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Chapter 154 Lu Xiangsheng set a record for the march

Bartush failed to attack the Royal Farm with a cow.

Not only hundreds of people were lost, but my own life was also involved.


Azig, who was informed of the situation, a tall and strong man with a rough face, was shocked and immediately became furious: "We attacked a farm and were killed by a group of farmers. Hundreds of people were killed. You losers returned in defeat. General

He was killed, why didn't you follow him to death (Jiannu has a rule that all subordinates will be executed if the leader is killed in battle, but the punishment can be reduced by taking back the leader's body)?"

"Flag Master, that farm is not easy to fight. There are thousands of young men inside, who are all resisting desperately. There are miles of earth walls, like forts, and the hoes used by the farmers are extremely sharp and can break heavy armor. We

There were dozens of Niulu'er's brothers who were killed by those strange hoes. In addition, they also had poison, lime, and many other methods. We couldn't resist them."

The white-armored soldiers who escaped explained.

"In other words, you were defeated by a hoe?"

Azig wondered if his ears had heard it wrong, hoe? The peasants could defeat his elite armored soldiers with a hoe and kill a third of his Niulu men? Are these defeated soldiers crazy, or is he crazy himself?

, how can he accept such a ridiculous thing? The elite of the Eight Banners are so weak that they can be defeated with a hoe?

Azig was so angry that he wanted to order these nonsense defeated soldiers to be killed, but they all said the same thing, repeatedly emphasizing the power of that weird hoe, showing the appearance of the cotton armor and iron armor after being dug by the hoe, and all guarantyed with their lives, saying

Everything he said is true. If you don't believe it, the flag owner can lead his troops to attack that farm, verify it with his own eyes, and then decide how to deal with these defeated soldiers.

"Okay, I will take people to meet the farmers who use hoes. If you lie to me, you will all be demoted to flag slaves!"

Azig said coldly.

Then he sent out Bagala's personal soldiers, and on the same day he summoned several Niulu who were looting the surrounding areas, and gathered about 1,500 troops from five Niulu.

The next morning, led by the defeated soldiers, they arrived at the Royal Farm No. 10.

See that low earth wall.

See the general situation in the village.

Upon hearing Bang Bang Bang's early warning, the young men in the village reacted in a panic. The hoes they held in their hands had nothing special about them except for the sharp and bright edges.

Azig had already concluded that he had been deceived by the defeated soldiers. Such a farm could be captured by just one cow, and there was no need for so many people.

"Anba Etu, take your Niulu and capture this farm within two hours!" Azig said to Zhang Jing, the Niulu next to him.

"Yes, Flag Master!"

Amba Etu, who looked like a bear, with bloodthirsty light in his eyes, rushed over with three hundred subordinates howling.

Inside Farm No. 10.

"Don't panic, don't be confused!"

"Just continue to follow yesterday's method of dealing with the enemy."

"We have five thousand young men, and the Tatars only have one or two thousand. Even if we all die in battle, the Tatars will not be able to live easily and fight with them to the death!"

Fang Yizhi appeared in time with a loudspeaker in his hand, which quickly had the effect of stabilizing people's hearts. The commotion just now was also because Zou Zhuoliang, a member of the Jinyiwei family, was determined to take Fang Yizhi back to the capital. Just as he was about to set off, the Tatar army came again.

came, but the people in the village thought that General Manager Fang had left, and they suddenly seemed to have lost their backbone and fell into chaos.

Now that General Manager Fang is back, he has not left. The young men and women have regained their confidence and fighting spirit, restored their organization level, and put on the same posture against the enemy as yesterday.

But this time there were too many people from the Tartars, and the division of labor was clear. There were people in the front who charged, and there were people in the back who used bows to launch and carry out long-range attacks. There were even dozens of fire blunderbuss and bird blunderbuss shooting, so there was no close contact.

, there were hundreds of young men wounded and wounded by arrows, wailing and screaming, causing the morale of the army to be shaken and panic to spread.

Fang Yizhi had no choice but to order: most of the people pulled down the earthen wall and spread out to reduce the density to reduce casualties. They waited until the Tatars got close and then swarmed up.

bloody battle.

What followed was a very brutal and bloody battle.

The Tatars, who jumped onto the earth wall to gain a foothold, learned their lesson and did not charge mindlessly. Instead, they advanced in formation, with archers shooting behind them, even though the young men in the village prepared some door panels, table boards, and iron pots.

