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Chapter 204 Dodo was crushed to death by a tree

"Bang bang bang!"

In Tieling Mountain.

Duduo, the leader of the white flag, has just turned 20 this year. He is not only young, but also physically strong, with the strength of an ox and a tiger. He is already a very good Jurchen warrior. Although he has not been on the battlefield many times so far,

But he has also cut off dozens of heads and made some achievements.

As long as he is given more opportunities, he will definitely win more battles, make more achievements, and chop off countless heads.

But how did the beheading he was looking forward to turn into beheading the tree in front of him?

Once, twice, three times...

Duduo swung the ax hundreds of times in succession, each ax using the strength to chop off a human head. As a result, it took a long time to bring down the big tree in front of him.

And because of his strength and bravery, if he had been allowed to chop down people during this period of time, he would have chopped off at least a dozen heads.

Cutting down trees is not only slow to produce results, but also extremely tiring. Even a tough guy like him has to cut down trees for a while to rest and regain his strength.

But is it enough to just knock down the tree?

This is just the beginning.

There is also the removal of branches, sawing, and transportation. Every step is very troublesome and laborious.

Of course, in the process of continuously cutting down trees, the Eight Banners elites gradually figured out a more efficient way, that is, the tree cutters are only responsible for cutting trees, the branch cutters are only responsible for cutting branches, and the sawing people are only responsible for sawing and transporting.

Only responsible for transportation...it feels a bit like a logging assembly line.

Efficiency has indeed been improved.

It can be seen that the elites of the Eight Banners can mount their horses to fight and dismount to chop down trees. They can do rough and tiring work. They can survive in the bitter cold land of Liaodong. They are born with a kind of resilience and strong adaptability. They can

Ruling the land of Liaodong does not rely on random luck, but on absolute strength.

They are barbaric and cruel, but they are all the winners through natural selection. They have wisdom and created the advanced Eight Banners system; they are united and often have internal fights but they have not evolved into civil war... Their existence is reasonable.

Just give them another chance.

Give them time to recuperate.

They will definitely be able to make a comeback in the future.

But the advantages summarized by the Jurchen Eight Flag Blowing have not yet been finished.


Duduo threw the ax to the ground and shouted to the sky: "I won't do it anymore. We Jurchen warriors were not born to do this kind of menial work. We are a tribe of tigers and wolves. We exist to eat meat, not to eat meat."

Being logging farmers is not our job!"

"Put it down, put down your axes! Stop chopping down trees, let's chop down people, grab food, and catch slaves! This is what we should do!"

Duduo walked up to the Niulu bannermen, snatched the ax from their hands, threw it to the ground, and kept yelling at them: "Once we get used to doing this kind of thing and become farmers, we will remember to ride horses and draw bows.

How to kill people? Can we restore our blood and courage? Do you want to become cattle and sheep like the Han people? Isn’t what we are doing now exactly what cattle and sheep should do? Why don’t we catch some cattle and sheep?

Instead, you turn into cattle and sheep to do these jobs. Not only is this not doing your job properly, it is also destroying everything for us! Stop doing it, I will take you to do what you need to do!"

These words immediately aroused countless fanatical responses and support.

Ping Ping Pang Rang more axes were thrown to the ground.

"That's right, we can't do this kind of rough work, it's for the dressing slaves."

"Flag Master, take us to plunder it. We can't rob the Ming Dynasty, but the North Korean stick in the east can always rob it, right?"

"There are also many North Koreans. We captured them all to work for us, and their food and women all belong to us."

"Those Eight Mongolian Banners who betrayed us can also destroy their tribes and seize all the cattle and sheep!"

"Let's go, let's rob and kill together. What we should do most is these serious things. We can't be like cattle and sheep eating grass!"


Hear these loud and flapping sounds.

At least half of the nearly 38,000 elite bannermen who were originally cutting down trees were stirred up. They all threw down their tools and shouted that they were going to rob and kill people, that they must defend tradition, and that they must not be reduced to a tribe of cattle, sheep, and horses.


"Dado, what are you doing?"

At this time, Dorgon, the leader of the Zhengbai Banner, came over with a livid face and said to his brother-in-law: "Where are you taking them? What on earth do you want to cause trouble?"

"North Korea, I want to take them to North Korea, capture 50,000 young men, and bring back 100,000 shi of food. North Korea is close to us and is weaker than the Ming Dynasty. They can return in triumph in a month or at most."

Duduo said to him: "Brother, let us go into the mountains to cut down trees. This is obviously a cunning plan of those wise people. Such a big tree can only be exchanged for ten or twenty kilograms of grain, but the effort we expended is worth it."

It can at least be worth ten kilograms of grain, and after cutting down the trees, do we still have the strength to kill people? After experiencing such fatigue, our bodies are getting weaker and weaker, will we still be able to fight in the future? The reason why the Ming Dynasty is weak is that the Han people did too much

Too much, too little food, and no rest all year round. If we are like the Han people, wouldn’t we become the second weakest people? We can’t do it, we must not do this work.”

"What you said makes some sense."

Dorgon nodded in agreement and did not refute, but shook his head and said: "But winter is coming soon. How can we send troops at this time? Even if we succeed in plundering North Korea, how long will we have to go on the road with so many young people and food?"

?How many people and animals will freeze to death? Now there are less than 30,000 young people left in our clan. Not counting the losses in the battle, if two to three thousand people freeze to death and frostbite when we come back, can we afford such a loss?

