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Chapter 153 Manganese steel hoe that can break armor

September 17th.

Juyong Pass in the Yanshan Mountains was attacked by more than 5,000 elite soldiers of the Zhengbai Banner led by Azige. The defenders of Juyong Pass could not hold on for more than half a day before abandoning the pass and fleeing.

The reinforcements sent by Changping General Chen Hongfan from the Ming Dynasty had just received the order from the Ministry of War and were about to set off when Juyong Pass fell.

The offensive pace of the Hou Jin Army was incredibly fast.

Immediately after Juyongguan passed, Changping was immediately faced with the attack of the Hou Jin army. Fearing death, the Changping army of more than 3,000 people dispersed in one fell swoop. Before they could fight, they collapsed on their own. They packed up their belongings one by one and carried them with them.

The family was scattered and fled.

"Come back, come back to me!"

"You cowardly people, are you worthy of this skin on your body?"

"The salary you receive and the food you eat are given by the court and given by the people. If you don't protect the people, who will?"

"Shame, don't you know any shame?"

The commander-in-chief Chen Hongfan pointed at them and yelled and cursed, but to no avail. In the end, he ran to only a hundred servants around him.

Helpless, he could only bring so many people to resist the Hou Jin Army.

On the afternoon of the 17th, Chen Hongfan led more than a hundred men to attack Azig, but within a short time they were all wiped out, causing only a dozen casualties to the Houjin Army.

The 18th!

Azig led the Zhengbai Banner into the Hebei Plain, quickly divided his troops into multiple groups, and carried out burning, killing, and looting wantonly.

The main targets were rural market towns, with the aim of killing people, stealing food, money and women.

In fact, in the second year of Chongzhen's reign, the Gyeonggi area was ravaged by the Jin army. At that time, it was a hell on earth, with mourning everywhere. Hundreds of thousands of people were directly affected. Many places were withered and decayed, and they are still there today.

Didn't recover.

Four years have passed now.

Later, the Jin army came in again. Can they still steal anything from the poor people near Gyeonggi?

Naturally, you can grab a lot of things.

After all, the leeks have been growing for four years.

And unlike the land in Liaodong, which has only four months of frost-free period throughout the year and it is difficult to grow food, the land south of the Great Wall can grow food, and drought-resistant crops such as potatoes and corn can grow well.

, the output is very high.

For example, Niulu Zhangjingbatush, with his 300 men, slaughtered three villages with one hundred households and collected more than 300,000 kilograms of grain (mainly potatoes and corn), which made him feel ecstatic.

"Too rich, the people of Ming Dynasty are too rich!"

"In just three villages, more than 300,000 jins of grain, more than 100 beautiful women, and nearly 3,000 taels of silver coins were robbed."

"If you get rich, just grab a few small villages and get rich. It will be much richer than the Ming Dynasty a few years ago!"

"Robbing, we need to rob thirty more villages, three hundred villages! Boys and men, rush for me, rob for me!"


Amidst the countless howls and cries of wolves, these Tartars' eyes turned red, they became bloodthirsty and arrogant, and they became extremely arrogant.

Because in their eyes, the people of the Ming Dynasty were cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks and rabbits, objects to be slaughtered, trampled and abused by them. Even if they resisted, they were weak and without any threat.

They themselves are tigers, bears, and wolves that eat meat! They are born to plunder, kill, destroy, and rule. Cows, sheep, chickens, and rabbits will die if they resist, or they may die if they don't. What kind of fate they will have depends entirely on

Due to their needs and mood, the cattle and sheep had no choice but to accept the fate of being slaughtered, with no room for bargaining.


This feeling of the strong conquering the weak and the strong plundering the weak is so satisfying that it makes them want to stop and their whole body is full of strength.

Soon, the cowherd brought by Batush discovered a super fat sheep——

Royal Farm No. 10.

