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Chapter 134 Lu Xiangsheng finished buying a car

"Master Xu, Lu has no intention of having fun. He really wants to buy a car, but he wants to find a way. As long as he thinks about it again, he will definitely find a solution."

Seeing that Xu Yuan was angry, Lu Xiangsheng quickly explained.

"You should think about it yourself, why should Xujiazhuang not think of it for you?"

Xu Yuan said sarcastically, stretched out a finger and issued an ultimatum: "I'll give you half an hour. If you can't think of a way to convince me, you can go back to where you came from."

"Lord owner!"

Sun Yuanhua, an aide, handed over his hands and said: "Ten thousand bicycles, five million silver dollars, how about ten-year installments? With the strength of the Tianxiong Army, it can wipe out the bandits and sweep the northern Mongolia. Hou Jin will definitely defeat them one by one and seize enough to pay back the money."

Property used to pay off debts.”

"Ten years is too long."

Xu Yuan shook his head: "There are too many variables in between. Five years, five years at most. If you cannot pay the full purchase price within five years, the price of your breach of contract may not be as simple as returning the bicycle."

, Xujiazhuang’s money is not so easy to owe!”

This dispelled Sun Yuanhua's bold statement that he would be able to save five million within five years, because this was indeed impossible. No matter how hard the Tianxiong Army could fight, it would have to consume a lot of money and food to complete every year.

The task of making millions of silver dollars is simply impossible.

What's more, if you can get a full five million silver dollars, you don't need to use it to buy bicycles. Instead, you can buy tens of thousands of high-quality war horses at a price of one hundred silver dollars each, buy countless fodder and beans, and hire a large number of horses.

With strong men and grooms, you can also build a pure cavalry unit with equally strong combat effectiveness, and it costs much less money. Maybe two to three million is enough.

In comparison, buying a bicycle is not cost-effective unless the price is significantly reduced.

Therefore, staff member Zhang Huayu proposed that the selling price of bicycles is unreasonable. The so-called large quantity and good price mean that if you buy tens of thousands of bicycles at one time, the unit price must be at least 20% off or 40% off. How can it be the same as the retail price?

"There is no problem with discounts, as long as you can immediately spend four million or three million taels, a 20% discount or a 40% discount is negotiable, but you came here with the purpose of credit, allowing Xujiazhuang to bear the risk of not being able to collect the payment.

Do you think it’s still possible to enjoy the discounted price?”

Xu Yuan shook his head and said.

Zhang Huayu fainted and couldn't really refute. This discount price was obviously out of the question.

"Sir, we might as well find a way to capture more prisoners and send a large number of miners to the Xujiazhuang caravan."

At this time, his follower Li Chongzhen stood up, walked to Lu Xiangsheng, and said in his ear: "Your Excellency has been deeply taught by saints and cannot do anything harmful to nature. However, we do not arrest Chinese people as miners, but we can arrest foreigners.

Such as the chieftain tribes in Yunnan and Guizhou, the Mongols in the north, and the slave slaves in Liaodong. After defeating them, the captives are sold to Xujiazhuang. With the number of people from these foreign tribes, it is no problem to capture millions of people in three to five years.

Yes, since these are all uncivilized aliens, it is okay to sell them as miners, and there is no question of harming the natural world."


Lu Xiangsheng thought for a while, he was not a pedantic scholar, but he still shook his head and said: "People of foreign races are also human beings. If they hurt Tianhe, they still hurt Tianhe. Don't do it. Once the Tianxiong Army falls, how will they care about the aliens themselves?"

If you are a clan member, you will arrest anyone who is determined to do so, and if you deceive me again, you will not be able to deceive me."

This plan was also rejected by Lu Xiangsheng. It was not because he was naive and kind-hearted and thought that aliens could be easily influenced. This was unlikely. He also believed that aliens were a huge threat and were targets to be attacked. However, once faced with arresting an alien,

There is a bounty of 10 to 30 silver dollars. In the eyes of some soldiers, they only have white silver dollars, and there is no difference between their own race and other races. The phenomenon of appreciating good deeds and taking merits must be serious.

"This won't work, that won't work either, what should we do?"

Follower Lei Shisheng frowned and said, "It seems that every road is impassable. If I had known this, I shouldn't have come to this harbor city."

