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Chapter 5 Actively Join

Xujiazhuang wants to expand.

Build ten more large estates, each covering an area of ​​at least 10,000 acres.

However, these newly planned manors are not densely packed together, but evenly distributed in various places in Xinghua County. These manors are then used as dots to radiate to areas within a radius of several kilometers, thus covering the entire influence.

Xinghua County.

March twenty-four.

Lujia Village is a village located at the intersection of river networks.

When Xujiazhuang's propaganda team stationed in Lujiacun, they planned to use Lujiacun as the center of the estate and prepare for land acquisition and expansion.

More than 300 households in Lujia Village are in a state of panic.

"Xujiazhuang is going to take over our land and build a new manor!"

Just this sentence went viral, causing countless villagers to feel uneasy and uneasy.

He was even fearful and extremely resistant, resolutely stating that he would never sell the land passed down by his ancestors.

Although the publicity team held many publicity conferences, they repeatedly introduced the benefits of entering the bank and described future prospects.

"The buyout subsidy for irrigated land is twenty-two acres, and the buyout subsidy for dry land is twelve-acre. The money will be given immediately, and every penny is a lot."

"After joining the collective estate, if you choose stability, you can get a fixed salary of one or two per month, which includes food and accommodation. Strong laborers will be arranged to work, and the government tax estate will help pay. You can also choose to earn work points. The more you work, the more you will get, and you will be skilled.

The salary is higher, ranging from 3 taels per month to 5 taels. If you can become a manager, the minimum monthly salary is 10 taels, and there are various benefits."

“In addition, for farmers who join the manor, their children aged 6 to 10, regardless of boys or girls, can enter the manor school, read and learn mathematics, and complete three years of compulsory education without any fees. The school provides nutritious breakfast and lunch.

, greatly reducing the burden on parents.”

"The conditions and benefits are so good, why are you folks still hesitating and worrying? If you don't believe it, you can go to Xujiazhuang to have a look and visit in person. Seeing is believing, and we will reimburse you for travel expenses and meals."

The preacher with a loudspeaker in his hand said with a dry throat.

Lu Youcai, a young villager in the audience, couldn't help but feel a little moved, and started discussing with other villagers.

Although he was also full of doubts, he was not as worried and fearful as other villagers. Instead, he was more expectant.

Because he had dealt with Xujiazhuang several times.

One of Lu Youcai's relatives, his cousin, was a farm worker in Xujiazhuang. When visiting relatives during the Chinese New Year, he saw with his own eyes the living conditions of his cousin's family, which really made him envious.

We live in a double-story brick house, which is extremely sturdy, warm in winter and cool in summer, and never leaks from air or water. There are six or seven rooms that can accommodate a dozen people.

The jar of rice and wheat flour is full.

There are more than ten kilograms of uneaten bacon hanging in the yard.

Pickles, dried fruits, and canned food are all in jars and cans. I don’t know how long they will last.

Even ordinary landlords and squire families cannot be so wealthy.

The cousin revealed: The annual income of his family now is estimated to be hundreds of taels of silver, and he can save at least half of it without having to pay any taxes. He is not particularly busy or tired throughout the year, and has hundreds of days of rest.

, ordinary landlords cannot compare.

As for Lu Youcai, relying on his few acres of thin farmland, he worked hard as a day laborer for others. He had few days of leisure and could not earn more than ten taels of silver a year, let alone save a penny.

Until last year, his cousin gave him more than ten kilograms of potatoes and corn seeds. He tried to plant half an acre, and then for the first time he experienced the feeling of having enough food for more than half a year. Although eating too many potatoes would cause heartburn, corn is a miscellaneous grain.

, the taste is not good, but the feeling of having a full meal is much better than being hungry all year round.

Last winter, his little daughter Nannan was born. His wife didn't have enough milk and couldn't borrow milk anywhere. Seeing that she was in danger of dying, she ran to Xujiazhuang to find her cousin and asked him for help. At that time, he was about to kneel down and kowtow.

, his cousin quickly picked him up and took him to the manor's cattle farm, where he saw a cow that could produce a large bucket of milk a day, which was estimated to be enough for a hundred children.

So Lu Youcai not only got a large pot of fresh milk, but also two cans of milk powder - money advanced by his cousin.

