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Chapter 232 Overseas Colonization Tide

May 26. Zhou Mansion, Dongsi Pailou South Street, Beijing. This is an extremely luxurious mansion built with extensive use of steel bars, cement, red bricks, ceramic tiles and other building materials, all of which are replaced by glass windows.

Traditional wooden windows. The tallest main villa building is five stories high, which is obviously higher than the height of many palaces in the palace. And this place is only two to three hundred meters away from the palace, so this is completely considered excessive. If

I'm afraid I won't be able to do well if I'm told by ginseng to 'suppress the dragon's energy'.

However, there was no impeachment. When this mansion was completed last year, Emperor Zhu Youjian personally came to visit and congratulate him. After experiencing the convenience of flush toilets, running water, floor heating and other facilities, he was moved by the crystal chandelier.

After being shocked by the gorgeous lighted up scene, they said on the spot that the palace would also undergo major renovations and all advanced and convenient facilities would be introduced. However, because of lack of money, there has been no movement so far.

That's right. This is the Zhou Mansion where the head of state, Zhou Kui, lives. It is now one of the wealthiest families in the capital.

This morning, an extremely noble person was welcomed into the Zhou Mansion. The hundreds of male and female servants in the Zhou Mansion had to get up early to prepare in advance. They laid out the red carpet and hung colorful ribbons on the trees. Over in the kitchen,

We also purchased a large amount of pork, beef, sheep, chicken, duck, fish and other ingredients to prepare for the noon meal.

It can be seen that she attaches great importance to this. Queen Zhou Yufeng said to her father Zhou Kui next to her: "Dad, I just came back temporarily for something to do. Why do I need to create such a big pomp? How much money will it cost?"

"No! We are all people with status and status. We must speak in a pompous manner. If we are too shabby, we will be looked down upon by others." Zhou Kui held a jade pipe in his mouth, a pearl chain around his neck, and his hands.

There are several strings of jade beads, and a golden belt around the waist. Dressed like a man who has suddenly become rich, even if countless people ridicule him behind his back, in front of him he is always fawning and enjoying unlimited scenery.

After all, who gave him good luck and gave birth to a good daughter?

"Father, you are a relative of the emperor. Who in the world dares to look down on you." Empress Zhou said helplessly. Her father's old peasant-like ideas will probably never change.

"It depends on the appearance of the cards and whether you have money. Money is very important. No matter how high your status is, you cannot be without this thing... My good daughter, I don't know what I have been doing lately.

Is there a good opportunity to make a fortune? You also know that I took two concubines last year and gave you a younger brother and a younger sister. As a sister, you have to express your gratitude." In front of the mother of the country, Queen Zhou,

Zhou Kui makes no secret of his greed and love for money, and he is also lustful. He is already in his fifties, and he still eats young grass, has two beautiful teenage concubines, and has a wife.

He's a big man, and he talks about it as a matter of course.

Rolling her eyes. Zhou Yufeng rolled her eyes fiercely, how could she have fallen in love with such a father? But she still said: "I came here this time just to discuss this matter with you, father."

"Okay, okay, let's go to the living room and talk to my father in detail!" Zhou Kui said overjoyed... Soon.

In the living room, Queen Zhou took some time to introduce the "Prince Manor" plan to her father Zhou Kui and her three brothers, and said to them: "Your Majesty and I have already discussed that we will cooperate with Xujiazhuang and build a mansion for Cixi."

Three 'Prince's Manors' and one 'Princess Manor' will be built for Yao. We will strive to complete the project within this year and next, which will cost a total of 1.2 million silver dollars."

"The Prince's Growth Fund provided 300,000 silver dollars, His Majesty and I invested 200,000 silver dollars, and the teachers from the East Palace invested 100,000 silver dollars. There is a gap of 600,000 silver dollars left. I want to borrow money from my father. The loan period is two years. After two years,

Repaying one million silver dollars is equivalent to a high interest rate of 200,000 silver dollars per year. I wonder if my father would be willing to lend it?" Zhou Yufeng still planned to borrow the money and did not consider letting her father Zhou Kui become a shareholder.

Because if four sugar cane manors are built, there is no problem in harvesting a crop of 40,000 acres of sugar cane fields. They should be able to get no less than 200,000 shi of sugar. Even if the value is not 20 million, it is still worth 34

There are always millions, right?

After deducting these and other costs, there should be a net profit of two million silver dollars. If you pay back one million to your father, you can still make another one million.

