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Chapter 141: The Battle of Luoluowan: Prologue

Time has entered June.

With Emperor Chongzhen's fund-raising and financial management projects, they were booming and raised millions, which played a very good role as a credit endorsement.

Tianxiatong Bank, Beijing Branch, opened up its deposit and withdrawal business and began to absorb some private deposits.

Later, a policy was launched for agents and partners who had cooperative relationships with Xujiazhuang, that is, as long as their deposit amount in Tianxiatong Bank exceeded 500,000 silver dollars, they could enter the "Important Partner List"

, enjoy a 10% discount on the wholesale price of Xujiazhuang goods.

If the deposit amount exceeds one million, you can enter the "Strategic Friendly Partner List" and enjoy the 20% discount on the wholesale price of Xujiazhuang goods. If you have previously entered the "Unfriendly List" due to various conflicts, as long as you deposit more than one million,

You will be pardoned immediately, removed from the list, and friendly cooperation with Xujiazhuang can be restored.

In short, through various methods, coupled with the temptation of deposit interest itself, and the convenience of long-distance transfers for businessmen, the total deposits absorbed by the branches of Tianxiatong Bank soon exceeded 30 million, 50 million, and 80 million silver dollars.

, breaking through 100 million is not a problem at all.

The same is true for the loan business. Because the interest rate is low, the threshold for borrowing money is low, and there is no interest compounding or cut-off interest, the private lending business was quickly eaten up by Tianxiatong Bank.

This trend has offended many evil forces who rely on loan sharking for their survival. Naturally, they have been wildly slandered and even violently attacked by these forces. However, these evil forces are violent, and Tianxiatong Bank is even more violent. They often beat them to death.


If that doesn't work, a company of Xu Jiajun will be dispatched to carry out a bloodbath against certain evil forces.

Over time.

No matter what kind of evil forces rely on the loan shark industry to survive, they have to accept the new status quo. They must endure or die. There is no other choice.

June 5th.

Harbor City, 27th floor of White Castle.

Inside the Military Strategic Staff Hall.

Facing the staff officers gathered together, several senior Xu Jiajun generals and Zhang Guoyan, the head of the intelligence system, reported an important piece of military intelligence:

"There will soon be a war in the offshore areas of Fujian."

"Inside the Zheng Family Army, our intelligence officer (Zheng Cai) said that the Zheng Family Navy has entered a state of full combat readiness."

"Our intelligence personnel in Guangdong have also observed that the Dutch East India Company has assembled thirteen large main warships in Nan'ao, Guangdong. Together with Liu Xianglao's pirate coalition, there are also more than a hundred large and small ships.

The strength is unprecedentedly strong. He is about to go north. He wants to eliminate the Fujian Zheng Group in one go and regain the monopoly of maritime trade. He cannot tolerate the fate of being a second-rate dealer. Even after sweeping the southeastern coast of the Ming Dynasty, bigger targets and targets may emerge.

Ambition makes people have to guard against it.”

"So this upcoming decisive battle at sea is not only a severe test for the Zheng Group, but also a major opportunity for Xujiazhuang. As long as we can seize this opportunity and use our power and influence reasonably, we will definitely gain huge benefits from it.

and interests.”

"All in all, this is a very rare and good opportunity."

After Zhang Guoyan introduced the general situation.

Xu Yuan, who was standing at the top, looked at the crowd with his hands behind his back and asked: "Everyone, please tell me how Xujiazhuang should respond to this upcoming sea battle?"

It was like a test question. Xu Yuan wanted to see how they would answer it and whether they could formulate a strategy that was most beneficial to Xujiazhuang.

Zhao Yang, commander of the first brigade of the Army, immediately said: "Lord, you are like a snipe and a clam competing for the fisherman's profit. The Zheng family's navy has 50,000 sailors. The Dutch East India Company is the richest and most powerful force on the sea.

, once the two sides fight, it will be difficult to determine the winner in a short period of time. It must be a long-term war of attrition. We do not have to intervene too early. We can develop well for another year or two, build more warships, and train more navies. When both sides

When the winner is about to be decided, when we officially enter the battle, both the Zheng Navy and the Dutch East India Company will be reduced to prisoners, and the maritime supremacy of the East will fall into our hands."

"What Brigadier Zhao said is right."

Shi Yong, commander of the Army's Second Brigade, agreed: "We only need to increase intelligence collection, pay close attention, and then find a suitable opportunity to become a fisherman. There is no need to intervene prematurely."

Xu Huoqing, commander of the 1st Navy Brigade, said: "Now in our Xu family fleet, the large steam warships include the 'Yaowu', the second 'Yangwei' will not be launched until the end of this month, and the third will

Launched by the end of the year, that is to say, the shipyard will build ships at full capacity and only build two large warships a year. This construction speed is too slow. Although the firepower is very powerful, there must be at least five or more.

