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Chapter 273 Godsend Fish Sea Battle: Huge Harvest

August 3rd.

Aomori Port has become an extremely lively large construction site.

In the past, this place was more of a fishing village than a port, with a population of just over 2,000 and only three to four hundred houses. However, in the remote and poor Tsugaru Domain area, it was still the most crowded and lively place.

But now, more than 100,000 people have disembarked.

More than 100,000 tons of various materials were unloaded.

And immediately started the reconstruction and expansion of the port. Everyone was busy building houses, temporary camps and fishery processing plants, striving to have a long-term settlement in the shortest possible time to facilitate joint fishing now and in the future.

Action, because the fish resources in the offshore are limited, you cannot fish too frequently, and you must leave a fishing moratorium of at least three to five months. During this period, you can just come to Tianci Fish Sea to have a good fishery harvest.

Great battle.


There was a loud gong sound.

"It's time to eat, it's time to eat."

"Stop what you are doing and start eating again."

"Over there, there's no need to dig in the sea water anymore. Come up and eat."

The staff responsible for knocking on the gong discovered that the indigenous workers in the Tsugaru Domain were working too hard. They were the earliest to start work and the last to finish work every day. They were even more eager to do the hardest and most tiring work.

Go work, but soaking in the cold and biting sea water for most of the day will lead to severe rheumatism, but these indigenous workers don't seem to care at all.

"Master, it's time for dinner. Look..." On the shore, a retainer looked at the armored man eagerly and said.

"Okay, let's go eat."

Tsugaru Nobuyoshi finally spoke and took the lead to walk towards the open-air canteen. Seeing him move, more than three thousand indigenous workers around him put down their tools, looked happy, and followed to the canteen when they smelled the aroma of the food.

They kept swallowing their saliva.

That's right.

Now Tsugaru Nobuyoshi is not so much a feudal lord as a boss and supervisor. He comes to the construction site every day to supervise the work of the residents. When it's time for meals, he will also eat those made in the big pot.

He devoured every meal with great satisfaction, because the quality and taste of the food at the construction site were actually better than what he, the feudal lord, usually ate, and the life he lived before was actually not as good as the ordinary workers in Xujiazhuang.

Then there was regret, it was too late to become Xujiazhuang’s dog! Otherwise, he would have lived a good life long ago.

Therefore, you must perform well now and try your best to leave a good impression on Xujiazhuang, which will bring benefits to yourself. At least, you can't do worse than the Hirado clan.

"Hula hula~"

He was holding a sea bowl as big as his head, which was full of fragrant Nanyang rice, topped with eels, lobsters, hairy crabs and other seafood, as well as easy-to-preserve vegetables such as stir-fried shredded potatoes, piled high into a mountain, and poured over

Take a spoonful of seafood sauce soup, the taste will make you hold this bowl and want to eat it forever.

Even though as a feudal lord, Tsugaru Nobuyoshi must have the magnanimity and dignity of a feudal lord and not gobble it up like a starving ghost reincarnated, but he just couldn't help it. It was so fragrant and delicious that he unknowingly sped up.

About ten minutes.

After finishing all the food in the bowl, I let out a long burp.

Feeling quite full, Tsugaru Nobuyoshi glanced at the workers who were still eating. Thinking of their number, he said to the retainer next to him: "My subjects are still too few, so I'll just call all the samurai here."

There are only more than 3,000 people working, less than 4,000. This number of people cannot bring much profit at all."

You must know that these residents who work for Xujiazhuang can get a salary of ninety cents a day. He, Tsugaru Xinyi, will take half of it. There are more than 3,000 workers, which means that he can get a salary of 90 cents a day.

A commission of nearly 150 silver dollars for the service.

But it's not enough. This little money is not enough to satisfy his appetite.

"Why don't I take the samurai by boat to Hokkaido tomorrow, capture the Ezo natives there, bring thousands of people over, and ask them to come and work for Xujiazhuang." Tsugaru Nobuyoshi thought of an idea and said.

"Master, Hokkaido is the territory of Matsumae Clan. We will bring samurai there to capture the Ezo people. Matsumae Clan will definitely not turn a blind eye. What will happen if there is a conflict?" the retainer asked.