It can be used as a shield, but it can always be shot at tricky angles, causing casualties to the young men every minute.

The battle entered the rhythm of the Tatars.

The only advantage Fang Yizhi had was the loudspeaker in his hand, which could be adjusted in time according to the battle situation so that most people could hear. However, he was almost shot by a sharpshooter several times.

"You can't retreat, you can only advance. The closer you are to the Tatars, the safer it is. Their archers will not accidentally hurt your own people!"

"The gate army and the hoe army protect the pesticide sprayers and let them spray the pesticide. They must sprinkle it on the Tatars and let them breathe it!"

"Spread more lime to interfere with the archers' sight. We must counterattack as soon as possible!"

"Don't be afraid of death. There is no point in fearing death. You can only fight! Find a way to exchange your own life for the life of the Tatars!"

Fang Yizhi roared with all his strength, and the front line of the young men in the village was finally stabilized.

The pesticide sprayers, regardless of the risk of poisoning themselves or being shot by arrows, tried their best to spray countless pesticides into the air. In addition, the wind direction was slightly favorable to them, and large swaths of pesticide mist blew to the Tartar side.

Of course Anba Etu and other Tatars knew that the pesticide mist that drifted over was not a good thing, but a poisonous and harmful substance, so they held their breath and tried not to inhale it into the lungs. However, pesticides can also enter the body through the skin.


After a while, many Tatars, including Anba Etu, felt their bodies numb, their strength weakened, and their vision began to blur.

"Withdraw, let's withdraw!"

Anba Etu, who felt something bad, ordered.

But it was too late, they rushed too fast, and were already surrounded on three sides. The young men holding hoes found that their strength to swing their swords had obviously weakened, so they rushed forward one by one, full of energy.

The angry hoe launched another armor-piercing attack.

In a matter of seconds, hundreds of Tatars were killed.

Anba Etu had no choice but to blow the whistle and call for help. Azig quickly sent an additional oxen to assist Anba Etu and nearly 200 people in evacuating the farm. However, another fifty people died of pesticide poisoning one after another.

In less than an hour, half of the Niulu soldiers in Anba Etu were killed.

The losses among the young men in the farm were naturally even more severe. Nearly five hundred were killed, hundreds were injured and poisoned, and the remaining young men lost nearly a thousand.

But after Azig made statistics, he found that even if the consumption ratio was 5:1, once all the young men in the farm were killed, his Zhengbai Banner might still cost nearly a thousand people killed, that is, a loss of 3 Niulu.

There are only 30 Niulu soldiers in the Zhengbai Banner. Did they lose one-tenth of their elite troops just to capture this small farm?

"Can't fight, withdraw!"

Azig had no choice but to order the withdrawal. This battle was not worthwhile. Even if he won, he would lose. The elite Eight Banners could not afford to lose so many men.

I saw the Tatar army retreating.

Farm No. 10 fell into the ecstasy of surviving the disaster and retreated. The Tatars actually retreated, and they came back to life this time.

"The Tatars cannot afford to die, and even ten of us can't bear the death of one of them. As long as they dare to risk their lives, the Tatars will definitely retreat!"

Fang Yizhi also saw the rules and rules. The fighting power of the Tatars was too strong. Originally, he was almost desperate. His life was probably about to perish this time. But unexpectedly, there was a sudden turn of events. The Tatars who had the advantage withdrew inexplicably.

Now think about it, the analysis of Xu Zhuangzhu and the elite staff of Xujiazhuang is correct. If we fight a war of attrition, we can only effectively consume Jiannu, and Jiannu will undoubtedly lose!

September 20th.

More and more troops of the Later Jin Dynasty poured into the Hebei Plain through Juyong Pass.

Including the vassal Eight Banners of Mongolia and the Eight Banners of the Han Army, the number soon exceeded 50,000 and 100,000, and it is still increasing.

Then he also began to plunder the capital, collect food and supplies, and prepare for the next protracted war.

Just in this process.

Senior generals of the Later Jin army, such as Azig, Dorgon, Duozhe, Degelei, Daishan, Sahalian, Shuotuo, etc., all discovered a pattern one after another.

Ordinary villages and towns are very easy to attack. Sometimes three or five villages and towns can be conquered in a day, and countless seizures are made.

