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Chapter 226: Textile Queen Qin Liangyu

At the end of April in the eighth year of Chongzhen.

Sichuan, Shizhu Xuanfu Division, Qingcaoba Town near the Yangtze River.

A large area of ​​land has been leveled here, and a water diversion vehicle and a water storage embankment have been built along the Yangtze River. Under the dam, with the help of the power of the water flow to drive the impeller, a row of dozens of textile machinery is driven to operate, and then the

The shuttle shuttles around day and night, weaving a large amount of Sichuan brocade with the efficiency of each textile machine equivalent to three hundred weavers.

Moreover, these hydraulic textile machines from Xujiazhuang also have programmable functions. As long as the pre-designed textures and patterns are edited into the computer, fabrics with required textures and patterns can be woven quickly. It can be said to be extremely advanced.

The price is naturally very scary. Even if purchased at cost price, each textile machine costs 20,000 silver dollars.

Qin Liangyu purchased fifty units at one time.

However, due to the long journey and the need to cross mountains and ridges, the transportation cost actually cost 500,000 silver dollars.

In addition to 10,000 sewing machines, the cost of each machine is one hundred silver dollars.

and supporting equipment and parts.

After a lot of hard work, it was transported to Shizhu territory.

Qin Liangyu spent almost none of the windfall he made in Shanxi with his white-pole soldiers.

The purpose is to develop the textile and clothing industry in Shizhu and bring a way for the people of Shizhu to survive and become rich.

So more than a year has passed, has Qin Liangyu achieved his goal? Have the lives of the people in Shizhu been improved and have they got rid of poverty?

It is naturally impossible to get rid of poverty in a short time.

But the situation has indeed improved greatly.

In April last year, after all the equipment was in place, the water diversion truck was built, and the water storage embankment was repaired, Shizhu Clothing Company was established.

In May, the first batch of 500,000 pieces of clothing was produced, giving priority to solving the problem of lack of clothes for some people in Shizhu (yes, they were too poor to wear clothes), winning the gratitude of countless people, and hundreds of shrines were erected.


In June, the second batch of 400,000 pieces of ready-made clothes were produced. Due to their excellent quality, fashionable styles and moderate prices, this batch of ready-made clothes was sold out in Chengdu, earning a net profit of tens of thousands taels.

In July, they encountered a collective boycott by cotton and silk merchants. They could not purchase raw materials and only produced more than 100,000 pieces of ready-made clothes. Then they stopped production and even had to find ways to reclaim land to grow cotton.

In August, the crisis continued and losses occurred.

In September, I had to seek a loan of 300,000 silver dollars from Tianxiatong Bank to tide over the difficulties.

In October, new cotton came on the market, but there was still not much raw material available, so they had to compromise with the interest groups operating Shu brocade in Sichuan and agreed to three conditions: first, the fabrics and clothing produced by Shizhu Clothing Company would not be sold in Sichuan; second,

They can only sell to Xujiazhuang and are not allowed to accept orders from other merchants; third, they must be supervised regularly... In order to survive, Qin Liangyu had to accept these humiliating terms.

In November, Shizhu Clothing Company resumed production and produced 1.5 million pieces of clothing that month, all of which were sold to other chieftains at low prices.

In December, 1 million pieces of clothing were made, but due to insufficient orders, there was a large backlog, so they had to be distributed to the people of Shizhu for free, and each person received one or two pieces.

After summing up at the end of the year, I found that the profit this year was zero, which only allowed the people of Shizhu to live a very warm but not very full year.

But Qin Liangyu is still very satisfied. With enough food and clothing, he has achieved food and clothing, so he is not far away from being full. Compared with the previous life where he could not have enough food and clothing, this is a huge improvement.

Eight years into Chongzhen, a brand new year.

After learning that Shizhu Clothing Company was facing a shortage of orders, owner Xu of Xujiazhuang criticized him for not telling him earlier, and then immediately placed a large order for 20 million pieces of clothing, including one for various types of work clothes.

There are tens of thousands of pieces, and people have also sent many new styles of clothing design samples for them to copy. As long as the quality meets the standards, as many as they want, more orders will be given in the future.

As for the total value of the order, it is approximately 1.5 million silver dollars.

And with the industry's 20% profit margin, once this order is completed, Shizhu Clothing Company can earn more than 300,000 silver dollars, and it will have work for the next whole year.


Now the company can finally survive, and everyone is very happy.

Only Qin Liangyu shook his head and sighed: "We can rely on others for a while, but we cannot rely on us forever. Xujiazhuang has helped us enough. This favor cannot be owed too much. We are loyal to the court after all."

But in order for the more than 300,000 people in Shizhu to have food to eat, she could not refuse this order.

I have to control the quality of the clothes extremely strictly and never allow any problems to occur, which can be regarded as repaying the help Xujiazhuang has given me.

Therefore, after the beginning of spring this year, the development in Shizhu can be described as booming.