This farm is quite large, covering an area of ​​nearly 30,000 acres, with more than 1,000 houses and at least over 10,000 residents. A low earthen wall about two meters high was also built around the perimeter (there was really no money to build a high wall)

), like a small fortress.

But in Bartush's eyes, this is a huge piece of fat!

"My sons, this village is not small. There must be hundreds of thousands of grains stored in it, at least a thousand beauties, and at least tens of thousands of taels of gold and silver!"

"As long as we capture this Zhuangzi, we can rest for a while and use this Zhuangzi as a stronghold to store the captured grain, livestock, beauties, and property here, and then we can feast on those beauties every day.

Enjoy it for a while, and then continue to kill and rob! Kill and rob everything in the land of Ming Dynasty!"

"Boys, come on!"

Batush gave an order, and the Tartars, numbering three hundred in number, rushed over with howls.

And each of them is strong and burly, with fierce faces and greedy eyes, like more than 300 humanoid beasts. Under the collective charge, the momentum is very amazing. The low earth wall, which is only two meters high, looks precarious. Perhaps a charge

, there will be a breakthrough.


Inside the Royal Farm No. 10.

Standing behind the low earth wall, I saw the Tartars launching an attack.

Eunuch Supervisor Du Zhihuan was so frightened that he looked at Fang Yizhi next to him in despair and said: "Mr. Fang, what should we do? We are all going to die. These Tatars can kill all of us in the village!"

"Shut up! Don't disturb the morale of the army. Someone will help Du Guanshi down. There is no need to stay here anymore."

The unpleasant smell of urine made Fang Yizhi frown and immediately ordered someone to take down Du Zhihuan.

Bad luck.

Fang Yizhi felt that he was quite unlucky. He originally wanted to inspect all 300 royal farms before winter.

Unexpectedly, just as we were inspecting Farm No. 10, the Jian slaves came and plundered everywhere. It was extremely unsafe outside, so we had to take shelter in this manor temporarily.

But in just one day, this farm became the target of looting by the Jiannu Tartars, and faced the most cruel challenge.

"Mr. Fang, you are His Majesty's sleeping dragon. His Majesty cannot live without you and will never die here. I will lead my brothers to fight with the Tartars later. Mr. Fang, you ride away from the back of the village and enter the capital to escape. We will be there.

Even if you die in battle, you will have no regrets.”

He said that Zou Zhuoliang, a member of the Jinyiwei family, was specifically responsible for protecting Fang Yizhi. Zou Zhuoliang had more than 20 men with acceptable martial arts skills. Coupled with the thousands of young men in the farm, he could always hold off these Tartars for a period of time.

And as long as Mr. Fang can survive, their sacrifice will be worth it.

"Don't say this anymore. Is Mr. Fang a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death? The Tartars are cruel, how can Mr. Fang ignore the lives of the people of a village? Don't persuade me, I will coexist with Jia Shi Village with wisdom!


Fang Yizhi said loudly, and hundreds of people around him could hear it.

"But these are all Jianzhou Zhentars. Each of them can defeat a hundred. We are definitely no match!" Zou Zhuoliang shook his head and said.

"As long as everyone follows my method and works together to defend against the enemy, we may not be able to repel them!"

However, Fang Yizhi said with confidence: "We have already practiced yesterday. The door panel army is responsible for resisting arrow fire, the hoe army is responsible for close combat, the pesticide spraying army is responsible for spraying high-concentration pesticides, and the lime army is responsible for throwing lime continuously, and then let the women

The children are helping to throw stones from behind. If even this can't stop the Tartars who can't hold two or three hundred people, Fang is willing to fight to the death with you!"

"Everyone, there is no retreat. Behind you is your home, and behind you are your wives and children! Do you have a retreat? Can you retreat? Where else do you want to retreat to? Fight, we will risk our lives to protect ours.


Fang Yizhi picked up a loudspeaker and spoke at the highest volume to all the young people present.

"That's right, we have no choice but to fight!"