If the construction efficiency of the manor is extremely high and two crops of sugar cane can be harvested within two years, then there will be a net profit of at least four million. If one million is paid back, there will still be three million left.

There will be huge profits later, because the dividend ratio of other shareholders is not high, and the royal family can get the absolute majority.

"No, as a father, I don't want to take interest. I want to take dividends from the manor!" Zhou Kui decisively rejected this plan and said with great displeasure: "Daughter, you have changed. You are no longer the obedient and filial good daughter you used to be.

You want to take advantage of me. For such a good project as an overseas manor, you can send me away even if you give me some interest. It’s chilling. My heart has been chilled by you.”

"Dad, the high interest rate is 33% every year. Today's loan sharks don't dare to charge such high interest rates. Even if you borrow money from Tianxiatong Bank, the interest is only about 10%. Why am I not filial? If I am not filial, how can I be so good?

Project, would I be the first to think of borrowing money from you?" Zhou Yufeng argued hard and retorted.

"If you are really filial, then if I invest 600,000 silver dollars, you will give me 50% of the investment dividend. I have read the "Oriental Times" in the past few days. Don't think that I don't know how profitable overseas colonization is.

It's a good deal with a huge profit, you send me a little interest, this wishful thinking is too loud, you are an unfilial daughter, you even plan on my father! It's so heart-breaking, so heart-breaking." Zhou Kui beat his chest and shed tears.

"Dad, if you say that to me again, can I not borrow the money? I'll go to Tianxiatong Bank for a loan." Empress Zhou was so angry that she felt aggrieved and wanted to cry. She stood up and was about to leave.

But her three brothers quickly grabbed her and kept persuading her

"What dad said are all angry words and cannot be taken seriously."

"Let's talk about it, why get angry?"

"Both sides should give in, and don't hurt the peace." Under the persuasion and comfort of her three brothers, Zhou Yufeng had no choice but to sit back and continue the negotiation.

It can be said that this was an extremely difficult negotiation. Zhou Yufeng wanted to walk away several times because he could not stand Zhou Kui's kidnapping of filial piety. In terms of interests, he refused to let go and refused to give in even a penny. He insisted on giving no matter how much.

of money, how many shares should be taken.

Zhou Yufeng believes that the cooperative relationship between the royal family and Xujiazhuang is also a resource of huge value. It is impossible for other businessmen to have such good development conditions, and the cost will at least increase several times. Therefore, with this relationship, even if the royal family does not contribute a cent

Money must also account for at least 50% of the shares.

Even if his father Zhou Kui invested half of the capital, he would only be given a maximum of 25% of the shares.

"No! It must be 50%. You are my daughter, shouldn't you be filial to me? Of course, Cixi is my grandson. For the sake of my grandson, I will give up 10%. How about 40% of the shares? This is

My limit is reached." Zhou Kui said.

"Thirty percent, I can only give 30%. If you don't agree, forget it." Zhou Yufeng stood up and prepared to walk out. She didn't want anything about filial piety or lack of filial piety at this moment. She must strive for no less than 50% for her son and daughter.

shares, thus gaining control over the management of the estate.

They walked all the way to the gate. Only then did the three brothers catch up and said that their father finally compromised and agreed, and 30% success was achieved, but now he was scolding someone for being unfilial, and the scolding was particularly unpleasant.

Zhou Yufeng breathed a sigh of relief and showed a hint of joy. As for scolding, just scold her. The importance of money and the importance of Prince Cixi were much more important in her heart than mere infamy. There was no need for her to be a 'virtuous queen'.

reputation, and sacrifice so many benefits that must be grasped.

But in the afternoon, Zhou Kui asked his three sons to send passbook deposits and check remittances to the palace, plus the 850,000 silver dollar deposit in the royal financial account, and it actually reached 1.8 million silver dollars, a full three times more.

A son sent a message saying: "If you want to do it, make it bigger. Build twelve prince manors at a time. You can think of a way for the remaining 1.8 million. You can also borrow money from the bank. Anyway, I want 30% of the twelve prince manors."

Shares!" The three brothers said in front of Queen Zhou: "This is all the working capital of the family. In order to support the construction of the prince's manor, we almost went bankrupt." Queen Zhou couldn't help being stunned, and couldn't help but feel a little moved. Her father

Although Zhou Kui is a bit greedy for money, he is still okay with her.

And she should indeed be moved, because in the normal historical timeline, Zhou Kui, who was extremely stingy, not only refused to donate one tael of silver when the Ming Dynasty was about to perish, but he even coveted the five thousand taels that Queen Zhou gave him.

