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Chapter 220 The Magic City Project

Think hard.

Xu Yuan spent the whole day meditating.

Or sit in front of the computer and check countless information, and search on Qiandu for answers to questions such as "top ten profitable industries", "top ten most profitable industries", "what can you do to get rich" and other questions.

In the "Travel Alliance" exchange group, I also asked countless elites from all walks of life to get useful references from them. Most of the results were "Study the "Criminal Law", the most profitable ways are in it" "You

There is a different world and you still can’t make money?” Jokes like “Looking for cooperation with the country, it’s not easy to borrow several trillions”, there are few of them that have real reference value.


Maybe there are too many people who have joined the group randomly. Xu Yuan feels that this group has basically become useless and is not as useful as before.

He could only rack his brains and think of a solution on his own.

I even adopted the stupidest method of enumeration and elimination.

"How about large-scale timber dumping? China's demand for timber every year exceeds 200 million cubic meters. It is a huge market worth more than 200 billion. Even if I find a way to eat a tenth of it, I can still earn more than 200

100 million."

"There are also river sand resources. The price of river sand in China has now risen to 550 yuan per cubic meter. The annual demand is still more than 500 million cubic meters. I also sent people to dig a lot of sand in the late Ming Dynasty, which cost 500 million cubic meters a year.

With tens of millions of square meters, that’s a profit of over 27 billion.”

"Steel can also be resold in large quantities. Now the price of one ton is six to seven thousand. If I sell two million tons a year, it will be more than 10 billion. However, the steel output there in the late Ming Dynasty is not so high, but the amount of coal is large.

Yes, we can find a way to get two to three million tons. Multiplied by the price of 3,000 per ton, it is close to 10 billion."

"In addition, the price of fuel in modern society has increased again. Recently, diesel costs 7 yuan a liter. If I ask the synthetic factory over there in the late Ming Dynasty to increase the production of biodiesel, it will produce 500,000 tons per year, which is equivalent to 500 million

The amount of liters multiplied by the price of seven yuan is another 3.5 billion."

"We also need to find ways to increase the amount of gold, brass and other precious metals being transferred, which will bring in 20 billion yuan in revenue a year."

"The quantity of dried seafood must be quickly increased to more than 50,000 tons, which would be a revenue of 5 billion."

"Another 300,000 tons of organic tribute rice, worth 6 billion, 50,000 tons of canned pork and beef, worth 5 billion, and 50,000 tons of cooking oil, worth 1 billion, plus all kinds of miscellaneous things.

It sold for a total of 2 billion."

"In the end, all added up, the excess resources and capabilities of Ming Dynasty were exhausted. On average, hundreds of thousands of tons of stuff were dumped every day, and the total revenue was less than 110 billion, and the average monthly income was not even 10 billion.


After doing the calculation, Xu Yuan came to a conclusion: making money is so difficult, it is simply harder than eating shit.

Even though he had countless high-quality agricultural products and raw materials in his hands, he still couldn't make much money and couldn't realize his dream of getting rich.

It can be seen that the development model that relies on exporting raw materials and primary agricultural products cannot achieve prosperity, and can only achieve food and clothing at best.

So what is the most profitable thing to do?

The domestic chip industry has an annual market size of 2 trillion.

The domestic automobile industry has an annual market of more than 3 trillion.

The domestic energy industry has an annual market of more than 3 trillion.

The domestic medical industry’s annual revenue exceeds 4 trillion.

The domestic real estate industry’s annual total revenue can still reach 2 trillion.

The above-mentioned industries are truly high-profit and high-return fields. They can earn much more than Xu Yuan's tinkering and tinkering, and they are not of the same magnitude at all.

Xu Yuan has already planned to enter the fields of chips, power, and energy, but the threshold is too high and the investment is very huge. It is impossible to make much progress within at least five years. If you want to close the technological gap and compete in modern society,

I’m afraid it will take ten years to make money here.


Not to mention the medical industry, the threshold is higher and there is no need to consider it at all.

The only thing that offers relatively large benefits and the threshold is not too high is real estate?

"Do I have to enter the real estate field first to make a lot of money?"

"As for the construction workers, they can be transferred from the late Ming Dynasty to replace the migrant workers in modern society. As for the salary, they can be given thirty silver dollars per month, which is worth about 3,000 yuan. But compared to hiring migrant workers, it is five to six hundred per day.

The salary alone, per person per month, can bring me tens of thousands of yuan in income."

"The steel bars, cement, river sand and other materials used to build houses were also imported from the late Ming Dynasty. This saved a lot of money in purchasing building materials, which was equivalent to selling these materials and earning money for the materials.


"When decorating the house, you can also use ceramic tiles from the late Ming Dynasty, and use furniture, doors and windows made there. There won't be much formaldehyde smell. It's very environmentally friendly and safe, and at the same time, it saves a lot of money on decoration.

I made money for renovations by spending less money.”

