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Chapter 169 Group Purchase of Harbour City: Zuo Liangyu's Request to Be a Dog

White Castle, in the drawing room full of flowers.

"The owner of the village has been so kind and kind that the 300,000 people in Shizhu have a way to live. Qin Liangyu has nothing to repay. Please accept Liangyu's thanks!"

As soon as I saw Xu Yuan.

Qin Liangyu, who was grateful, bowed and was about to fall down.

"No, madam, you are trying to offend Xu."

Xu Yuan quickly helped her up, but the heroine was too strong and bowed deeply. The four people behind her, Ma Xianglin, Zhang Fengyi, Qin Yiming, and Qin Gongming, also followed suit and bowed.

"Get up, get up, sit down, everyone, please take a seat."

Xu Yuan shook his head, asked them to sit down, and explained: "I, Xu Yuan, can't help everyone. As the saying goes, those who are helped by God help themselves first, and those who abandon themselves are abandoned by God. The old lady is compassionate to heaven and man, loves the country and the people, and always sticks to her true character in troubled times.

Becoming a breath of fresh air is admirable; and the 300,000 Shizhu people are hard-working and can endure hardships. Material scarcity cannot defeat them, and poverty and suffering cannot crush them! With these excellent qualities, even if Xu does not help, the Shizhu people can still

To change his own destiny, Xu just helped with a little effort and added some flowers to the cake."

"It's too much praise. Lord Zhuang, it's too much praise."

Qin Liangyu was embarrassed to be praised. The land of Shizhu was poor, not just in the last ten or twenty years, but in the past decades and hundreds of years, with varying degrees. And if a place like Shizhu wants to develop

Come on, is it useful to just rely on so-called excellent qualities? Obviously it is useless. She has this self-knowledge.

If the development of Shizhu this time can get the support and help of Xujiazhuang, it will definitely be able to develop. Because Xujiazhuang has technology, talents, financial resources, market, and strong hardware support, Shizhu will definitely be able to take off with it.


So no matter what, we must have a good relationship with Xujiazhuang and get Xujiazhuang’s support.

But what I didn't expect was that in the ensuing conversation, Qin Liangyu didn't even say a few words of friendship, and the owner Xu praised her like a flower.

It is said that she is China's first true heroine in the ages, and the first amazing woman who proved that "who said women are inferior to men" on the battlefield.

He said that she would definitely leave a name in history in the future, become a role model for countless women in the future, and become a Valkyrie in the minds of countless men, or simply a goddess.

It was also said that Xujiazhuang's film and television art production team hopes to use her as a template to produce opera films, TV series and other works that specifically tell about her various deeds, but they don't know if they can get authorization?

"Where, where, what kind of strange woman am I..."

Qin Liangyu waved his hands repeatedly, his face turned red after being praised, and he was very embarrassed.

But Xu Yuan still seemed to have met an idol he admired. He kept praising her and even composed an improvised opera and hummed it. The lyrics included: "Who said women enjoy leisure, men go to the border to fight, and women weave at the border?"

Home, they farm during the day and spin cotton at night. They work hard day and night, so that the soldiers can have food and clothing... There are many heroines who have made great contributions and killed enemies for the country, which is the generation of heroes.

, these women, in what way are they inferior to men?'

It was actually sung very beautifully, and everyone present was mesmerized by it, and then they applauded loudly.

Qin Liangyu was as shy as a young girl, laughing and bursting into tears, thinking that if she met such a man when she was young, who could sing and compose music for her and fully understand her career, would she be able to resist the charm of such a man?

Unconsciously, we chatted for more than two hours, and the atmosphere became more and more lively and relaxed.

The meeting came to an end when Qin Liangyu proposed to purchase hydraulic textile machines, sewing machines and other equipment from Xujiazhuang for the development of Shizhu's textile and garment industry.

Xu Yuan waved his hand and said: "No problem, you can buy as much as you want. In addition, before Shizhu's textile and garment industry develops, within five years, all these equipment will be sold to you at cost price without making any profit."

Money is my personal support for Shizhu’s poverty alleviation cause.”

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Owner!"

Qin Liangyu was so excited that he quickly stood up and thanked her.

Negotiate cooperation matters.

When Qin Liangyu and his party walked out of the White Castle, they all felt as if they were in the clouds, as if they had experienced a real dream.

