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Chapter 236 Zheng Fusong Saves His Brother 2

July 4th.

In the Yellow Sea, above the vast expanse of waves.

The steam warship "Conquering the People with Virtue" was heading east at a speed of twenty knots, cutting through the waves.

The captain's command room.

Through the glass window, looking at the blue sea in the distance, he saw a whale spraying water on the sea surface to breathe, and various unknown seabirds in the sky... Everything in front of him made Zheng Fusong feel relaxed and happy, which temporarily offset his heart.

Concern for his younger brother.

"Xiao Zheng, what are you thinking about with the sky high and the sea in front of you?" Jiang Dajin, a burly soldier in his early thirties with a Chinese character, asked with a smile.

"Small. Seeing the vastness of this world, I suddenly feel that we humans are very small, but we are also very great, because although we are small, we can build big boats and ride in this vast world. No matter how far away the corner is, we can still reach it.

And conquer, maybe one day, we will become the masters of this world, conquer it, transform it, use it, and make it serve us humans to the greatest extent."

Zheng Fusong said enthusiastically.

"Well said."

Jiang Dajin nodded, but then shook his head and said: "It's just that you can't underestimate the world. Two months ago, the 'Brave' and the 'Fearless' were undergoing sea trials, and suddenly encountered a storm, and a ten-meter-high giant rock was set off on the sea.

I was also on the boat at the time, and when I saw the huge waves crashing over me, I thought to myself that it was definitely going to be over, and there was no way I could survive. Although it was okay in the end and I survived the storm, but for nature, I

You still need to have a heart of awe, because manpower is limited."

"If you have learned the lesson, the power of nature is infinite. You can only make the best use of the situation, and you cannot make an enemy of it."

Zheng Fusong said with a humble face, but in his heart, he thought of another scene.

A fully loaded warship with a displacement of 2,000 tons cannot withstand huge waves, but what about a 10,000-ton or 100,000-ton warship?

The huge waves on the sea surface are difficult to stop by manpower. If we build a diving boat and carry out activities underwater, wouldn't we not encounter huge waves at all?

Or you can build a large aircraft and fly to an altitude of 10,000 meters to avoid storm areas and travel safely.

Human wisdom is infinite.

The power of technology is also unlimited.

As long as we continue to develop, as the teacher said, one day, humans will be able to conquer the stars and the sea, and even the power of nature will not be afraid.

He firmly believed that this day would definitely come, because the teacher said it himself.

In the afternoon, the warship formations "Conquering the People with Virtue" and "Conquering the People with Reason" arrived at the port of Jeju Island.

Today's Ba Port is a large port no smaller than Harbor City. The long pier can berth hundreds of ships. There are as many as fifty electric cranes for loading and unloading, plus the rows of

Warehouses, dedicated cold chain ice warehouses, and dozens of wind turbines standing on the mountains on both sides - this is already a port with extremely complete infrastructure.

The annual cargo throughput can reach 100 million stones.

There are as many as 100,000 workers and their families, and more than 70% of them are locals from Jeju Island or workers recruited from North Korea.

"Sir, in our hegemonic port, Koreans make up the majority, but the garrison is relatively sparse, and the business is so prosperous and lively. Are there any hidden dangers? After all, we are outsiders after all." Zheng Fusong raised a question.


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【Chongzhen owes me one billion taels】 【】

"That's a good question."

Jiang Dajin nodded and said: "The owner of the village said that the economic foundation determines everything. There are hundreds of thousands of islanders on Jeju Island and tens of thousands of workers from North Korea. Even if they are driven away, they will not be willing to leave.

The probability of rebellion is zero. If the North Korean Kingdom dares to send troops to attack, these islanders and workers will stand firmly on our side. If we provide heavy rewards, the whole family of the perpetrators can obtain Xujiazhuang household registration. I am afraid there will be more people immediately.

Tens of thousands of troops were sent out, and all of them were brave and fearless of death, bursting out with astonishing combat power."

"Why are they so focused? Please teach me."

Zheng Fusong became energetic and immediately asked for advice. He had a hunch that these experiences might be very useful.

"Simple, mainly three things."

Jiang Dajin said: "First, tax exemption, permanent exemption from agricultural taxes and poll taxes, and almost no taxes levied on local people. This alone has won the hearts of the island's farmers and landowners and gentry, and made those who rely on farming to survive

People all support and support us, and they don’t care where we are from, and even want us to never leave in order to protect their own interests.”

"Exemption from agricultural tax and poll tax is feasible." Zheng Fusong nodded. This move alone can win at least 70% of the people's support.

"Second, recruit workers and provide a large number of jobs."

Jiang Dajin said: "Now in Ba Port, there are 3,000 local professional fishermen, each of whom can earn hundreds of silver dollars per year, which is a high-paying position; there are 30,000 port porters, factory workers, and construction workers, with an annual income of more than 50

Silver dollars belong to the middle-income class; there are also fish processing factory workers, sanitation workers, nannies, cooks, restaurant waiters and other groups that are mainly women, with a population of more than 30,000, and an annual income of about thirty silver dollars."

"Coupled with the surrounding farmers who supply vegetables, fruits and pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks and geese to Ba Port, our port has created at least 100,000 jobs and provided services to no less than 200,000 North Koreans.

, rely on the Hong Kong economic circle to survive. Although some people have low incomes and can only earn more than thirty silver dollars a year, this income level is three times higher than in North Korea. Think about it, if you are a North Korean,

Would you rather stay in Ba Hong Kong and develop, or stay in extremely poor North Korea?"

Zheng Fusong said without thinking: "Then it must be to develop in a place with high income."

"Third, it is to promote the excellence and beauty of our system, and there must be contrast and comparison."