During the process of borrowing milk, Lu Youcai also noticed that many poor people who were about to run out of food came to Xujiazhuang to borrow food with their bags. He saw with his own eyes: During the process of lending food, the workers in Xujiazhuang used a lot of money.

Use a big bucket to hold grain, and when you pay back the grain next year, just use a small bucket to pay it back.

"Is this Xujiazhuang stupid? He also engages in a loss-making business?"

At that time, Lu Youcai felt that the people in Xujiazhuang were too stupid and were being taken advantage of. Then he asked his cousin for a bag and borrowed a bucket of grain to go home.

Later, after listening to the analysis of Li Xiucai in the village, Lu Youcai suddenly realized that the purpose of Xujiazhuang's trick of big fights out and small fights in was to win people's hearts and achieve ulterior motives. It had ulterior motives and sinister intentions and would not be tolerated by the court.

Now, Xujiazhuang has finally made a big move. It wants to build a new large estate in Lujia Village. It needs to acquire tens of thousands of acres of land and wants to take away the fields of all the villagers in the village.

Return home.

Lu Youcai asked his wife Chen Xiuniang: "Xiuniang, do you want to join that collective estate? Can we join?"

"Why not join?"

Chen Xiuniang asked him back: "I gave you two sons, Dazhuang and Erzhuang, and a daughter, Nannan. I don't know how many more I will have in the future. But our family only has six acres of thin farmland, and we still have to pay such a heavy tax.

If we don’t think of a way, is it possible that the whole family will starve to death? Or do you want to imitate others and drown one more child in the future? Can you do that?"

Drowning a baby?

Lu Youcai shivered all over. This kind of thing was actually not uncommon. He had seen other people drowning babies with his own eyes, but if it were him, he wasn't sure whether he could do that, and he didn't even dare to think about it.

But the cruel reality is indeed before our eyes. No matter how hard we work on the six acres of thin farmland, we can't feed a few people, and we will never get rid of hunger and poverty.

The feeling of having a full meal is extremely unforgettable. Going back to the long-term half-full days in the past, Lu Youcai also found it a bit difficult to accept.

"But Li Xiucai in the village said that Xujiazhuang was trying to win people's hearts. He might rebel against the imperial court in the future and provoke encirclement and suppression. This would be a beheading meal."

Lu Youcai is still a little worried.

"How can we think so far ahead? As long as we can have enough to eat and have a few good days, we will be fine. And if we sell six acres of land to Xujiazhuang, we will immediately get 60 taels of silver. This money is stored there, just in case a disaster strikes that day. What a big deal."

We took the money and ran away to other places to buy new land, and soon our six acres of thin farmland came back."

Chen Xiuniang analyzed it, revealing her little shrewdness.

"Yes, dad, our family should join Xujiazhuang as soon as possible. I haven't eaten meat for a long time. I heard my uncle's son said that as long as he enters the manor school, he can eat meat every day, as well as an egg and a glass of milk.

, there are all kinds of delicious things.”

At this time, the six-year-old eldest son Lu Dazhuang interrupted, his mouth drooling, his eyes full of yearning.

One more yes vote.


Lu Youcai nodded and made a major decision.

the next day.

A stall has been set up in the Lujiacun Grain-Sunshine Farm.

It is the land acquisition application registration office set up by the Xujiazhuang Publicity Team.

Lu Youcai took the land deed of his family and walked over, preparing to apply to join the collective estate.

However, what surprised him was that he was not the only one who had made the same decision as him, but there was a long queue, and there were at least dozens of people there.

Dozens of families are represented.

Even the villagers who were the most vocal opponents and claimed that they would "never sell their land" stood in the queue to apply for registration, looking slightly embarrassed.

Obviously after careful consideration and weighing the pros and cons, a considerable number of villagers made a decision that was more beneficial to their own interests.

After seeing so many villagers compromise, and seeing with my own eyes that as long as they hand over the land deed, they can immediately get white silver coins.

Lu Youcai also quickly joined the queue, fearing that if he applied too late, all the silver coins would be distributed and he would not be able to get the land acquisition subsidy.

Under the influence of this atmosphere, more and more people applied to join, which can even be described as enthusiastic. In the end, among the more than 370 households in Lujia Village, except for a few landlords who did not agree to cooperate, most of the villagers joined the collective estate.

This chapter has been completed!
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