Shizhu Clothing Company's production capacity is fully reached, workers work in two or three shifts, and textile machines and sewing machines buzz all day long.

In January and February, 2.5 million pieces of clothing were produced.

In March, 3.5 million pieces of clothing were produced, reaching the limit.

By late April, another 3 million pieces of clothing had been completed, and almost half of the large order from Xujiazhuang was completed. It can be seen that in order to improve their own lives, the workers of Shizhu Clothing Company have exploded with unprecedented energy.

this day.

Shizhu Clothing Company, specialized clothing design department, fitting room.

"Husband, do you think this outfit of mine looks good?"

Zhang Fengyi came out wearing a floral slim-fitting mid-length-sleeved dress with a fold-over collar and a top hat. She walked up to her husband Ma Xianglin and twisted her body to show off her figure.

And seeing his wife dressed like this, even though the two have been married for more than 20 years, and Ma Xianglin lost one of his eyes in the war, the old wife in front of him, with this dress as a foil, couldn't help but feel dry in the mouth.

His tongue was dry and his breathing became rapid. He blushed and said, "Okay, it looks good, it looks very good."

"Really, what's so good about her?" Zhang Fengyi looked in the mirror, twisted her posture again, and asked.

"The top, waist, butt, and legs are all beautiful, and wearing such clothes... shameless." Ma Xianglin said.

"What's so shameless about?"

Zhang Fengyi stared at him, put her hands on her hips and said, "I heard that in summer, all the girls in Xujiazhuang wear this way. Dresses are the most conservative spring and summer clothes. Do you have the guts to go to Xujiazhuang and scold me? See if you will be covered in spit."

Die? In addition, this dress is made by our company and was sewn with hard work by our female workers. If you say this dress is shameless, you are insulting and belittling their work. You must admit your mistake and apologize to them, because you rely on them to make it.

You can live on this kind of clothes."

Seeing his wife being so obsessive, Ma Xianglin had no choice but to slap himself in the mouth. He immediately lowered his head and admitted his mistake and said, "I was wrong. Isn't it because I was wrong? There's nothing wrong with this dress. It's very beautiful. You can wear it whatever you want. Those messy clothes

Only those who speak shamelessly will have a bad mouth, okay?"


Zhang Fengyi's mouth was filled with satisfaction, like a victorious hen. As for her purpose of wearing this favorite dress home, she has naturally achieved it.

"Are you bullying my stupid son again?"

At this time, Qin Liangyu came over with several men. When she saw this scene, she knew what happened without having to guess, and she immediately made a joke.

"Mother~" Zhang Fengyi smiled coquettishly.

"Mom, you look so cool today."

Ma Xianglin, who was originally shrugging his head, immediately cheered up and gave a thumbs up.

Because at this time, Qin Liangyu was wearing a tall and cool black men's suit, with his silver hair tied into a simple ponytail, a pair of sunglasses on his face, and high-top leather shoes. He looked extremely capable and gave people a vigorous and cool look.

The ultimate feeling.

It can be said that in the field of fashion, if his wife Zhang Fengyi only focuses on highlighting the beauty of women, her mother Qin Liangyu simply goes further and goes to the forefront of highlighting women's independent and self-reliant temperament.

"Mom, who are these?"

Ma Xianglin noticed the people following his mother, especially the middle-aged man with a big belly, who was looking at his wife Zhang Fengyi with sinister eyes. Under this rude look, Zhang Fengyi raised her eyebrows.

Frowning, he turned around and went to the fitting room and changed out of the dress he was wearing.

"These are representatives of the Sichuan Shu Brocade Chamber of Commerce. This one's surname is Luo, and he is the largest Shu cloth merchant. This one..."

Qin Liangyu introduced them one by one.

Ma Xianglin had to cheer up, suppress his inner anger and dissatisfaction, and greeted them politely, but secretly his teeth were itching with hatred.

Shu Brocade Chamber of Commerce!

If it weren't for the crazy pressure from this chamber of commerce, how could they have encountered the problem of insufficient raw materials last year, which forced them to abandon a large number of sales markets and could only survive by relying on orders from Xujiazhuang.

This time they sent people over again. What did they want to do? What kind of dirty trick did they want to use? Shizhu Clothing Company has already made huge concessions, and it is impossible to compromise anymore.

It's just that Ma Xianglin's guess was correct.

In the name of regular supervision, these representatives of the Shu Brocade Chamber of Commerce visited the large-scale sewing machine workshop and the water-driven textile machines on the riverside.

The leader, Representative Luo, said to Qin Liangyu: "Old lady, one hydraulic loom is equivalent to three hundred ordinary Shu brocade looms, and one sewing machine is equivalent to at least thirty women who make a living by sewing. You have purchased so many.

The high-efficiency equipment is going to put hundreds of thousands of Sichuan people to death. How unfair is this to them?"

