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Chapter 212 Sweeping Nanyang: Being a puppet of Xujiazhuang is too fragrant

December 10th, late at night.

Vietnam, inside Thang Long City.

Boom boom boom~

Bang bang bang bang!

There was the sound of the palace gate exploding, and the sound of gunshots like exploding beans.

Inside the palace, the guards were sparse, with less than a thousand people.

After Zhang Fugui led eight hundred elite marines into the palace, he soon entered the harem area and found King Li Weiqi, who was about to flee in panic, but was dissuaded by Zheng's eyes and ears - a man of nearly four years old.

Ten, but he has been a puppet for sixteen years, a middle-aged man who looks timid and has no royal demeanor. Even the attackers have entered the palace. The few Zheng's eyes and ears in front of him can still restrain his


Bang bang bang!

After Zhang Fugui led his men to shoot and kill the Zheng family's eyes and ears, he walked up to the trembling Li Weiqi, took out a color photo from his pocket, compared it with the real person, nodded and said: "This is the person.

Get it, take it away!" - They were extremely well prepared for this operation. Not only did they obtain the layout of the palace, but they also sent people to sneak into the palace in advance and took photos of Li Weiqi. Every marine member took note of them.

The target person in the photo is identified, greatly reducing the probability of mistakes.

Later, after the special operation was successful, Zhang Fugui and others quickly left Thang Long City with King Le Weiqi and came to the Red River. They boarded a small assault boat and drove along the winding Red River for more than two hours.

After dawn.

Finally out of the river mouth, we met up with the battleship "Yaowu" docked on the sea.

11th, afternoon.

After understanding the basic situation, King Li Weiqi of the Later Li Dynasty met the mastermind behind all this - Sun Chuanting in Lingao County, Hainan Island.

Inside the dialogue teahouse.

Li Weiqi received a certain amount of attention and courtesy. With the help of a translator from Vietnam, Sun Chuanting apologized to him and explained that he really couldn't see the behavior of the powerful Vietnamese official Zheng who had controlled the government for a long time, so he wanted to seek justice.

I have invited His Highness over. If I am frightened, I hope you will forgive me and invite him to drink tea to calm down his shock.

Naturally, Li Weiqi didn't believe a word of this explanation.

But Sun Chuanting's friendly attitude won his favor, at least he was much better than Zheng Jie, that rebellious traitor.

I drank a few sips of tea.

Then he replied in fluent Chinese: "I am called a king, but I am just a prisoner. It is the same in the hands of the Zheng family, and it is the same here. If Master Sun wants me to do anything, just tell me.

, if it can be done, I will try my best to cooperate."

"I'm serious, Your Highness, there is no need to belittle yourself..."

Sun Chuanting said some comforting words and said: "Your Highness is no longer a prisoner of anyone. You can go wherever you want and do whatever you want. This precious freedom is given to us in Xujiazhuang."

Your Highness’s first gift.”


Li Weiqi was immediately surprised. As a king, he had naturally heard of the name and deeds of Xujiazhuang: "It turns out that you are Xujiazhuang in the south of the Yangtze River, the richest man in the Ming Dynasty. Why are you targeting me and my country? What do you want to do next?

Destroy my country and let me continue to be your puppet?" He asked directly.

"No, absolutely not."

Sun Chuanting shook his head and said: "Your Highness, we sent people to rescue you not because we want to control you as a puppet, but because we want to negotiate a deal. A deal that is absolutely fair and equal for you, Your Highness. It has only advantages and almost no disadvantages.

For win-win cooperation, I guarantee that His Highness will be interested in listening to it and nod in agreement."

"Oh, tell me, what kind of cooperation is it?" Li Weiqi became interested.

Bang bang~

Sun Chuanting clapped his hands, and the staff immediately took two contracts and placed them on the tea table.

"Your Highness, we have two cooperation plans here, namely Plan A and Plan B..."

Plan A is called the partnership plan, and its main contents are three:

1. Xujiazhuang and Fujian Zhengjia will lead a combined force of 50,000 to enter Thanglong City, expel the power of the powerful Zheng family, and help King Li to regain control of the government. After this is accomplished, the Xu Zhen coalition will

Withdrawing from Thang Long, not a single soldier will be stationed.

