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Chapter 287 Income Breaks 100 Billion!

modern society.

January 24, 2031, the second day of the first lunar month.

It's a new year again.

Xu Yuan is about to turn thirty-four. Although he is still a young man, he is not far from a greasy middle-aged person, and his energy has also declined slightly. Fortunately, it is not too serious, otherwise Song Jiayun would not just It's as simple as complaining that he's not as good as before, but you might instead ask things like, "Is it okay?", "Is there another woman outside," and "Do you want to buy some medicine?"

This is a problem Xu Yuan doesn't want to face.

Keep in good health.

You have to pay attention to start keeping in good health.

In the future, you should eat more supplements and nutritional supplements, increase the amount of exercise appropriately, reduce the workload, and exercise more restraint in certain aspects. Only in this way can you have a healthy and strong body and at least live for more than 100 years. In addition, in recent years, modern Social medical technology is developing rapidly, and many anti-aging drugs with significant effects have been developed, making it entirely possible for human life to reach over 150 years old. And the richer the rich, the more they can enjoy the benefits of these cutting-edge medical technologies. benefit.

So it is better to make more money.

The past year was definitely a bumper year for Xu Yuan, with the total net income earned exceeding 100 billion.

Compared with 63 billion the year before, it increased by 52 billion, reaching an astonishing number of 115 billion.

However, the main components of income are the following five aspects:

Jewelry, apparel, and luggage brought in revenue of 59.2 billion yuan—of which clothing, apparel, and luggage accounted for 50 billion yuan, and jewelry accounted for only a fraction.

Nearly 200,000 tons of dried sea fish and seafood were sold, bringing in more than 20 billion in revenue.

Thirty-five tons of gold were transferred, bringing in revenue of 10.5 billion.

Half a million tons of organic rice were sold, bringing in revenue of 10 billion yuan.

Four million cubic meters of high-end wood were sold (including some finished furniture), bringing in revenue of 9 billion.

That is to say, the income brought by these five aspects is more than 100 billion. The remaining Chinese herbal medicine, wild ginseng, top-quality tea, Chinese sacred beef and other specialties have only made over 10 billion in total, which is absolutely Small head.

Xu Yuan even canceled the dumping of refined copper materials (the consumption in Daming was also very large), greatly reduced or even eliminated the dumping of steel, coal, canned meat, cooking oil and other materials, and only satisfied the internal needs of the Magic City Industrial Park. Just consume it.

In addition, Xu Yuan decided to cancel the sale of gold this year. Although he will still bring a large amount of gold to modern society, he will mainly collect it. In the future, he will try not to sell a gram, but will store it properly in the 'magic warehouse' as a future accumulation.

And if the income from clothing, clothing and bags is enough in the future, there is no need to spend too much on small items such as Chinese herbal medicine, wild ginseng, tea, beef, etc., just meet your own needs, and save the cost of selling these supplies. Please, Xu Yuan will have more time to rest and relax.

Finally, there is a sigh.

Going around in circles, doing this and that, almost everything has been sold in modern society, but no matter how good the quality is, it is difficult to sell it efficiently. It takes up a lot of Xu Yuan's time, and his income is often only a few dollars. Tens of millions, hundreds of millions, it's like worthless money, and the person is still half dead from exhaustion.

Finally, I concluded two truths about doing business:

Daily necessities are king.

Ability to run is the key!

As long as you firmly grasp these two items, it is not impossible for your annual income to exceed one trillion, let alone over one hundred billion.

In addition, in terms of sales channels, Xu Yuan also made full use of the 'Tianfeng Jewelry App' to expand the functions of its online shopping mall. For example, it added a clothing area the year before last, and last year it successively launched a shoes and socks area, a luggage area and a food area -

—Especially the food section. Most of the 200,000 tons of dried marine fish and seafood and 500,000 tons of organic rice brought to modern society are sold through this food section, no longer through traditional distribution channels.

This caused a lot of complaints from users and netizens:

"What's going on? An app that specializes in selling gold, silver, and jewelry has started selling clothes, rice, and dried seafood. Do you want to go so far as to neglect your business?"