Jiang Dajin said: "If you are an ordinary North Korean citizen and you develop in North Korea, whether you are working or running a small business, bullies will bully you every day, officials will extort you, and powerful people will regard you as an ant.

If you work hard until the end of the year, the shopkeeper will not give you any wages. If you don't work, others will do it. You will suffer countless oppression and insults. Even if you work hard and endure hardships, you will not get the rewards you want.

Harvest, a dark place where the strong bullies the weak at will, and the powerful plunder everything. You can only live in endless suffering and pain, without any hope."

"But when you come to Ba Gang, the situation is completely different. This is a land of freedom, a land of fairness, a land full of hope and light! No one here dares to bully the weak or extort money. If you pay here, you can

There are rewards. No one here can default on half of their wages. There are people here who uphold justice and justice. Evil will not be allowed to run rampant and the powerful will not be allowed to oppress the good. Here, good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil. This is the place where all truth, goodness and beauty gather.


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【Chongzhen owes me one billion taels】 【】

"Anyway, we must promote it as good as it is. Even if we cannot reach the level of the propaganda for the time being, we must try our best to promote it so that those who are eager to seek this will believe it, and let them see at least some of the good things, and then continue to promote it.

After contrasting the darkness and despair in the Kingdom of Korea, they will identify and be loyal to this place more than anyone else, and will work hard to learn our culture and actively integrate into us. Just like most Koreans in Ba Gang now.

, they all learned dozens or hundreds of Chinese sentences, and took the initiative to let their children receive Xujiazhuang’s new education.”

After listening to this.

Zheng Fusong's eyes lit up.

The answer to the second assignment assigned by the teacher, 'How to Win the Heart of the People', was found in advance. Ba Gang is the standard answer and can be used as a reference. As long as you copy this answer, you won't get one.

100%, which is at least 80% or above. There is no problem in rating it as excellent.

Thinking of this, he bowed his hands and saluted Jiang Dajin to express his acceptance.

July 5th.

It stands to reason that the expedition fleet should set off today to carry out a rescue mission in Hirado, Japan.

The 1,000 elite Marines from the 1st Battalion of the 3rd Marine Brigade are also ready and ready to be deployed at any time.

But the fleet stayed at the port to rest for a day.

The reason is that a group of tens of thousands of Korean refugees came across the sea by boat from the north and begged Jeju Island to accept them. The Liaodong slaves suddenly invaded North Korea and were burning, killing, and looting all over North Korea. They had been wreaking havoc for more than a month.

There are millions of refugees created. This group of refugees still has some economic conditions. In addition, Jeju Island is relatively close and has developed rapidly in the past two years. It has become a wealthy place, so they came to request shelter.

However, the situation was so serious that Cui Wende, the magistrate of Jeju Island, did not dare to make an independent decision, so he asked Jiang Dajin how to deal with the tens of thousands of refugees? Should they be kept or should they be repatriated?

Jiang Dajin sent someone to send a telegram to the Xujiazhuang headquarters to request instructions, and received a reply of "accept all", because colonizing Southeast Asia requires a large number of manpower, and these refugees can be put to use in the future.

It's just that when the refugee fleet arrived at Ba Port, the sight of the huge number of refugees actually aroused the rejection and dissatisfaction of the local North Korean workers. They thought that they were here to steal jobs and rice bowls. Not only did they not welcome their arrival, they also

Physical conflicts also broke out, requiring them to go back to where they came from and not to snatch what belongs to them here.

Several refugees were beaten to a bloody head and were wailing and screaming.

Jiang Dajin had to bring troops to deal with this problem. He scolded these local Korean workers for having no "tolerance and kindness" and simply deviating from Xujiazhuang's core values ​​of "civilization, equality and justice". He asked them to disperse immediately, otherwise they would

After being severely punished by the law and deterred by the Marine Corps, this group incident was finally resolved.

"My Iceberg Beauty Wife"

July 6th, nine o'clock in the morning.

The expedition fleet consisted of four steam-armored warships, "Conquer the People with Virtue", "Conquer the People with Reason", "Brave" and "Fearless", carrying a thousand marines.

Finally, we officially set off and headed straight for Hirado, Japan, which is more than 300 kilometers away.

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【Chongzhen owes me one billion taels】 【】

Traveling in formation at a speed of eighteen knots, we expect to arrive in ten hours.

In order to ensure the suddenness and concealment of the rescue operation, it must be carried out in the early morning of July 7th at the earliest, otherwise it is likely to alert the snake and lead to the failure of the operation.

The other side.

Hirado Island, in the bustling Hirado Castle.

Inside the exquisite and gorgeous feudal palace.

Matsuura Jinnobu, as the fourth generation lord of the Hirado Domain, he is in his thirties this year. It can be said that he is young and promising. He has made Hirado a prosperous business. Regardless of the nearly 300 feudal lords in Japan, there are only 6

The Hirado Domain with 13,000 koku can only be ranked in the middle-to-upper range, far inferior to those powerful vassals with hundreds of thousands or millions of koku. However, in recent years, due to the close relationship between Hirado Port and the Ming Dynasty, North Korea and other countries, as well as the Netherlands

People's commercial exchanges are becoming increasingly close, bringing about an extremely prosperous commercial economy.

From commercial taxes alone, the Hirado clan received two to three hundred thousand taels every year.

The actual strength may be close to 500,000 koku. It is a veritable vassal, not even much weaker than the Tokugawa Shogunate.

It's just that in the past few days, for some reason, Matsuura Jinnobu felt that his eyelids were always twitching, and he felt vaguely uneasy in his heart, which was getting stronger and stronger.

In order to alleviate his uneasiness, he had to call his brother Matsuura Nobuzada and several trusted old retainers over and discuss it with them.

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