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Chapter 129

The day's inspection work is over.

Return to White Castle.

I sat on the sofa in the meditation hall and rested for a while.

Sisters Ono Tamako and Ono Noriko came in, one walked behind and rubbed Xu Yuan's shoulders, and the other handed the brewed tea to Xu Yuan's mouth, fed him tea to quench his thirst, and then fed him a few more

Give him a snack and wipe his mouth with a handkerchief.

As for the Japanese sisters, their abdomens were slightly bulging at this moment, and they were already more than three months pregnant.

"You don't need to wait on me anymore. Just go back and have a good rest and take care of yourself." Although this kind of meticulous service is very good, Xu Yuan is still not used to it.

"Master, you carry the heavy burden of the world on your shoulders. You work so hard. What does this little thing I do mean?"

"Master, we have nothing to do every day. Only when we serve you do we feel at ease and fulfilled. You are our heaven and we cannot do without you."

The two sisters spoke in very fluent and affectionate Tang dialect, as if they would not be able to live without this faraway place.

"Okay, okay, you can serve me if you want, and just pay more attention to your body."

Xu Yuan said helplessly, these Japanese sisters would refuse to listen even if they told them ten times a hundred times. This is their philosophy of survival. Only by serving their "Heaven" well can they live a good and solid life.

If Xu Yuan slightly neglects them, or even reduces the number of nights he spends nights with them due to his pregnancy, he will feel frightened and uneasy, and then he will serve them even harder, even though Xu Yuan explained several times to no avail.

It is estimated that only after the child in their belly is born and there is an heir as a guarantee, they will be more at ease and not so sensitive.

Dinner time is almost here.

A healthy woman came over and said that Madam's dinner was almost ready and invited the owner to come and have dinner.

"I know, I'll go right away."

Xu Yuan got up, told the Ono sisters to go back and rest, and then went to the family restaurant on the twentieth floor of the White Castle.

He saw Fang Qingyan sitting at the dining table waiting for him, holding a baby in her hand - this baby was Fang Qingyan's second child born on February 17th. It was also a boy, named Xu Jiayao, but ranked older.

Third, ranked second was Xia He's daughter Xu Qingmei, who was born in December last year. Xia He was very unhappy about this, but Xu Yuan liked her daughter and often went there to tease and accompany her, so Xia He's mentality adjusted.

The one-and-a-half-year-old son Xu Jiaguang was sitting in a toddler seat, eating egg custard fed to him by his grandmother Zheng.

"Here comes my dear son-in-law! Come on, come on, this is a jar of top-quality apricot blossom wine that has been buried for thirty years. We, your son-in-law and son-in-law, will have a good drink."

This familiar voice with a touch of magic made Xu Yuan feel his scalp numb, and even felt a little disgusted.

Fang Chengxiu!

Fang Qingyan's father, Xu Yuan's cheap father-in-law, is probably Fang Chengxiu who is much more bizarre than his father-in-law Song Rongsheng in modern society.

During the recent period, Fang Chengxiu stayed in Baibao for more than two months in the name of accompanying his daughter and asking Zheng to help take care of Fang Qingyan during her pregnancy and confinement. It is now spring and he has not returned to Xinghua County yet.

The meaning of hometown.

If Fang Chengxiu's purpose is just to spend time with his daughter and see his grandson, then forget it, he can stay in White Castle for as long as he wants.

But the problem is that in the recent period, Fang Chengxiu has been seizing every opportunity to brainwash Xu Yuan through insinuations, hints and explicit statements, and to inject decadent and backward feudal imperial thoughts into Xu Yuan's mind. He also invented

He came up with various theories and spoke clearly and logically.

Xu Yuan has long been extremely annoyed by him.

So sitting on this dining table, for this real family dinner, even if the table is filled with his favorite delicacies such as breaded crab, Buddha jumping over the wall soup, grilled steak, steamed pork ribs, Xu Yuan's appetite is not particularly good.

But after all, he is his father-in-law, so he still has to maintain facial politeness, and he cannot show it no matter how unhappy he is.

"Come on, how about trying this wine?"

Fang Chengxiu poured Xu Yuan a cup of apricot blossom wine and asked him to taste it.

"This wine is okay."

After drinking half a cup of apricot blossom stuffed wine, Xu Yuan nodded. He didn't usually have the habit of drinking, but he also felt that this kind of apricot blossom stuffed wine, which has a low alcohol content, a sweet taste, and a rich aroma that is not easy to get sick, is very suitable for him.

"Then drink two more glasses, drink a little more." Fang Chengxiu poured wine again and again.