Only with steam warships can we initially establish our maritime hegemony."

"Yes, although steam warships are powerful, the construction period is too long."

"It will take at least another year or two to develop."

"First, let the Zheng family's navy and the Dutch East India Company fight life and death for a period of time. If the Zheng family wins miserably, we will use force to force the Zheng family to surrender; if the Zheng family loses, we will integrate the remaining forces of the Zheng family, and then

The Dutch East India Company was defeated and driven away, no matter what, we are the final winners."


Listening to what these senior generals and elite staff officers were saying to each other, most of them just wanted to sit back and watch the fight between tigers and tigers, and not to intervene for the time being.

Xu Yuan's face turned gloomy and ugly when he heard this, and his dissatisfaction became more and more obvious.

Everyone noticed the calm look on the village owner's face, and gradually became quiet. Then someone asked cautiously: "Master, what do you think?"

"I'm very disappointed in you."

As soon as Xu Yuan opened his mouth, many people broke out in cold sweat and felt something was wrong. They saw the owner of the village, Xu Yuan, shook his head and said: "In any case, the Zheng Group belongs to the blood of our Chinese people, and the Dutch East India Company is a barbarian."

, it’s a foreign race! In the beginning, you didn’t stand on the side of the same race and expressed support for the Zheng family. Instead, you actually wanted to benefit from it and just sit back and watch your own people being consumed by outsiders. No one said that you would unite with the Zheng family to fight off the foreigners. Honestly.

"At this point, I'm very unhappy and very disappointed."

Zhao Yang immediately said nervously: "Master, I was wrong! My consideration was indeed not appropriate."

Shi Yong said: "I didn't expect this level of connection. It's too narrow. Please punish me, the owner of the village!"

Xu Huoqing and other senior generals and staff officers also admitted their mistakes, apologized, and requested to be punished.

"That's enough! From an intellectualist perspective, your ideas are all right, but the pattern is a bit small."

Xu Yuan waved his hand and said: "This time, no matter what conflicts and unhappiness we had with the Zheng family in the past, they are all in the past and must be put aside. Now, we must not only stand clearly on the side of the Zheng family,

We must also send the naval forces within our capabilities to Fujian to support the Zheng Group. First, use two against one to drive away the aliens at sea. After solving the aliens, we will slowly resolve any internal conflicts we have with the Zheng family."

"Remember! When dealing with external threats, our principle must be to be unanimous in dealing with the outside world, and first fight against the outside world before settling down at home! As long as the outsiders are eliminated, no matter how we fight internally, the meat will always rot in the pot of our own people, and we

Xujiazhuang cannot be strong forever, and there will definitely be a day when Xujiazhuang dies, but I hope that when Xujiazhuang dies, most of the land resources on this planet will still be occupied by our Chinese people, and the most powerful force will still be

The forces dominated by the Chinese must not allow the foreigners to take advantage of them in the endless internal strife. Just like the Five Husbands after the Three Kingdoms, the Central Plains became the home of the foreigners for hundreds of years. This cannot be tolerated again."

After hearing what the village owner Xu Yuan said.

Everyone was extremely ashamed and ashamed, and they all made reflections. Then the focus of the discussion changed from how to make a profit to how to strongly support the Zheng family.

After some discussion, they came up with a set of support plans:

The only steam battleship in service, the "Yaowu", was dispatched as a battleship to rush south to aid the Zheng family.

There are no bulky iron tube guns or copper cannons installed on the "Yaowu". There are only two mortar reinforcement companies with fifty 80mm caliber mortars, a maximum range of five kilometers, and more than 10,000 rounds of artillery shells.

Coupled with the speed of twenty knots and the defense of the hull covered with steel plates, it can definitely defeat more than a dozen large galenic ships.

In addition, the steam cargo ship "Haiyun No. 7" was dispatched, carrying a large amount of supplies, such as grain, compressed biscuits, cans, fresh water, coal, ammunition, etc., to provide various supplies for the "Yaowu" and enhance its continuous combat capabilities.

Then the steam cargo ship "Haiyun No. 8" was dispatched, carrying half a battalion of the Marine Corps and 500 fully armed troops to deal with situations such as boarding battles and island seizing battles.

That is to say, the size of the troops dispatched by the Xu family navy this time is: a main battleship 'Yaowu', a supply ship 'Haiyun No. 7', and 'Haiyun No. 8' carrying half a battalion of marines, which add up to only

There are three ships and more than 1,300 people, but the fangs that have just grown out are still not to be underestimated, shining coldly, and will prove themselves in the next challenge.

This chapter has been completed!
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