"For the sake of the hundreds of thousands of people who depend on Sichuan brocade for their food and clothing, old lady, please listen to my advice and stop all the textile looms by the river. They are sharp weapons that kill people without blood. If there is a shortage of cloth and silk, we can

supply; in addition, starting from next month, the price of cotton and silk supplied to you by the Shu Brocade Chamber of Commerce will increase by 20%. Old lady, we are not deliberately making things difficult, but if we do not increase the price, it will be unfair to the people of Sichuan.

If their livelihood is cut off, raising prices is a last resort."

Hear this.

Ma Xianglin immediately retorted: "That's nonsense. We received the order from Xujiazhuang. Xujiazhuang can digest these clothes internally and will not affect the people of Sichuan. You are trying to incriminate others and are going too far!"

"How do you know that Xujiazhuang can absorb so much clothing? And Xujiazhuang is also a customer of our Shu Brocade Chamber of Commerce. Xujiazhuang places more orders from you, and we receive fewer orders. How can it not have an impact? The world's clothing market

There is a fixed amount. The more you eat, the less we eat, so our request is not excessive," said the Luo representative.

"If you want fairness, then go to Xujiazhuang and buy textile machines and sewing machines. If everyone has them, isn't it fair? Why should we give up these machines?" Ma Xianglin asked again.

"That's a good question. A water-powered spinning machine costs 100,000 silver dollars per unit, and a sewing machine costs 300 silver dollars per unit. As long as you, Shizhu, can pay this amount to buy them for us, we guarantee that you will not be restricted in terms of cotton and silk raw materials, and the prices will be the same.

We do what we say." Representative Luo said.

"You——" Ma Xianglin was so angry that he wanted to draw a knife and kill someone.

Finally, Qin Liangyu came over, first pushed her son Ma Xianglin aside, and said a few soft words to Representative Luo and others, saying that she would consider their request carefully and give them a clear answer in a few days.

"The old lady is still sensible, then we will wait for the old lady's reply."

Representative Luo said, and then led everyone away with an arrogant look.

Wait until they are far away.

Ma Xianglin was about to put on his plate armor, go to the military camp, and mobilize three to five hundred elite white soldiers to kill all these profiteers!

"What are you doing? Are you using the white pole soldiers to kill the good people of the Ming Dynasty?" Qin Liangyu stopped him and shouted sternly.

"Mom, these profiteers have gone too far to bully people. What kind of good people are they? Kill them all. No one will die." Ma Xianglin said with extreme grievance.

"If killing them can solve the problem, why do you need to take action? And do you know who is standing behind them? It is the King of Shu, the Chief Envoy, the officials and nobles of Sichuan, kill them

, and other serious crimes such as conspiracy to treason, don't expect to stay here anymore, not to mention cotton, not even a grain of grain can be bought. In Sichuan, they are the real gods." Qin Liangyu said.

"Then, is there nothing we can do?" Ma Xianglin shook his hands and stamped his feet, feeling terribly aggrieved.

"It's not like there's nothing we can do."

Qin Liangyu slowly said: "I have sent people to Xujiazhuang to buy improved cotton seeds. They can be delivered in the next two days. In addition, there are tens of thousands of households in Linjiang, Fengdu and Dianjiang counties in Zhongzhou across from our stone pillar.

The common people are willing to help us grow cotton this year. If the Shu Brocade Chamber of Commerce interferes again, Shizhu's 10,000 white-armed soldiers can enter the three counties under the guise of suppressing bandits and defend the cotton harvest. In this way, in the next few months, we will only have to compromise with Shu Brocade.

The chamber of commerce will work hard, and when the cotton matures in September, the crisis will definitely be resolved."

Hear this.

Ma Xianglin's eyes finally lit up. It turned out that without him even knowing about it, his mother had made so many big moves. Tens of thousands of households in the three counties were willing to help solve the problem of cotton raw material supply. What was this?

How did you do it.

"My mother has been very kind to the people of Chungju, and now the people have come to repay her kindness. It is said that he who wins the hearts of the people wins the world. The ancients do not deceive me!"

Zhang Fengyi said that during the Tianqi years, the She Chongming rebels wreaked havoc on Zhongzhou. Qin Liangyu led the white-pole soldiers to cover the people's escape, leaving no less than 100,000 people alive. Unexpectedly, more than ten years later, the people of Zhongzhou still remembered their great kindness and were willing to plant seeds.

Mian Jiejie is completely worthy of the word loyalty.

Admired, she was so impressed that she fell to the ground.

"Don't lie. This world belongs to Your Majesty. I just want to get some cotton and give the people of Chungju more income."

Qin Liangyu smiled and shook his head. Even if the cotton problem is solved, will the Shu Brocade Chamber of Commerce give up? Will the interest groups behind it give up? If Shizhu Clothing Company wants to grow and make more profits, it is enough to just solve the source of cotton raw materials.

What? Won’t you encounter other obstacles?

She didn't dare to be too optimistic. The challenge might have just begun.

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