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Chapter 137


Nanjing, Jiangnan Guild Hall.

This was established by Xujiazhuang on Xuanwu Street in Nanjing two years ago. It is a commercial center mainly used for commercial operations and logistics transfer.

Qian Chengzhi serves as the permanent president of this business hall, playing an important role in assisting and liaising with the business hall's operation - in fact, he does less and sees more, and the real power is not controlled by him.

As an important staff member of Xujiazhuang, why did Qian Chengzhi no longer stay in Harbor City, but instead went to Nanjing to serve as the president of a small business house? What happened to him?

Naturally, it is exclusion.

Being dissatisfied and excluded by many Xujiazhuang senior officials, Qian Chengzhi could no longer stay in Harbor City, so he had to ask for a job. In October last year, he came to Jiangnan Guild Hall to take up a less important position.

It can be said that his identity as one of the important staff members of the village owner Xu Yuan is completely different from that of the previous guest minister of Xujiazhuang. He was knocked down from the mortal world in one fell swoop.

But this cannot be blamed on anyone in Xujiazhuang. Xu Yuan also gave him enough attention and courtesy, and gave him the opportunity to participate in major decisions again and again.

However, Qian Chengzhi himself failed to live up to expectations.

It was his own awkward personality that caused all of this, no one can blame him.

Among Fang Yizhi, Sun Lin and Qian Chengzhi, who are privately known as the "Three Heroes of Zeshe", Fang Yizhi decisively joined Xujiazhuang, but insisted on the ideal of supporting the country. Now he has been reused by the emperor, and he is in the heart of the emperor.

His status is not inferior to that of the cabinet bachelor, and he has not lost the trust of Xujiazhuang. He is considered the best one in development.

Like him, his friend Sun Lin also struggled for a very long time. He even returned to his hometown of Tongcheng and planned to train a strong army based on Xu Jiajun's model. However, he failed and found that he could not correct the many shortcomings in the Ming army.

, finally gave up, returned to Xujiazhuang, and joined the Xujiajun as an ordinary soldier. Due to his outstanding performance, he is now a platoon leader. Although it is not a high position, his future prospects are bright.

Only he, Qian Chengzhi, could never integrate into Xujiazhuang, and he still could not accept Xujiazhuang's expansion and plunder, the law of the jungle and other concepts. He repeatedly advocated benevolence and righteousness, be kind-hearted, and not be too cruel, etc., which eventually exhausted the patience of Xujiazhuang's senior management towards him.

, completely reducing him to a marginalized person.

The owner of the village, Xu Yuan, was very tolerant of him, but he also believed that his intellectual mentality was deep in his bones and would not change unless he encountered a big setback. It was a good thing to let him go outside to experience the experience. As long as he figured it out and understood it, he would get great benefits in the future.


So half a year has passed.

Qian Chengzhi, who has been the president of the Jiangnan Guild Hall for such a long time, is he enlightened now?

How could it be so fast?

Instead, I was in considerable depression and disparity.

The downgrade in living conditions is secondary, mainly in terms of interpersonal communication. In this huge Nanjing, few people are willing to pay attention to him.

There were many flower boats on the Qinhuai River, playing the flute every night, but none of the talented women on the flower boats extended an invitation to him, even though he was not short of money.

Local literary events were held one after another, and each event was very lively and attracted the attention of the whole city, but he did not receive a single invitation letter, even though Qian Chengzhi was quite talented in poetry.


Qian Chengzhi knew that this was called banning, because he was a staff member of the guest minister in Xujiazhuang, so he was banned by the local literary circle and the local gentry class. Even if Qian Chengzhi wanted to take the initiative to show his kindness and actively integrate into some local circles, he was also blocked.

The cold rejection, even ridicule and ridicule made him feel very embarrassed.

It also made Qian Chengzhi realize that he was now in a state of neither advancement nor inferiority. He was not favored by Xujiazhuang, and he could not return to his past life, and he could not live the comfortable life of a scholar.

Like a clown, there is no acceptance or recognition there.

He can only fall into loneliness and pain.

Of course, in the past six months, Qian Chengzhi has not failed to the extent that no one cares about him.

He still made three very good friends.