"Fengyi, what do you think of Master Xu?" Ma Xianglin couldn't help but ask his wife Zhang Fengyi.

"Easy-going, without any airs, and even a little childish, completely different from other big shots." Zhang Fengyi thought for a moment.

"I feel the same way. The owner of the village is too talkative and easy-going. After staying with him for a long time, I no longer feel nervous or scared at all." Qin Yiming said.

"The rumors outside are all false. I think Master Xu is a good man, a very good man." Qin Gongming also said.

I heard the discussion of my nephews.

Qin Liangyu also secretly compared the Master Xu with the young sage she had met two or three times in the Forbidden City. Of course, no matter how the comparison was made, she would always be loyal to the Ming Dynasty and to His Majesty.

It's just compared to the caution, caution, excitement and trepidation in the process of communicating with the emperor.

Then I thought about the ease, joy, and lack of barriers in communicating with Master Xu, and I gradually let go of my guard.

She actually began to feel that the latter would allow her to be more relaxed and not have to worry too much, because Master Xu was indeed a very good person.

If one day, the conflict between the imperial court and Xujiazhuang breaks out, and they are torn apart...

Which side should she, Qin Liangyu, take then?

Regarding this issue, if she had met Master Xu today, she would have chosen the imperial court without hesitation.

But now if we face this problem.

She could only say secretly in her heart: "Nothing will happen, nothing will happen. I just hope that there will be no conflicts or wars before I pass away."

No matter what difficulties she encounters, she will only face them head-on. At this moment, her mind is filled with thoughts of escape.

November 24th.

Visiting the purchasing group, the sixth day of stay in Harbor City.

The big purchase has also been carried out on the fifth day.

Just because of the crazy buying and buying, all the sixteen members of the purchasing group, except for a few, almost spent all the silver dollars in their hands.

Some spend it all on the first day.

Some persisted for two or three days.

For example, Zuo Liangyu didn't spend even a single silver dollar of the 3.798 million silver dollar limit on his deposit certificate on the third day.

Replaced with a lot of various supplies.

Part of it was bought for his Zuo army, such as weapons and equipment, canned food, food, snow salt, clothes, bicycles, etc. It cost about 1.5 million silver dollars. On average, it cost more than 200 silver dollars per soldier.

A piece of silver dollar can be said to be very conscientious.

But Zuo Liangyu spent the remaining nearly 2.3 million silver dollars on himself and his cronies.

Purchased an incredible amount of luxury goods.

The mechanical watch alone costs more than 500 yuan.

There are more than three hundred life-size glass mirrors.

There are also sanitary products such as soap, shower gel, toilet paper, etc.

I also bought a lot of high-end canned beef, canned fish, and canned caviar.

I also bought four to five thousand pieces of new clothing such as woolen coats, down jackets, knitted sweaters, leather shoes and boots.

Wait wait wait.

By the way, if Zuo Liangyu purchases so many luxury goods, can he personally eat them all and wear them all?

Obviously it's impossible. He can't consume such a huge amount in his lifetime. It can be said to be extravagant and wasteful.

But he didn't say that these things were all for his personal consumption. His other purpose was also to do business.

Because you enjoy wholesale prices, which are much lower than the prices of these luxury goods currently sold on the market, there is a huge profit margin. As long as you resell them, even if the price is lower, you will still have at least 50% profit.

net profit margin.

What's more, Zuo Liangyu also enjoyed a 12% discount. After leaving Harbor City this time, Xujiazhuang will refund 455,760 silver dollars to his bank account, and this refund belongs entirely to Zuo Liangyu's personal property.

If you don't share it with the more than 6,000 soldiers of the Zuo Family Army, it is impossible to share it with them. In essence, this is a kind of bribery in the nature of sharing. Otherwise, it is impossible for all the generals of the sixteen armies to apply to join the visiting purchasing group.

all in all!

Zuo Liangyu was very satisfied. He had made money that he had never been able to make in his previous life, and he instantly became rich. As long as he did not squander excessively, his ten generations of descendants could all enjoy the wealth.


Is that all it takes?

After this hammer transaction, can we just sit back and have nothing?

Will we encounter similar opportunities to make money in the future?

Once he squanders too much and spends all these assets and huge sums of money, and is completely defeated, what should Zuo Liangyu do?

