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Chapter 319 The Honest Xu Yuan

Five days later.

Jin Yiwei arrived at Harbor City, found the liaison eunuch Feng Jiuying, handed the secret letter into his hands, and explained some matters in his ear.

"Okay, I understand. Our family will definitely handle this matter well! We will live up to the divine grace."

Feng Jiuying accepted the letter, nodded repeatedly and said.

the next day.

On the fifth floor of White Castle, in a relatively private tea room.

Xu Yuan took some time to meet with Feng Jiuying, the liaison representative of the royal family, and at his request, all the escorts and maids left the room, leaving only two of them.

In fact, Xu Yuan's time is limited, but he has to deal with a lot of things every day. Every minute of his time is very precious. Therefore, unless he plays a very important role or an extremely important matter, it is impossible for Xu Yuan to spare time to do it.

See you again.

And Feng Jiuying was just a eunuch. Even if he represented the royal family, he was just a small figure and not worthy of Xu Yuan's attention and personal interview.

But apart from her status as a royal liaison representative, privately, Feng Jiuying had already secretly sought refuge with Xu Yuan. On an unknown island, she helped recruit and introduce 3,000 young eunuchs, and became a member of the special supervision agency.

The first batch of members have been secretly trained for three years. They will graduate in two years and begin to display their abilities and roles.

Eunuch Feng Jiuying made a great contribution to this, and gained Xu Yuan's trust, and regarded him as one of his important confidants.

Therefore, it is not difficult to ask Xu Yuan to see him privately and alone.

"Master, please read this letter. It is a personal letter written by His Majesty to you. Only you can open it..."

Feng Jiuying took out the secret letter from his pocket and handed it to Xu Yuan with both hands.

"Did Zhu Youjian write to me?"

Xu Yuan took the letter, opened the seal, took out the letter inside, unfolded it and read it, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief: This letter was written in simplified Chinese characters, mainly in vernacular, which fully took into account his reading habits.

As for the content, it is straightforward and easy to understand, without so many twists and turns, and Zhu Youjian truthfully stated his plan: to send the emperor's sister-in-law Zhang Yan to Xujiazhuang, hoping that Xu Yuan would take good care of her, and there would be no need to

When she returned to the capital, it would be best to find a suitable place to settle the emperor's sister-in-law Zhang Yan. The royal family would find ways to do a good job in Zhang Yan's ideological work. Of course, they also hope that Xu Yuan can be more proactive, but not rough.

It's so rude. The first thing you should do is win the heart of a beautiful woman, and then take possession of her body... and so on.

In short, the content of the letter is indeed straightforward, and there are a lot of suggestive words, such as "creating opportunities", "lonely men and widows", "love and pity", etc. I am afraid that Xu Yuan will not understand.

If the writing were more straightforward, it would probably be considered a small H-style article, and it would definitely be treated badly.

Even so, the many hints and ambiguous words still made Xu Yuan's body feel a little hot. He had to sigh, Zhu Youjian is a talented person and his writing style is quite good. He may be suitable for writing some color articles, and maybe he will receive a lot of attention.

Readers welcome.


I read the entire handwritten letter.


Xu Yuan let out a heavy hum.

Low level.

Too low-level.

The majestic Ming Emperor, the supreme ruler of more than 200 million people in the world, was actually so superficial and low-level that he used beauty seduction on a businessman himself. The method was quite low. It was not like what an emperor would do at all. On the contrary,

It's like playing house.

There is also a feeling that one's own intelligence is being despised and insulted by this emperor.

The most important thing is that there is no good beauty to seduce. The one he recommended was a thirty-one-year-old, rather older widow. He also hoped that he would be 'loving and compassionate' and not be too 'rude and rude', and that he would show her kindness.

"Gentleman's demeanor" and so on made Xu Yuan feel very speechless and wanted to spit out a mouthful of phlegm.

I just find it ridiculous and ridiculous.

Xu Yuan sighed secretly: Zhu Youjian, Zhu Youjian, have you been kicked in the head by something? You actually want to use this to test me. Do you think I will be easily seduced and controlled by you? Are you looking down on me too much?


After all, I have experienced hundreds of battles and experienced countless things, but I can’t even withstand this little test?


When Zhang Yan's beautiful face, mature and plump figure, and dignified and inviolable noble temperament appeared in my mind.

At the physiological level, Xu Yuan was completely out of control and had a very strong instinctive reaction that made him feel ashamed. His blood flow speed accelerated a lot, and many unhealthy pictures appeared in his mind.

There are almost no obstacles in front, and Zhu Youjian still has to help with coordination from behind. What does this mean? As long as we create more scenes of a man and a woman living together in the same room, maybe...

Zhu Youjian!

Good on you, Zhu Youjian! You are not stupid at all. You really caught a hint of my weakness, and my body involuntarily reacted very honestly, and I had the urge to capture that woman.

no way!

Xu Yuan feels that he is not a womanizer. He has seen many beauties of all kinds. On a purely visual level, it is impossible for some top beauties to easily stir up his heart and make him possessive.

