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Chapter 283 Zhang Yan's Change

In the palace.

Yaohua Building, this nine-story building, is mostly inhabited by people from the original Ciqing Palace and the concubines of Emperor Xizong. There are about a hundred people living on the fourth to ninth floors.

The bottom three floors are dormitories for eunuchs and maids. More than two hundred people live there and are responsible for serving the masters upstairs.

Naturally, as the empress of Emperor Xizong, Zhang Yan, who had a very high status in the palace, lived in Room 901, the largest room on the ninth floor of Yaohua Building.

But if Zhang Yan had a choice, she would still want to live back in the Ciqing Palace and live her old life.

This is not because the living conditions in Yaohua Building are not good. On the contrary, the decoration and facilities in Room 901 are no less than those of White Castle in Harbor City.

Clean tap water, yes.

There is an indoor bathroom.

There is a hot spring-style bathroom.

Heating facilities are available.

Air conditioners, refrigerators, lights, fans, water dispensers, electric stoves and other home appliances are available.

And the power supply is sufficient. The electricity generated by the solar photovoltaic panels installed on the slope of the roof is given priority to her room. So far, she has never encountered the problem of insufficient power supply. Unlike other rooms, even if there is only one electrical appliance, a light.

When winter comes, the power supply time is limited and power outages occur frequently. This leads to some of the former emperor's concubines who like to play tag, so they have to build a good relationship with her and please her in order to extend the power supply time - in fact, the eunuchs can also be invited to join in.

By stepping on the flywheel device to generate electricity, 30 eunuchs can generate power at the same time, which can produce a stable power supply of more than 3kw, but the noise is high. However, Zhang Yanxi Jing will not let the eunuchs generate electricity manually if it is less than 10% short of power.

In addition, the signal in room 901 is also the best. If you turn on the 'classic radio', you can clearly hear all three radio stations - 'Da Ming Radio Station', 'Voice of Harbor City' and 'Sky Music Broadcasting' launched in Xujiazhuang earlier this year.

In the dark, damp and cold Ciqing Palace, you can only receive two radio stations, and you will miss many exciting programs.

And because of the high floor, I stand in front of the broken bridge aluminum floor-to-ceiling windows every day, looking through the glass at the splendid scenery inside and outside the imperial city, full of fireworks, and my mood feels much better. The prosperity of the capital is getting better and better every day.

High-rise reinforced concrete buildings often rise from the ground, and the changes are visible to the naked eye. This dilutes Zhang Yan's worries and makes her more optimistic about the future of Ming Dynasty, even though there are still countless problems.

Etc., etc.

No matter which aspect it is, the living conditions in Room 901 of Yaohua Building far exceed those of Ciqing Palace. It couldn't be better.


This can't go on like this.

Sooner or later you will fall!

I, Zhang Yan, have long been committed to Buddhism and no longer have any illusions about the mortal world, but I have lived such a luxurious, comfortable and convenient life. Countless people in the Ming Dynasty are still suffering hardships, the imperial authority is not there, and there are many challenges in all aspects. How can she

Can you sleep in comfort every day?

It would be better to move back to Ciqing Palace as soon as possible.

However, Emperor Zhu Youjian and Empress Zhou disagreed, saying that Ciqing Palace had already moved into an old concubine with inconvenient legs and feet, and she could not move back. Moreover, the construction of Yaohua Building was sponsored by the owner of Xujiazhuang in Jiangnan.

The total value of solar photovoltaic panels and various household appliances and furniture is no less than 500,000 silver dollars, and it does not consume internal funds. How can this be called luxury? Even if it is luxury, it is because the owner of Xu Zhuang is too generous, and this is extravagant.

Then return all these things! Don’t want any of them!

Zhang Yan said firmly at that time.

But the house has been renovated, and the appliances and furniture have been installed and used. Wouldn't it be extremely rude to return like this and offend Xu Yuan?

For the sake of the strong alliance between the royal family and Xujiazhuang, it is better not to return the things. Besides, Xu Yuan is so rich that he does not need these things at all, so he can use them with peace of mind.

So Zhang Yan had no choice but to stay.

But after only staying there for a short time, she felt a little panicked and scared.

Because she began to adapt to the living environment here, and it only took a short time to adapt very naturally.

In addition, living habits have also undergone tremendous changes.

