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Chapter 300 The Fourth Round of Manor Expansion

Late March.

Xu Yuan's frequency and time of returning to Daming has increased significantly. He will stay four days a week. Only on Friday, Saturday and Sunday will he return to modern society, maintaining a four to three time allocation ratio.

Although this arrangement makes Fang Qingyan, Xia He, the Ono sisters, and Li Shujing feel unsatisfied. After all, on average, they can't even share a night every week, only three or four days a month, and Xu Yuan has done it in the past two years.

I started to talk about health care, and I was very restrained in that aspect, so it was good to do it once or twice a month.

As for Song Jiayun in modern society, no one competes with her for her husband. In fact, she has the most comfortable life. Who knows that she is the most dissatisfied one, demanding at least twice a week and no less than six times a month, but

It was difficult to reach Xu Yuan, so he complained the most. He said many times that he wanted to go on business trips with him to see what he was doing to make him tired.

Because of this.

Xu Yuan felt annoyed and spent more time in Daming. He no longer stared at the construction site every day and just kept out of sight.

But now, in the Ming Dynasty, after ten years of management and struggle, in terms of comfort and convenience, it is not much worse than modern society. It is at most thirty years behind, and it will soon catch up.

In addition, the air quality here in Daming is better, the environment is more beautiful, and the food is healthier. Although the women around me are not necessarily fuel-efficient lamps, they are still gentle and obedient. They are especially good at serving and taking care of others, and even serve them for others.

The competition for favors was quite serious, and Xu Yuan was naturally the one who benefited the most, and he also enjoyed it.

Compared with Song Jiayun, who is normal most of the time, but is suspicious and easily jealous, Xu Yuan feels that what young women in modern society may lack is competition and a sense of crisis. As China's national power increases, those married from abroad

There are more and more women, and the situation has improved to a certain extent, especially for the large number of male bachelors in rural areas. As long as they marry a foreign wife, they will be rewarded with a huge sum of 150,000 yuan and allowed to build a three-story luxury villa with half an acre of land.

The yard is full of vegetables and fruits, and I buy a mini electric car worth 50,000 yuan, and my life is like a paradise. Domestic women may dismiss it and will never give in, but it is attractive to foreign girls.

It's too big.

Therefore, the crisis of massive male bachelors has shown obvious signs of easing, but in a few years, it will become a crisis of female bachelors. Once they get older, it will be impossible for anyone to take over, and they will have to die alone.

Speaking of this issue again, in fact, similar marital imbalances also occurred in Ming Dynasty.

That is the young men in Xujiazhuang, who have no worries about finding a wife. They are all very picky, that is, those young men in Xujiazhuang who have poor family backgrounds, low income, idleness, drinking, gambling and other bad habits, and belong to the lower class of Xujiazhuang.

People have also found beautiful and virtuous wives one by one. They are like flowers stuck in cow dung. They are extremely unsuitable, but they can have such beautiful blessings.

So the problem arises.

For those villages and towns outside of Xujiazhuang, it has become more difficult for young people to find wives, and women are determined to marry into Xujiazhuang, even if they are willing to be mistresses - this situation has indeed occurred, Xujiazhuang

The marriage law of the country only allowed monogamy, and only a few people who had made meritorious deeds and had honorary status could have two concubines, but no more. So some people found another way. Since concubines were not allowed in Xujiazhuang, they would keep them outside.

Since buying a house requires a small amount of money, it doesn’t cost much at all.

Some people roughly estimate that the number of mistresses kept in custody around Xujiazhuang may exceed 500,000, or even millions.

Some villages have even become what others call "Xiaosan Villages", with most of the residents living in outhouses maintained by Xujiazhuang people.


This type of phenomenon feels very ugly and morally corrupt, and is completely inconsistent with normal public order and good customs.

But there is no way. This is reality, a reality that can be seen in any world. Don't say that these mistresses have no shame. We can only say that they are very rational, especially when it comes to marriage. They rarely make mistakes.

They are far more rational than men when it comes to acting emotionally. Most of those who are emotional have died of poverty and starvation and have been eliminated by nature.

However, female resources have been sucked away on such a large scale.

The problem of imbalance between men and women arises.

Young men in many surrounding villages and towns cannot find local wives, so they can only find them from poorer places. And young women from other places marry in large numbers, which will lead to a serious loss of young women in areas outside Yangzhou Prefecture.

Then the bachelor crisis spread to them.

Although young people outside Yangzhou Prefecture can also find wives further outside and continue to spread the pressure further outside, they are still very dissatisfied and express their anger every day, and then demand that this problem must be solved.

And it’s not just a matter of young people’s marriage.

In terms of economy, Xujiazhuang is so rich. The annual income of an ordinary worker is comparable to the legal income of the Qipin County Magistrate of the Ming Dynasty. But what about them? By planting a few acres of fields, they can achieve a harvest of more than a thousand kilograms per mu.

