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Chapter VII All-round Development of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Fishing and Industry


Lu Juren was settled, and an agreement was successfully reached on the land exchange plan of exchanging 350 acres of large farmland for 300 acres of small farmland.

The largest landowner, Lu Juren, signed the cooperation agreement.

Naturally, the other landowners in Lujiacun could not persist and had to agree to cooperate, including Li Xiucai, who had the strongest resistance. His family's 50 acres of fertile land was also replaced by 60 acres of large land.

The publicity team's land acquisition work in Lujiacun was successfully completed.

However, after some replacement, the land finally obtained was 1,688.2 acres, which was actually reduced by nearly 200 acres, accounting for just over 50% of all the land in Lujia Village.

The other half of the land is almost all land owned by landlords, and very little belongs to ordinary people.

This formed a distinct pattern in which collective estates accounted for half and landlords accounted for half.

Of course, the land acquisition target of the propaganda team is not Lujia Village.

The surrounding seven or eight villages, including Chenjia Village, Xiacun, Tanlin Village, Majia Village, and Yejia Village, are all within the planning scope. As long as each village acquires an average of 1,000 acres of land, the target of 10,000 acres of land acquisition can be completed quickly.

Fortunately, the propaganda team is making very smooth progress. It only took two or three days to deal with Lujiacun, and it is estimated that it will not take many days to deal with several surrounding villages.

There are definitely obstacles and difficulties.

There are also those who are unwilling to cooperate.

There will definitely be one or two landowners who firmly oppose and refuse to agree to it no matter what.

But ordinary farmers with little land at home will basically join collective estates.

Most landowners will also cooperate. After all, they have not really suffered losses and their interests have not been harmed. On the contrary, they will most likely get more benefits. They have no reason to refuse.

For a very small number of stubborn landowners, when most of the human resources are in the hands of Xujiazhuang, and they have obvious advantages in improved varieties, efficient farm tools, business models, and treatment of farm workers, they will naturally not end up stubbornly resisting.

What a good ending.

What's more, Xujiazhuang has also prepared a last resort that is despicable. Unless you have a very strong backing and have high-ranking officials in the court, no one can bear the blow of missing your son today and kidnapping your grandson tomorrow - of course, unless it is absolutely necessary, Xujiazhuang doesn't want to

Come this far.


There is a breeding farm covering an area of ​​hundreds of acres in the back mountains to the west. Xu Yuan took time to inspect it again.


The breeding farm built on the low slope of the back hill is one of the most important places in the manor. Xu Yuan comes to inspect it every few days, very frequently.

Because his manor is not an ordinary manor focused on farming.

It is a manor managed using a combination of agriculture and animal husbandry.

Breeding industry accounts for a large proportion.

Take this livestock farm as an example. It houses more than 500 cattle, more than 1,000 sheep, more than 300 donkeys, and more than 50 horses, all of which are large and medium-sized livestock.

There is also a large pig farm next to it, raising more than 3,000 domestic pigs.

In addition, there are poultry farms that specialize in raising chickens, ducks and geese, with tens of thousands of chickens, ducks and geese in them.

The manor's water storage ponds and irrigation river networks covering an area of ​​more than ten acres also adopt the mulberry fish pond model, raising a lot of fish and shrimps, and can catch tens of thousands of catties of fish every year.

In short, in Xujiazhuang, animal husbandry, breeding and fishery account for a considerable proportion, and have long-term occupied the labor force of thousands of people, specifically responsible for breeding.

"Master, the livestock farm has added 15 calves, 23 lambs, 8 donkeys, and 1 pony this month. However, due to injuries, two strong cattle and seven sheep died. After the dead meat was cooked,

It was distributed to the poor people in the surrounding areas... The owner of the village, Mr. Zhou mismanaged it, please punish him."

The steward Zhou Zonghe, a middle-aged man in his thirties who is very knowledgeable about breeding, bowed with a look of remorse on his face.

"It doesn't have to be like this. As the saying goes, the Taoist family has a lot of wealth, not just those with fur. The breeding industry is a high-risk industry. With so many cattle, sheep, and horses raised together, the probability of disease is very high, and those with weak constitutions will die. In addition, the mutual

Fights and injuries are also very common. You just need to ensure that there will be no large-scale outbreak of disease and no large-scale casualties. It is normal for three or five animals to die occasionally, so there is no need to blame yourself."

Xu Yuan waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

"Thank you, owner of the farm. Zhou will definitely do his best to reduce the number of livestock deaths every month, and eventually no one will die."

Zhou Zonghe still spoke and assured that his strong sense of responsibility made him always want to achieve perfection.

"By the way, is the silage fed to the livestock enough now? Should we expand the scale of Makita planting this year and produce more feed?"

That's right.

In Xujiazhuang, one-third of the tens of thousands of acres of land is divided into pasture land, which is specially used for growing pasture, alfalfa, barley and other feed crops. After harvesting and cutting, it is only used for livestock and poultry.

Raise large numbers of pigs, cattle, sheep and horses.

