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Chapter 275 Zeng Tianshun Transforms to Breed High-Quality Cattle

It was September 10th, the ninth year of Chongzhen.

Fengle Village, Xinghua County, Nanzhili Province, Zeng's Cattle Farm.

It’s another year of beef cattle production.

Zeng Tianshun, who has been busy for two years, once again looked forward to this most anticipated harvest moment.

Excluding 2 dead cattle, 108 new breed West China beef cattle survived, grew up, and reached the slaughter standard. Each head weighed about 800 kilograms, and the meat quality was better. All indicators exceeded the old breed Angus.

Beef cattle.

If nothing unexpected happens, Zeng Tianshun will make the most money in his life this time.

Therefore, recently, while he was trying to feed some highly nutritious feed to make the cattle fatten up quickly, he also stepped up precautions. He and his two sons, Lu Wen and Lu Wu, spent money to hire a few trustworthy cows.

Relatives, armed with long knives and sticks, patrol the cattle farms day and night to avoid unexpected incidents.

People's hearts are complicated, and some people's human nature is too dark, and they just can't see the good in others.

This year alone, Zeng Tianshun has heard of eight cases of poisoning in farms. Five cattle farms, two fish ponds, and one chicken factory were all wiped out. The farm owners lost their money and even lost their money.

Families were destroyed, and most of them went unsolved. It was not known whether the crime was committed. Only one of the cattle farms paid a detective from Xujiazhuang, and they found out that a close relative in the same village had committed the crime.

As for the reason for committing the crime, it is very simple, just two words: jealousy.

We all have similar conditions and origins, so why can you make a comeback through breeding, while I can only continue to be oppressed and exploited? If you don't show kindness to help me, who will you harm if you don't? At worst, we will all perish. Anyway, I feel sorry for you too.

Don't think about it!

There are so many people with this kind of mentality in the world. There are at least three or five in every village. They are all weak and frustrated. They live in pain and sorrow all day long and have no ability to achieve anything.

But it is very easy to do something bad for you. They are a group of potential bombs.

In order to avoid the destruction of such people, Zeng Tianshun could only strengthen his prevention efforts. Even if he stayed up late for patrols for many days in a row and developed thick dark circles under his eyes, he had to continue working during the day. The further he went, the more he felt that he could no longer hold on.

, but he must persist and never fall!

Because he has his own daughter, and this year he has his own son!

For the sake of his family, he is always ready to fight against those bad guys!

It was not until this afternoon that the Xujiazhuang cattle collection staff who had made an appointment more than ten days in advance came over, and Zeng Tianshun breathed a long sigh of relief.

Then comes the familiar process: weigh the cattle, deduct the false weight, calculate the meat percentage, and give the purchase price and total price.

Finally after a lot of work.

The effective gross weight of the cow is 86606 kg.

The calculated meat rate is 65%.

The purchase price is 65 Wen/kg.

The total purchase price was 3,659,103 yuan, which was calculated as 3,660 silver dollars. It was indeed an unprecedentedly high income.

But in terms of net profit, it may not be as much as it was two years ago, but slightly less.

Because the cost of breeding has increased, my wife Wang Yingniang's main energy has to be used to take care of the children and do housework. The farm can't help, so she has to pay two relatives to come and help. In addition, in order to make the cattle grow faster, soybean meal,

We have purchased a lot of corn and special feed, accounting for about one-third of the feed. Even though grain has been cheaper and feed prices have been lower in the past two years, the overall breeding cost has still increased.

The calculated meat rate dropped by another five percentage points.

The purchase price dropped by fifteen cents per catty.

The final result is that after two years of hard work, the harvest has increased, but the profit has not increased. All those extra hard work and efforts have been in vain.

But Zeng Tianshun did not complain or be dissatisfied at all. He happily accepted the result and felt very satisfied.

