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Chapter 172 The crusade of netizens

"Haha, it's only been less than a year, how come you got it so quickly?"

Xu Yuan sneered, feeling that these friendly businessmen in China surrendered too quickly.

At least I'll stick with it for another three to five years.

As for Tianfeng Jewelry not to continue to reel in, sorry, this is impossible. Tianfeng Jewelry will not only continue to reel in, the revenue target set this year will increase from 1.9 billion last year to around 10 billion, and there will be sufficient funds.

Confidence in achieving this goal.

On the one hand, the jewelry factories in the late Ming Dynasty are still expanding their recruitment of jewelry craftsmen. Anyone who can be rated as an outstanding craftsman will not only have a greatly improved salary, but also enjoy the benefits of settling in Harbor City. This has stimulated countless jewelry

With the enthusiasm of the craftsmen, it is expected that the output of jewelry will increase five times this year to more than 10 million pieces, and it can be guaranteed that each piece will be of high quality without obvious flaws.

On the other hand, the proportion of female users in modern society who choose to pay in full is very high, exceeding 40%, which surprises countless people and makes them unbelievable.

But this full payment rate is indeed true.

Because most of Tianfeng Jewelry's jewelry is not expensive, just tens or hundreds of dollars, there is no need to pay this amount of money in installments over tens of thousands of days, even without interest.

Furthermore, when female customers encounter exquisite jewelry that they like so much that they can't put it down, they will have the emotional impulse to keep it as their own forever. For those that they don't particularly like, they may choose to cancel the rental after experiencing it for a few days and get it from their own.

Kicked out of the jewelry box.

Another is the introduction of a competition mechanism. For some hot-selling jewelry, if the mall has sold out, the user can contact the user who has rented the jewelry and make a request for 'subletting', and is not only willing to bear the express delivery costs

, you can also give a small amount of additional compensation, as long as you are willing to transfer.

The question is, are you willing to sublet a piece of jewelry that you like to the extreme? And seeing several messages pleading for transfer sent every day, you are so annoyed that you might as well buy it in full.

, completely eliminate harassment.

In short, under the combined effect of various routines and mechanisms, a business miracle with a full payment rate of more than 40% occurred.

Moreover, as long as Tianfeng Jewelry’s jewelry maintains its advantages of exquisite workmanship, solid materials, and conscientious pricing, the proportion of users paying full price will not change much, and may even increase.

This allows Tianfeng Jewelry to achieve profitability every year and earn very considerable profits.

As for those friends and businessmen who are crying and begging for mercy, just die. The law of competition in the shopping mall is survival of the fittest.

"Xian son-in-law, do you mean to continue to pursue and beat them without giving them a chance to breathe?" Song Rongsheng asked.

"Of course, our market share is only 7%. Before reaching 50%, no matter what they say, we don't care. Whether they die or not has nothing to do with us, and we have no obligation."

"Okay, I won't answer these calls next time, or tell them what you mean. Tianfeng Jewelry doesn't have half of the market share, and tell them not to bother us."

Song Rongsheng said with a smile on his face that his son-in-law dared to think about half of the domestic jewelry market share, but he likes it, hahaha.

January 8, afternoon.

Tianfeng Jewelry Company, sales staff headquarters.

Xu Yuan drove over to deal with a difficult problem.

"Mr. Xu, this is the third time that Boss Huang has asked for rework. The raw material cost is more than 3.8 million yuan for the handmade huanghuali six-poster bed. The master has made it perfect, but that boss Huang

It was just a matter of finding fault here and there. We also showed him a video of the master’s work process. He was also impressed by the skill of the master. However, after watching the video, Boss Huang continued to find fault.

Said there is only one way to solve it," salesman Zhang said.

"What method?" Xu Yuan asked.

"That is to sell him the big withered flower bed at the price of the raw material cost, without any handwork premium."

"Didn't I say that this is impossible? Either rework directly or pay a minimum 10% premium, and the company's master craftsmen will not have to eat?" Xu Yuan frowned.

