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Chapter 327 Release of Classic Peak Game Console

"Mr. Xu, our game console is almost finished. It will be finalized in a few days. What needs to be dealt with now are just some minor and insignificant problems. Then we have to wait for the development of the supporting games to be completed, which will only take half a month.

Within, I am confident that we can get everything done and officially release our [Classic Peak Game Console].”

Chen Siqi said on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, you can push it a little and ask the employees to work overtime and speed up the progress. If this product can succeed in the market, they will get a lot of bonuses." Xu Yuandao.

"I understand, Mr. Xu, we all work overtime voluntarily without urging, and many of us bring sleeping bags to sleep in the office... We all know the importance of this product," Chen Siqi said.

"That's good." Xu Yuan nodded and hung up the phone.

As for this type of phone call, in fact, from the moment the [Classic Peak Game Console] project was launched a year and a half ago, Xu Yuan made an inquiry every three to five days on average for a total of 500 days, and every half

I went to inspect it a few months ago.

For this project, more than 5,000 hardware talents were organized, and more than 10,000 software talents were recruited. A total of more than 15,000 people participated in this project. Including the cost of purchasing equipment, a total of more than 13 billion has been spent on it, and it is expected to cost 150 million yuan in total.

billions of funds.

It is nothing more than a 32-bit game console. The computing power of the core CPU is only a few million times per second. The chip manufacturing process is very backward at the 90-nanometer level. Its functional positioning is the same as that of the island country FC Red and White in the 1990s.

The game console and the domestic copycat Xiaobawang game console are very similar.

In other words, it is a replica of a product similar to the FC game console.

Even if the performance of the host will be stronger.

Even the sound performance would be better.

Even if all-round improvements can be achieved, the picture will be smoother and the game operation will be smoother, after all, so much money has been spent on it.

But after all, it is just an outdated and outdated FC-like game console. Compared with today's seventh-generation game consoles such as ps7, it can play hundreds of 3A masterpieces, has extremely gorgeous graphics, extremely powerful computing performance, and also has

With light-tracing technology, every frame is a movie-level picture. Xu Yuan spent huge sums of money to create the [Classic Peak Game Console], which is at best the level of the second-generation game console, five generations behind ps7.

What gave him the illusion that the backward [Classic Peak Game Console] was very likely to succeed and bring in a lot of revenue?


The main source of his confidence comes from games.

He recruited 10,000 software engineers. In addition to developing host operating systems, the main purpose was to let them develop fun and interesting games. So these programmers were divided into 1,000 development teams, each with ten people.

Each team was required to develop a high-quality game within one year.

Allowing them to copy and borrow from past games.

They are required to share the top game development technology and advanced algorithms, and have experts responsible for solving bugs and optimizing the game.

In addition, the most advanced contemporary technologies such as AI drawing, AI design, and AI programming are used to reduce the burden on artists, make it easier for programmers, and improve work efficiency.

Eventually, 1,000 high-quality games were developed.

But this is just the beginning.

Next, these games will be screened and the best will be selected. Among them, 900 games will be eliminated. The development team will not receive generous bonuses. Only 100 games can be launched to the market to see if they can

It has been recognized by the majority of players.

In this way, we can achieve successful sales of products, fight our way out in the mature and highly competitive game market, grab a piece of cake, and bring in a lot of revenue.

Is it possible to succeed in this way?

How can a mere 32-bit console, and most of its games are pixelated games, compete with advanced game consoles that have computing speeds of tens of trillions, and beat those 3A masterpieces?


It will definitely end in failure!

But Xu Yuan believes that there may be a glimmer of livelihood in this market.

There are three reasons:

First, most students and young people nowadays mainly play mobile games and computer games. Mobile phone screens are small and are harmful to the eyes. They also have anti-addiction mechanisms. Students can play up to three to five hours a week; for computer games,

There are too many, which is dizzying, and there are too many traps for spending money. If you accidentally spend thousands or tens of thousands on it, it will do great harm to your wallet.

As for consoles such as the PS7, the price is easily five to six thousand per unit, and the games cost two to three hundred per unit. Only relatively wealthy families can afford it, but most people still can't afford it.

The cost of the [Classic Peak Game Console] is lower, with the price not exceeding one thousand. If you have a TV at home, you can connect it to an HDMI high-definition TV, or use an analog cable to connect to a traditional big-ass TV, which can make use of the TV that is not commonly used at home.

As for games, the cheap ones cost 20 to 30 yuan each, and the expensive ones only cost 99 yuan. They are not very expensive and are more cost-effective than buying those 3A masterpieces.

Finally, the playability of the game represents the core competitiveness. Only when the game is fun, players like to play it, and express their approval, can [Classic Peak Game Console] survive and gain a firm foothold; if there are not a few games

Fun games are all waste of time and can only end in violent death.

Of course, Xu Yuan is somewhat sure about this aspect. He feels that even if the graphics are poor and the console performance is poor, very fun games can still be developed. Human imagination and creativity will not be easily limited. Is the game good?

Fun is related to its playability and will not be limited by hardware.

Xu Yuan, who has played several excellent games, has greater certainty and confidence in this.

In addition, even if sales are completely wiped out and tens of billions of investments are wasted, in the future, the game consoles in stock can be sold to Daming World and used with TVs for tens of thousands of silver dollars.

One, but for the people of the Ming Dynasty who came into contact with a game console for the first time, they would probably buy it like crazy, play it like crazy, and become deeply addicted, so there was no need to worry about not being able to sell it.