Second, as a reward for helping to regain real power, King Li should permanently cede 1.5 million acres of land in the Red River Plain, and agree to allow the Xu and Zheng families to build fifty grain estates here, which would not be under the jurisdiction of the king and have no obligation to pay taxes.

, no harassment or attack.

Third, when the royal family encounters great difficulties, the grain estate has the obligation to send troops to protect and stabilize the royal power after receiving the royal family's request, which will ensure the long-term stability of the royal family's rule.

That is to say, the biggest loss of the Vietnamese royal family was only 1.5 million acres of land. For the Red River Plain with an area of ​​more than 100,000 square kilometers and more than 30 million acres of fertile land, it only lost 5% at most.

But it can be exchanged for real power in the government.

In exchange for the support of the powerful and wealthy Xujiazhuang.

And he will never become a puppet of any family again, and his supreme royal power will never be challenged again.

In comparison, a mere 5% of fertile land is nothing.

And when he works hard and carries out reforms to make Vietnam stronger, he can engage in external expansion, seize territory from neighboring small countries, and cut off five million or even fifty million acres of land from his neighbors. Xujiazhuang occupies

That little bit of land can be greatly compensated for.

What's more, Xujiazhuang will not always be strong, and Vietnam will not always be weak. As long as the relationship between strength and weakness changes in the future, haha, it is not that the piece of meat that Xujiazhuang has taken away cannot be returned.


This cooperation plan is completely acceptable.

However, Sun Chuanting suggested that he not rush to make a choice, but showed him plan B. The specific contents of this plan made Li Weiqi's eyes widen, and his heart beat even more unsatisfactorily.

This Plan B mainly contains six items:

1. King Li Shi secretly joined the Xujiazhuang system. As long as Xujiazhuang exists, the Li family will never be destroyed.

Second, King Li will receive a 3% dividend on the net income generated by the grain estate established by Xujiazhuang in the Red River Plain, and the Tianxiatong Bank will give the royal family a subsidy of 50,000 silver dollars every year, which will be increased as appropriate in the future.

Third, the innocent army has the obligation to assist King Li, such as quelling civil strife, eliminating powerful ministers, resisting enemy aggression, etc., but the cost of sending troops is borne by the royal family.

Fourth, King Le can participate in various commercial investments in Xujiazhuang, and even receive certain technical support, which can be used to build royal estates, develop minerals, open workshops, develop trade, etc. If the resources of the Kingdom of Vietnam can be fully developed and utilized, it is expected that

Bringing in income of 10 million silver dollars every year.

5. King Li can obtain the honorary citizenship of Xujiazhuang and enjoy the rights to travel, invest in real estate, study abroad for his children, and live in Xujiazhuang.

Sixth, Xujiazhuang’s various interests appeals should receive Li’s full cooperation, and actions that harm each other’s interests should not be made.

In order to increase the allure of Plan B, Sun Chuanting also asked someone to bring a pad and play a promotional video introducing Xujiazhuang. The video showed high-rise buildings, busy traffic, steam ships, various living facilities and the harbor city.

Li Weiqi was stunned and deeply attracted by the sight of the city that never sleeps.

Finally, come back to this plan.

Li Weiqi read every clause carefully a dozen times and thought about it in his mind for a long time.


He could see that the plan provided by Xujiazhuang was also a plan to recruit puppets. How could he not see it after having been the puppet king for sixteen years?

But it is a more clever and sincere puppet plan.

Not only give him money to spend.

Provide military support.

And it doesn't restrict his freedom at all.

You can also obtain benefits without any restrictions in Xujiazhuang's system.

The only restriction is that Xujiazhuang's interests must not be harmed, but this is very reasonable and justified.

Compared with his puppet career under the strict control of the powerful minister Zheng, Xujiazhuang understood him better and was more sincere, which made him feel moved.

It's just that his reason told him that Plan B might be a poison, and it looked delicious, but in terms of independence, Plan A was better. He had had enough of being a puppet for a long time, and he understood better than anyone else the preciousness of the right to control his own destiny.

But after weighing the pros and cons, he chose Plan B without much hesitation.


Is he addicted to being a puppet?