"We can't run away anymore, this is our home, built brick by brick!"

"Fight hard and protect our home to the death!"

"At worst, I will die in a dignified manner, and I won't be able to survive like in the past."

The young and strong people have awakened. In the past, most of them were refugees and hungry people. They had never had enough to eat and were on the verge of death countless times. Now they have joined the Royal Farm. Although it is a bit harder, they can have enough to eat.

We built a house, formed small families one by one, and saw the hope of working together to get through this troubled time.

But once the farm is breached, even if you are lucky enough to survive, you will return to the status of a refugee and a hungry man, living a life of suffering that is worse than death. It is better to die in battle today!

They don't want to go back to the life they had in the past. This time they must desperately defend the fruits of their labor over the past two years. There is no way out!

So they strengthened their hearts, followed Fang Yizhi's arrangements and arrangements, and were ready to deal with the Tartar attack.

The young men of the farm were waiting on the low earth wall.

Naturally, it caught Bartush's attention, and he sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Haha, you want to resist, but a group of sheep with horns cannot defeat the ferocious wolves."

"You guys, kill me!"

Bartush sped up, and the two-meter-high low earth wall with some slopes only needed a relatively large initial speed and a hard push to rush up. There was no need to prepare any equipment for siege.

Hua Hua Hua~

Even in the face of numerous stone attacks, Batush and dozens of Tartars rushed up to the low earth wall, pulled out their long knives, and slashed at the farmers in front of them.

But what was unexpected was.

The dozens and hundreds of hoes in front of them were not easily cut off by the long knife. Instead, they made a clanging sound, many sparks popped out, and the sharp long knife even made many gaps.

He swung the knife more than a dozen times in succession, but was unable to cut off or open the hoe in front of him. The long knife showed countless gaps.

Bartush's eyes widened.

What kind of hoe is this, and why is it of better quality than his long knife?

The long knife full of gaps was useless. Batush could only rely on the protection of the three layers of armor to rush towards these farmers. If he wanted to get closer and attack their fragile bodies, he might be able to kill them with just one punch.

Those who could be beaten were seriously injured and vomited blood.

Just in the process of approaching forward.

Countless hoes fell on him, but Bartush didn't take it seriously. He knew that a sharp hoe with a sharp edge that shone coldly hit his lightning rod-style helmet, easily breaking the helmet and cutting it.

After touching his scalp and skull, he suffered a mild concussion-level injury.

Bartush realized something was wrong and wanted to turn around and retreat.

But there was a sting.

The outermost layer of cotton armor is torn.

The middle wire layer was also torn.

The innermost layer of cotton armor is even more irresistible.


Finally, there was a hoe, full of farm work skills and angry power. It broke through the three layers of armor like digging into the ground, embedded deeply into his body, and brought out countless flesh and blood.


Bartush's eyes widened in disbelief. He actually died on the most ordinary hoe. What kind of hoe was this?

"The manganese steel hoe produced in Xujiazhuang is durable, has a long life, is affordable, and its quality is comparable to that of magic weapons."

Seeing the young men wielding their manganese steel hoes vigorously and digging out the Jianzhou Tartars one after another, Fang Yizhi breathed a sigh of relief and felt steady. He would definitely be able to withstand the attack of these Tartars this time.

This is indeed the case.

The manganese steel hoe dug or crushed the Tartars to death one by one.

The pesticide sprayers also quickly sprayed high-concentration flubendiamide pesticide, which knocked out dozens of Tatars.

Then the sight is disturbed by a large amount of white lime.

and numerous attacks with rocks and stones.

In just over a quarter of an hour, the Tatars lost more than a hundred people, and even their leader Niulu Zhang was killed in Kyoto.

The more than 200 Tatars who were left felt bad. After trying to steal Batush's body, they had to retreat in panic and escape.

At the end of the battle, Farm No. 10 achieved a great victory with only 39 young men killed and more than a hundred wounded!

This chapter has been completed!
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