In fact, other generals have also considered this problem, and have taken precautions and prepared their escape route in advance.

For example, Wang Hong, the commander-in-chief of Tianjin, planned to invest 300,000 silver dollars to build a large-scale chicken farm.

Yang Yufan, the commander-in-chief of Tongzhou, plans to invest in a briquette factory and occupy the briquette market in the capital and surrounding areas.

Qin Liangyu, chieftain of Shizhu, plans to enter the textile industry and has purchased equipment worth millions of silver dollars.

Wu Xiang, the commander-in-chief of the Ningyuan regiment, planned to invest hundreds of thousands of silver dollars to enter the logging industry and develop the rich forest resources in Liaodong. But before that, he had to train a strong army with the strength to defeat the Jiannu.

You can make money by cutting down trees.

Hong Chengchou, the governor of the three sides, was the most courageous and asked people to return to his hometown in Quanzhou with a deposit of three million silver dollars, preparing to buy a ship and enter the maritime trade field.

There are also those who want to build cattle ranches, workshops, and mines.

Almost every general has similar arrangements and plans to buy property to avoid sitting on nothing.

So what about Zuo Liangyu? What industry does he plan to enter and how much money will he probably invest?

have no idea.


There is no relevant plan.

Because apart from leading troops to fight, he doesn't know what else he is good at, and he has no confidence. If the investment fails, the loss will be hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands. He is not willing to take the risk. He usually likes to have fun, let alone

No matter how much time and energy it takes to take care of it, it is better to deposit the money in Tianxiatong Bank for a period of more than five years and get 5% interest.

But this is not possible, it will only happen sooner or later.

what to do?

Is there a better way to maintain this wealth, or prevent it from declining too quickly, so that Zuo Liangyu can live his life happily?

Soon he came up with a plan.

Be a dog.

Then become a dog for Xujiazhuang!

He did whatever Xujiazhuang asked him to do, and completed whatever tasks were arranged.

I can only reward him with some broth and throw in a few dog bones!

He believes that he can be a good and loyal dog, as long as Xujiazhuang is willing to give him a chance to be a dog.

So he found the contact person, and in the face of the other person's disdainful eyes, he expressed his thoughts and plans, hoping to get a reply from the top management of Xujiazhuang.

that day.

At the high-level meeting in Xujiazhuang.

"This Zuo Liangyu is just a villain with no moral integrity. Treating him as a dog will only ruin the reputation of Xujiazhuang. This person's request should be rejected."

"That's right, you can't let a mouse drop ruin a good pot of soup."

"Not everyone is qualified to be a dog for our Xujiazhuang. This Zuo Liangyu is not qualified."

All the senior officials expressed their opposition and ridiculed him.

"Since a dog comes to your door asking for food, let's give him this opportunity and satisfy his request."

Xu Yuan suddenly spoke and actually agreed to accept a despicable person like Zuo Liangyu as a dog.

"Lord owner of the village, this..."

"It's not appropriate."

"Even if you want to take in a dog, you have to take in a good dog. You can't take in a bad dog."

All the senior executives were very puzzled.

"Dogs themselves are not good or bad, only whether they can be used well."

Xu Yuandao: "Starting from next year, our Xujiazhuang will enter a stage of great development and construction. We will build a large number of bridges and roads, face demolition and land acquisition, extortion, and even bandit attacks. If there are a few dedicated

My good dog helps me with the dirty work and can solve a lot of troubles for me.”

"Everyone, actually I don't like those scum, criminals, and scum, but if these people are used well and used in external development, these people may be talents, and they may bring huge benefits, even if they are consumed

There’s no need to feel bad, it’s an excellent consumable, and now someone takes the initiative to ask to be a dog, it’s free of charge.”

Think about the beautiful country in modern society, the Kangaroo Country. Wasn’t it developed by pirates, thieves, swindlers, gangsters and the like? In overseas colonial development activities, these people often have a more pioneering and adventurous spirit, are more unscrupulous, and are more

It can achieve miraculous results, and it is definitely much easier to use than those honest people, those who are content with a small fortune, and law-abiding citizens.

The senior officials nodded and agreed.

"Xujiazhuang agreed to accept me as a dog?"

Get a reply.

Zuo Liangyu jumped up happily and fell into ecstasy, "Okay, this is really great!"

This chapter has been completed!
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