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Chapter 147 Student Zheng Fusong

July 1st.

Xujiazhuang supported the fleet, left Quanzhou Port, and embarked on a journey back to Harbor City.

However, when we returned from the north today, we were no longer just three solitary steam ships, but were followed by thirty large merchant ships, forming a sizable fleet.

In addition to carrying a large amount of wood and other materials, these merchant ships were loaded with cargo.

There are also 3,000 shipbuilders.

Two thousand Zheng family sailors.

and more than a thousand family members.

In addition, Tian Chuansong, Zheng Fusong, mother and son who lived in the upper class cabin of the battleship Yaowu.

It was this time that Zheng Zhilong gave Xu Jiazhuang the reward and sincerity after the Xujiazhuang support fleet went south to assist the Zheng family.

It can be said to be a fruitful return.

That's right, because Zheng Zhilong's bottom line was known in advance, the subsequent alliance negotiations went very smoothly. Zheng Zhilong agreed to all the conditions proposed by the Xujiazhuang negotiator, including high-quality wood, shipbuilding craftsmen, sailors, family members, protons, etc. Zheng Zhilong gave them all.

Give as much as you want.

Of course, Xujiazhuang could not ask for too much, and could not bully others to cause a backlash from the hardliners within the Zheng family, so it also gave the Zheng family two benefits and a promise.

That is, all three captured Dutch Galenic ships were given to the Zheng family to enhance the strength of the Zheng family's fleet. The Zheng family could send craftsmen to study the structure of the Galenic ships and try to imitate them.

In addition, Xujiazhuang did not want more than 7,000 Dutch prisoners and pirate prisoners in total. It was too lazy to transform them and gave them all to the Zheng family. The Zheng family selected 2,000 of the better ones from among their own sailors.

If they can be trusted, they will be 'lent' to Xujiazhuang for employment for a period of time. In the future, these sailors can apply to return to the Zheng family.

One promise is that the Zheng family is qualified to buy steamships with gold, but only after Xujiazhuang has enough steamships, and then the extra steamships can be sold to the Zheng family, and only in gold.


So what the Zheng family needs to do now is to save enough gold, which they will be able to spend in the future.

In order to increase the supply of steamships in Xujiazhuang as soon as possible, Zheng Zhilong not only readily agreed to 'borrow' shipbuilders, he even wanted to lend more to Xujiazhuang.

All in all, the cooperation was very smooth and everyone was happy.

The only thing that was beyond Zheng Zhilong's expectation was that his wife Tagawa Song wanted to follow his son to Harbor City to study with him and take care of him. She was unwilling to stay with Zheng Zhilong, a cruel man.

Zheng Zhilong was very helpless about this, but the impact was not big. After all, in addition to this wife, he also had many concubines, Mei Ji, and there were quite a lot of backups. Tagawa Song could just go.

July 3rd, noon.

The fast Yaowu, Haiyun 7, and Haiyun 8 arrived at Harbor City first.

“What a beautiful harbor city.”

After passing the boarding and stepping off the Yaowu, and stepping on the solid ground of the cement pier, the nine-year-old Zheng Fusong, who was already as calm as a 'little adult', couldn't help but see all kinds of new things in front of him.

Make loud noises.

He even held Tagawa Matsu's hand and kept asking.

"Mother, why are there so many windmills over there?"

"The roads here are so white, so flat, and so hard. How were they repaired?"

"And the house over there, why is it so high, and how was it built?"

"Mom, this place is so fun. It's better than Hirado (a Japanese place name) and better than my hometown in Anping. Are we going to live here?"


Zheng Fusong asked all kinds of questions, blinking his big and bright eyes, his head full of excitement and curiosity.

Facing these problems with my son.

How could Tagawa Song answer? She looked surprised and confused, like a village girl from a backward area who had just entered the city. She came to a completely unfamiliar new world and was not shocked enough to kneel on the ground.

I thought that coming to heaven would be good enough.

For example, the several maids and nuns beside me were all dumbfounded and frightened. They regarded this place as the Kingdom of God on earth and didn't know how to let go. They were afraid of offending the gods here and imposing a divine punishment that they could not bear.

"These girls don't know either."

Tagawa Song could only say: "Mom, I only know that all the mechanical watches, life-size glass mirrors, bicycles, soaps and other items in the world come from this Xujiazhuang. No other place can produce them. It is the richest and most prosperous place."

"The mechanical watches, glass mirrors, and bicycles that my father exchanged for my mother to be with my children, all came from here? Then this place must be a good place, and the people here must be good people! Because they helped to exchange for my mother."

The nine-year-old boy said that in his naive world view, people or objects that can help his mother return to him must be good people and good things.

"Yes, my son is right. This place is a good place, and the people here must be good people."

Tagawa Song repeatedly said that although she came here to be a hostage this time, the strange thing was that she did not feel strong uneasiness in her heart this time, nor was she shrouded in gloom. Instead, she had a feeling that this place might be good.


Xujiazhuang's senior management attached great importance to the arrival of Taguansong, Zheng Fusong and their son and gave them a high-level reception.

There were as many as ten electric tricycles going to the pier to greet us, and there were also many motorcycles escorting us in front and back. There were hundreds of security personnel arranged. This kind of specification was unprecedented and even more powerful, attracting many locals.

people's attention.

There are even reporters who will record and explain the entire process, which will be broadcast at 7 p.m.

As for the place where the mother, son and entourage would stay, it was not any high-end hotel, nor a single-family villa in a high-end residential area. After thinking for a while, the owner Xu Yuan directly vacated one of the more than a thousand rooms in White Castle.

Six rooms were taken out, and Tian Chuansong, Zheng Fusong, his mother and son, and their entourage were arranged to move in.