"Then I can only give them some benefits. If I give a strong Ezo man a silver dollar, the Matsumae clan will be willing to cooperate with me. They are even poorer than me."

"But what about the shogunate? Without the permission of the shogunate, the feudal lords are not allowed to mobilize their troops at will, otherwise they will be punished by the shogunate." The retainer was worried.

"I have Xujiazhuang behind me, so what does the shogunate mean?"

Tsugaru Nobuyoshi said with disdain: "The Tokugawa shogunate can't even kill a hundred Xu family troops, so what qualifications do they have to rule the world? The Tokugawa clan is just a treasonous villain and should have been destroyed long ago.


Anyway, in order to make more money, he decided to capture the Ezo people! He will take them out tomorrow!

After more than half a month of intense construction.

On August 15th, Aomori Port took a basic shape.

The most important thing is that as the project with the highest construction priority, a large-scale freezer has been built, and the cannery assembly line debugging has been completed. The fishery processing plant, which can accommodate at least tens of thousands of people working at the same time, already has a certain processing capacity.

It can only process 10,000 stone per day, but the planning ability is to process at least 200,000 stone of marine fish and seafood every day.

But it is already possible to send out fishing fleets to catch fish in the Tianci Fish Sea. There is no need to wait for the processing capacity to continue to improve. Instead, we should get the fish and get the processing plant up and running as soon as possible.

Also considering that the typhoon season has not completely passed yet.

As the first advance fleet to go fishing in the Tianci Fish Sea, the Hirado fishing fleet is naturally the most familiar with the local conditions, because most of the boatmen and fishermen in this fleet are Japanese. They are experienced and have a good understanding of the weather.

Being fully aware of the changing situation can minimize risks, and act as a pioneer to explore and accumulate experience for the following fishing fleets, avoiding some detours, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

So early in the morning on the 16th.

The Hirado fishing fleet set off.

It consists of two hundred 250-ton ordinary fishing boats (driven by 120-horsepower diesel engines).

Twenty maritime refrigerated cargo ships and ten supply ships (all with a load capacity of 1,000 tons).

In addition, two armored warships were responsible for escorting.

There were a total of 232 large and small ships, and a large number of engines made beeping noises at the same time. They headed straight for the Tianci Fish Sea in the east at a relatively fast speed.

Hirata Yoshimanro and his eldest son Hirata Fukuichiro are now in this fishing fleet and have become crew members on the fishing boat "Fukukai". Hirata Yoshimanro, who has rich fishing experience, also serves as the deputy captain, with a status of only

Second to the Han captain Zhan Fuhai.

Speaking of which, Hirata Yoshimanro’s dream was to own a better and bigger ship of his own. Why did he become a crew member on the Fukukai and a high-level migrant worker when he didn’t realize this dream?

Has he given up on his dream?


Although he really wanted to have a better and bigger new ship, he could buy it for about two hundred silver dollars, and he had saved enough money, but in the end, he spent all the money on it.

I built a new house and gave up my plan to buy a boat.

Because Xujiazhuang's fishing boat with a diesel engine, called a "motor sailing boat" (with a small sail), has a speed five times that of a traditional fishing boat, and a cabin capacity of more than 200 cubic meters, which is ten times that of a small fishing boat.

The endurance, living environment and other aspects far exceed that of traditional fishing boats.

The most important thing is the fishing capacity. Motorized and sailing boats use advanced tools such as trawl nets, seine nets, and shrimp pots to participate in fishing. With the help of mechanical winches, one net can catch tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of fish.

The efficiency is hundreds or thousands of times worse!

With such a huge gap, even if Yoshimanro Hirata bought ten new ships, he would still be far from catching up and would always be left behind.

It would be better to accept the recruitment, join the Hirado fishing fleet, and then go out to sea with a fixed salary of thirty silver dollars per month and subsidize 1% of the fishing commission. This is far better than buying a boat and working alone.

It is more stable, safer and has a more comfortable working environment.

