager to cooperate with Xujiazhuang are the majority. Not only the three chief soldiers of the imperial court, Yang Yufan, Wang Hong, and Deng Qi, but also the nearly 30,000 soldiers under their command, Zhang Xianglong and the others are very welcome to their arrival, as if they have met them.

Like family members, extremely enthusiastic and happy.

It was finally possible to get most of the soldiers to return to their respective camps and perform their respective duties without gathering together again.

Inside the coach's tent.

Zhang Xianglong was obviously a guest, but he sat next to the chief general and said something that made all the court generals, including the three generals, prick up their ears and want to hear it.

"To be honest, I came here to find you for cooperation, and my target is rogue bandits."

"Prisoners, we need prisoners with sound hands and feet who can mine. The more the better, one hundred thousand people, we can eat it, three hundred thousand people, we can eat it, even one million people, we can still eat it.

In other words, as many prisoners as you capture, our Xujiazhuang can eat as many prisoners as we can!"

"For young men, 30 silver dollars each, for old women, girls, and children, 10 silver dollars each. You can pay it in person when you see someone. You don't have to worry about Xujiazhuang not having enough money. This time, we have prepared at least 20 million silver dollars!"

"Get ready for a good fight. The Xujiazhuang caravan can provide you with everything you want from the rear. Don't worry about whether Xujiazhuang will go bankrupt. Just worry about whether you can catch the bandits and whether you can make real money in front of you.

Gold and silver!”


There was a low roaring sound in the camp.

There was a sound of rapid breathing and thickening.

There are many people who are hot-blooded and flushed.

Including Yang Yufan, Wang Hong, and Deng Qi, the three chief soldiers of the imperial court, even though this was not their first experience, they were still panting with excitement at this moment, and their eyes were full of scarlet color.

Because what they are looking forward to most is this moment. They dream of encountering this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make a fortune, especially those who have already tasted the benefits. They must not only seize the cooperation opportunity presented by Xujiazhuang, but also seize it.

You must perform well when you come down and make a fortune!

The favorability towards Xujiazhuang has reached its peak, perhaps more than loyalty to the court and support for the emperor. In the near future, perhaps in the eyes of rogue bandits and many miners, Xujiazhuang is a devil and a bloodthirsty capital, but

In the eyes of these court generals in the camp, Xujiazhuang is their relative, the God of Wealth who takes care of them, and the ladder that brings them wealth to realize their dreams. Of course, their favorability will be overwhelming.

After Zhang Xianglong set the content and rules of cooperation.

Yang Yufan, Wang Hong, Deng Qi and other generals also gathered together to discuss the proportion of profit distribution, and finally made a decision. In order to better mobilize the enthusiasm of lower-level soldiers, after capturing rogue prisoners, soldiers can get 20% of the profit distribution ratio.

For performance commissions, mid-level officers can take 20% of the total performance, senior generals above the guerrilla level can take 20%, and the remaining 40% will be deposited into the public account to be used for casualty pensions and final dividends after the bandits are defeated.

all in all!

As long as you work hard, as long as you unleash your full potential, and fight ruthlessly against bandits, no matter you are an ordinary soldier or a mid-level or senior officer, you will be able to make a fortune!

So after this incentive plan was announced.

There was a crash.


The entire military camp almost exploded, and every soldier was discussing enthusiastically and thinking excitedly.

"A full 20% dividend. As long as you catch a young gangster, you will be given 6 silver dollars on the spot, and you will pay it off immediately. There will be no deductions or arrears."

"You can't catch the young, but it's easier to catch the old, women and children, right? If you catch one, you can earn 2 silver dollars, and you can get half a month's salary."

"The rogue bandits in Shan and Shaanxi are invincible. There are at least hundreds of thousands or millions of rogue bandits waiting for us to catch them! We are not afraid that we will not make a fortune."

"Since there are so many rogue bandits in Shan and Shaanxi, and there are countless family members and relatives of the rogue bandits, why don't we just arrest them whenever we see them! We won't spare any old people or children. As long as there are no one in the area captured, won't there be no rogue bandits in the future? Shan

, there are millions of people in the land of Shaanxi, which is probably enough for us to capture for several years, right?"

"How about we not capture all the people, but leave some men, women and children behind. In a few years, when they grow up and give birth to more children, we can go over and arrest a few more people. From now on, there will be a steady stream of prisoners.

Business must be long-term." The soldier's words were full of mercy at first, but the words behind them were all the words of the devil.

Amid many exciting discussions.

Recruit Wang Guixiang, who has just turned 20 this year, has joined the Tongzhou Army for half a year. The reason why he chose to be a soldier is that there are too many brothers in the family to feed so many children. If he wants to have enough food, he only needs a few

There are several paths, and being a soldier is one of them.

The treatment of the Tongzhou Army was pretty good, and the food was much better than at home. Not only could they eat enough, they also had unlimited sweet potatoes. You could eat as much as you wanted, but you couldn't waste it.

