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Chapter 290 Moving, exclaiming

February 7, 2031.

At the foot of the east side of Mount Lushan, Shiniushan Industrial Park is a magical city.

Xu Yuan and his family drove hundreds of kilometers from Taizhou to come here.

And followed by several unmanned trucks, carrying a large number of moving items.

Whether it was clothes, quilt covers, children's toys, various personal belongings, daily necessities or even home appliances and furniture, a total of eight trucks were filled with almost everything.

In terms of personnel, there are his wife Song Jiayun, four children, father-in-law Song Rongsheng and mother-in-law Wen Ruohong, plus Xu Yuan himself, a family of eight all in the car.

In addition, behind the convoy, there were thirty luxury buses, carrying a total of 897 employees of Tianfeng Company. These employees also came to the Magic City, accounting for about one-third of all employees of Tianfeng Company.

Second, the remaining one-third, due to various reasons, were really unable to come over and were forced to resign after receiving three months' salary as compensation.

This made Song Jiayun overjoyed. Two-thirds of the employees were willing to stay, which showed that her Tianfeng company was very popular and had won the loyalty of most employees, even if their children were left behind and their parents had difficulty taking care of them.

Despite the difficulties, I still chose to move to Lushan with the company, to this less developed inland, and endured all kinds of inconveniences, just to avoid losing this job, which does not pay particularly well.

Is this necessary? Is it just a job with a monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan? Is it worth paying such a high price?

But since they followed here, it means that this job is worth the price they pay.

Perhaps it’s for the end-of-year benefits like Huaxia Divine Beef—each employee can receive 1 kilogram.

Maybe it’s for benefits like dried seafood, organic rice, and free clothes.

Some employees came here for the boss’s husband, Xu Yuan, because Tianfeng Company is like a subsidiary of Magic Wheel Group, and Magic Group has been developing rapidly in the past two years and has the tendency to become a new technology giant.

As long as they can stay in Tianfeng Company, they will become employees of large factories in the future. This is tantamount to seizing the opportunity and gaining development dividends, and even achieving class advancement and freedom of wealth.

Moreover, the boss lady has personally promised that she will try to take Tianfeng Company to the public market this year. By then, every old employee will be given some share options, and they will make a lot of money.

all in all.

This move is not only a move for Xu Yuan and his family, but also an overall move for Tianfeng Company. It is also a major adjustment to the future development strategy.


To be honest, except for Xu Yuan himself.

His wife Song Jiayun, several children, father-in-law and mother-in-law, as well as nearly 900 employees of Tianfeng Company, all felt a little confused and uneasy.

This magical city on the east side of Mount Lushan, such a remote corner area, was the first time many of them had heard of it.

After many times emphasizing the difficulties, this impression gradually formed in their minds: it is relatively closed, with incomplete supporting facilities, not even many shopping malls and movie theaters, and very few restaurants can only eat in canteens.

If you have a more troublesome illness, you have to take an hour's drive to a major hospital in Jiujiang city for treatment.

In addition to the relatively fresh air, it is also close to Poyang Lake.

There are few advantages. It makes people feel far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, relatively quiet and boring.

It is definitely far inferior to cities in developed social areas like Taizhou, which is equivalent to going from luxury to frugality.

Wait wait wait.

Even so, Song Jiayun did not waver in the slightest. No matter how many difficulties he encountered, he still strengthened his belief that the family should be together - even if he said many times that the overseas gold mines had been dug and his thousands of

With a net worth of 100 million, almost all of it has been invested in this magical city. The archaeological retro-style technological development route may not be successful. The probability of losing everything is very high. In fact, he does not have much confidence.

But none of these difficulties could persuade Song Jiayun. Instead, she expressed admiration: Husband, you will definitely succeed. I have confidence in you because you have never failed, even if 99% of people don't think highly of you.

Xu Yuan had nothing to say about this, and the moving plan soon turned into this huge convoy on the highway.

At 1 p.m.

The moving fleet has entered this magical city that covers an area of ​​30 square kilometers, is currently two-fifths developed, and has more than 50,000 employees inside.

Staff living area.

The vehicle stopped.

Song Jiayun and others got out of the car.

They walked around and looked around, and found that the actual magical city was a million or so different from what they imagined.

The surfaces and roofs of modern high-rise buildings are covered with solar photovoltaic tiles and photovoltaic panels, providing a large amount of clean energy.

The shape of the building is also very sci-fi, with sharp folding lines, various geometric aesthetics, and practicality.

The greening is very complete.

The ground is spotless.

Intelligent sweeping robots clean everywhere. Even the glass walls on the surface of the building have special suction cup robots that clean them every day to keep them as smooth and spotless as a mirror.

Secondly, it feels big.

None of the huge employee living apartments is lower than twenty-eight stories. The tallest building covers an area of ​​thirty acres and is thirty-eight stories tall. It is wider at the bottom and narrower at the top. It looks like a pyramid and is named "Pagoda Building".

This is the place Xu Yuan left for himself to live, and the bottom twelve floors of this pagoda building are a large indoor business district, including movie theaters, restaurants, amusement parks, swimming pools, basketball courts, shops, clinics, etc.