Isn't he afraid that a few years later, he will be scolded by future generations in the history books for losing power and humiliating the country for selling Vietnam to Xujiazhuang?

Of course he has worries in this regard, but what can he do? He has already had enough of the hard life, and he has endured enough of the oppression of the powerful minister Zheng Zhi. He must take revenge! He must regain his dignity and majesty.

If you choose Plan A, you will also cede 1.5 million acres of land, but the 'Xu-Zheng Alliance' will only help him defeat the powerful minister Zheng Jie and help him recapture Thang Long City, but they will withdraw their troops soon, and he will have to support the overall situation later on.

, even if Zheng Jie leads an army to make a comeback, the 'Xu-Zheng Alliance' will most likely sit back and watch and not interfere.

The problem is that he has no money and no one. He is also known as the "coward king" among the officials. How can he control the overall situation and make everyone listen to him?


It was still too difficult for him to deal with such a situation. He felt that he had no confidence and might even become a puppet of a powerful minister again.

Instead of doing this, it is better to seek refuge in Xujiazhuang.

Immediately tens of thousands of elite troops came to help.

There is still a little money to spend.

And he can also hold real power. No matter what powerful ministers or warlords appear, they can easily kill them with the help of Xujiazhuang's power. Xujiazhuang has repeatedly guaranteed that in addition to the 1.5 million acres of grain manor land, it will not occupy any more land.

Will not interfere in his government affairs.

That being the case.

Just choose plan B!

"Okay, okay, Your Highness, you have made the most correct choice. Our cooperation will be extremely pleasant in the future."

Sun Chuanting clapped his hands with satisfaction and expressed praise.

Soon, he asked someone to bring over another agreement, titled "Agreement between Annan King Li's Request for Xujiazhuang to Send Troops". As long as this agreement is signed, the 50,000-person "Xu-Zheng Allied Forces" will be prepared tomorrow.

Then he could go on an expedition to attack the powerful minister Zheng Jie, and even the expedition was written by someone. In this way, he obtained a reasonable and legal name for the expedition, and represented a dignified and righteous teacher.

"Okay, I will sign it!"

Li Weiqi signed without hesitation, with a look of gritted teeth on his face. No one hated the powerful traitor Zheng Jie more than him.

"I Have a Picture Book of Ghosts and Gods"

On the 12th, Xu and Zheng's joint fleet, carrying 50,000 elite troops and a large number of immigrants, headed straight for the Annan Kingdom (Vietnam).

On the morning of the 13th, we successfully landed in Haiphong County.

On the afternoon of the 14th, Xu and Zheng's coalition forces easily broke through Thang Long City and annihilated the powerful official Zheng Zhi's army of 20,000 people (Zheng Zhi only escaped with a few hundred people), giving him a heavy blow. They also searched the Zheng family and obtained all kinds of property. One million, of which 300,000 were sent to King Li Weiqi's private treasury.

On the 15th, he killed all the core members of the court who were loyal to the Zheng family, replaced them with people he could trust, and then held a court meeting.

"My king is a thousand years old!"

"Congratulations to my king for sweeping away the dirt in the court, defeating the treacherous Zheng family, and finally restoring the clear sky."

"The Zheng family rebelled against superiors, had wild ambitions, and had no role models for ministers. At that time, we issued an arrest warrant and issued a nationwide arrest warrant. We must kill the Zheng family without leaving any omissions."

"That's right, the nine Zheng clans must be punished to serve as a warning to others, so that future generations will not dare to imitate them, including their best friends and comrades. No one can be spared!"

"My king, I am willing to dedicate my two daughters to the harem for mercy. I am really not a member of the Zheng family."

"My king, I have a fortune of fifty thousand, and I am willing to donate it all. I just want to prove my innocence. I am loyal to my king and have nothing to do with the Zheng family."

I heard the sounds of flattery from the ministers in the palace, the sounds of congratulations, the sounds of sending girls and money to beg for mercy.


How could King Li Weiqi feel so happy?

Secondly, there is the incense. When you are Xujiazhuang's puppet, you can see the benefits immediately and your wishes can be realized immediately, but the cost is very small. It is simply incense.
This chapter has been completed!
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