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Chapter 26 Agricultural Harvest

In June of the third year of Chongzhen, the new weapons in the Xujiazhuang weapons workshop were successfully mass-produced. The first batch of equipment was delivered to more than 300 veteran members of the village protection team, allowing them to familiarize themselves with the use of the new weapons.

In late July, the three-month recruit training period at the Xujiazhuang Police Training Office ended. This batch of 1,220 recruits all passed the recruit assessment and became qualified recruits. They were given a collective ten-day holiday and could return to their respective places.

Take a look at your home. When you return to the team, you will become a formal village guard and be issued weapons and equipment.

Zhang Damao immediately took more than 20 kilograms of White Rabbit toffee, canned meat, sausages and other manor specialties bought with monthly salary, and rushed back to his hometown of Xizhang Village in Baoying County. He set off in the morning and arrived in the evening to raise

A surprise for parents and four younger sisters.

But his adoptive parents also gave him a surprise, saying that they had arranged a marriage for him. The girl was 15 years old and was the most beautiful and beautiful girl within dozens of miles around. The adoptive parents had seen it with their own eyes.

It's really beautiful beyond words.

He immediately took out 20 silver dollars as a betrothal gift, settled the marriage, and the marriage would be completed at the end of the year.

In other words, Zhang Damao now has a wife.

"I didn't expect to get married so soon."

Zhang Damao was very helpless, with a wry smile on his face. He wanted to cancel the engagement, but seeing that his adoptive parents were so happy, the four sisters all looked forward to the arrival of his sister-in-law, because the adoptive parents decided to rebuild the house and buy some new things.

What, it’s better to save some more money and buy a few more acres of good land, so that life will be better in the future.

This made Zhang Damao even more reluctant to cancel the engagement. The conditions at home were too poor. The thatched wooden house had not been repaired all year round. The furniture was in tatters and there were not many good things. The meals the four sisters ate were still the same as before, but the portions were slightly smaller.

If he doesn't nod and agree to the engagement, I'm afraid he won't get a change. If he has money, he should save it. Instead of doing this, it's better to sacrifice himself so that his family can soon live a better new life.

"Okay, okay! Da Mao, your mother and I know that you are our family's lucky star and can bring wealth to our family!"

The adoptive parents were very happy and their faces turned into two flowers.


Zhang Damao suddenly remembered that due to the increase in literacy, in the later stages of recruit training, a wave of name changes became popular among recruits. Those recruits who had previously been named Niu Dan, Gou Mao, Gou Dan, Monkey, etc., all changed their names to something better.

Point name.

Now Zhang Damao can read more than 300 words. He has barely escaped from being illiterate and can be considered semi-literate.

Now he doesn't have the ability to read and write, but he can still change his name to something nicer.

"My name will be Zhang Fugui from now on, not to bring wealth to myself, but to bring wealth to my parents and family, so that they can all live a good life!"

Zhang Damao, no, Zhang Fugui said secretly.

August, mid-autumn season.

It is also the agricultural harvest season that people look forward to most.

In the rice fields of the Xu family manor, there is a large area of ​​golden rice. Although the sowing process is a bit random and messy, and not very neat, after the farm workers took care of it as carefully as caring for children, they are now all hung with long ears of rice, and the fruit is

The plump rice grains came out one after another, and the heavy rice plants lowered their heads.

As for the yield per acre, the old farm workers may not be surprised and don't find it too surprising, but those who just joined this year have expressions of disbelief, pinching their arms hard, and suspecting that they are dreaming.

On the field ridge.

"The yield per mu is seven stones, so it should be about seven stones!" Looking at the rice fields, a middle-aged farm worker made an estimate and said.

"More than that, I can't help but see that the ears of rice are so long, with hundreds of grains in them, and they are planted properly and densely. The yield per mu should be eight shi!" said another white-haired old farmer next to him.

"Eight stones? I have been planting rice all my life. Even in the best years and with the most fertilization, the yield is only four stones per mu. This lazy rice that only needs to be taken care of a few times has such a terrible yield."

?" This old man, who was over seventy years old, his back was bent by the burden of life, and his face was full of wrinkles and vicissitudes of life, wiped his cloudy eyes and sighed.

"The yield of this rice field is not eight stones per mu, but ten stones. I, Zhang Gufeng, will not make a mistake in my estimate. I can guarantee it!"

At this time, Zhang Gufeng stood up and said earth-shattering words.

It caused an uproar among many old farmers.

"Ten stones, how could there be so many?"

"I have been planting rice for decades. In good years, the yield is three shi per mu, and in bad years, the yield is one or two shi. If this rice field really has a yield of ten shi per mu, wouldn't it be that this acre of land is worth the 3 to 5 shi we plant?"

, it doesn’t have to be so hard?”

"Yes, although the seeds of lazy rice are excellent, and pesticides and fertilizers have miraculous effects on increasing production, one acre is worth our three acres. This is really..."