After all, in the land south of the Yangtze River, there are pasture fields everywhere, pig farms, cattle farms, and sheep farms, numbering in the tens of thousands. The total population is said to exceed 100 million (mainly pigs).

The large number is scary.

Especially in Yangzhou Prefecture, the price of pork has dropped to 20 yuan per catty, mutton is 30 yuan, and beef is only about 35 yuan. It is the lowest price of meat in the Ming Dynasty.

Under such circumstances, the cattle raised by Zeng Tianshun can still be sold at a guaranteed price of 65 Wen/kg. This is thanks to the long-term cooperation contract signed two years ago. Otherwise, I don’t know if it can be sold at 50 Wen/kg.

At a lower price, you will definitely earn less.

However, Zeng Tianshun also realized that the period of high returns has passed. From now on, raising cattle will only make hard money, or even make almost no money at all. The good days are gone forever.

But this is the general trend, which is difficult to change by individuals. He cannot compete and can only adapt. At least for him, raising cattle is a relatively good occupation. It is easier than farming and he can often eat meat and drink milk.

(He also raises more than a dozen cows), and the quality of life is much better than that of farmers farming.

He can continue to work in this business and pass it on to future generations, becoming the core business of the family for future generations.

"Old Zeng, your cattle are getting better and better as they are raised, and the mortality rate is also very low. In terms of cattle raising technology, few have reached your level. They are high-quality cattle farmers." After the settlement, Manager Zhao

Good luck to Zeng Tian.

"No, I also learned it from the Xu Family Manor." Zeng Tianshun waved his hands modestly. If there was anything he didn't understand about raising cattle, he often went to the nearby cattle farm in the Xu Family Manor to steal from him.

, he has learned all the core technologies, but this kind of behavior would be beaten to death in other industries. He is very grateful to Xujiazhuang for his tolerance.

"This shows that your learning ability is good. Unlike some farmers who have participated in several training courses, they still can't raise cattle and sheep after returning home. They are so stupid that people don't want to teach...Old Zeng, you and I are the same

We are old acquaintances, you should trust me, I have a new cooperation project here, are you interested?" Manager Zhao suddenly asked mysteriously.

"What project?"

Zeng Tianshun's eyes widened and his eyes shot out, and his whole body suddenly became more energetic.

Here comes the opportunity again!

I, Zeng Tianshun, am indeed a person blessed by God. As long as I cooperate with the "Heaven" in Xujiazhuang and comply with their needs, I will definitely be able to bring huge returns.

So no matter what new cooperation project Manager Zhao mentioned, Zeng Tianshun was already inclined to agree.

"We have a new breed of cattle here, called the 'Chinese Sacred Cow'. Breeding scientists have spent decades combining the advantages of various Chinese cattle to develop this breed. As long as they are raised well, this breed will

The quality and taste of beef from breeding cattle is definitely the best in the world, unmatched by any other cattle, and can be sold at a very high price," said Manager Zhao.

"I raise, I am willing to raise this kind of cattle." Zeng Tianshun couldn't wait to say after hearing the word 'very high price'.

"Don't worry, just listen to me first."

Manager Zhao said: "The raising conditions for Chinese sacred cattle are very harsh. This simple cattle farm of yours will definitely not work. If you have to knock it all down and build a special reinforced concrete cattle farm that is warm in winter and cool in summer, it will not necessarily be better than yours."

The house I live in is poor and has high cleanliness requirements. It must be cleaned every day. There must not be any feces in the cow room. Mosquitoes and parasites are regularly killed. This is one of them. In addition, the food I eat is mainly concentrated feed, supplemented by grass.

Give them regular massages, baths, play music, and even give them some clean drinking water that smells like alcohol. If they are sick, they can only be treated with herbal medicine, and no antibiotics are allowed..."

"In short, raising this kind of cattle is like raising your own children. You must pay attention to all aspects. The energy and cost invested in this kind of cattle are at least three times that of ordinary cattle, but only in this way can we raise quality meat.