"If there is a way, there must be a way, but I haven't thought of it yet."

Lu Xiangsheng scratched his hair and racked his brains, trying to find a perfect solution.

But more than half an hour passed.

A few of them got together and discussed more than a dozen plans, but they all rejected them.

Xu Yuan, who had already drank three cups of tea and watched the excitement for a long time, was unwilling to wait any longer. He knocked his knuckles on the coffee table next to him to attract their attention and said: "How about it, time?"

We're almost there, have you figured out a good idea?"

"I figured it out!"

Lu Xiangsheng said: "We don't want to buy tens of thousands of bicycles, we only need 3,000! Of the 1.5 million taels, you can pay 10% upfront, and the remaining 90% will be paid off in three years, that is, 45% per year."

Ten thousand, if the seizures on the battlefield are not enough to repay, then the young miners will be used to pay the bill. As long as about 20,000 old thieves and recidivists, or young and strong foreigners are captured every year, this is not difficult. The Tianxiong Army is sure to do it. Waiting for this batch

After the payment for the bicycles is settled, we will buy the second batch and the third batch. In the same manner, in about ten years, Tianxiong Army will have 10,000 bicycles."

After listening to this plan.

Including Xu Yuan, everyone present at Xujiazhuang had to nod.


This solution really works.

The feasibility and operability are very high, the risk has been reduced to a very low level, and the payment plan is no problem. With the combat effectiveness of the Tianxiong Army, it is easy to catch 20,000 young men every year, and there is no need to worry at all.

Xu Yuan did not expect that this Lu Xiangsheng really had two skills. After taking a step back and reducing the demand for bicycles to 3,000, it was similar to the behavior of only preparing a 30% down payment for buying a house. A big problem turned into a small problem.

If placed in modern society, people like him would definitely be the first people to buy houses and go ashore.

"Master Xu, I wonder what Lu's plan is?"

Lu Xiangsheng raised the corner of his mouth and said quite proudly, as if he had won back a victory.

"Yes, I can't fault it too much, but I have two better plans here. Are you interested?" Xu Yuan said, throwing out the bait.

"Master Xu, please tell me, Lu wants to hear it." Lu Xiangsheng said with his eyes shining.

"The first plan is a gambling plan. We in Xujiazhuang can deliver 10,000 bicycles to Tianxiong Army, but the repayment method is this. If we can pay 3 million taels within three years, we don't have to pay the rest.

The transaction is concluded at a 40% discount; if you can complete the payment of 4 million taels within four years, you do not have to pay the rest of the payment, and the transaction is considered to be a 20% discount; if you cannot save 5 million taels within five years, you do not have to

I'm worried that for every 200,000 taels less, Tianxiong Army will become a mercenary under the name of Xujiazhuang. They can serve Xujiazhuang for half a year, and for every 400,000 taels less, they can serve for one year, and so on, even if they can't pay one tael of silver within five years.

, as long as after five years, Tianxiongjun will be employed by Xujiazhuang for more than ten years, and he will still enjoy good treatment within the Xujiazhuang system, and can also receive awards for meritorious service."

Xu Yuan said.

"Master Xu, please tell me the second plan."

Lu Xiangsheng didn't even think about it, so he let Xu Yuan's words for several minutes go in vain.

"The second is a cooperation plan. Xujiazhuang can first lend 10,000 bicycles to Tianxiong Army. In the next few years, Xujiazhuang caravan will be stationed in Tianxiong Army and propose various cooperation projects, such as recruiting

Miners, escorting caravans, building bridges and roads, exterminating water bandits, assisting in prospecting and mining, etc. Every time a task is completed, the Tianxiong Army can receive several rewards. If the Tianxiong Army has outstanding abilities, within three years, it will help

Xujiazhuang brings benefits of more than 3 million taels, and the bicycle payment is written off in one stroke. If it brings 4 million taels in benefits within four years, the car purchase payment is also written off. If the cooperation period exceeds five years, as long as the total income Tianxiongjun brings to Xujiazhuang,

When the cap of 5 million taels is reached, the two parties can end the cooperation, the Xujiazhuang caravan can leave, and the Tianxiong Army can regain its original independence and does not have to obey any arrangements of Xujiazhuang."