, but the price of grain has been too low in the past two years. The purchase price is 5 Wen/jin, and the income from one acre of land is 5 silver dollars. After excluding the cost of improved seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, etc., the net income is no more than 3 silver dollars, even if the family has 20 to 30 acres of fertile land.

The annual income of a middle-class family is no more than 100 silver dollars.

If you want to earn more, you can only learn a craft and work and become a working class person.

But there are also three, six or nine levels of workers, and there are huge differences.

If you are a traditional craftsman who can only do local work, your daily income will not exceed 100 wen.

If you can enter a local workshop or factory, or take some outsourcing orders provided by Xujiazhuang, your daily income can reach between 100 and 150 yuan.

Only those who can enter the factories opened in Xujiazhuang or work in heavy industry cities must work no more than eight hours a day and have at least one day off per week. Their wages are also based on apprenticeship, junior worker, intermediate worker, and senior worker.

There are nine levels: workers, junior masters, intermediate masters, senior masters, engineers, and senior engineers. But even for apprentices, the legal wage per day will not be less than 120 Wen/day, and for junior workers, the salary will not be less than 200 Wen/day.

The higher the level, the more exaggerated the income, and there are also three insurances and one fund, and all aspects of protection are very complete.

all in all.

In today's Jiangnan area, as long as those are linked to the three words "Xujiazhuang", they can live very well and can easily change their own destiny.

As a result, young women are vying to marry people from Xujiazhuang, even if they are to be mistresses with no status.

As a result, craftsmen with superb skills will change jobs without hesitation as long as the factory in Xujiazhuang offers an olive branch.

As a result, a considerable number of scholars no longer want to study Confucian classics or take the single-plank bridge of the imperial examination. Instead, they have switched to studying simplified Chinese characters, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Even if they only get a primary school diploma, they have a very good future.

It's even more amazing to get a junior high school diploma. It's even happier than getting a Jinshi.

There are still too many people who feel dissatisfied.

Xujiazhuang provides too few opportunities to change one's destiny.

However, living under the rule of the Ming Dynasty government, farmers who mainly farm have to pay more and more grain; workers who mainly work as part-time workers have to pay more and more poll taxes, and things like Liao Xiang,

It has still not been completely abolished, but instead this tax and that tax have been added. The government will try every means to make the people pay obediently. Only those who are closely related to Xujiazhuang will not be easily provoked by the subordinates.

Over time.

Huge resentment and anger have accumulated. I can no longer bear the widening gap, and I don’t want to live a hopeless life (in fact, most people’s lives have been significantly improved in recent years), even for one more day.


So the people in Jiangnan took action.

Groups of ‘begging teams’ were spontaneously formed.

Then, either a team of thirty people or a group of fifty people and a hundred people, carrying dry food that could last ten days and a half, arrived at Harbor City and arrived at the square not far from White Castle.

Then, one by one, they knelt down in rows, facing the direction of the White Castle, kowtowing and weeping, and uttering their wails and appeals:

"Sage Bodhisattva, save us, save us!"

"I really can't endure these hard times anymore. When will it end!"

"Please ask the saints and Bodhisattvas to show mercy, expand the manor, and accommodate us!"

"It's been five years. We've been waiting for almost five years. Is it time to expand the Xu family manor? Why haven't good things happened to us yet? How can we favor one over the other?"

"Yes, what did we do wrong? Why are we still unwilling to expand the village? We are willing to give up the land without asking for a single silver dollar in compensation. We just want to join Xujiazhuang!"

"Sage Bodhisattva, you are so kind-hearted, please listen to our appeal and help us. Our life is worse than death, please give us a way to survive!"

"Sage Bodhisattva, we don't want money, pity or charity. We just want a chance to join Xujiazhuang. We have hands and feet. We can endure hardship. As long as we are given a chance, we can live as well as other collective estates... We

Just one head and one hope!"


On March 25, 800 people from other places knelt in the square to petition.

On the 26th, the number of petitioners increased to more than 2,000.

On the 27th, the number of people kneeling down and wailing in unison exceeded 10,000. Their shrill cries shook the whole city and everyone could hear them.

This time.

Xujiazhuang's senior officials were alarmed.

Xu Yuan was also alarmed and immediately ordered a high-level meeting to discuss the issue.

In the conference room.

Li Jin said: "Master, the number of petitioners pouring into Harbor City from other places is still increasing rapidly. If not stopped, it is likely to exceed 50,000 or 100,000, which will seriously affect the daily order of Harbor City...

How should we respond?"

"These unruly people have been making noise for the past few days so that the general public cannot have a good rest. Their demands are even more ridiculous. The collective estates can be expanded if they want, and Xujiazhuang can join if they want to. They are crying and kneeling.