In the past, she would chant sutras and pray for blessings in the morning, take a break after eating at noon, do some needlework in the afternoon, help Queen Zhou take care of the children, chat, chant sutras and pray for blessings again in the evening, and repeat this process the next day.


But what now?

From eight to nine in the morning, read the "Oriental Times" or listen to the morning radio.

From 9 a.m. to 12 noon, play with your mobile phone, read novels, movies, play games, etc.

In the afternoon, I helped take care of the children, chatted, and listened to the radio with Queen Zhou.

At night, while listening to the music broadcast, I would lie in bed and play with my mobile phone. I often didn't go to bed until eleven or twelve o'clock.

This kind of daily routine has formed a new pattern unconsciously.

Suddenly one day Zhang Yan was horrified.

Where is the Buddha?

Where did the Buddha in my heart go? Why was it replaced by a small smartphone?

Being so ungrateful to the Buddha will definitely result in karma!


This harmful smartphone must be smashed! Otherwise, it will be impossible to return to her previous life. This mobile phone is clearly the most powerful demon and will completely destroy her practice.

But after raising and putting down the phone many times, Zhang Yan just couldn't make up her mind and couldn't put it down.

After all, the novels in it are so good, the movies are so exciting, the games are so amazing, and there are also practical functions such as cameras, alarm clocks, calendars, calculators, etc., and the time display is also extremely accurate. Once you smash your phone, you will face a lot of inconvenience.


Forget it, wait until you finish reading that sweet pet novel before you smash it.

Forget it, I'll wait until I finish watching the remaining movies I haven't seen before binge-watching.

Forget it, use it for one more day, use it for the last day, and then hide your phone and never use it again.

Forget it, although I took out my phone, I just wanted to check the time.

never mind……

This struggle process lasted about two or three months.

As a result, up to now, the mobile phone is still in Zhang Yan's hand, and the average daily usage time has increased. She has never even thought of smashing the mobile phone. After all, she has too few daily entertainment activities. As a woman, no matter how long she uses it every day,

Whether you worship Buddha or play with your mobile phone every day, it won't have a big impact on world affairs, so why be too persistent... At this time, Zhang Yan's thoughts have become quite materialistic.

all in all.

Zhang Yan, who just turned 30 this year, has developed from a dignified and serious former empress to an older otaku.

November 20th.

This morning, Queen Zhou came to Yaohua Building and took the elevator pulled by eunuchs to the ninth floor.

Knock on the door and enter room 901.

Warm and spring-like living room.

Zhou Yufeng saw Zhang Yan, the emperor's sister-in-law, who was wearing coral velvet pajamas. She was half lying on the couch, with disheveled makeup and a bare face. She was holding a mobile phone in her hand, looking attentively with a faint smile on her lips.

When you see the wonderful things, you will smile like an aunt.

This scene.

Zhou Yufeng couldn't help but shook her head and said: "Sister-in-law, you should take good care of yourself. I have been using those high-end cosmetics given by Xu Yuan for almost a year. His Majesty said that I am as young as eighteen years old, but Sister-in-law Huang

You are already thirty this year. If you don't take good care of yourself, the wrinkles around your eyes will appear, and you will really age faster."

Hear this.

Zhang Yan said without raising her head: "As old as you are, who hasn't got old one day? No matter how much cosmetics you use, you will eventually age and die one day. Red and pink skulls, the world is too overdressed.


"Yes, yes, everything you said is correct."

Zhou Yufeng nodded, sat at the end of the sofa, looked at Zhang Yan in front of her and said, "Sister-in-law, please put down your phone for now. I have something serious to discuss with you."

"Tell me what's going on." Zhang Yan put down her phone and sat up.

"Let's go to Harbor City again. It's best to leave tomorrow and go to Harbor City to discuss cooperation with Xujiazhuang to open several royal factories..."

It took more than ten minutes for Zhou Yufeng to explain her intention and purpose.

"It shouldn't be a problem if you bring other members of the royal family, right?"

Zhang Yan shook her head. Although she supported Emperor Zhu Youjian's plan to set up a factory to make more money, after all, the financial resources of the royal family were indeed a bit weak. There were actually several business groups that were richer than the royal family, and the royal family wanted to rule such a country.