The impulse, because those are just skin, the most superficial appearance, and through various filters, cosmetics, and beauty algorithms, etc., the actual beauty may be just a 70-80% beauty, which is increased to 10%

One or two points, and even lead to the phenomenon of overflowing fairies.

But Zhang Yan is different.

Even without makeup, she has nine points of good looks.

Plus eleven points of temperament.

In Xu Yuan's eyes, she suddenly became a 20-point beauty, and there was a huge gap between her and those vulgar fans and coquettish bitches.

There are not many women who can compare with her.

This is why, in front of Zhang Yan, Xu Yuan often behaves like a crazy man licking a dog, repeatedly making overtures, which simply disgraces the face of his fellow men all over the world, and is a shame for men.

But he just couldn't control it.

But today, Xu Yuan wants money, power, and enjoyment, and there are many stunning beauties around him, but when it comes to happiness, satisfaction, and accomplishment, it is really not as good as before.

higher, or in other words, his happiness threshold has increased, and happiness is often produced in the gap, because the gap between the licking dog and the goddess is too big, so in the process of pursuit, even if the goddess gives a cheap smile, the licking

Dogs can be so happy that it is unimaginable, but for the rich and handsome man who changes women like changing clothes, the goddess just laughs out loud, and the rich and handsome man doesn't even care.

Now Xu Yuan's role, just like this tall, rich and handsome man, does not have many pleasure projects that can make Xu Yuan feel greater happiness, and there are not many beauties that can make Xu Yuan pay attention to him.

Zhang Yan is the only exception, a very special exception.

The opportunity is now in front of him, allowing Xu Yuan to make a choice. Should he become a gentleman, refuse this temptation, and prevent Zhu Youjian's plan from succeeding? Or should he obey his own desires and decisively kill Queen Yi'an Zhang Yan——

This woman, one of the five queens in ancient China, gave a cuckold to the school brother who was the protagonist of many historical novels, and then became a relative of Zhu Youjian, and heard him call him brother or brother-in-law.

The relationship with the royal family has become even closer.

Wait wait wait.

If Zhang Yan can be taken down, Xu Yuan may experience the feeling of being an emperor and a green emperor, and it will even be even better, which makes him look forward to and look forward to.

Therefore, Xu Yuan admitted that he really wanted to take the bait Zhu Youjian threw, and no matter what kind of adverse consequences there would be, he was too lazy to think too much about it. At least at this moment, Xu Yuan decided to obey his own will

Instinct is to be an honest man - and with this choice, Xu Yuan believes that more than 80% of men will be the same as himself. After all, men, even Queen Elizabeth does not want to accept them, are either hypocritical, stupid, or incompetent.

After thinking about it for a while.

Xu Yuan said to Feng Jiuying: "Eunuch Feng, I reluctantly agree to Zhu Youjian's suggestion, but there is no need for him to rush to send the person here, just wait a moment, otherwise he will send the person here, and I will continue to send him."

There is no suitable place for resettlement, so I plan to build a royal palace covering an area of ​​100 acres outside the Harbor City, not very far away, and strive to complete it within three to five months. From now on, this royal palace will be

The fixed residence of the royal family, and the living conditions in all aspects are no worse than the White Castle, only better... I'd better write a reply to Zhu Youjian in detail."

Xu Yuan imagined a 'Royal Palace' plan in his mind. On the one hand, it was to prevent the family from being restless and causing dissatisfaction among women such as Fang Qingyan. Secondly, the establishment of the Royal Palace could also prevent the royal family from infiltrating into the Xu family village and thus affecting the family.

Perhaps destroying the interests of Xujiazhuang can be regarded as a kind of "isolation". Of course, it can be described as a hidden beauty in a golden house.


Feng Jiuying nodded excitedly. In his heart, he strongly supported the closer relationship between the royal family and Xujiazhuang. This was the result he most expected.


Just two days later.

August 25th.

The guards in charge of delivering the letter sent Xu Yuan's reply to the palace in the capital - this time they rode a motorcycle all the way back, and the motorcycle was arranged by Xu Yuan's order, and a fixed communication mechanism was to be formed.

Shorten the communication interval to two days. Later, we will see if an air line can be opened to further shorten the communication interval to two hours. (As for why not to set up a secret radio communication channel, it is mainly because it is more troublesome and less safe. After all, many

Many times it is not on the Ming side).

In the afternoon.

Inside the palace.

After receiving Xu Yuan's reply and seeing the crooked and messy handwriting on it, Zhu Youjian couldn't help but sarcastically said: He is ignorant and has no skills, and his handwriting is extremely ugly.

However, the content of the letter soon made Zhu Youjian laugh wildly:

"Hahaha, hahahaha!"

"Xu Yuan, you Xu Yuan, how dare you say that you are not a womanizer?"

"I knew it. I had already expected that if you couldn't resist the charm of the emperor's sister-in-law, you would definitely fall for this beauty's trick."

"Haha, prepare for a lot of bloodletting. As long as the emperor's sister-in-law captivates you and controls you firmly, Xujiazhuang will soon no longer be a threat in my eyes, but a huge help and help."

What an opportunity! Hahaha!”

This chapter has been completed!
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