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Chapter 295: The Heavy-Duty Railway Enters Sichuan

One road can solve the transportation problems of the entire Sichuan.

The scale of investment may reach hundreds of millions of silver dollars.

Qin Liangyu serves as the general person in charge in Sichuan, completing financing and managing revenue and expenditure, recruiting shareholders, recruiting laborers to participate in project construction, etc. The burden is not ordinary and heavy, which makes Qin Liangyu feel scared and embarrassed.

And what kind of infrastructure project was this? It actually shocked a heroine like Qin Liangyu, who had seen countless scenes of life and death, and she didn't dare to nod in agreement.


It is a super heavy-duty line planned by transportation experts from Xujiazhuang. It plans to start from Harbor City, pass through Yangzhou, Nanjing, Hefei, Wuchang, Jingzhou, Yiling, Zhongzhou (including Shizhu), Chongqing, and then all the way to Chengdu City.


It's called the "Haichuan Railway".

Its total length is approximately 2,000 kilometers.

The construction cost is expected to exceed 100 million silver dollars.

It adopts 1560mm wide gauge double-track heavy-load track design.

The maximum speed of a steam train is about 80 km/h.

The maximum annual cargo transportation capacity of the line exceeds 1 billion tons (i.e. 500 million tons for a single line).

It is equivalent to at least thirty ordinary medium-standard stone roads, or several hundred Shu roads.

As long as this dedicated heavy-haul railway line is completed, there will indeed be no problem in solving Sichuan's external logistics and transportation needs.

It is said that the railway is about to officially debut. Is Xujiazhuang finally planning to start building the railway?

But Xujiazhuang has the technology in this area. Can it build steam-powered locomotives and carriages, and does it have the relevant rail and railway infrastructure capabilities?

Of course there is. Xu Yuan believes that the time is very ripe to promote railway transportation and start building cost-effective heavy-haul railways.

For example, the ‘Super Ancient Second Generation’ steam engine has a powerful power of more than 10,000 horsepower and is relatively small and exquisite in size. It can be used as the power system of a locomotive with slight adjustments.

For example, Xujiazhuang's steelmaking plant is capable of smelting qualified high-strength rail steel, and its output can fully meet demand.

There is also no big problem with the infrastructure capacity for bridge erection and tunnel opening.

There is also a related R&D team of thousands of people, specializing in railway research. They have laid dozens of miles of test tracks, assembled steam trains, and started running on them. They have collected enough technical information and information.

data, and reached practical standards.

That is to say, no matter which aspect, Xujiazhuang has the corresponding talent reserve, technical strength and material foundation.

Funding is not a problem. Xujiazhuang invested hundreds of millions of silver dollars in half, and attracted various private funds to join in the other half. Moreover, it can guarantee a steady profit without loss, and the rate of return is very high.

After all, this is a "heavy-haul railway" whose function is mainly to pull goods.

Speaking of modern society, China has built tens of thousands of kilometers of EMUs that can run at a speed of 250 to 350 kilometers per hour. It is extremely advanced, but not only does it not make much money, but it loses hundreds of billions every year.

The price is not cheap either. Although it brings great convenience to people's travels, it is not cost-effective and does not make much money at all.

Now Xu Yuan plans to promote railways in the Ming Dynasty, and emphasizes the word "heavy load". After completion, the train speed will only be 80 kilometers per hour. It is slow and has poor timeliness. Is this kind of railway possible?

Can it be profitable?

After some in-depth investigation and research, Xu Yuan believed that such a combination of heavy-haul railway steam trains is relatively backward technically, but its profitability is at least ten times that of modern high-speed railways, and the probability of losses is zero.

Why is he so sure?

In fact, people who know a little bit about high school physics can understand that to accelerate an object from zero to a certain speed, the energy required is proportional to the mass and proportional to the square of the speed.

That is, two trains of the same mass, one with a speed of 320 km/h and the other with a speed of 80 km/h, will consume 16 times as much energy as the latter during acceleration.

And the faster the speed, the greater the resistance.

While maintaining a constant speed, the traction power formula required by the train is p = f (resistance) * v (speed), but for fast objects, the resistance will increase exponentially. Even if the speed is increased by 4 times, the resistance will increase.

16 times, resulting in the express train and slow train running the same distance, the express train consumes 4 times more energy.

This is the reason why the faster the high-speed rail trains run, the more they lose. Even if they charge two or three times the fares from passengers, they still lose more than they gain. Unless the passenger flow is particularly large and every train is full, then you can make money.

some profit.

In modern society, China has built tens of thousands of kilometers of high-speed rail network, accounting for 60% of the world's total. It cannot be said to be a face-saving project, but unless the electricity bill is reduced to 2 cents/kWh, or the operating speed is reduced, or the freight function is increased,

Otherwise, you will never make money and will only suffer huge losses every year.

The heavy-haul railway that Xu Yuan plans to promote in Daming does not consider the passenger transport function at all. It mainly serves freight and waits for the goods to be filled before setting off. It does not require punctuality. The average speed of 80 kilometers per hour is completely sufficient, and

Try to maintain direct access without stopping on the way. Under extreme circumstances, each heavy-haul railway line can transport no less than 1.5 million tons of cargo per day (the capacity of a single line or a double line is doubled).

Assuming that the fee standard is 0.5 silver dollars per ton per day, the gross income on that day will be 750,000 silver dollars, and the net profit will not be less than 250,000 silver dollars.

A net profit of 90 million silver dollars in one year!

As long as the transport capacity reaches full capacity, the entire construction cost can be recovered in less than two years.

Of course, even if the capacity utilization rate can only be maintained at 20 to 30%, the entire investment will be recovered within ten years.

That is, the average annual rate of return will not be less than 10%.

Building heavy haul railways is such a huge profit!