"It's so easy to get an output of ten stones per mu. So why did we work so hard in the past?"

The farm worker spoke what everyone was thinking. They could all accept the yield of this rice field of seven or eight stones per mu. After all, this was the data they had estimated. If the yield reached ten stones per mu, not only would they create a world that they could not

The record of possible realization also completely negates the traditional farming methods they once had, proving that their hard work and sweat were just inefficient and in vain. This cruel comparison is really difficult for them to accept.

"After the harvest is completed, it will be bagged and weighed, and you will know its actual yield per mu."

Zhang Gufeng said with confidence, then climbed into the cab of a large combine harvester, started the diesel engine with a buzzing sound, put down the harvesting drum at the front, and drove into the rice field. The drum continued to rotate, and the metal sickle on it cut the golden

The rice is quickly rolled into the harvester, cut down, and introduced into the harvester. The rice is separated, and the rice stalks and leaves are directly crushed and returned to the rice field.

A large combine harvester can harvest hundreds of acres in one day, and its efficiency is hundreds of times that of manual harvesting.

There are exactly 4,000 acres of rice fields in Manor No. 3. With the busy work of thirty combine harvesters, it only took more than one day to harvest them all.

But the total output was finally calculated in the afternoon of the next day.

The total is 5.1603 million kilograms, and the average yield per mu is 1,290 kilograms. Calculated as one stone is 125 kilograms, the average yield per mu is 10.32 kilograms.

This does not include the rice wasted by harvesters, picked up again by farmers, and swept away by chickens, ducks and geese. The wasted output is about 3%.

Overall, it is a certain fact that the average yield of the rice fields in the manor exceeds ten dan per mu.

Seeing this kind of harvest scene for the first time, the farm workers had mixed emotions and all shed tears of sadness. They even knelt down, beat their chests and cried loudly.

"Oh my god, if I had joined the collective estate earlier, how could my child have starved to death?"

"With such a high yield, we will never go hungry again, and we will have enough to eat every day!"

"I just regret that this manor didn't appear earlier. With the Dragon King pumping water, Hercules plowing the land, and the Giant Scythe God helping with harvesting, as well as pesticides, fertilizers and other gods to help, I will only have endless food in the future, and only endless enjoyment.

Complete blessing."

"Fortunately, I joined this manor. Even if all the fields are returned to me, I will not quit. From now on, I will be a member of the manor whether I live or die!"

"That's right, it's much better to not leave the manor until death than to surrender the land to the Juren Master."


Not only was the rice harvest in Manor No. 3 a bumper harvest.

The rice fields of other manors have also achieved bumper harvests one after another. The average yield per mu is at least 1,000 kilograms. The most exaggerated is Xujiazhuang Village, which has a record rice yield of 1,550 kilograms per mu.

After all harvesting is completed.

The eleven collective estates in Xujiazhuang add up to a total of 48,325 acres of rice fields, harvesting a total of more than 60.64 million kilograms of rice, equivalent to a total output of 485,000 shi, and all grains have been returned to the warehouse.

And it's not just rice.

After harvesting, the 1,200 acres of potato fields in Manor No. 5 actually produced an astonishing yield of 7,862 kilograms per mu, equivalent to 62.9 shi/mu. Lu Youcai, a farm worker who participated in the management of this potato field, burst into tears on the spot. It was so high.

The yield, so much potato, is enough for many people to eat per acre. People will no longer starve. It is impossible to starve to death. Good times are really coming.

A 1,600-acre low-value saline-alkali land in Manor No. 10, after planting salt-alkali-tolerant sweet potatoes, also achieved a miracle of an average yield of 4,700 kilograms per mu, equivalent to 37.6 shi/mu, during the harvest season in August. Participated in its management

The farm workers in this saline-alkali land also shed tears. They knelt on the ground, holding huge sweet potatoes in their hands. Sometimes they cried, sometimes they laughed strangely, sometimes they yelled, sometimes they danced, giving people a sense of joy.

The feeling of a neurotic group attack.

In this golden autumn harvest season in August, we do not include the corn produced in June and July, nor the bean crops produced in September, but only the output of the three staple foods of rice, potatoes, and sweet potatoes.

So a rice field with an area of ​​nearly 50,000 acres has an average yield of 1,250 kilograms per mu, and a total harvest of 485,000 kilograms of rice.

The potato field covers an area of ​​about 11,000 acres, with an average yield of 5,500 kilograms per mu, and a total harvest of 482,000 kilograms of potatoes.

The sweet potato field covers an area of ​​about 10,000 acres, with an average yield of 3,800 kilograms per mu, and a total harvest of 304,000 kilograms of sweet potatoes.

That is to say!

In this August alone, the eleven collective estates in Xujiazhuang harvested a total of 1.271 million shi of staple food, achieving a bumper harvest in agriculture, which shocked all the new farm workers and shocked the entire Xinghua County!

This chapter has been completed!
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