He only donated 3,000 taels for the price of 2,000 taels... Now Zhou Kui's behavior of spending 1.8 million silver dollars like a bankrupt, even if it is mainly for his own benefit, can really be called generous and courageous.

There were only twelve crown prince or princess estates, resulting in a gap of 1.2 million silver dollars. Empress Zhou and Emperor Zhu Youjian had to spend an additional 300,000 silver dollars, and they also found ways to invite more shareholders to invest.

, or temporarily misappropriated some deposits in the Royal Financial Account, but did not consider borrowing money from Tianxiatong Bank, because Zhu Youjian did not want to borrow one more cent.

In addition, in the palace, not only Queen Zhou's natal family was very powerful, but Concubine Tian's father, Tian Hongyu, also spent 1.5 million silver dollars to support the establishment of five princely estates.

Concubine Yuan's father, Yuan You, invested 600,000 silver dollars to build two princess manors. As for the other concubines, although the natal families behind them were very few who could spend 300,000 silver dollars, but two people jointly owned it, and three people

It is still possible to build a manor by joining a partnership.

Even the emperor's sister-in-law Zhang Yan took out the initial deposit of 50,000 yuan and invested in a prince's manor.

In the end, when all was added up, the number of investments in overseas royal estates actually reached twenty-four, which was beyond Zhu Youjian's expectation. Even though these were small estates covering an area of ​​10,000 acres, they were only equivalent to eight standard estates.

The Xu family's large manor, but it is also very worthy of joy.

It can also be seen from this that, driven by the profit-seeking investment model of capital, even the royal family who does not seem to be very wealthy can burst out with amazing energy, which can make people who are stingy to the extreme willing to bankrupt their entire fortune.

But this is just the energy that the royal family burst out in the huge Ming Empire. The entire coastal areas such as Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guangdong.

Jiangnan area, Shandong, North Zhili and other areas. All the landlords and gentry class. All big and small merchants in the Ming Dynasty.

Even the people at the bottom who have almost nothing. In the recent period, they have been discussing how to colonize Southeast Asia and how to make a fortune overseas. Their hearts are extremely impetuous.

In particular, the maritime business groups in Zhejiang have taken action at the speed of light, organizing merchant ships and cargo ships to carry a large number of people who are eager to change their destiny, and heading straight to the southeast. From the colonization operations in Xujiazhuang, they have concluded three ways to successfully colonize overseas.


The first is to capture the best land. The second is the collective estate model. The third is to invest huge amounts of resources and strive to get returns in the same year.

As long as all the above three elements are met, overseas expansion will be profitable and successful!

It can only be said that the businessmen of Zhejiang Dihai Business Group are not only wealthy, but also very smart. Their combined energy is even greater. There may even be a strategic-level genius within them who accurately summed up the reason why Xujiazhuang can succeed.

reasons, and then imitated them immediately, and their actions were extremely powerful. On May 27, they organized a huge colonial fleet to go to sea, carrying 30,000 immigrants, and headed straight for Taiwan.

Xujiazhuang will never be allowed to occupy all the best land! But...Zhejiang Maritime Group, they may have simplified the problem.

On June 5, the maritime colonial fleet encountered a storm, resulting in the loss of one-third of the ships and the death of nearly 10,000 immigrants.

On June 8, we successfully arrived in southern Taiwan and successfully landed ashore, but we were attacked by savages in the mountains.

On June 15, severe malaria broke out, as well as diarrhea and other diseases caused by acclimatization, and thousands of people died in one day.

On June 20, there were 30,000 young and strong immigrants who set out, but now there were only about 8,000 left, and most of them were dying. Their labor capacity was low, and their pioneering efficiency was very low. In addition, the frequency of attacks by savages in the mountains continued to increase.

, it is estimated that there is no possibility of recovering the capital in ten or twenty years.

Failure! The Zhejiang Maritime Group’s colonization operation ended in failure, pouring a bucket of cold water on the wave of overseas colonization in the Ming Dynasty that aroused nationwide enthusiasm, and forced countless people to wake up.

At this time, people discovered that there was a future for overseas colonization, but at present only Xujiazhuang had the ability to carry out large-scale overseas colonization and achieve success.

The most fundamental reason is that Xujiazhuang has the magic medicine! If others want to succeed, they must go to Xujiazhuang to buy the magic medicine!

Otherwise, it will be a dead end and you will lose all your money.
This chapter has been completed!
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