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Chapter 33 Xinghua Thousand Households

Xinghua County, county government office.

The news reached the ears of Xin Shiqi, the county magistrate. He was sitting on the Grand Master's chair, holding Longjing tea in his hand, with a happy attitude and full of wisdom. After hearing the bad news.


The teacup fell to the ground and broke into dozens of pieces.

Xin Shiqi's body shook violently and he almost fell down.

"Forty-three county tax collectors were beaten to death with wooden clubs, 58 had their hands and feet broken, and more than 300 helpers were killed and injured. Only a few escaped safely, and almost the entire army was wiped out. Xujiazhuang took it seriously.



Xin Shiqi, the county magistrate, was very surprised.

Xujiazhuang resisted. The mere businessmen dared to resist the imperial court and beat and maim the imperial tax officials instead of paying taxes obediently. How dare they have such courage?

Aren't they afraid of encirclement and suppression by the imperial army? Aren't they afraid of death?

Xin Shiqi's face was burning, and he felt as if he had been slapped in the face. The development of the matter was far beyond his expectation.

And one by one, the corpses were carried back to the county government office.

One by one, the wounded, whose hands and feet were broken, were carried to the county seat and in front of Xin Shiqi.

That bloody look.

The skull looked shattered and sunken.

and voices wailing all over the place asking for compensation.

According to the final statistics, out of a total of 492 people, 177 were killed directly, 302 had their hands and feet disabled, and only 13 were basically intact.

In the small town of Xinghua County, not only were the government officials and tax collectors wiped out, but almost every house hung banners and cried countless times. There were also thousands of family members, demanding justice from Xin County Magistrate and providing pensions and compensation. For this reason

Responsible for large casualties.

Xin Shiqi's face is as black as carbon, how can he be responsible? If you want to find the responsibility, you have to find Xu Jiazhuang. He, Xin Shiqi, has no responsibility!

However, the family members refused to give in, and under the instigation of certain forces, they actually surrounded the county government office and demanded an explanation from the county magistrate:

"Sir, you have to make the decision for us!"

"Master Magistrate, I heard that you sent Chen Zushun and others to Xujiazhuang. It was you who got greedy and sent them to Xujiazhuang to collect ten times the tax to force Xujiazhuang to rebel."

"Xin Shiqi, you dog official, give back my husband's life!"

"If it weren't for you, a dog official, how could my son be beaten to death?"

"Pay me my husband, pay me your money!"

"Surge into the county government office, beat Xin Shiqi to death, and make him pay for my husband's life!"


Thousands of people turned into a mob and rushed into the almost defenseless county government office. Not only did they pull out the magistrate Xin Shiqi and beat him up, they also opened the official warehouse and swept away the grain, gold and silver in the official warehouse, acting like a rebellion.

It is unknown how many members of the family village protection team were mixed into the mob, but the purpose of creating chaos was achieved. Xin Shiqi, the county magistrate who was proficient in calculations, was eventually beaten to death by his calculations and was almost beaten to death by the mob.

But he was not dead after all, and the mob held back because the nature of killing an official and not killing an official are different. Once he was killed, there was no way back.

Xin Shiqi, who had a bruised nose, swollen face and severe pain all over his body, struggled to get up. He first wrote a memorial to report the situation to the court, and then sent the chief secretary Cheng Yunpeng to Dainan Town to find Yang Chenghui of the Qianhu Office in Xinghua, hoping that he would lead troops to pacify the people.

To prevent chaos, especially to eradicate Xujiazhuang, the source of chaos!

Yang Chenghui is a middle-aged man in his thirties, dressed in silk brocade, with a fat head and big ears, a potbelly, shiny eyes, and no calluses on his palms. He looks more like a businessman than a general.

"Eradicate Xujiazhuang?"

After listening to Cheng Yunpeng's request, Yang Chenghui stopped turning the iron walnut in his hand, shook his head and said, "What crime did Xujiazhuang commit that made the county magistrate so unwilling to forgive?"

"Resisting taxes, inciting civil unrest, and killing court officials are all capital crimes for confiscating homes and exterminating clans! Yang Qianhu, you are the official of Qianhu in this county, so you cannot ignore this matter." Cheng Yunpeng said.

"Xujiazhuang operates honestly and pays taxes in accordance with the law. How did I hear that it was Xin County Magistrate who coveted Xujiazhuang's property and became greedy and wanted to seize and plunder Xujiazhuang's property? This is not the behavior of a good official. If I were to refer to this book, Xin

The county magistrate forced good people to rebel, and the court found out, what do you think will happen to Magistrate Xin?"

Yang Chenghui looked at him and said.

"Yang Qianhu, Magistrate Xin actually knows that you have a lot of business dealings with Xujiazhuang. You have long been an agent for Xujiazhuang's goods. You make at least tens of thousands of taels of profits every year. It's hard to give up good money. You and I both know that.

I don't want to offend Xujiazhuang, but... Qianhu, are you really just satisfied with being a small agent? You only earn tens of thousands of taels every year? Xujiazhuang's goods, Xujiazhuang's fine seeds, Xujiazhuang's machinery

Giant car, isn’t it possible that Lord Qianhu is not interested?”