Wait until you are almost done drinking.

Fang Chengxiu came close to Xu Yuan and said: "My dear son-in-law, I would like to introduce you to a strange man. This man's surname is Qiu. He was originally a Taoist priest who was not born in the world. But he observed the sky at night and discovered the Ziwei Emperor Star.

He flickered uncertainly and moved south, so he had a premonition that troubled times were coming, so he planned to be born, not to seek fame and wealth for himself, but to save the people of the world. He just wanted to find the real dragon, help it, and then return to seclusion after the world was settled.


"This strange man passed by Fangqiao Town and stopped. He vaguely heard the sound of phoenixes coming from our house, so he came to visit. I thought he was a charlatan, so I threw him a few pennies to get rid of him.

Who knew that the next three strange things happened, which shocked me so much that I had to treat them like a distinguished guest."

"The first strange thing is that this person just by observing my face, I learned that I have a concubine. Although she is of humble origin, she has the character of a phoenix. She has married into the wife of a noble man. She will be indescribably noble in the future.


"The second strange thing is that this man has never seen my grandson, but he dipped his finger in ink to paint, and in a moment he painted a portrait of his grandson Iemitsu. It was nine-tenths like it, more vivid, and twelve-tenths lifelike.

After finishing the painting, the strange man suddenly knelt down and shouted, "Emperor Wen, Emperor Wen," and then fell asleep with foam at the mouth."

"The third strange thing. A few days later, this man looked to the east and suddenly said that the nine-clawed true dragon came out of the sea. The dragon's energy was vigorous and its power was unstoppable. Compared with this true dragon, the rest were just snake ears waiting to die. Once the true dragon

If activated, the world can be pacified in three years. It is the most powerful true dragon ever seen. I saw that the direction this strange man knew was the location of Harbor City. Combined with the prophecies spoken by this strange man, I heard them all.


"Xian son-in-law, such a strange person, such a surprising thing, even a person like me who doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, has to believe it three to five times out of ten. Xian son-in-law, this person is still in my house, do you want to be a good son-in-law?"

You can recommend one or two, maybe there is another famous official like Liu Bowen, the magician, and Yao Guangxiao, the prime minister in black, who may be able to bring great help to Xujiazhuang."

Listen to Fang Chengxiu say this in a tone like telling a legendary story.

Fang Qingyan, her mother Zheng, who were sitting opposite, as well as the healthy women and maids around them, were all listening with great concentration, and became very curious about the strange man.

Then they all looked at the face of the village owner Xu Yuan, wondering how the village owner would decide and whether he would summon that strange man?

Including Fang Chengxiu, who also looked nervous, anxious and expectant, watching Xu Yuan's reaction, hoping to get the feedback he wanted.

But Xu Yuan peeled off a crab leg and slowly ate the meat inside without saying a word.

Fang Chengxiu had no choice but to ask again: "My dear son-in-law, that strange man is truly magical, knowledgeable about the past and present, and extremely talented. Why don't you meet him in person?"

"not see!"

Xu Yuan waved his hand: "Let him go back wherever he came from. I don't like liars who pretend to be mysterious. If he dares to come to see me, his life will be at stake."

He sneered in his heart, he was just another devil.

Although in ancient society, there was indeed a large market for such monsters and monsters, but here, there was no market at all, and they were objects that must be eliminated.

"Xian son-in-law, this..."

Fang Chengxiu found it difficult to understand.

Fang Qingyan, who was holding the child in her arms, and the healthy women and maids around them couldn't help showing a look of disappointment. They didn't quite understand why Xu Yuan was so repulsive and hostile to the strange people, and even wanted to take away their children.


"Okay, I'm done eating. You can continue eating."

Xu Yuan didn't want to continue chatting, so he wiped his mouth and hands with a napkin, got up and left the family restaurant, leaving everyone looking at each other.


In Fang Qingyan's room.

Xu Yuan, who had closed his eyes and was getting ready to sleep, heard the woman say in his ear: "Husband, my father said so much, but he actually did it for the good of the Xu family and had no other intentions. Why are you so ungrateful?"

"Haha, are you going to brainwash me too?" Xu Yuan opened his eyes and looked at her.

"No, I just want to think about our children. Husband, you still trust those outsiders too much. The heads of more than a hundred collective estates are all outsiders. The generals of the Xu family army are also outsiders. The five most important

Among the rotating consuls, there is no one with the surname Xu. That’s no problem now. But once your husband is a hundred years away, who will have the final say over the huge family property in Xujiazhuang?"