How much time and effort does it take to regenerate and cultivate so many young adults?"

"Stop making trouble, just cut down trees for a few days, ten days, just ten days. Each person can cut down a hundred trees, which is more than 2 million trees, and strive to exchange for 30 million kilograms of grain.

This is enough for all the tribesmen to survive this winter. When the weather gets warmer next year and we can go out for activities, we will go to North Korea and capture a sufficient number of slaves to cut down trees and work for us. Next year we will not have to do any menial work.

Tired of work."

"Have you forgotten how our brother Azig died? He was as brave and fierce as you and never gave up. But we are fierce, and there are people who are more fierce and ruthless than us! There are 8,000 people in the Xu Family Military Region.

Twenty thousand of us were defeated, and Azig was also beheaded. It can be seen that in this world, besides us being a tribe of tigers and wolves, there are also more powerful bears and ferocious beasts. We are not invincible. We can only rely on bravery and ruthlessness.

It's useless. We need more population, more wisdom, and more contact and learning from Xujiazhuang. Otherwise, even if our strength is restored in ten years, we will not be able to withstand another defeat. We must find

A new, undefeated path has emerged."

Dorgon said to this younger brother in a serious tone.

Duduo fell silent immediately.

His head lowered involuntarily, and the unwillingness and ferocity on his face had to turn into calmness and helplessness.

That's right.

Dorgon is right. The Jurchens are young and strong and can no longer afford any losses. Let alone one or two thousand people, even one or two hundred people cannot afford to lose them. If they carry out any major military adventure,

Once something unexpected happens, the Jurchens will be doomed. Women, children, the old and the weak will also be regarded as cattle and sheep by the surrounding Mongols, Koreans and even the wild Jurchens. The Ming army in the south will not miss this opportunity.

"Rebirth of the Great Era of Fighting Waves"

Subjugation of the country and annihilation of the nation.

Just one more wrong step will lead to the destruction of the country and the destruction of the nation.

And no matter how fierce they can fight, can they be as fierce as the Xu Jiajun? Can they defeat the same number of Xu Jiajun? Can they become invincible?

Times have changed.

In the past, in the eyes of their Jurchens, they were surrounded by prey, cattle and sheep. Now they have obviously weakened. I am afraid that in the eyes of the surrounding forces, their Jurchens are the prey and cattle and sheep. The roles are about to be reversed. If they continue

If you fight fiercely and don't change your habits, you will only become weaker and weaker. The more you fight, the faster you will perish.

Let's just cut down more trees honestly. Although it is a bit harder, it will only last for more than ten days. You can get through it if you grit your teeth. As long as you get through the most difficult stage this year, next year will definitely get better.

Think of this.

Duduo had no choice but to accept his fate.

The Eight Banners warriors who were inspired by him quickly lost their enthusiasm and regained their composure. They continued to pick up the axes on the ground and continued to chop down trees.

It takes a whole day to do it.

In the evening, it was already very dark.

After getting rid of the big tree in his hand, Duduo straightened up his sore waist with difficulty, feeling much more tired than fighting ten men and women in a row.

"How many trees did I chop down today? Seven or eight, anyway, it's just shy of ten... Damn, this tree is so difficult to chop down, much harder than cutting off a head!"

But it's already dark.

He was also very tired and overworked, and could not continue working. He could only chop two more tomorrow.

I scanned the surrounding mountains again and saw the endless forest resources that could never be seen through. I thought of the endless bad conditions that the Great Jin Kingdom had experienced over the past year.

Duduo threw the ax in his hand again, stood on a hill with empty surroundings, and couldn't help but look up to the sky and roar:

"I swear I will never chop down a tree again!"

"I want to steal grain, money, and livestock!"

"I want to kill people, kill all Daikin's enemies!"

"I want x woman..."


Before Duduo finished venting his anger, a red pine tree not far away that was at least fifteen feet high suddenly fell down. Even though Duduo was far away, the top of the red pine accelerated to its maximum speed when it fell.

, the end just hit Duduo's body.

Before he even had time to scream, he was smashed into a ball of flesh under the influence of huge gravitational potential energy.

"Flag Master?"

"Flag Master!"


The surrounding people with white flags quickly gathered around and moved the tree away with all their strength, only to see a pool of red and white objects.

Dorgon also ran over quickly. When he saw the miserable condition of his younger brother Dodo, his eyes were splitting. He knelt on the ground and roared: "Dodo, Dodo! God, why did you take my brother away?"

For a moment he was heartbroken and found it difficult to accept.

It can only be said that these Eight Banners warriors are really ignorant and ignorant, and have no idea of ​​the dangers of cutting down trees.

Is logging a very safe and risk-free job?

Of course not. Even in modern society, lumberjacking is one of the top ten high-risk occupations. It is on the same list as firefighters, miners, anti-narcotics police, racing drivers and other occupations, and even ranks among the top in terms of risk factors.

Because those big, stationary trees look harmless, but falling down can easily kill someone.

So the tragedy of Duduo was just the beginning. Even though the Eight Banners elites paid more attention to safety operations, adopted a number of countermeasures, and even reduced the efficiency of tree felling, 11 people were killed and injured on the second day, and 11 people were killed and injured on the third day.

Nine people were killed and injured. On the fourth day... there were casualties and injuries almost every day, and it was impossible to prevent accidents from happening.

This chapter has been completed!
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