They are Chen Zhenhui from Yixing, Xia Yunyi from Songjiang, and Huang Zongxi from Yuyao, Zhejiang.

These three people are all enlightened and wise people. They did not exclude or discriminate against Qian Chengzhi because he joined Xujiazhuang. Instead, they took the initiative to visit him, were not afraid of external pressure, and communicated with him many times, which moved Qian Chengzhi very much.

, attract them as close friends.

But even these few friends strongly disagreed with Xu Jiazhuang's actions and criticized and dissatisfied them a lot. They asked Qian Chengzhi to adhere to the righteousness of a saint and never fall into depravity or collude with others. He also asked him to give more advice to that person.

Xu Zhuangzhu, please ask him to correct his evil ways as soon as possible and not to cause more misfortunes to people.

Qian Chengzhi smiled bitterly and said yes again and again, and had no choice but to agree.

Some time ago, Chen Zhenhui from Yixing visited him many times, not only inviting him to join Fushe, but also strongly encouraging Qian Chengzhi to leave Xujiazhuang, asking him to publicly publicize Xujiazhuang's crimes and then sever ties with Xujiazhuang.

The three thousand students of Fushe will encourage him and support him. This will not only greatly enhance the reputation of Fushe, but Qian Chengzhi's initiative to "abandon the darkness and turn to the light" will also be re-accepted by the Jiangnan literary world and the Jiangnan gentry, and even increase his reputation.

It rose sharply and became the most popular hero.

Regarding Chen Zhenhui’s suggestion and confusion.

Qian Chengzhi refused without thinking, saying: "Brother Dingsheng, you don't have to say anything anymore! Although I didn't shave my head, I just changed the clothes of Xujiazhuang, but I am already a member of Xujiazhuang, and there is no possibility of betrayal.

I won’t do anything to devour my master.”

Although Qian Chengzhi is a bit naive in some aspects, he is definitely not stupid! He knows what the consequences will be if he breaks with Xujiazhuang and bites him again. He received the salary from Xujiazhuang and lived in Xujiazhuang for more than two years.

, and also knows a large number of Xujiazhuang secrets, which have long been tied to the Xujiazhuang ship. If he dares to betray, the end will definitely be very miserable.

"Brother Huanguang, you are too pedantic. A force like Xujiazhuang that does not cultivate virtue and makes people angry will eventually destroy itself..."

Chen Zhenhui tried to persuade him again, but when he saw that he was unmoved, she realized that she was asking for trouble. From then on, the number of visits to him decreased greatly.

Qian Chengzhi fell into a more lonely state, so he had to close the door and study mathematics, physics, chemistry and other knowledge. After a period of time, he actually gained a lot, and his impetuous mentality became more calm. It can be said that this is a kind of growth.

But recently.

To be precise, since April 10th, recruitment notices for Xujiazhuang have been posted everywhere in the Fourteenth Prefecture in South Zhili.

The Jiangnan Guild Hall where Qian Chengzhi was staying suddenly became crowded and busy with traffic.

Every day, dozens or dozens of people come to visit and even give generous gifts.

And everyone who came to visit him was not an unknown person, but a very famous figure in the Jiangnan literary world or the Jiangnan gentry group.

For example, Zhang Pu, the leader of Fushe.

Yang Tingshu, a core member of Fushe.

Mr. Wu Yingji, Mr. Loushan.

There are famous scholars such as Gu Gao, Maoxiang, Chen Dingsheng, etc.

Later, even Xu Renjue, nephew of Wei Guogong, Zhang Guobi, son of Bao Guogong, Zhao Zhilong, son of Xincheng Bo, and other distinguished sons and daughters came to visit together, causing shock in Nanjing city.

By the way, what's going on?

Qian Chengzhi has been lying down during this period, and has given up on making friends. He studies mathematics, physics and chemistry behind closed doors every day without doing anything. Why are there so many literati, famous people, and noble disciples who take the initiative to visit him? His attitude

He was extremely enthusiastic. Compared with his previous behavior of ignoring Qian Chengzhi's love and mocking him, he was completely different.

Even the famous courtesans and talented ladies on the flower boats on the Qinhuai River were uncharacteristically sending hundreds of invitations to him, inviting him to attend poetry gatherings and enjoy singing and dancing, with warm, gentle and ambiguous attitudes.