The best cattle, and with the scale and manpower of your farm, you can only raise thirty cattle at most, Chinese sacred cattle. If there are more, you will definitely not be able to take care of them, or the quality will decline." Manager Zhao pointed out many limitations.

"Manager Zhao, I just want to know what is the calculated meat rate and purchase price you give after raising this kind of cattle for slaughter?" Zeng Tianshun asked.

"The standard for slaughter is no less than 650 kilograms, the meat production rate is calculated as 50%, and the price is 1 silver dollar/kg." Manager Zhao said.

"Okay, I'll raise this Chinese sacred cow! Thirty of them! Thirty of them!"

Zeng Tianshun said without hesitation.

Speaking of this cooperation project, he was too decisive in agreeing to it, right?

You must know that the construction cost of a reinforced concrete cattle house is at least one to two thousand silver dollars.

Phonographs and radios used to play music cost tens of thousands of silver dollars.

There are also higher costs of concentrated feed and labor investment.

Without spending 10,000 to 20,000 silver dollars, you can't even build infrastructure - although you can apply for preferential loans from Tianxiatong Bank.

The risk is not low either. If the cow dies, or if it is not raised well and cannot be sold at a high price, the loss will be too great.

even so.

Zeng Tianshun still decisively agreed to cooperate and must raise this Chinese sacred cow, no matter how difficult it was, he must raise it.

Because the price of 1 silver dollar/kg is fifteen to twenty times the price of ordinary beef, as long as thirty heads of Chinese sacred cattle can be raised for slaughter, assuming that the net meat yield per head is 300 kilograms, times thirty heads,

That’s 9,000 silver dollars, nearly ten thousand!

In order to earn this income, even if we raise two-thirds less cattle, so what if we spend twice as much cost and effort? As long as we raise them well and grow them up, it will still be more profitable to raise Chinese sacred cattle!

In this case, then he should choose the option that can net him more profit! Even if it requires a large loan.

So the cooperation was concluded!

Harbor City, White Castle.

In the family restaurant on the 20th floor.

Xu Yuan held a special 'all-cattle feast' today, asking the cattle farm to slaughter a 720-kilogram Chinese sacred cow, and take out 50 kilograms of the best meat (the rest was divided), plus

Using delicious ingredients such as beef heart, tripe, and intestines, we created a beef-themed family banquet.

Use chopsticks to pick up a thin piece of beef with snowflake texture, put it into the hot pot soup and simmer it for about ten seconds, then put it in your mouth, barely chewing it, and the beef entered your stomach.

"It melts in your mouth. This word can also be used to describe Chinese sacred beef in the future, and it is no worse than Wagyu beef."

Xu Yuan secretly sighed, in modern society, the price of high-end beef such as Wagyu and Charolais beef, even non-elite parts, is more than 5,000 yuan/jin, but in China, there is nothing worthy of praise for its high-end beef.

Regarding cattle breeds, Chinese people also highly value imported high-end beef and don’t care about the price at all.

Until a few years ago, Chinese scientists used advanced genetic breeding technology to develop a high-end beef cattle breed called the 'Chinese Divine Beef'. As long as they are raised properly, they are no worse than any imported beef.

It's just that several years have passed, but the Chinese Shenniu has not opened up. In addition, malicious slanders and rumors such as "genetically modified cattle" and "artificial cattle" have appeared overwhelmingly on the Internet, taking advantage of the fear of people with low scientific literacy, leading to the stockpiling.

The quantity is less than 5,000 heads, the market price is less than 1,000 yuan per catty, and it is not favored by high-end consumer groups. The hard work of the scientists is about to be wasted.

Xu Yuan couldn't bear it, so he placed an order to purchase 5,000 calves at a preferential price of 20,000 yuan per head, and asked several manors to mobilize capable manpower to carefully raise them for two years. Now that this kind of beef is eaten, it will immediately

It has become the number one beef recognized by Xu Yuan, beating all high-end beef in modern society!