Therefore, for many science and technologies, the more advanced, the better, the faster, the better, but some backward technical systems can bring very high returns, with lower costs and lower barriers to entry.

Xu Yuan's goal is to make more money, so he naturally chooses a plan with high comprehensive returns.

in addition.

In addition to planning the "Haichuan Railway" from Harbor City to Sichuan, Xujiazhuang also plans the "Haijing Railway" to the capital (via Shandong), and the "Haishan Railway" to Shanxi (main purpose is to transport coal) - currently mainly

It is these three main railways. The total investment is expected to be no less than 300 million silver dollars. It is planned to recruit millions of young and strong labor forces. It is best to complete them within three years and no longer than five years.

Later, the railway network will be expanded and new lines added depending on the situation. Of course, the premise is that it must be profitable, otherwise wouldn't it be a lonely construction?

Shizhu Clothing Company.

At a high-level meeting.

Qin Liangyu introduced the plan of the "Haichuan Railway" and said that of the investment of hundreds of millions of silver dollars, Xujiazhuang would invest half, and for the remaining half, their Shizhu Clothing Company could participate in the investment. If they could not come up with the money, they could ask the officials and gentry in Sichuan for the remaining half.

Businessmen and even ordinary people carry out advertising and issue railway construction bonds. Qin Liangyu is responsible for the issuance of bonds. After raising enough funds, she can use these funds for the recruitment of workers and various railway construction work. Xujiazhuang will send

Several financial accountants came to supervise, but they also gave Qin Liangyu a lot of room to play his role.

"That won't be a small amount of money, it's probably several million or tens of millions of silver dollars."

Qin Liangyu said tremblingly: "These are real money and silver paid by Sichuan merchants, officials and people. If you put them in my hands, what if there is less? What should I do if the accounting is wrong? I accidentally overspend or waste too much.

What should I do? I’m afraid I can’t take on such a big responsibility, or let Xujiazhuang find someone else to be responsible for the issuance of this bond.”

Hear this.

Ma Xianglin said: "Mom, Xujiazhuang asked our family to issue railway bonds on our behalf, which shows that they trust us. And the people of Sichuan, who wouldn't give a thumbs up to your personality and character, mother? They will definitely trust you to manage the money, and they will never say no.

If we leave the money to you, should we let it be managed by corrupt officials or profiteers? Wouldn't it mean that a rat has entered the granary and everything will be stolen by them?"

Zhang Fengyi also said: "Mom, your husband is right. Xujiazhuang trusts your character, and Sichuan businessmen and people trust you even more. And when recruiting workers, you can recruit more young men from Shizhu to build that railway."

, to get a high salary, as long as you do the work quickly and well, this is not considered abusing power for personal gain. It can also promote Shizhu's employment, allow Shizhu to become well-off faster, and completely solve the transportation problem... This is to kill multiple birds with one stone.

What a good thing!”

His nephew Qin Yiming immediately said: "Auntie, please don't refuse. Whether it is a few million silver dollars or tens of millions of dollars, you just need to keep it under supervision. Who will worry about you misappropriating this money? It's impossible, I think.

No one in Sichuan is qualified to manage this money except you!"

Qin Gongming nodded: "That's right, aunt, please promise Xujiazhuang and start raising money right away. As long as the money is in place, the railway will be built soon, and it will also create a lot of jobs. After the railway is completed,

It has produced economic benefits. The businessmen have received dividends from the bonds. When they see the returns, they will be even more grateful to you. Sichuan's economy will also take off because of this railway, driving millions of Sichuan people to become well-off.

...Auntie, this is a good thing that will benefit the future. As long as no big mistakes are made, maybe because of this railway, Auntie, you can be remembered for a long time and be remembered and worshiped by countless people in the future."


Lasting forever?

The words spoken by his nephew Qin Gongming were like a bolt of lightning, hitting Qin Liangyu's heart.

She is an upright person, loves the people as her own children, is not greedy for money or power, does so many good deeds without asking for anything in return, and makes such a big sacrifice, for what purpose? Isn’t it just that she wants to have a better reputation?

Have you left any traces in history?

According to Xujiazhuang's plan, once this 'Haichuan Railway' is built, it will solve the logistics and transportation problems of the entire Sichuan and bring Sichuan into an era of developed commerce. It will definitely bring countless wealth and opportunities to at least millions of people.

The people of Sichuan have been lifted out of poverty and achieved moderate prosperity.

His achievements are no less great than those of Li Bing, the prefect who built Dujiangyan!

My heart is moved.

Qin Liangyu admitted that she was moved and could not resist the temptation. She did not want to miss this opportunity to benefit the people of Sichuan.

So she nodded and said: "Okay, in that case, I reluctantly bear this heavy burden, but I will promise all Sichuan businessmen that the funds will be earmarked for their own use, never embezzle or embezzle a cent, publish all accounts, and accept no payment from anyone."

Supervisor, if there is a deficit of even one silver dollar, I will pay for it myself!"

"Mom, you are right to do this!"

"Great! The people of Sichuan will also be happy."

"That's right, with my aunt guaranteeing it, I won't worry about the railway bonds not being sold!"

Ma Xianglin, Zhang Fengyi and others all said excitedly.


A few days later.

Xujiazhuang's "Oriental Times" published a blockbuster article on the front page [On the significance of heavy-haul railways to the economic development of Ming Dynasty], detailing the specific plans of the 'Haichuan Railway', 'Haijing Railway', and 'Haishan Railway'.

Analyze and imagine the business prosperity prospects after the railway is completed, and the rate of return will be extremely high... Everyone is welcome to buy investment bonds for these railway lines.

A bang.

The entire business community of Ming Dynasty was in a sensation.

Then there was a crazy buying scene that surprised countless people.

This chapter has been completed!
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