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Chapter 21 Visiting the Farm


"Fang Chengxiu, Fang Yizhi came to visit?"

Hearing the report from his servant, Xu Yuan was slightly stunned and quite surprised.

There is no need to introduce the father-in-law Fang Chengxiu, but Fang Yizhi is a famous person in history. He is one of the four young masters of Fushe. He has left many records in the history of the late Ming Dynasty. He is quite talented and learned. He is a man who has experienced a lifetime.

He is a rough and tumble, advanced-thinking, innocent character who is always loyal to the emperor and patriotic, but overall, he is also a quite tragic character.

Of course, the most attractive and interesting thing about Fang Yizhi to Xu Yuan is that he is not a pure liberal arts scholar, but he is very interested in and researches physics, and wrote "Physics" for later generations.

The book "Little Knowledge".

In addition, he has conducted research in literature, history, philosophy, geography, medicine and other fields. He has a strong family background and draws on the strengths of others. He advocates the combination of Chinese and Western teachings and the unification of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.

He is a scholar who is very open-minded and knowledgeable academically.

However, Fang Yizhi, who came to visit today, is only 20 years old. He is still a young and rich second-generation son. Relying on the shadow of his ancestors, he is living a life of "clothing and hats, decorating horses and riding horses, singing and blowing pipes."

He lived a life of a wealthy and elegant scholar who had not experienced any social beatings or hardships, but was very concerned about the current situation in the court and had the ambition to serve the country. He could be described as a "hot-blooded young man".

"Invite them into the village and treat them as distinguished guests. Let them wait in the living room. I will go to see them immediately." Xu Yuan ordered.

"Yes, owner."

After a while.

In the living room of the main castle.

Sitting on the sofa chair, Fang Chengxiu and Fang Yizhi, who were drinking the finest Yuqian tea, saw them walking into the living room. They were dressed in short clothes and tight trousers, with short hair, but they had a handsome face, bright eyes, and the appearance of a dragon.

Hu Bu has a special aura of a superior person, and at the same time makes people feel approachable and easy-going, not particularly majestic and unpredictable. Xu Zhuangzhu - Xu Yuanhou.

"May I ask who you are, Master Xu?" Fang Yizhi stood up immediately, bowed his hands, and asked respectfully.

"Good son-in-law, such a good son-in-law, I have finally met you. I wonder how your little daughter Qingyan is doing recently?" Fang Chengxiu also stood up, shouting excitedly, and couldn't wait to build relationships and get closer.

"I am none other than Xu Yuan."

Xu Yuan bowed his hands to them, looked at Fang Yizhi first, and said, "You must be the brother of Fang Mi, who is knowledgeable and knowledgeable?"

Then he turned to Fang Chengxiu and said: "My son-in-law has met my father-in-law. He has been busy with secular affairs recently and has not yet visited me with gifts. Please forgive me. If my father-in-law misses Qingyan, I will order my servants to call her and gather with my father-in-law.

A brief explanation of the feeling of longing, as for Mi’s brother..."

Xu Yuan looked at Fang Yizhi again and said, "If you are interested in Xu's manor, I would like to act as a guide and show Brother Mi a tour."

"Good son-in-law, Qingyan can see you at any time. If you are not in a hurry, you can take me to visit your manor. Many people cannot enter your manor even if they want to."

Fang Chengxiu said with a thick face that the purpose of his coming here was not to visit his daughter, he just wanted to meet this cheap son-in-law.

"As guests do as the host does, it is better to obey orders than to be respectful."

Fang Yizhi cupped his hands and said, he felt that Master Xu Zhuang was very fiery, straight to the point, and a resolute person.

Because it was late.

Excluding sensitive areas that were not allowed to be visited by outsiders, Xu Yuan took the two of them to the breeding farms in the mountains behind the manor and showed them the specialized cattle farms, pig farms and chicken farms.

In particular, the more than 300 large dairy cows brought from modern society produce an average of 30 liters of milk per cow per day, which is nearly 10,000 liters per day. Except for a small part, they will be processed into milk powder, and most of them will be consumed by the villagers.

Xu Yuan also educated them on the benefits of drinking milk.

"Milk is rich in protein, which is easily digested and absorbed by the human body. Drinking more milk can increase the body's resistance and reduce illness. It can also supplement calcium to facilitate growth and development, nourish the skin, and prolong life. The benefits are very

Many, there is statistics in our village. Children aged 6 to 10 who drink milk continuously for more than two years are on average three inches taller and five pounds heavier than children outside the village. They get fewer illnesses and have zero premature deaths. The effect is

very good."

"How is milk so magical?"

Fang Yizhi was surprised: "Is what Brother Xu said true?"

Fang Chengxiu was also moved and asked: "Can the elderly drink this milk? Can it really prolong life?"

"Of course, there is data to prove it all."