"It's no use. This boss Huang clearly wants to torment us and take advantage of us. He just acts like he's convinced of us until we agree to his request." Xiao Zhang said with a grimace. When he encountered such a rogue customer, he

I just want to cry without tears.

"Show me the video of the big bed with withered flowers."

Xu Yuandao, for every piece of huanghuali wood furniture priced at more than RMB 100,000, the company will have a video (time-accelerated version) of the carpenter's production process to prove that it is purely handmade. In the video, the carpenter will also narrate

The purpose of the design, the meaning of the design, etc. will also be introduced, and the difficulty of the production process will also be introduced, showing an attitude that will never be messed up.

Sales Xiao Zhang found all three videos, and Xu Yuan clicked play to watch them all.

In the first initial video, the master in charge of making the flower bed is an old craftsman in his 60s or 70s. His hands are covered with calluses. His skills are extremely exquisite. It is like showing off his skills. He does not need a single iron nail.

But it can be quickly disassembled and assembled, and the extremely strong mortise and tenon technology; the flower withering technology that is so fine that the large sesame flower core has more than a dozen details; and the gilding technology that will never fade and fall off...etc. At least use

More than ten kinds of exquisite craftsmanship are applied.

As for the meanings of various carvings and the stories behind them, they can be talked about for more than an hour, and you can feel that there are countless inheritances contained in them.

The effect of the final product, no matter what angle it is viewed from, can only be described as a perfect flower bed. Even Xu Yuan was mesmerized by it for a long time and could not find a single flaw.

Therefore, in the second video, facing the withered flower bed that was asked to be reworked, the old master was stunned, and his expression was so astonished that it made people feel distressed. However, he did not complain and was dissatisfied, but seriously considered the several flaws mentioned by the customer.

He picked up the tools and started making modifications, and took the initiative to reflect on the shortcomings, and made more than a dozen improvements, including the placement of the mobile phone holder. As an ancient old craftsman who has been studying carpentry all his life, this old master

There is no arrogance at all, and the attitude of positive correction is simply touching.

The third video, the second rework request, this time the master felt not surprised, but a huge blow, a blow that his lifelong skills were not recognized, but the master still did not feel that the customer was causing trouble.

The nitpick is his own problem. The withered flower bed he made is not perfect enough to impress the customer! If it is an extremely perfect work, even the most picky customer will be moved and will never say they are dissatisfied.

So the old master picked up his tools and racked his brains to improve and modify it. He spent more than ten days and consumed a lot of extra huanghuali wood, showing the most serious attitude and his lifelong skills.

, finally produced a perfect work that anyone who sees it will be shocked beyond description.

But the old master lost.

He still underestimated the unscrupulousness and shamelessness of some people in modern society. No matter how perfect his bed of withered flowers was, he could not impress some hard-hearted people or those who were unconscionable and just wanted to take advantage.

Xu Yuan believes that if he reworks again this time, he is afraid that the old craftsman will be shocked to the point of vomiting blood and fall into severe self-doubt or even demonic disorder. The old craftsman may be destroyed, so he must not rework again.

But the withered flower bed will not be sold to Boss Huang at the cost price of raw materials, because this is a derogation and insult to the old master! He absolutely cannot accept the reality that his craftsmanship is worthless in the eyes of customers - Ming Mo Na

The carpenters in Bian Furniture Factory attach great importance to the evaluation of the customers of "Xianjie" and ask for feedback on the premium rate. If the premium is 100%, they will be very happy. If it is only 10%, they will be depressed and sad, and then they will

Find ways to improve and improve, and have the motivation to improve yourself.

"Tell that Boss Huang that we have canceled his order, refunded all deposits, and will not sell the big bed with flowers! From now on, he will be a blacklisted customer of Tianfeng Jewelry, and we will not accept any orders from him." Xu

Long distance.

"Mr. Xu, this Boss Huang is not a good person. What if he goes around spreading rumors and slandering us? Taking the initiative to break the contract may destroy our good reputation among customers."