Xu Yuan said that this plan is said to be cooperation, but in fact it is a plan for Tianxiong Army to work for Xujiazhuang. In fact, it has become a mercenary for Xujiazhuang. However, the length of employment depends on the strength of Tianxiong Army. Anyway, it can be as short as three years.

, the length may be more than five years, but generally it will not exceed ten or eight years, and during the cooperation process, Xujiazhuang will gain enough benefits, and Tianxiong Army will be freed and completely freed from the state of being constrained by Xujiazhuang.

Compared with the first plan of 'independence first, employment later', this plan is 'employment first, independence later'. The two have different advantages and disadvantages, but in essence there is not much difference, they are just the same routine.

Just two versions.

"This... Zhuangzhu Xu doesn't have any other plans?"

Lu Xiangsheng was not stupid at all. He immediately saw that there was not much difference between the two plans, and he did not want to consider either of them.

But the follower Li Chongzhen was moved, and immediately said: "Sir, let's choose the cooperation plan. The gambling plan is to earn more than 3 million taels ourselves, and the cooperation plan is to help Xujiazhuang earn more than 3 million taels. There is a huge difference.

Well, a cooperative plan is better.”

The follower Lei Shisheng also said: "Sir, I also think that the cooperation plan is good. As long as we help Xujiazhuang complete a few more tasks, maybe within three years, we will not have to be bound by Xujiazhuang, but we will get tens of thousands of bicycles.

Sir, this deal is a very good deal."

Staff Sun Yuanhua and Zhang Huayu did not express their opinions. Although they are also more inclined to the cooperation plan, at the political level, once the Tianxiong Army and Xujiazhuang establish cooperation and binding, politically, this is definitely a suicidal behavior.

You will be even more disgusted and rejected by the court, and you will be even less likely to gain the trust of the court and the emperor.

We can only let Lu Xiangsheng make the final decision.

And about a quarter of an hour later.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Lu Xiangsheng chose the gambling plan.

But he only has 7,000 Jinlong brand bicycles! For the remaining 3,000, he wants to form a cavalry unit of 3,000 people. In this way, 7,000 bicycles and 3,000 cavalry will form a highly mobile army. Not only is the combat effectiveness still strong, but it also has

With a stronger impact, the logistics pressure will only increase, but it is not insurmountable.

For 7,000 bicycles, calculated at a 40% discount, that is, within three years, you only need to pay 2.1 million taels, which is an average of 700,000 taels per year.

Compared with the plan he just proposed, which is to only buy 3,000 bicycles but pay an average of 450,000 taels per year, the burden has not increased much. It really goes against the saint's teachings of benevolence and can only do something that is "harmful to the harmony of heaven".

To do this, just capture 30,000 young men every year and make about 100,000 living beings howl.

There is no way, a hundred thousand people howling is much better than a million howling. He, Lu Xiangsheng, has been in charge of the army for so many years and has participated in dozens of battles. He has long understood the principle that kindness cannot lead an army, and he has ended hundreds of lives with his own hands.

So much, although his heart to worship the saint is still there, he has long since learned to compromise with reality.

If it were Hong Chengchou, another ruthless man who was known for his love of killing and surrendering, he would have done it even if millions of people were howling, let alone tens of millions of people.

As for the risk of failing to complete the payment of 2.1 million taels for the car within three years, extending it to four or five years, and even having to become a mercenary to continue working and serving Xujiazhuang, Lu Xiangsheng has never considered this risk.

Because it is impossible to be reduced to the point of becoming a mercenary.

"Choose the betting plan, but only 7,000 bicycles..."

Xu Yuan thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay! Seven thousand is seven thousand. It just so happens that the bicycle factory's production capacity is not high, so this quantity can be delivered quickly. Secretary, please immediately draft two copies of the negotiation content just now.

"Bet Agreement" and then sign to conclude the bet."


"Thank you so much, Mr. Xu!"

Lu Xiangsheng and others were even more surprised. They miraculously concluded this car-purchasing cooperation, which had not had much hope at first.

As for who suffered the big loss in this cooperation, who took advantage, which party fell into the trap of which party, and who will have the last laugh, it is still unclear and can only be tested by time.

This chapter has been completed!
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