But whenever you encounter a royal farm, it's always a tough nut to crack, and you'll often end up with a bloody head.

Because it was impossible for the eunuchs to surrender, they could only be loyal to the emperor.

The people in the village who were born as refugees and hungry people are often tenacious and tenacious, fighting to the death and refusing to retreat, and often adopt a strategy of perish together.

The women and children in the farm have also been organized. Even if the farm is occupied, they will resist in various ways and no one will surrender.

Some royal farms that have the conditions to organize military training during the off-season are the toughest among the toughest, and they must pay a heavy price to win.

Therefore, after suffering several tragic casualties, the senior Jin Army officials issued an order not to attack the Royal Farm again. Moreover, the middle and lower class Tatars who had really hit a wall and suffered losses on the Royal Farm were also very

He obeyed this order obediently, and no matter how much he coveted the wealth in the royal farm, he would not attack it.

Therefore, among the nearly two hundred royal farms around Gyeonggi, only a dozen were attacked, and most of them were safe and sound, with minor losses.

September 22nd.

When Huang Taiji personally led his main force of the Two Yellow Banners, this huge regiment of nearly 100,000 people entered the Hebei Plain, which meant that most of the troops of the Later Jin Army poured into the capital, which is far away from the capital, the heart of the Ming Dynasty.

, less than a hundred miles away.

The capital was shocked.

The surrounding cities and towns were like soldiers, and they were frightened three times in one night.

In the capital, what shocked and angered Chongzhen Zhu Youjian even more was that he sent the imperial eunuch Cao Huachun to supervise the capital camp, count the number of people in the three major battalions of the capital camp, and verify that there were available combat troops. There were a total of 100,000 on the roster.

Eight thousand names.

But more than 43,000 people are old and weak.

More than 27,000 people are occupying and pretending to be slaves.

More than 10,000 people were from various connections and were sons of powerful people. They were usually public and domineering, but now they heard that they might go to the battlefield, so they all hid without a trace.

There are only 28,000 people actually available, and they lack training, their weapons are worn out, and their will to fight is weak.

In addition to the capital camp, there are also people in the capital who can use swords to protect the city, and the court can call upon them.

There are also four guards, Tengxiang Zuo, Youwei, Wu Xiangzuo and Youwei, who are affiliated to the Royal Horse Guards - now integrated into the Warrior Battalion, with eight thousand elites.

Plus Jin Yiwei's three thousand personal troops.

As well as the Jingo Guards and Habayashi Guards used to protect the palace, the total number is only more than 2,000.

Add it all together.

The available troops that can defend and protect the capital, a city with a population of one million, are actually only 41,000, not even 50,000.

The combat effectiveness has not been tested much in actual combat, the weapons and equipment are old and backward, and the fighting will is questionable.

Chongzhen was furious. Zhu Chunchen, Duke of Chengguo, Li Guozhen, Bo of Xiangcheng, and others were all captured and imprisoned, but it was of no use, because it was too late to make amends, and King Qin's army from various places was still on the way, and the army of more than 200,000 slaves was exhausted.

Within a short distance, as long as the attack horn is sounded, the iron hooves of the Jiannu cavalry will be able to reach the four gates of the capital within one day. Once the attack is launched...


Zhu Youjian felt cold and trembling all over, and felt a suffocating threat.

But at this moment, a piece of good news came.

King Qin’s army has arrived!

The first field service army of tens of thousands of people arrived at the foot of the capital in time.

"Who led the army? Is it Wu Xiang's Guan Ning cavalry?" As if he had caught a hope, Zhu Youjian grabbed Wang Chengen and asked excitedly.

"Your Majesty, this is the Tianxiong Army led by Lu Xiangsheng!"

Wang Chengen said: "Your Majesty, Ambassador Lu Lian's loyalty to the emperor can be learned from time to time. They only received the urgent transfer order from the Ministry of War on the 18th, and they set off immediately, carrying only three days of rations and materials, and traveled day and night.

In just three days, we have to march thousands of miles in a hurry, just to reach the capital before the invasion of Jian Nu, to help your majesty defend against foreign enemies. Your majesty, you have to march thousands of miles in three days. Lu Xiangsheng can be used, it is trustworthy!"

Hear this.

Zhu Youjian was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Xuan Lu Xiangsheng entered the city and entered the palace. I want to see this person!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

This chapter has been completed!
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