Even if Ming Dynasty takes care of the bottom line, it doesn't matter if sales plummet.

So with this mentality, no matter what, [Classic Peak Game Console] and supporting games must be made, and they must be done well and perfectly. As long as a lot of money, sincerity, and hard work are invested in it,

The results will definitely not be too bad, and may even bring huge surprises.

So the next ten days.

Xu Yuan spent most of his time in the Magic City, guiding the development progress of the [Classic Peak Game Console] almost every day.

During this period, he only went back to the Ming Dynasty two or three times, and spent a lot of supplies. He also learned that Queen Zhou and Zhang Yan had come to Harbor City and sent congratulatory gifts. Xu Yuan gave instructions to have people accept the gifts.

But he didn't take the time to see Queen Zhou and Zhang Yan alone, leaving them alone for the time being.

modern society.

While working in the CEO's office, Xu Yuan used a chat software that could be hidden and chatted with Hu Xuerong about some things (mostly Hu Xuerong took the initiative to find him and found topics to chat with), which increased his understanding of her.

For example, he has been a top student since childhood and has a very smart mind.

When I was a child, my family was very well off, and I was the only daughter in the family. I lived a wealthy life like a wealthy lady. Later, my grandfather dragged me down, and my family background deteriorated. I became a Cinderella who often had to work and study. I once hated my grandfather very much.

When she was in college, she considered studying abroad, but she gave it up because her family had no money. Instead, she went to study in a beautiful country with a close friend who slept with her. As a result, she became addicted to drugs and died from a stray bullet. This made Hu Xuerong quite popular.

Fortunately, her family's poverty may have saved her life.

After graduation, I worked in a biological company, researching the direction of anti-aging. I dealt with various test tubes, beakers, and animals every day. It was very boring, but my annual salary was more than 300,000 yuan. I made a lot of money, but I often worked overtime and had no time to fall in love.

I found it boring and resigned after working for two years.

Now her main focus is to help her grandfather get out of the crisis. Once the Hu family forest farm is revitalized, she can comfortably become a rich third generation.

Now that you have it, you can do whatever you want in the future, you have the freedom of choice, and you don’t have to continue to work hard in the middle and lower classes of society.

And I saw the word "anti-aging".

Xu Yuan's heart moved and he asked curiously: "Since you have worked in this field, can you tell me how the current research on "anti-aging" medical technology is going? Human life span, as long as you are willing to spend money, can

How far can it be extended now?"

"There have been many breakthroughs, but overall, the effects are still not obvious. Because there are too many ethical restrictions, they cannot be applied to humans and large-scale human trials cannot be conducted. This has led to many radical life extension programs, although they can make mice

, the life span of monkeys has doubled, doubled or even tripled, but human trials require 100% safety, and only the most reliable anti-aging technologies can be used... Even so, as long as you have money, it is still very easy to live to 120 years old.

Easily, in thirty to fifty years, we should be able to reach 150 years old." Hu Xuerong said.

"Two hundred years, three hundred years, is a longer life, can it be achieved?" Xu Yuan asked again.

"Yes! But it will take at least hundreds of years to research. We also have to enter the space environment to remove heavy metals from the body, research cloning technology, create replacement organs, and human experiments are indispensable. There is always a long way to go. Our generation must be

I can’t see or apply the technology in this area." Hu Xuerong said.

"If I invest in setting up a biological research company that specializes in the field of human life extension and can find solutions for human experiments without being restricted by legal ethics, do you think it will be possible to break the restrictions and embrace immortality within a hundred years?" Xu Yuan asked.

"It's... there's a slight possibility, and it's not small." Hu Xuerong felt suspicious. What did Mr. Xu want to do? He couldn't think of anything more and would do something crazy. This is not allowed. I hope he would never do it.

What a stupid thing.

"Okay, I have an idea." Xu Yuan nodded, brewing a new plan.

"By the way, Mr. Xu, it has been ten days since that incident, but my aunt came again this morning, so I have to find a suitable time and try a few more times. Mr. Xu, can you help me again?


"I'm in my company now, how can I help you?"

"I can fly to your place. In addition, I hope the air ticket will be reimbursed. I don't have much money..." Hu Xuerong said weakly.

"Let's talk about it next month. What's the rush?"

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you when the time is right," Hu Xuerong said humbly.

Xu Yuan didn't answer her anymore, but since he had cooperated with this woman, the relationship that was supposed to happen eventually happened. It would not be good to be too indifferent to her. He was a soft-hearted man, and he would hate to see a beautiful woman suffer.

After thinking about it, I used Alipay to transfer 5,000 yuan to her, with the note: Drink more hot water.

And received this transfer.

Hu Xuerong, who was originally upset and depressed, immediately turned from gloomy to sunny, with a face full of surprise, and murmured: I made the right choice, I read the right words, this man is a good man, although he is cold-faced and straightforward, he is indeed a good man.

However, it would be nice to add two hundred more to the transfer amount. She likes the number 5,200.

January 31st, the last day of January.

Good news!

[Classic Peak Game Console] has been finalized for production, and the appearance, peripherals, hardware, etc. will not be adjusted or changed.

One hundred high-quality games were successfully selected after cruel and fair competition.

So on February 1st.

Magic Wheel Group will hold a grand new product launch conference at 8 p.m. to launch the [Classic Peak Game Console] for the global market!

This chapter has been completed!
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