That means living directly in Baibao and becoming Xu Yuan's neighbor.

To show the importance and respect for the Zheng family.

And in the face of such attention.

The young Zheng Fusong didn't think it was anything, but screamed excitedly all the way.

Tagawa Matsunori was very surprised. First, ten electric three-wheelers greeted the convoy, escorted by motorcycles in front, back and left. They passed the traffic lights casually and received countless attention.

Entering the interior of the god-like White Castle, as soon as the car stopped, the red carpet was rolled out to her feet. A woman named Fang Qingyan, as the mistress of the White Castle, welcomed her arrival and took care of her.

Wash the dust, each sister called her affectionately (Tagawa Song is 31 years old, much older than Fang Qingyan).

He also took out toffee, hawthorn slices, some preserved fruits and other snacks, stuffed them into Zheng Fusong's hands, and kissed him twice on the face.

Then he arranged the room, and asked the maid Jianfu to help carry the luggage, clean the room, and said: "Sister, room 36 on the eleventh floor, this room facing south and east, is where you and Fu Song will live. Don't worry, there should be everything in it.

They are all there, they are cleaned frequently, and the 220-square-meter area is completely sufficient. The maids and maids you brought have been arranged in the rooms next to them. They can be reached by just calling. Also, here is the key, so be sure to keep it safe.

, don’t forget to take it with you when you go out, it’s best not to lose it.”

Fang Qingyan handed the door key to Tian Chuansong's hand and said to her.

"Can I really live in such a nice place?"

As soon as he touched the key, Tagawa Matsu withdrew his hand as if he was electrocuted. He felt that such a nice place where the ground was as smooth as a mirror was really suitable for her to live, or was she qualified to live here?

"Don't worry, it'll be no problem. There are a lot of vacant rooms in the White Castle, and it will be lively when there are more people living there. In addition, this is a special arrangement by my husband. He said that you mother and son are honored guests and cannot be neglected. We must provide you with the best living conditions.

, in case you are not used to it and it doesn’t apply." Fang Qingyan said with a smile.

"How about changing to an ordinary residence? It's too nice here, but I'm not used to it. And with so many people living in one place, how can we avoid suspicion?" Tagawa Matsu still shook his head.

"Sister, you are too conservative. The facilities in this room are very complete. It is too easy to avoid suspicion. In addition, you don't have to worry about having no companions. My husband's concubines, the Ono sisters, are both from Japan, er, the same hometown as you, but

They have just given birth recently and are still in the confinement period. After the confinement period, you can drink tea together, chat, play cards, pass the boring time, or you can just come to me. Why bother to live outside, even more?

People misunderstood that Xujiazhuang did not provide good hospitality?" Fang Qingyan said.


"Mom, just stay here. I like it here. You can see the sea here, and maybe you can also see your brother in Japan." Nine-year-old Zheng Fusong said.

"Okay, just listen to my son."

Tagawa Song could only say that when she mentioned her second son, her heart felt like she had been stabbed by a needle.

Six p.m.

The family restaurant on the twentieth floor of White Castle.

A grand family banquet was held, and the large dining table was filled with all kinds of delicacies, including hundreds of delicacies.

Tonight, only the mother and son Tian Chuansong and Zheng Fusong were invited to the family banquet. They met Xu Yuan, the owner of Xujiazhuang, for the first time, and met this mysterious and legendary figure.

To their surprise, Master Xu was very approachable and looked quite ordinary. He walked to the dining table and said, "Let's eat. Food tastes best when it's hot. We have two distinguished guests here today."

, Mr. Xu would like to propose a toast to you, you can do whatever you want and don’t feel restricted, just treat this place as your own home.”

Then Xujiazhuang picked up his chopsticks and started eating with big mouthfuls, giving people a casual and informal feeling.

This made Tagawa Songda breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this Xu Village owner did not bring any pressure to her. She even felt much more relaxed than in Hirado, Japan, or Anping, Fujian. This Xu Village

It seems to have a magical power that can make people feel at ease and eliminate fear.

"Uncle Xu, are you a good person?"

Suddenly, nine-year-old Zheng Fusong asked a childish question, and everyone present heard it clearly.

"My son!"

Tagawamatsu's face turned pale, and he looked at his son anxiously, wishing he could cover his mouth, how could he ask such an abrupt and rude question.

"Am I a good person?"

This question made Xu Yuan endure it, put down his chopsticks, thought for a while, and suddenly laughed and said: "Good boy, what a question, do you think I am a good person?"

"I don't know, I can't see it, can you tell me?"

Zheng Fusong shook his head and said, making Tagawasong next to him even more anxious and wanting to pull him away immediately.

"Well, I am not a purely good person, nor am I a born evil person. In the eyes of my relatives, friends, and partners, I am the best good person in the world. But in the eyes of those bad guys, villains, and opponents, I am

He is the worst bad guy in the world and a good boy. If I explain it this way, can you understand it?"

Xu Yuan looked at the child and said.

Zheng Fusong nodded, but then asked: "Uncle Xu, can I be your relative, friend, and partner? I want Uncle Xu to be a good person in my eyes."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Xu Yuan raised his head and laughed, walked towards him, held him in his hands, and said to him with a smile: "You will be my student from now on. My child, are you willing to recognize me as your teacher?"

"I do! Teacher."

Zheng Fusong said loudly in his hand, and also chuckled.

Everyone in the restaurant congratulated Xu Yuan for gaining a beloved disciple. They could all see the child's early intelligence and his astonishing courage. He would definitely become a world-shaking talent in the future and his future would be limitless.

But Tagawa Song, who was almost scared out of his mind, breathed a long sigh of relief.

This chapter has been completed!
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