And decided to only eat Chinese sacred beef from now on, and not eat any other junk beef.

Naturally, Xu Yuan sent someone to find the Chinese Shenniu breeding institution and placed another order to purchase 30,000 calves. The price was reduced to 15,000 per head, which allowed the breeding institution to operate normally for the next three years.

Have the confidence to reject acquisition requests from foreign companies.

But here comes the question. When these 30,000 Chinese sacred cattle are grown up and put on the market in two years, and the output is at least tens of thousands of tons of high-end beef, how will he deal with it? Will he finish eating it?


Of course I sold them all.

In modern society, the wholesale price is at least 3,000 yuan per kilogram, which will not drop by a penny. If all can be sold, it is estimated that 30 billion yuan will be earned.

If all the beef cannot be sold, the remaining beef can only be sold in the Ming Dynasty, with a wholesale price of 3 silver dollars/kg - this must be a loss. After all, the value of one silver dollar in modern society is only about 100 yuan, three yuan.

The silver dollar is only 300 yuan, which is equivalent to a price reduction of one-tenth. Even so, the price will not be reduced in modern society, because the efforts of breeding experts cannot be insulted. Those high-end beef imported from foreign countries are so expensive, so what is the quality?

Higher domestic beef cannot be sold at the same price?

Even if we must not lose our national self-confidence, we are inferior to others in all aspects, and better products are sold at cabbage prices. This unreasonable phenomenon must be corrected.

On the dining table.

I heard that this kind of beef sells for three silver dollars/kg.

Fang Qingyan was stunned: "Husband, although this kind of beef is delicious, it is so expensive. How many people in Ming Dynasty can afford it?"

Xia He said: "I don't think it's very expensive. At worst, if each of the 18 million people in Xujiazhuang buys one pound, they can basically digest it all. We people in Xujiazhuang have all achieved a prosperous life, and one person can still afford one pound."


Li Shujing, who was holding a boy in her arms, said: "My husband can sell this meat to my hometown. How come no one can afford it?"

His five-year-old son Xu Jiaguang looked at Xu Yuan in confusion and said: "Dad, don't we in Xujiazhuang always say 'people-oriented'? Most people can't afford such expensive beef. Only our family can eat it in big gulps."

, I can eat as much as I want, isn’t this a little bad?”

This question of his.

Let Fang Qingyan, Xia He, student Zheng Chenggong, concubines Ono, Li Shujing and others all look at Xu Yuan, wanting to hear how he would explain?

“It’s right to put people first, but we must look at problems with a developmental mindset.”

Xu Yuan smiled and said: "The price of 3 silver dollars per kilogram, not to mention ordinary Ming people, even the people in Xujiazhuang, few people are willing to buy it, but we have been developing, and the per capita income of the people in Xujiazhuang should be able to

It exceeds 300 silver dollars, and can reach 500, 800 or even thousands of silver dollars in the future. You said that when the per capita income is so high, can they still not afford to eat just Chinese sacred beef? It is no problem to eat it every now and then, and there are more Chinese sacred beef.

The income of breeding factory workers has also increased, and their consumption power will also increase, just like the farmers who grow organic rice. This gives them the opportunity to catch up, that is, as long as they do their best in farming and breeding, and produce high-quality rice.

Agricultural and animal husbandry products can also become a high-income class... Should we cut off their possibility of continuing to rise for the sake of so-called fairness?"

"I understand." Xu Jiaguang nodded with understanding.

"Does it mean that the more we eat, the more hope farmers have of getting rich?" Zheng Chenggong said with his eyes shining.

"Eat, eat, let's all eat big. This year we are the ones eating, but in a few years, everyone will be able to afford it."

Everyone put aside their burdens, picked up their chopsticks faster, and praised the taste.

This chapter has been completed!
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