, made Qian Chengzhi excited. After all, as a young man in his early twenties, how could he not long for the scene of some talented and beautiful women, reciting poems and having romantic affairs with each other?

However, he declined these invitations for the time being, and had to deal with the constant stream of literati, celebrities and nobles who came to his door.

The reason why they came one after another is also very simple, that is, the Jiangnan gentry and nobles were panicked, frightened, unable to sit still, and must take some public relations measures to relieve their anxiety.

So the words that have been ringing in Qian Chengzhi’s ears these days are:

"Why did Xujiazhuang expand its army again? Jiangnan is so peaceful, why did Xujiazhuang recruit so many soldiers?"

"We no longer dare to be hostile to Xujiazhuang, and the Xujiazhuang army with more than 10,000 people is enough to dominate the world. Why should we expand the army to the terrifying number of 50,000?"

"Brother Huanguang, I heard that the salary for joining the Xu family army is extremely high. The monthly salary for an ordinary soldier is 20 taels. What is the monthly salary for an army of 50,000 people? A full one million taels! The salary for a single year is one thousand taels.

Two million, this is terrible and amazing. The military expenditure of the imperial court is less than half of this expenditure. What kind of extravagance and waste? How great would it be to save so much money? Save tens of millions of taels a year, ten years,

How much can be saved in twenty years? Life is not like this. Although Xujiazhuang is the richest in the world, if it is extravagant and wasteful, even if it has gold and silver, it will not be able to stop it."

"What does Xujiazhuang want to do? Is it to expand the manor again and infringe on the interests of the Jiangnan gentry? We are down-to-earth and have not made any move against Xujiazhuang. Why are we so aggressive? We have to force us into a desperate situation.


"Cooperation, we are willing to cooperate with Xujiazhuang. We will not be hostile to Xujiazhuang in the future. How about we just maintain the status quo and neither side advances or retreats?"

"It is better to cancel the military expansion. This is a useless waste of money and food and will only increase conflicts and suspicions."

"Doesn't Xujiazhuang just want to make money? OK! We are willing to open up all areas of cooperation, allow Xujiazhuang goods to enter and exit freely, increase the number of wholesales, and let Xujiazhuang earn more money? Stop staring at our pitiful little things.


"Please tell Master Xu not to force us any more! Rabbits will bite when they are anxious, so why go too far and be aggressive? Then Master Xu claims to be a Chinese tribesman and shares the same blood with us. In this case, how about giving us a way out?


"Brother Huanguang, what do you think of these two beauties? If Brother Huanguang can persuade Xujiazhuang for us, these two beauties can stay with Brother Huanguang to serve."

"Brother Huan Guang, please accept these three thousand taels of silver. Don't be too little..."


All of the above.

This is Qian Chengzhi’s magical encounter these days.

Of course, Qian Chengzhi also comforted these worried voices, saying that the expansion of Xujiazhuang's army was just a routine operation and an established plan. It had nothing to do with the Jiangnan gentry. There was no plan to expand the manor for the time being. There was no need to worry, but it did not relieve the anxiety.


As for bribes such as beauties and money, Qian Chengzhi declined all bribes. If the refusal failed, all bribes would be turned over to the public treasury to avoid being identified as corruption.


Qian Chengzhi also realized it. It can be said that he realized it personally and suddenly realized it!

You must know that before the expansion of Xujiazhuang's army, the Jiangnan Guild Hall was sparsely populated. The literati, gentry and nobles in Jiangnan, and even the talented ladies on the flower boats on the Qinhuai River, all ignored him, treated him with indifference, and suffered all the cold treatment and ridicule.

After finally making a few friends, I still want to trick him.

What now?

He obviously didn't do anything.

It means that Xujiazhuang has expanded its army.

Look at these fawning smiling faces, look at these invitations to literary and poetry gatherings, and look at the beauties and property forced upon them by nobles.

Qian Chengzhi finally realized it even though he didn't realize it, and had to agree with what the village owner said: When you are strong, everyone smiles at you; when you are weak, the whole world is your enemy!

In the past, Qian Chengzhi found it difficult to agree with this sentence, thinking it was extreme and vulgar, but now he has to accept it.

This chapter has been completed!
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