According to the persuasion plan provided by County Magistrate Xin, Cheng Yunpeng said persuasively: "Currently, Xujiazhuang is still weak, with only a thousand servants. No matter how well trained it is, it is just a bunch of ordinary people. How can it compare with the imperial army? And Xujiazhuang does not

If you dare to openly rebel, you only dare to use wooden sticks as weapons. If you take action, you only need three hundred elite soldiers to defeat Xujiazhuang. Once you succeed, the goods, fine seeds, and mechanical giants in Xujiazhuang will all belong to you.

, and the purchase channels of Xujiazhuang can also be controlled by adults. Since then, I have made tens of millions of gold and silver every year, continuously, and I am the richest man in the world. I should be regarded as adults!"

After listening to this.

It's bright.

Yang Chenghui's eyes lit up.

Although Cheng Yunpeng's hypothetical scenario is extremely beautiful and unrealistic, it may be far from the real situation, and there is no risk of failure.

But what if?

What if he really pacified Xujiazhuang?

He doesn't need to earn tens of millions of gold and silver every year. As long as he gets a tenth of it, that is, he can earn a million taels a year, he will be very satisfied and contented.

As for the risk, it definitely exists, but in his Xinghua Qianhu Station, there are 500 guardsmen and 300 servants. Because they have had enough food in the past two years, they have the conditions to practice every five days, and even purchased a lot of sophisticated armaments. They have been used by him.

Created an elite army.

Even if they can't take down a mere Xujiazhuang for a while, as long as they wait for the reinforcements from other guards to arrive and join forces to encircle and suppress them, no matter how rich Xujiazhuang is, no matter how powerful the thousands of servants are, they are no match for them.

Destruction is at hand!

When the results of the battle are divided, he, Yang Chenghui, may not get the biggest prize, but he can still get a lot.

Of course, the best case scenario is that Xujiazhuang can be pacified with his own efforts of reviving thousands of households, so as to maximize the benefits.

If you lose and are not strong enough, then join forces with other agencies. As long as you participate, at least, it will be better than being a small agent now.


Gotta do it!

Because you will make money no matter what, the risk is not high and it is completely bearable.

the next day.

Yang Chenghui put on a set of oversized Mingguang armor, mounted a high-headed war horse, took 300 servants and 500 ordinary guard soldiers, and went straight to Xujiazhuang, not far away.

In the afternoon, at the entrance of Xujiazhuang.

Although they were facing the regular military guards of the imperial court this time, Xujiazhuang's guards still wore full-body stab-proof uniforms, each with a thick wooden stick, and the members of the first row, each with an anti-explosion shield, and the number of people

There were only 500 people, and all of them were tall, muscular men.

There are another 500 smaller team members protecting the village, holding electric breech-loading guns and hanging sugar grenades on their waists, standing behind as a reserve team to prevent unexpected situations.

Then another close-quarters fight broke out!

Bang bang bang!

Puff puff puff!

Ah! Ah! Ah~!

The two teams went head-to-head for about fifteen minutes.

Yang Chenghui was surprised to find that his elite army began to retreat, no, it collapsed completely!

"No retreat!"

"Fuck me, fuck them all, don't leave any of them!"

"Kill! Those who retreat will die!"

"All they have is wooden sticks. We have knives and guns in our hands. As long as we are not afraid of death, we will definitely win!"

"Come on, charge me! Don't take another step back!"

Yang Chenghui kept roaring and led his servants back and forth to drive away the defeated soldiers, and even drew his sword and killed two deserters himself, but he could not stop the trend of collapse.

Until the servants of the Xu family holding shields and thick wooden clubs came to him, getting closer and closer.

"Die to me!"

Yang Chenghui, who was extremely embarrassed, found an angle and slashed his knife at a member of the village guard. However, the opponent did not dodge, had no reaction, and no blood flowed out. He was actually invulnerable.

And immediately hit him with a stick to fight back.

Yang Chenghui raised his sword to block, but a huge force came and the sword was released immediately.


The sitting horse suddenly let out a shocking roar and was hit on the head with a stick. It jumped up high and then fell to the ground.

Yang Chenghui fell off his horse, and several village guards surrounded him.

"No! Don't kill me, I'm your owner's friend!"

Yang Chenghui panicked and immediately used a noose. However, when a thick wooden stick was hit, he raised his hand to block. Amidst the screams of "Ouch", his right hand was fractured and drooped. He raised his left hand to block again, and also screamed.

The left arm suffered a comminuted fracture.

He turned around and ran, but a thick wooden stick hit him on the calf. He screamed again and lay on the ground. Finally, dozens of thick wooden sticks came overwhelmingly to greet him. Each blow contained a hidden meaning.

The strength to break human bones and crack armor.


In the last few dozen seconds of his life, while his screams continued to fade away, there was no longer any greed for gold and silver in his heart, only endless despair and regret.

This chapter has been completed!
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