"After the house is built, it will be sold to the market. Other people's properties sell for 13,000 or 15,000 per square meter. I only buy a house for just over 10,000. It is fully decorated and can be rented out. The share ratio is also very low. How about buying a house?

How will the users choose? Who will the users who are in need of it consider?”

"In addition, during the construction process of the real estate, the interior is a semi-enclosed environment, and outsiders are not allowed to enter. As long as the workers are restrained from running around, they are given relatively high wages. In addition, in the late Ming Dynasty, these workers are all

They have a family, children, and daughters, so they cannot be abandoned, and the confidentiality factor should be very high. Moreover, these 'ancient people' do not have ID cards and are black households. They will be unable to move forward in modern society and there is no place for them."

"As long as the real estate can be developed and all the houses are sold, even if each square meter can only bring a gross profit of 5,000 yuan, a 100-square-meter house is 500,000 yuan. As long as we build 100,000 houses a year, we can make a profit

To 50 billion, even if you cut half of it and build only 50,000 houses, you can still make 25 billion, which is similar to other messy things put together, and the profit is basically the same."

"It seems to be very promising to enter real estate. It doesn't seem to be a wild idea, even though the domestic real estate industry has long been saturated.


Then that's it.

50,000 houses per year?

Shake his head.

Xu Yuan quickly shook his head again.

It's not because he thinks his imagination is too big and unrealistic at all, but he feels that since he has opened up his imagination, he might as well open it up more thoroughly, specifically to contract a piece of cheap land in modern society, in the less populated areas of central and western China.

, to create a city of his own.

Covering an area of ​​no less than 30 square kilometers.

In the future, the magic chip company, photovoltaic company, battery company, and power company will all be placed in this city to form the four pillar industries.

Then we engage in real estate here, develop real estate, build more than 100,000 houses, and sell them to the company's employees to live in and solve their housing problems.

In this city, the grain, meat, eggs and milk that people eat, as well as most of the daily necessities and consumer goods, come from the late Ming Dynasty. Only a small part needs to be purchased in modern society, that is, most of them can achieve "self-sufficiency"


The value created by this city can bring continuous cash flow, but its own consumption is very small.

For Xu Yuan, every penny in this city will basically fall into his pocket, so that the wealth does not flow to outsiders.

Confidentiality is also guaranteed.

The costs of purchasing land, construction costs, maintenance costs, etc. are not high. Maybe if you invest one or two billion, you can see the prototype, and most of the functions can be operational. From now on, it will be his private base, even if it is related to

Institutions will also face many difficulties if they want to investigate, and it is not possible to get in just because you want to.


This plan is more perfect.

"This city might as well be called 'Magic City', which means many magical things will happen here."

As for the name of the plan, let’s call it the “Magic City Project.”

Xu Yuan said secretly that he had basically decided like this. What he has to do next is to implement this plan and strive to make this city a reality in a short period of time.

But a new problem came again.


How can we implement this plan without money? Without money, everything is just a fantasy.

Assume that purchasing land requires 3 billion.

The construction of factories and the purchase of the first batch of equipment for the four major companies require 4 billion - just buy outdated and outdated equipment at the beginning, and it shouldn't cost too much.

It is estimated that it will cost 3 billion to build houses, build roads, provide water, electricity and Internet and other infrastructure.

That is to say, the first phase of start-up capital requires more than 10 billion. Where did Xu Yuan get so much money?

Is it possible that we have to go back to real estate projects? Wouldn’t this become an infinite matryoshka doll?

This situation will naturally not happen.

Xu Yuan thought of a solution - finance, to put it more bluntly, it was to borrow money from a bank, and he was prepared with high-value items that could be mortgaged.

For example, 48 tons of gold - this is the last large amount of gold Xu Yuan has on hand, and the collection efficiency over there in the late Ming Dynasty is now more than 10 tons and less than 20 tons a year, which may not be enough to provide to Song Jiayun.


For example, 2,500 tons of silver ingots - this was the silver deposited in Tianxiatong Bank in the late Ming Dynasty, worth 100 million silver dollars. In order to avoid causing fluctuations in currency value, Xu Yuan temporarily moved to modern society just to get a large loan.

A payment.

There are also 1,500 tons of huanghuali wood. At a price of 5,000 yuan per kilogram, it can also be exchanged for a loan line of 7.5 billion.

Just these three items that can be pledged.

Let’s look at Tianfeng Jewelry Company’s relatively healthy cash flow and profitability.

In addition to Xu Yuan's personal property such as houses and cars, he also has a wife, Song Jiayun, whose net worth has reached 1 billion.

On February 18, a bank with the prefix "国", after evaluating all aspects of Xu Yuan's situation, provided him with a bank credit line of up to 30 billion, with an annual interest rate of 4.8%.

To the extent that he can pay off his debts, he can spend the money as much as he wants.

Therefore, the problem of start-up funds was successfully solved.
This chapter has been completed!
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