Xu Yuan smiled and said: "Just imagine, newly born babies and newborn calves have weak digestion and cannot eat other food. They can only feed on breast milk. If breast milk does not contain the necessary

With all the nutrients, how do babies grow up, how do calves grow strong? Milk is the most nutritious thing in the world, and no food can compare with it."

"It makes sense."

Fang Yizhi nodded. Even if he understood it based on common sense, he still felt that it made sense.

Fang Chengxiu changed his mind and decided to drink milk for a period of time to see if it had any effect.

Enter the pig farm.

I saw that the pig pen was divided into multiple areas. In each area, different breeds of pigs were raised (different breeds have different resistances, which can prevent all diseases from being infected). Even wild boars with black tusks and fierce tusks were all raised.

Yes, there are four to five thousand of them all in total, and the sound of "no, no, no, no, no" is endless.

"Brother Xu, if your village raises so many pigs, how much pig food do you need to eat in a day? I saw that in some pig food, in addition to corn, some of it is cooked wheat. Nowadays, food is scarce, and there is not enough food for people to eat.

, why do you use such good grain to feed pigs?"

Fang Yizhi raised his question and felt that he really couldn't understand it.

If the grains in the pig food were used to provide relief to the victims, how many people could be saved?

"These are just the leftover old grains that were not eaten all last year. They don't taste very good. They are either used for making wine or for feed. They will not be accumulated for a long time. They are usually used up within two years. But I know that there are

Many landlords have not only three years' worth of old grain in their granaries, but also five or ten years' worth of grain, which has long since rotted and become inedible, and is completely wasted."

"If you use it to raise pigs, about three kilograms of grain can be exchanged for 1 kilogram of pork, but the energy of this kilogram of pork is roughly equivalent to two kilograms of grain. That is, if you exchange old grain for pork, the actual loss is only one-third.

That's all. Moreover, pork has higher nutritional value. Eating it can not only reduce food consumption, but also make people stronger and significantly improve work efficiency. Overall, eating meat is not a loss at all. The principle is the same as that in the village of extracting a lot of oil and improving

The consumption of cooking oil is the same. For every 1 kilogram of oil we produce, we can also reduce the food consumption by 2 kilograms, because oil is also highly nutritious."

"In fact, although Xujiazhuang only grows more than 3,000 acres of wheat and more than 3,000 acres of rice every year, and harvests about 70,000 shi (1 shi = 125 catties) of rice and wheat, Xujiazhuang only consumes about 30,000 shi for its tens of thousands of households.

, only half of the ration consumption of the people outside. The reason for this is that the intake of meat, eggs, milk, oil, and vegetables has reduced the ration consumption by half, and the nutrition is more balanced. Everyone is strong and glowing.

With adequate nutrition, the rate of dystocia among pregnant women is less than 1%."

"Pregnant women with dystocia are less than 100 years old?"

Fang Yizhi was extremely shocked, with a look of disbelief on his face. How could this be possible? He knew a little bit about medicine and knew that anywhere in the Ming Dynasty, the rate of dystocia among pregnant women ranged from one in ten to three out of ten.

, in some areas, the probability of pregnant women encountering death is as high as half, and it is very common to have one dead and two lives.

But in Xujiazhuang, the probability of pregnant women experiencing dystocia is as low as less than 1%, and 99% of the time the mother and child will be safe.

What does this mean?

Fang Yizhi couldn't think of a suitable comment to describe this achievement. In short, this is something that no one has ever done since ancient times. Even the gods and Buddhas in the sky can't accomplish such a miracle.

Of course, he had doubts and felt that Xu Yuan was making it up without any real evidence, but seeing the confident look on his face, he finally chose to believe it.

Inside the last chicken farm we visited.

I saw tens of thousands of white guinea fowl in the chicken coop, eating happily.

I also learned that the maturity period of this breed of chicken is only 70 days. The hens lay one egg per day on average and more than 360 eggs in a year, which can continuously provide eggs as a highly nutritious food.

Fang Yizhi, who had been shocked to the point of numbness, didn't know what to say, but finally understood why the male villagers he saw in Xujiazhuang were generally tall, strong, and powerful; the women were all round, plump, beautiful, and healthy;

The children, on the other hand, are all big-headed. Although they are only three years old, they are stronger than the six-year-old children outside, and their eyes are sharp, showing that they are more intelligent.

A strong country and strong species.

If you want to strengthen your country, you must first strengthen your seeds!

Firmly remembering what Xu Yuan said, these shocking words in his mind were like a flash of inspiration, making him feel as if he had grasped something.

As for the cheap father-in-law, Fang Chengxiu, he was completely attracted by the wonderful financial prospect of raising guinea fowl. He immediately asked for 1,000 guinea fowl seedlings and wanted to go back and build a chicken farm.

This chapter has been completed!
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