Fang Qingyan said what she had been holding back for a long time: "Husband, outsiders are outsiders after all. They also have selfish motives and consider the interests of their own family and descendants. I don't ask you to rebel and become an emperor, but in many key positions,

You have to arrange for some trustworthy people to sit on it, right?"

"Who can be trusted?" Xu Yuan sat up and looked at her and asked.

"Our children, my father, the adopted sons you adopted, and your students are all trustworthy. In addition, my three brothers can also be given some positions and they can also be trusted." Fang Qingyan said truthfully.


"Didn't your three brothers bully and abuse you since childhood? You don't hate them, but you want me to reuse them?" Xu Yuan was puzzled.

"Now and then, no matter how much I hate them, the blood on my body is the same. Besides, they have all apologized to me, and I have forgiven them."

"But the three of them are all dandy idiots who don't do their jobs properly."

"Then give them lower-level positions, such as factory directors, field managers, etc. They should be trained and trained at the grassroots level for a period of time before being entrusted with important responsibilities."

"You are in charge of the factory director, and the field manager is a lower position?"

Xu Yuan almost burst into tears. Many low-level employees may not be able to climb to positions in their lifetime, but in the eyes of women, they are actually low-level positions for starting out.

"Anyway, let them give it a try. Even if they are not very capable, they are trustworthy after all." Fang Qingyan is still the same.

"These words of yours were all taught to you by your father, right?" Xu Yuan asked seriously.

"No matter who taught it, you just have to say whether it works or not." Fang Qingyan avoided her eyes and turned her head to the side.

Haha, Xu Yuan shook his head and sneered, his eyes flashing with cold light.

Early the next morning.

Fang Chengxiu got up, washed up, and then followed the radio music outside and did a set of radio gymnastics to stretch his muscles.

I walked to the floor-to-ceiling glass window again and looked at the sea in the distance. I felt that my heart was broad and my mind was broad, and I was refreshed.

Then he formed a habit and went to the restaurant, planning to drink a cup of milk without lactose, a cup of hot soy milk that also contains protein, and egg buns and fried dough sticks for breakfast - drinking milk and soy milk is useful for him to support himself.

After practicing this habit for more than two years, not only did I not age, but I felt like I was ten years younger. My hair turned from white to black, and I even became so powerful that I had two concubines, adding two more people to the Fang family.

So it is right to follow Xujiazhuang.

It's just that my virtuous son-in-law is so unclear that he actually trusts outsiders in everything and hands over all authority to outsiders. It seems that there is no problem now, but decades later, everything in Xujiazhuang may be...

Made wedding clothes for others.

There are many historical lessons of this kind, such as the division of Jin into Jin by the Three Families, the Tian-Chen Dynasty to Qi, the Chen-Qiao Incident, etc. There are so many living examples that prove that no matter how capable outsiders are, they cannot be trusted, and one’s own people must be used for key positions.


For example, among the five rotating consuls, Fang Chengxiu was unable to serve as one of them, and his many hints in front of the wise son-in-law were ignored. He could only be disappointed and heartbroken.

My dear son-in-law, you really can't keep doing this, you will definitely be doomed.

He lamented many times in his heart.

"Mr. Fang, please come over here." In the dining hall, the attendant Ye Yunfei waved hello and walked over with a porcelain bowl.

"It's Xiaoye, why are you calling me?"

"Mr. Fang, look at these eggs. The owner of the village specially ordered me to prepare them for you. You can try them." Ye Yunfei put the porcelain bowl in front of Fang Chengxiu and said to him.

"Aren't these the eggs laid by the guinea fowl?"

Fang Chengxiu thought of the chicken farm he ran. The number of guinea fowls raised now has increased to more than 30,000. They can lay more than 20,000 eggs every day, bringing in a daily profit of nearly one hundred taels of silver. It is now the Fang family's

The largest source of income has caused the Fang family's main business to change from farming to raising chickens. Most of the grain produced in the fields is used as chicken feed.

"How come these eggs are so hot and you don't even know how to let them cool down?" Fang Chengxiu reached out and took one, and immediately put it back when it was too hot, frowning and saying.

"This is what the owner wants. After finishing the hot eggs, I will arrange for Zhang Hu to drive Mr. Fang back. Mr. Fang, please eat quickly." Ye Yunfei urged.

"Eating hot eggs...Is Xu Yuan telling me to get out?!"

Fang Chengxiu's eyes widened with disbelief on his face. He didn't expect that as his father-in-law, he would be treated like this. This, this...

This chapter has been completed!
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