Naturally, his eldest son Fukuichiro was also brought on board the ship, but he received the treatment of an ordinary boatman, that is, a fixed salary of fifteen silver dollars per month and a seagoing allowance of half a silver dollar per day. This also belongs to the high-income class and is enough to support his wife Mieko and the upcoming marriage.

The child born - Fukuichiro is now married to a fairly virtuous woman. His life as a child is much better than when he was married. Fukumanro Hirata can't help but feel jealous sometimes. Why does he have such a good life?

Coming so late?


The voyage lasted one day and one night.

The color of the sea water changes from light blue to dark blue and then to black, which means that the seabed is getting deeper and deeper.

The wind and waves also increased significantly, and the shaking in the ship increased.

Until I saw streams of pitch-black sea water constantly gushing out from the bottom of the sea, turning into a black belt running from north to south, stretching for at least hundreds of miles, with widths ranging from a few miles to dozens of miles, and even the waves on the sea changed.

A lot calmer.

"Kuroshio, this is Kuroshio!"

"As long as you see the black tide, there are more fish nearby than the stars in the sky."

"Found it! The sonar system scanned that there is an extremely large fish school more than ten miles southeast."

"Let's go, let's speed up and catch up with the fish!"

"See it, I've seen it, there are a lot of sardines, salmon and cod over there!"

"I can see a lot of saury near the sea here!"

"Whales, we saw no less than fifty whales here, and they were eating those small fish."

"Fish, there are fish everywhere, maybe more than the sea water. The sea of ​​fish, this is simply a sea of ​​fish!"

"Load the net, quickly lower the net, and throw it to the place with the most fish. Okay, okay, pick up the net and pull it. Let me pull it hard!"

"Shen, it's too heavy. The net is probably full of fish. OK, it's coming up. It's too heavy. The fish caught in this net will not be less than 100,000 catties. This is a bit overweight. Slow down, slow down, boatmen.

Quickly use the net bag to collect some of the fish into the cabin!"

"It's almost done. The weight has been reduced. You can hoist the fishing net. Put it into the cabin, open the fishing net and release the fish."

Under the captain's orders one after another.

Hua Hua Hua~

Countless sea fish slanted down like a waterfall, falling into the cabin with a bang, and the fish were jumping violently, like countless water splashes, and even hit the boatman hard, with such force that they could almost

Knocking someone half unconscious.

After the fish in this net were released, the cabin of more than 200 cubic meters was almost one-third full.

This means that the weight of the fish caught is at least more than 60 tons (120,000 kilograms). In offshore areas, only when you encounter a very rare group of large fish can you catch so many fish in one net.

And when they arrived at the Tianci Fish Sea, they saw the black tide and the school of fish for a while. They just put down the first net, and after just two or three minutes, they set up the net and achieved what might have taken most of a day in the offshore.

Then I went to the second net and continued to gain a lot.

In the third net, the cabin with a capacity of more than 200 cubic meters is full and cannot be loaded anymore. We must quickly find a refrigerated cargo ship and pick up the newly caught fish. After some selection (only the big ones are kept and the small ones are released, as long as

High value, not low value), and then transferred to cold storage to avoid a large number of fish dying due to lack of oxygen over time, the meat quality deteriorating, and thus losing commercial value - this is why in ancient society, offshore fishing did not develop

The reason why we can only engage in offshore fishing is that the shelf life of marine fish and seafood is only three to five days at most. Once it dies, it is worthless. Only after the emergence of refrigeration technology can we develop the possibility of developing ocean fish resources.

The potential for offshore fishing is huge, especially in fishing grounds at the intersection of ocean currents such as Tianci Fish Sea, so it only takes two or three hours to arrive.

The first sailing fishing boat was liquidated.

The second fishing boat also went bankrupt.

Then the third ship, the fourth ship... until the first maritime refrigerated cargo ship with a maximum capacity of one thousand tons also became saturated and could no longer accommodate it.

The cold storage of the second refrigerated cargo ship was saturated and could no longer be loaded.

The third ship, the fourth ship... By the evening of that day, all twenty refrigerated cargo ships were full, and they had to use full power to return to Aomori Port as quickly as possible. After unloading, they would try to return to Aomori Port as quickly as possible.

Return to the sea of ​​heavenly fish.