"Yes, Mr. Xu, this kind of person is so disgusting and has so many dirty tricks!"

"Think of other ways. You can't put the company's reputation on the line for such a customer."

All the sales staff advised me one after another.

"Needless to say, this Boss Huang is not difficult to deal with. You can edit these videos into a slightly shorter one, introduce the consequences of the progress of the matter, add Boss Huang's critical voice, and then send it to various video platforms

Internet users will give fair comments on who is right and who is wrong." Xu Yuan waved his hand.

"All right."

January 10th.

A video called "Please show your conscience and respect our old craftsmen" became popular on Dou Shou, Kuaiyin, Huoshan Video, Pumpkin Video, Station B and other video platforms. In a short period of time, the number of clicks exceeded

It has attracted tens of millions of comments and reposts.

It even quickly became one of the top ten most searched topics on Qiandu, attracting the attention of the entire Internet.

What Boss Huang did has aroused the anger of countless netizens and triggered a one-sided crusade.

"The master's lifelong skills and the traditional craftsman spirit that can represent the treasure of China are worthless in the eyes of Boss Huang and have been completely denied and practiced."

"It's not that it's worthless, it's that Boss Huang wants to have sex for nothing! He wants to buy a priceless treasure at the lowest price."

"Who is this Boss Huang? He bullies the craftsmen who make a living by their craftsmanship, and bullies the old man in his seventies who is still supporting his family in Hukou! I want to beat this bastard!"

"Too shameless and bullying!"

"Seeing the surprised and shocked expression of the master, I burst into tears. I really couldn't help crying. It was just like the time my mother said I didn't do well in the exam when I scored 99 points. This kind of criticism

The feeling of denial was too sad, but the master felt that it was his own problem, so he worked hard to make improvements, and made more and more perfect withered flower beds. However, this kind of sincerity cannot impress bad people, and will only tire himself out."

"Such a beautiful antique flower bed can be sold for tens of millions. Someone must be willing to pay for it!"

"Yes, a 10% premium rate is derogatory and insulting. A 100% premium rate is not enough to match the value of this withered flower bed that seems to have a soul."

"Eight million, I am willing to pay eight million to buy this withered flower bed. I wonder if Tianfeng Company is willing to sell it. My phone number is..."

"Only 8 million? What's going on? I'll pay 10 million!"

"What is the contact number of Tianfeng Company? I want that big bed with withered flowers. No matter how high the price is, I will raise the price by one million to buy it. I am bound to get the big bed with withered flowers!"

"I'll give you 50 million, no one can rob me!"

The comment area under the video suddenly became a place for many wealthy people to bid, and the highest bid even reached 100 million.

The customer service staff of Tianfeng Company also received countless inquiries and calls, asking if they could buy the withered flower bed. They were willing to give a 100% or even higher premium.

However, with Xu Yuan's approval, the withered flower bed was finally sold to an inheritor of intangible cultural heritage in the field of furniture making for 8 million, because he was also an old craftsman who was a carpenter and didn't have much money. However, he was eager to pass on the skills of his ancestors, so he accepted many apprentices and planned to open a furniture museum. This big withered flower bed shocked him and he thought it had extremely high value for collection and research. But I was short of money, so I could only shamelessly ask if I could part with the eight million yuan.

Fortunately, Xu Yuan agreed to his request, which made him excited and thanked him repeatedly.

After the majority of netizens learned that the withered flower bed was sold to a truly discerning customer for only 8 million, those Internet trolls who were prepared to hype Tianfeng Jewelry Company for engaging in sympathy marketing and cutting off the wealth of the rich also came to find out. There was no spray at all, so it had to stop.

This internet incident became an event that everyone felt had a perfect and happy ending. The reputation of Tianfeng Jewelry was once again established, and it was extremely positive.

As for Boss Huang, who has become notorious and has been criticized countless times, he has naturally become the only victim, but he cannot make any waves, so he can only behave honestly and never dare to jump out and expose himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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