The monthly salary of 3 silver dollars is paid out by roll call, which is very good. 2 of them are sent to my home and I save 1. I also don’t have bad habits such as gambling, drinking, visiting prostitutes, etc. I have strong self-control. My biggest goal is,

That is to save 30 silver dollars within three years and marry yourself a wife.

Yes, in the feudal society of the late Ming Dynasty, due to the widespread phenomenon of female infanticide in many places, the ratio of men to women reached 130 or 140 to 100. Rich households often had three wives and four concubines, which further led to marital imbalance. The proportion of male bachelors may be as high as 50%.

, if you want to marry a wife, you can only give out high betrothal gifts and use money to compete for a spouse - that is, sky-high betrothal gifts are something that has existed since ancient times and is not a new thing in modern society.

The goal of saving 30 silver dollars set by Wang Guixiang may still be the minimum standard for marrying a wife. He may not be able to find a partner with good conditions. Moreover, as long as he gets into any of the bad habits, his previous achievements will be wasted and he must restrain himself.

Desire for everything, but often only a very few people have the ability to persist.

What's more, even if he marries a wife, it doesn't mean that everything will be fine. If he starts a family, he has to have a house, right? He has to support a wife and children, right? There are places to spend money one after another. How can it be possible with his monthly salary of only 3 silver dollars?

Can you hold on?

Therefore, for a poor person like Wang Guixiang, it is really difficult to see hope. Even if he works very hard and has strong self-restraint, it is a high probability that he will have no descendants, even if he is full of unwillingness in his heart.

But after the corresponding reward regulations for wiping out bandits and capturing prisoners were released.


A ball of flame began to burn in Wang Guixiang's chest.

Rogue! Rogue! Rogue!

He kept muttering in his mouth: "6 silver coins for young men, 2 silver coins for old women and children. 6 silver coins for young men, 2 silver coins for old women and children..."

He didn't know how many times he repeated this sentence, but it was firmly engraved in his heart and he would never forget it!

The arrival of the Xujiazhuang caravan caused the Tongzhou Army, Tianjin Army, and Jimen Army, the imperial army corps, to stay outside Wanli Town for one more day.

the next day.

That is, early morning on October 14th.

The army broke camp and continued to set off.

But this time, this army has undergone radical changes. The work of breaking out of camp, which originally took at least an hour to complete, was compressed to half an hour, which was extremely efficient and neat.

Then came the rapid march.

We marched thirty miles in the morning and forty miles in the afternoon, that is, we marched seventy miles in one day (this marching speed is not an exaggeration in the plain terrain environment).

The 15th was faster. I did not stop cooking at noon, but bought compressed biscuits from the Xujiazhuang caravan to satisfy my hunger. I saved an hour and walked five more miles. The total of the forced march was 75 miles. Many soldiers' soles were worn out.

Blisters, but few people complain about being tired.

On the 16th, the army slowed down and marched sixty-five miles.

On the 17th, they are about to arrive at Zhending County, which has been harassed by rogue bandits. As long as they arrive at Zhending, they can pass through Jingxing and enter the Taihang Mountains where hundreds of thousands of rogue bandits are hiding. As long as they enter the Taihang Mountains, they, the imperial army, can

Restricted free movement, after all, this is an area controlled and active by rogue bandits.

This cheered up all the soldiers and unleashed an amazing burst of energy. They broke out of camp before dawn, ate compressed biscuits and water for breakfast, and ate compressed biscuits and canned food for lunch. In the evening, when it was dark, they finally arrived at the real destination.

Outside Ding County.

The total forced march was 110 miles, with less than a thousand people left behind, creating an almost impossible miracle. In the entire history of ancient wars, this marching speed can definitely be ranked high.

But outside Zhending City, the imperial army only rested briefly for a day, waiting for the stragglers to return and resume their formation of nearly 30,000 people.

October 19th.

The imperial army led by Yang Yufan, Wang Hong and Deng Qi had just entered Jingxing, one of the eight towns in Taihang, after confirming that it was no longer under the control of the imperial court and that no matter what they did, they would not be impeached by the civil servants and gentry.


"Destroy the bandits!"

"Kneel down quickly and surrender, I won't die!"

"All you thieves, please kneel down before me. All men, women, and children will be captured without mercy. We are waiting for the heavenly soldiers of the imperial court to arrive. Anyone who resists will be killed without mercy!"

Nearly 30,000 elite soldiers immediately transformed into wolves and tigers and pounced in all directions where there were houses and smoke rising from cooking stoves. They ignored the explanations of the local mountain people that they were good citizens and assumed that they were all rogues and left no one behind.

Capture them all.

In this day alone, the imperial army captured more than 7,000 "rogue bandits", and only a few dozen of them were slightly injured. It can be said that they were decisive and quick, and their combat effectiveness was explosive.

This chapter has been completed!
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