“This is a weird app!”

"Not to mention, although organic rice is expensive at ten yuan a pound, it tastes really delicious!"

"I bought a few cans of milk powder for only 150 yuan on this app. It said that the elderly and children can drink it. After I bought it for my family, my parents' complexions improved significantly. Even the children like to drink this milk powder. Foreign countries

I will never drink the imported milk powder that costs thousands per can, but it’s a pity that the quantity is too small, otherwise I would like to buy dozens more cans.”

"The dried seafood in it is the most worth buying. Even though it costs hundreds of yuan per catty, such as cuttlefish, abalone, and sea cucumbers, the quality is extremely high. It is no worse than those high-end dried products that cost thousands per catty. I saw a lot of them.

I bought tens of thousands of jins and hundreds of thousands of jins at once. No need to guess, they must be from high-end catering institutions in China, they are very knowledgeable about the goods."

"Whether it is jewelry, clothes, bags, or various foods, even though some of the prices may seem a bit high, once you get the items, you will get a 'good value for money' evaluation. Tianfeng Company sells luxury goods

The products are sold to us at the most affordable price, which is simply a different kind of charity."

"Conscience, I just want to use the word conscience to describe it, this is a super treasure app!"

"Excuse me, when will the Huaxia Shen beef priced at 3,000 yuan/kg be put on the shelves again? I just hesitated for five minutes, and 50,000 kilograms of beef were sold out. I don’t know who started it so quickly. This

Isn’t it just a niche app? Why are so many people trying to rob me? Well, I admit it, I think the price is a bit expensive, but the Chinese New Year is coming soon. It would be shameful to go back to my hometown without bringing something good, and I end up being robbed.

It’s all gone, Tianfeng Company, can you put another batch of beef on the shelves?”

However, this message received at least a thousand replies and ridicules.

"Before you buy anything, please research Tianfeng Company. Don't be embarrassed."

"You think three thousand yuan per kilogram of beef of such top quality is too expensive for you? This only proves that you are a poor person!"

"If you are poor, don't think about pretending to be cool. The beef in the vegetable market is less than one hundred and one kilograms. You can go to the vegetable market to buy it."

"My monthly income is just over 10,000 yuan, and I belong to the ordinary working class. But I bought 1 kilogram of Chinese beef. After eating it with my girlfriend, we both felt that it was not expensive at all. Tianfeng Company has taken care of it by setting such a low price.

We working-class people still have organic rice. I buy 30 pounds of organic rice every month. Although it costs 300, I feel that the quality of life has improved a lot and I have a real feeling of being alive. My girlfriend also often buys Tianfeng.

The jewelry, clothes and bags on the jewelry app bring out her beauty and sophistication at a lower cost, but I don’t know if Tianfeng Company will sell cosmetics. It would be great if there could be a cosmetics section online.”

"You can buy any product on the Tianfeng app with your eyes closed, but if you still think it is expensive, you must be a person with questionable moral character."

"I will always believe in Tianfeng Company, and I hope that the more fools like you, the better, the better. The probability of me grabbing rare and good goods will increase."

"The husband of the proprietress of Tianfeng Company is actually Xu Yuan, the boss of Miracle (Wheel) Group. I work at Miracle Power Company. I can responsibly say that Mr. Xu's salary is not the highest, but he is the most conscientious.

Yes, I want to work for him for the rest of my life! Because two kilograms of Chinese sacred beef have entered my stomach, which are all rewards given by Mr. Xu, as well as black pork, two-headed abalone, and ancient Maotai wine... I will go home to celebrate the New Year this year.

, the billionaires in the village all envy me, because even a super rich man like him has no way to get these good goods, and even wanted to offer 100,000 yuan to buy my stuff, but I won't sell it."

"I am also an employee of the Magic Group, with a monthly salary of only 12k. This year, I went on a blind date at a rich girl's house. Initially, she didn't like me because she thought my salary was a bit low, but that bottle of ancient Maotai liquor won her father over.