Is it useful? If this method works, in the future, all the people of the Ming Dynasty will learn from them and go to Harbor City to kneel down. What should we do? Xujiazhuang has limited resources. Can it meet the demands of more than 200 million people?"

Wu Dabao snorted and said: "Master, in order to prevent these unscrupulous people from becoming a factor of instability, we should send out a large army to drive them away, and increase restrictions so that all kinds of idlers are not allowed to enter the Harbor City, and the general citizens

Give them a peaceful living environment.”

"That's right, we in Xujiazhuang are not a charity organization, so we can't help so many people."

"Actually, most of them are well-dressed and have plenty of dry food. They even brought dried meat and can afford canned food. They are not really poor, they just have hard-to-satisfy desires."

"The main resources of Xujiazhuang in the past two years have been invested in overseas expansion. Where are the resources to carry out another round of expansion in South Zhili?"

"It will take at least two more years to save up before we can consider merging them."

"Haha, they used to be inactive and unwilling to join. Now that they see the benefits, they feel the gap, and they want to achieve their goals by suffering. Haha, how can there be such a simple and easy thing in the world?"

"It's better to issue the deportation order as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with if there are too many people waiting."

Yang Zhongyuan, Zhao Jinfu and others all spoke with an attitude of rejection and dissatisfaction.

"That's enough~"

Xu Yuan knocked on the table, frowned and said: "We are all Chinese people, how can we discriminate against them? Think about a few years ago, ten years ago, your life may not be as good as these people. Think about it, if you

Are you these people who will kneel down and kowtow, beg for days and nights, or even faint?"

Face this question.

The senior officials immediately stopped talking, because if they put themselves in their shoes, if they were the petitioners, they would probably kowtow even more violently, their foreheads would bleed, and they would die. They only hope that Xujiazhuang can be kind and merciful.

"Master of the village, do you mean... to accept them and agree to expand the village?" Li Jin asked cautiously.

"Although our development focus in recent years has been overseas and the returns we have brought are higher, don't forget that we are people of the Ming Dynasty after all. Our foundation in the Ming Dynasty only has more than a hundred manors and only one Yangzhou mansion.

Land, this is completely insufficient, sooner or later, in the Jiangnan area, we still have to carry out another wave of expansion to consolidate our foundation and backbone." Xu Yuan said.

"But our reserve resources are slightly insufficient, and we still need to train a large number of people. The timing is not very suitable yet." Yang Zhongyuan said.

"Then just slow down a bit. In the past, the manor was built within two or three months. Now it can be relaxed to one year. It can take two months to train people, and two or three months to enclose the land and establish households.

After sorting out the land, merging villages together, and building bastions, slowly and slowly over a year, we should be able to complete the construction of 1,100 collective estates, right? As for resources, I will find a way to get more, so you don’t have to worry.


Xu Yuandao’s final decision set the tone for the fourth round of bank expansion.

The reason why he made this decision was partly out of sympathy for the petitioners, but the more important reason was that since the village was going to be expanded sooner or later, it was better to do it earlier, and he was not short of money now.

The balance of bank accounts in modern society has increased to more than 50 billion. Based on the average consumption of 50 million per collective estate, this amount of money is basically enough, that is, he is not short of money.

Hear this.

All the senior officials were shocked and immediately supported:

"In this case, we can expand the village this year."

"The owner of the village is kind, if this good news is announced, how happy will those unscrupulous people and petitioners be?"

"Yes, the manor owner is too soft-hearted and can easily be regarded as a weakness, so we have to announce that after this round of expansion of the manor, no new manors will be built in the Ming Dynasty, at least within ten or twenty years."

"Yes! This should be added. This should be the last round of expansion. In the future, when we expand, we will not consider the territory of the Ming Dynasty. There are many more sacred lands overseas than inside the Ming Dynasty. It is no longer worth mentioning.


"Now our population under Xujiazhuang is 11 million overseas and 13 million in Jiangnan, adding up to 24 million. However, the total population of Ming Dynasty has increased to 250 million this year, with a net increase of nearly 10 million people every year. If this trend continues, we will

Even if the village is expanded every year, it will not be able to accommodate such a large population. The number of poor people will only increase. However, our abilities are limited. If we expand the village indefinitely, our per capita income will be lowered, and our living standards will decline and then fall again.

We have fallen into a state of poverty... It is impossible to achieve universal unity. We can only achieve partial prosperity and then promote overall improvement."

"It is true that unlimited expansion of farming means equalizing wealth and poverty, and returning everyone to poverty, which will reduce everyone's welfare!"

"Our kindness and kindness must have a limit. This time is the last wave of good deeds. Those who can seize the opportunity will successfully come ashore; those who fail to seize the opportunity will have to rely on themselves to struggle in the future. We

There is nothing I can do to help.”

This chapter has been completed!
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