It has everything. The functions of a small community are integrated into this building. People living in this pagoda can meet almost all their needs without leaving the building.

In addition, standing on the sightseeing terrace on the top floor of the pagoda building, you can overlook every corner of the magical city.

You will find that the factories in the industrial zone cover a large area and have huge factory facilities.

For example, that giant magical warehouse has only three floors above the ground, but each floor has a height of 15 meters. One floor is equivalent to the fourth or fifth floor of a commercial building, and it is extremely strong and can withstand magnitude 9 earthquakes and nuclear bombs.

It exploded at close range, and the various materials stored in it were enough for 100,000 people to consume for a year. If the magical warehouse was full of tens of millions of tons of materials, it would be enough for 100,000 people to consume for more than ten years, so it is used as a doomsday survival system.

The warehouse is fine.

Finally, large independent shopping malls, schools, gymnasiums, hospitals and other facilities have all been renovated and are in the drying stage. Once the concentration of harmful gases such as formaldehyde inside has dropped to a safe enough level, they can be put into use immediately——

Usability standards should now be met.

After roughly introducing the hardware facilities in the Magic City.


Riding in several flying cars, starting from the parking lot on the top of the pagoda building, Xu Yuan took his family to the No. 1 Staff Canteen. In this giant canteen with the best reputation among chefs and as many as 5,000 dining seats inside, Xu Yuan asked everyone to

The chefs opened a small stove for him and made some simple dishes such as authentic Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, King Crab with Blooming Flowers, Braised Yellow Croaker, Roasted Whole Lamb, Black Pork Chops Stewed Morel Soup, etc., and paired them with a few bottles of ancient Moutai wine, red wine, etc.

Drinks and a decent meal.

On the dinner table.

Xu Yuan greeted: "Eat, eat, everyone, eat quickly. The conditions here are too difficult. We can only make do with these dishes. Don't dislike it."

Hear what he said.

Not only Song Jiayun and her parents, but even five-year-old children like Xu Xingyu couldn't help but roll their eyes and said, "Dad, the food here is much better than at home, and it's not difficult at all."

Father-in-law Song Rongsheng poured himself a glass of ancient Maotai wine and said: "Xian son-in-law, you are too humble. This meal can be described as sumptuous, how can it be described as simple."

Mother-in-law Wen Ruohong shook her head: "Excessive modesty is tantamount to pride. You can't have such a bad habit."

Song Jiayun was a little angry and asked: "Husband, you have always stressed to me that the conditions here are not good and there are difficulties of all kinds. Now it seems that it is much better than over there in Taizhou. Why did you lie to me and say it was not good?

I was deceived by you. Yesterday I was worried about what to do with my children going to school. Now I realize that this is not a problem at all. The biggest problem is you!"

Xu Yuan hurriedly explained: "I'm not lying to you, there are real inconveniences, such as the Buddha jumping over the wall on this table, king crab and other dishes. If you eat them once or twice, they feel good, but if you eat them often, they feel very ordinary.

Besides, you haven’t settled down yet. Once you officially settle in, you will find that there will be inconveniences and discomforts... The difficulties are real, and I’m not talking nonsense.”

"Huh, no matter what, it's much better than what you described. I was almost deceived by you!" Song Jiayun was still angry.

"I was wrong, okay, I was wrong. Let's eat some food quickly. I'm tired and hungry after riding for a long time. Come on, I'll give you this lamb rib, and I'll give you this king crab leg too."

Xu Yuan apologized repeatedly and gave her a lot of food.

The other side.

Nearly 900 employees of Tianfeng Company, after visiting and understanding the general situation of the Magic City.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, they also came to the No. 1 canteen and had what was said to be a simple meal.

Of course, the quality of their food is definitely a bit lower than that of Xiaozao, but king crab, various seafood, fine black pork, Huaxi steak, and organic rice are all available for you to eat and prepare at will.

During the process of devouring their food, these employees couldn't help but exclaimed:

"This is not some backward hilltop. It is clearly a paradise!"

"The husband of our landlady is so good at pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger. Even though the conditions here are so good, even the air smells sweet, he made me worry so much that I couldn't sleep well for several days, for fear that I had come to the wrong place.


"Such a wonderful place, but Mr. Xu actually calls it backward? Is this the highest level of Versailles behavior?"

"Yes, I am so good at deceiving people. I found that whether it is the office building where I work or the apartment where I live, they are all luxuriously decorated, with full 6G network coverage, countless smart devices, and very complete supporting living facilities. The only problem is that there are a little less people.


"Will we have this kind of food standard every day in the future? If so, it doesn't matter if there are no other restaurants. I am willing to come to the canteen every day!"

"Fortunately, I made the decision to come here. This is definitely the best decision I have made in my life. Anyway, as long as I am not laid off by the company, I will work here for the rest of my life!"

"Me too. It's much more enjoyable to work here than in a first-tier city. Even if my salary is tripled, I won't change it!"

"If possible, I would like to bring my wife and children here to enjoy the happiness together!"


This chapter has been completed!
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