Let her try to follow me everywhere, and when the girl got home, almost half of the 1 kilogram of Chinese sacred beef during lunch went into her stomach, and I successfully carried the girl back home. This is the magic brought by the Magic Group!


Inside the villa.

Xu Yuan did not sleep in this morning, but helped with some housework and took care of the children for a while.

Song Jiayun spends most of her time taking care of her two-month-old fourth child, Xu Xingchen, a handsome-looking boy who is extremely clingy. Song Jiayun will cry when she walks away for a while.

At noon, dishes such as pan-fried steak, boiled shrimps, stir-fried cabbage, seafood platter, and black pepper stir-fried black pork were served on the table.

And while eating.

Noticing that Song Jiayun had a hard time raising children, Xu Yuan gave her a piece of steak and said: "You have four children to take care of now. It's impossible to be busy. Your parents also have to take a few days off at the end of the year. You can't help.

Do you want to hire a nanny to help at home?"

"Please ask for a babysitter?"

Song Jiayun shook her head: "Forget it, among the relatives and acquaintances I know, there are not many who are willing to be nannies, and outsiders can't trust them, so I'd better take care of it myself. If you think it's hard for me, just stay with me at home more and share the burden. This is better than asking for help.

The nanny is much better, and you are not at home most of the year. Xingyu, Fengyao, and Fengwu are not accompanied by their father, and they are all a little introverted. It is not a big problem now, but as time goes by, they have grown up one by one.

There will definitely be some problems, and the father's role is also very important to the child."

After speaking, Song Jiayun looked at Xu Xingyu and others.

So the eldest son Xu Xingyu said: "Dad, I am about to enter the first class of kindergarten, but you have never been to a parent-teacher meeting or a parent-child sports meeting. My homework is also tutored by my mother. My classmates in the kindergarten all suspect that I don't have a father."

The second daughter Xu Fengyao said: "Dad, didn't you say that the mine you have abroad is almost finished, and you don't have to go abroad in the future and can stay in China. If that's the case, why don't our family be together every day?"

The third daughter, Xu Fengwu, put down her spoon and said eagerly: "Dad, can you stay with me and mom more? I want you to go to the parent-teacher conference in the kindergarten."

Hear these words from them.

Look at their expectant eyes.

Xu Yuan slowed down his eating speed and fell into deep thought.

I also thought that they are not yet old enough and their living and learning environment has not yet been fixed. Even if the environment is changed, the impact will not be great.

a long time.

"Let's do this. After the New Year, you all come with me to the Magic City."

Xu Yuan said: "There are already kindergartens, hospitals and other facilities over there. An elementary school, a junior high school, and a high school can also be built there. There is no problem in studying in the magical city. Tianfeng Jewelry Company and clothing companies can also be transferred to

Magical city, though!”

"When you go to the magical city, not only will you have some inconveniences in life, but you will also lose your original social circle, friend circle, teachers and classmates. You will also be new. There will definitely be a lot of things you are not comfortable with. And I don't live every day.

I have time to spend with you. It is normal to travel three to five days a week. I can spend at most half of my time with you. If you feel that these are no problems and you can overcome them, then come with me."

"Okay! Husband, I will take the children to the Magic City with you, even if we only spend half the time together!"

What was beyond expectations was.

I thought that Song Jiayun would think carefully, and maybe even give up. After all, she left the environment where she had lived for more than thirty years, abandoned her circle of acquaintances and friends, and even transferred the company and business she had already established, and gave up some of her employees.

and business will undoubtedly bring considerable shocks and losses.

But Song Jiayun nodded without hesitation and accepted Xu Yuan's plan, showing a very happy and satisfied smile. There was no longer a trace of worry between her eyebrows, but her face was radiant.

At this moment, Xu Yuan even felt moved. It was because the woman loved herself and her children so much that she was willing to make such a big effort and sacrifice.

But since she decisively agreed.

Xu Yuan could only nod and said: "Okay, after the New Year, we will move to the magical city."

This is good, as he won't have to travel frequently between Lushan and Taizhou in the future, which actually saves him a lot of trouble.

This chapter has been completed!
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