Speaking of precious land, it is not enough to grow food. Why should we devote more than 3,000 acres to growing food for livestock? Isn't this too wasteful?

But Xu Yuan doesn't think so, of course he has his own considerations.

And he is learning from Blue Star, the advanced model of integrated agriculture and animal husbandry development in modern Western countries, absorbing its advanced experience and giving full play to its huge advantages.

But instead of learning the traditional farming strengths of his ancestors, he insisted on learning some Western farming model. Is Xu Yuan worshiping foreigners and overly admiring the West?

But it's not.

The farming model that combines agriculture and animal husbandry actually has extremely huge advantages.

One third of the land is used as pasture.

One-third of the land is planted with beans and rapeseed to increase soil fertility.

One-third of the land is used to grow wheat, rice, potatoes and other staple foods.

Rotating crops every three years can maintain soil fertility and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers.

While ensuring the safety of staple food.

It can also bring a large amount of meat, eggs and milk through the development of animal husbandry.

Studies have shown that in the 18th century, farmers in Western countries ate an average of 45 kilograms of meat per year per capita, as well as a large amount of milk, so much that they could not drink it all to make cheese. Therefore, Western adults are generally strong and strong.

He is tall, powerful and strong.

In the 18th century, when the sweet potato was in its prime, the Qing Dynasty had underdeveloped animal husbandry and almost all the land was used to grow food. Not to mention the average meat consumption per capita was 45 kilograms, not even 5 kilograms. They were all thin and had no eyesight.

God belongs to a prosperous age of severe malnutrition.

As for milk, don't even think about it. In the 21st century, Chinese people have not developed the habit of drinking milk regularly, and they don't have that much milk.

With a lot of meat, a lot of milk, and enough protein, people's bodies will become strong and healthy, their strength will be higher, and the Tatars from the north will not enter the country.

A Ming border soldier cannot do what a Tatar is doing.

So meat is fighting power.

Milk is fighting power!

Xu Yuan will do whatever it takes to increase the per capita meat consumption of the people in the manor, with the goal being more than 50 kilograms! The children's milk consumption must also be increased, reaching more than 1 kilogram per day.

Therefore, in Xu Yuan's eyes, the importance of developing animal husbandry is no less important than agriculture, or even more important!

In addition, if there are more cows raised in the manor, they can also be used as draft animals to improve work efficiency. You must know that in ancient times, there was a saying that one cow is worth six people.

Raising more sheep can provide wool raw materials, which can be used to weave woolen cloth, which can keep out the cold, keep warm, and be beautiful.

If you raise more horses, you can cultivate ancient tanks-cavalry. In the cold weapon era, the combat effectiveness of one cavalry is equivalent to six infantry. Mules and horses are also necessary for logistics.

In addition, the excrement of cattle, sheep, horses and other livestock and poultry can also be put into the biogas digester. Together with human excrement, biogas is continuously fermented and used as domestic fuel. The biogas slurry has a very good fertilizing effect.

all in all.

The integrated development of agriculture and animal husbandry brings many benefits, at least much better than the traditional farming model.

Xujiazhuang in far distance not only developed agriculture and animal husbandry, but also raised fish in more than ten acres of water storage ponds, planted hundreds of mulberry trees to raise silkworms, and built a large number of factories and workshops to engage in agriculture and animal husbandry.

The comprehensive development of fishery and industry is more advanced than the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry.

Precisely because all industries are prospering, Xujiazhuang in Xuyuan, although it only covers an area of ​​10,000 acres, is able to support tens of thousands of people in the village, provide 5,000 to 6,000 jobs, and achieve common prosperity.

Of course, the improved seeds, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and various types of machinery that Xu Yuan brought from modern society also played an extremely important role and accounted for at least five percent of the work. I have to mention it here.

Putting all this together, Xujiazhuang has achieved great success in just two years, which is completely reasonable.

"Makita does not need to expand its scale, it is already sufficient."

Zhou Zonghe shook his head and said: "There are not many livestock raised now. There is abundant water and heat in the south, and the yield of pasture land is high. More than three thousand acres are enough. If it is not enough, the cattle and sheep can eat the wheat stalks and corn stalks chopped into pieces;

When there is not enough pasture, you can also spend money to buy weeds from surrounding villages. It costs one penny and five pounds. Many villagers are willing to cut it. If it is not possible, they will boil the excess old grain. Cattle, sheep and horses love to eat it. In short, with the current number of livestock, even if

Doubling the amount will ensure they have enough to eat every day!”

"That's good."

Xu Yuan nodded, feeling relieved immediately.

Indeed, in the northern cold temperate zone with harsh climate, drought and little rain, the nomadic people were able to do well in animal husbandry and often raised hundreds of thousands or millions of cattle, sheep and horses. Now in Southern Zhili, where rain and heat are more abundant, with this

As a group of diligent and intelligent Chinese people, there is no reason why animal husbandry cannot be done well, they can only do it better!

This chapter has been completed!
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