In a huge empire, there are endless places to spend money. Even the new royal army cannot support tens of thousands. How can we rule this empire over time?

Therefore, we must make more money, train more troops, take back more rights, and then suppress and weaken each threatening force. Only in this way can the Ming Dynasty be stable and there will be no hidden danger of collapse.

"Royal Sister-in-law, I don't have much knowledge or ability. With you by my side, I can feel a little relieved. If you don't go with me, I'm afraid the royal family will lose a lot of benefits but not gain much. I haven't negotiated a good deal."

Be sure." Zhou Yufeng said.

"I'm not sure either. That Fang Qingyan is extremely strong, won't give in, and is quite hostile to me. If I go, I won't be able to get good conditions." Zhang Yan shook her head.

"We don't talk to Fang Qingyan, but directly talk to Xu Yuan. As long as the conditions he gives are suitable, we will agree. Then Xu Yuan will at least be much easier to talk to than Fang Qingyan." Zhou Yufeng said.

And as soon as I heard the name Xu Yuan.

Zhang Yan suddenly blushed, shook her head like a rattle, and said: "No, then Xu Yuan is just a disciple with bad intentions. For the sake of the reputation of the royal family, I cannot see this person again, otherwise the world will criticize me, and I will commit suicide."

, it can’t prove innocence...I really can’t go.”

"Sister-in-law, Xu Yuan has some admiration for you, but he can be regarded as a gentleman, and there is nothing too rude or disrespectful about him. How can you say that he is a disciple? He has only a few concubines, and his appearance is not stunning.

, it means that he will not be easily seduced by appearance, and there is no need to be lustful and crazy. There is no way he can damage your innocence. You are really worrying too much." Zhou Yufeng dismissed her worries.

"Knowing people but not their hearts, there are countless beasts in human skins in this world. Don't drag me there, I won't go." Zhang Yan shook her head.

Zhou Yufeng's eyes twitched and she didn't know what to say.

Innocence, the face and innocence of the royal family are indeed important, but there is no need to be conservative to this extent. Compared with the interests of the royal family and the overall situation, sometimes, you still have to be informal and make certain sacrifices, as long as it can bring enough

What if you receive some criticism for your interests? A good reputation cannot be used as food.

"Sister-in-law, let's go to Xu Yuan to talk about cooperation. Could it be that he will eat you up? Moreover, the mobile phone you are using and the appliances and furniture in this room were all given by Xu Yuan. He is quite enamored of you.

Even if you don't want to see him anymore, you have to give him some gifts in return out of politeness, and then express your gratitude to him in person, right? You enjoy his kindness every day, but slander him as a deceiver. How can this be a gentleman's behavior?


Sister-in-law of the Emperor, the "Oriental Times" has said many times that the current situation is unprecedented in thousands of years! A new era is about to usher in. Everyone is working hard and enterprising. The development of commerce and industry is changing with each passing day. Our royal family and Xujiazhuang

The cooperative relationship established was relatively early and caught this wave of development, but it was still left behind by the fourth or fifth place. At this time, you are still clinging to those traditional concepts and not advancing with the times. How can this be the case?

The royal family brings benefits, so how can we catch up with those business groups? Imperial sister-in-law, just come with me and treat it as if it is for the benefit of the royal family, so what if you sacrifice a little? "

Zhou Yufeng urged.


Zhang Yan's pretty face turned pale with anger. Realistically, Zhou Yufeng's words were too realistic. The meaning behind the words seemed to be that for the benefit of the royal family, it would be okay to sacrifice her innocence. As long as it could make that Xu Yuan happy, please

Winning his favor in exchange for huge benefits, even if she risks her innocence, is worth it. What does this mean to her?

Have you considered her thoughts and will?

But after being annoyed for a while.

Reason returns to the brain.

After all, she nodded helplessly and agreed to the invitation to go to Harbor City with Zhou Yufeng. She had no choice but to make her a member of the royal family. If she could not fight for the interests of the royal family, what was the meaning of her existence? How rich was her family?

What rationality? If she didn't have this awareness, why would she have supported the emperor's uncle to ascend to the throne and become involved in so many major events as a queen?

"Thank you, Sister-in-law, I knew you would help me."

Seeing her nodding after thinking about it, Zhou Yufeng was overjoyed, took her hand and thanked her repeatedly.

This chapter has been completed!
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