During this process, the fishing boats will be fixed together with a chain of iron ropes, temporarily stopping fishing, and then restarting when the refrigerated cargo ship returns.


The boatmen and crew on the fishing boats, which were fixed together as a unit of five fishing boats, laid out good wine and food and began to celebrate, turning it into a sea of ​​joy.

On the fishing boat Fuhai.

"Captain, most of what our ship caught today were salmon, and a small part were squid and saury. The total weight is about three thousand dan. How much bonus can we get for these fish today?" A Japanese man

The boatman asked the captain Zhan Fuhai in broken Chinese.

"The prize for low-value fish is 1 silver dollar per stone, the medium-value fish is 3 silver dollars, the high-value fish is 5 silver dollars, and the highest value is 10 silver dollars. For our fish catch today, the appraiser gave an average value of 3.2 points per stone, which is 9,600

Silver dollar bonus." Zhan Fuhai calculated.

"The bonus is less than 10,000 yuan. Captain, what fish is the most valuable? Let's catch the fish with the highest value." Hirata Fukuichiro couldn't help but said.

"The ones with high value include deep-sea king crabs, pine leaf crabs, lobsters, whales and sharks. The value of these fish, shrimps and crabs is relatively high," said Zhan Fuhai.

"A fishing boat caught a whale today, which weighed several hundred stones. But I have eaten whale meat before, and it was not very tasty. Why is it so valuable?" the crew member asked.

"I heard that the oil boiled from whales is a very good industrial lubricant. It has many uses and is therefore of high value. In addition, whales and sharks mostly eat small and medium-sized fish. If some large fish are not hunted, the ocean's

It is difficult to maintain the ecological balance, and we may not be able to catch as many fish next year and the year after that, so we have to catch some big and small fish to avoid imbalance," Zhan Fuhai explained.

"I see."

"I understand, if we don't kill some whales and sharks, they might eat up all the small fish."

"In this case, why not kill all the whales and sharks, so that there will be an endless supply of small fish?"

"No, small fish feed on smaller fish and shrimps. If there are too many small fish, the smaller fish and shrimps will not be enough to eat, and they may starve to death in large numbers, but the number will not increase."

"It makes sense. There are too many ways to achieve sustainable development."

"Captain, why don't we go fishing for king crabs tomorrow? The value of salmon is still not very high. As long as we can find where the king crabs are and catch them in a net, we will make a fortune. The bonus will definitely exceed 10,000 yuan!" Hirata

Fukuichiro suggested.

"Captain, I think this is a good idea. The fishing manual sent to us has the general distribution range of king crabs. They are not far from us. Why don't you try your luck? It doesn't matter even if you don't catch them. Refrigerated cargo ship

We will probably come back the day after tomorrow. We will try for a day tomorrow. If we fail, we will just catch some ordinary sea fish." Yoshimanro Hirata also said.

"Okay, I'll do as you say!"

Zhan Fuhai nodded: "Our priority target is king crab, followed by pine leaf crab and lobster. We can also attack whales when we encounter them. We are really unlucky. There are countless ordinary fish waiting for us... In short, we cannot be satisfied easily.

, we must find ways to catch the fish with the highest value.”

"Yes, Captain!"

“Got to find the king crab!”

"Come here, eat well and drink well. Let's keep up the good work tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Cheers!"


The other side.

After a day and night of fast sailing.

On August 19, a total of twenty refrigerated cargo ships, all loaded with thousands of tons of fish, returned to Aomori Port.

A team of journalists from Xujiazhuang's "Oriental Times" also came to this port and immediately took photos of the huge harvest of the offshore fishing fleet with their cameras. They wrote an article and reported the pictures and articles through a digital fax machine.

Harbor City Newspaper Headquarters.

August 21st.

In the latest issue of the "Autumn Harvest Celebration Series" column of "Oriental Times", this article is titled "Great victory for the joint fishing fleet! The first batch of 20,000 tons of fish was harvested. The God-given fish sea will become an inexhaustible fishery treasure house for mankind."

】 article report, soon caused quite a stir and enthusiastic response in the Ming Dynasty and in the public opinion field at home and abroad.

This chapter has been completed!
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