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Chapter 43: People-oriented, people as treasures

Can Daming be saved?

Faced with this question raised by Fang Yizhi, the answer Xu Yuan wanted to give was: It's hopeless.

Don't build a new stove.

Without radical changes in systems, culture, ideas, etc., even if the Ming Dynasty's national destiny is forcibly extended for several decades, it will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and it will eventually collapse and perish.

This is an inevitable outcome and an irresistible law.

After all, there are too many internal problems and bugs in Ming Dynasty. It has long been riddled with holes. There are loopholes everywhere. One or two can be blocked, but it is impossible to block them all.

No matter how outstanding the reformers are to make changes, or even if Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang is resurrected, they can only take the path of rebellion again.

Of course, Xu Yuan did not want to hit Fang Yizhi too much, but just said to him: "Brother, if you look more at my place and visit more, you will find the answer on how to save Daming."

So after eating hot pot.

Xu Yuan asked Fang Yizhi, Qian Chengzhi, and Sun Lin to settle down and move into the VIP guest house.

the following few days.

As the host, Xu Yuan personally accompanied him and took Fang Yizhi and three other people to visit many places in Xujiazhuang.

For example, in the biogas tank, you can see the continuous output of biogas. The daily production of thousands of cubic meters of gas can meet the entire village's needs for boiling water for cooking without having to cut a pound of wood.

For example, there is a new type of granary that can hold up to 100,000 stone (equal to 6,000 tons) of grain, and has two rows of ten silos. It is fire-proof, insect-proof and rodent-proof, and the grain can be stored for up to five years.

For example, I visited a pig farm and supporting slaughterhouse, and saw every household coming to receive pork, and each person was given three kilograms of meat for free.

On the assembly line of the cannery, I saw thin tin cans being pressed into shape by machines, filled with ingredients, and then steamed at high temperatures. Even the most perishable food can be stored for more than a year without changing the taste.

will change.

In the non-staple food factory, I saw a large number of potatoes and sweet potatoes, which were washed manually and then crushed by machines, and then added water to precipitate, turning into about 25% powder. Finally, they were processed into bundles of vermicelli, which can be stored for several years at most.


He even went to the police training office and saw more than 300 muscular men inside, training shirtless in the snow. Unable to hold back, Sun Lin proposed to compete with these village guards, but the result was that even the most ordinary

The thin team members can compare evenly with him in terms of strength, and it can even be seen that they have some spare strength. After all, they cannot be too disgraced to the owner of the village and his guests.

After a tour like this.

Eye-opening at the same time.

He also left an indelible impression on Fang Yizhi and his friends Qian Chengzhi and Sun Lin.

Qian Chengzhi thinks the biogas tank is very good, because cutting firewood in the mountains is a very hard and dangerous job. People often get bitten by snakes and insects, injured by branches, and accidentally fell. It also causes great damage to the environment.

In many towns and cities, the surrounding firewood hills have been cut down to bare ground. Not even a ten-year-old tree can be seen. Even the materials for making coffins have to be purchased from other places at high prices. If biogas digesters can be widely promoted, wood can be greatly saved.

With its use, the ecological environment can also be restored, and the biogas slurry and biogas residue fermented by the biogas tank are also excellent fertilizers, which can increase production and income. It is simply killing multiple birds with one stone!

"It's difficult."

Fang Yizhi shook his head and said: "It may not be difficult to build a biogas tank, but where do ordinary people get so much excrement? Xujiazhuang has a large number of breeding farms that can collect countless pig, cow and sheep dung, and they have also built multiple public toilets

, collect the excrement of tens of thousands of villagers, so that the biogas digester has enough excrement to produce enough biogas. If people with single households cannot collect their excrement, building a biogas digester will be useless."

After Sun Linze slaughtered a large number of fat pigs in the slaughterhouse, he saw the high-quality pork. Xujiazhuang did not want to sell it to make money, or process it into cans, sausages and other products. Instead, he distributed tens of thousands of kilograms of pork for free.

The three kilograms given to the villagers are not a one-time use. It is said that in the twelfth lunar month, new year's pork will be distributed for free. Each person can receive five kilograms or even ten kilograms. What an amazing waste. If it is sold, I don't know how much money can be made.


"Xujiazhuang is too kind to those villagers. If the situation goes on like this, what should we do if these villagers become unruly?"

Sun Lin sighed privately.

"Only in poor mountains and rivers can unruly people come out; only in the warehouses can we learn etiquette."

Fang Yizhi thought for a while and said: "I remember Brother Xu told me before that to strengthen a country, you must first strengthen breeding, and to benefit the people, you must nourish the people. Only when every villager eats dozens of kilograms of meat every year can they raise as many animals as possible.

Only with a Tatar-like physique can the average life expectancy be increased and the next generation become smarter and stronger. The more meat they eat, the better for the entire nation. Moreover, what Xujiazhuang lacks most is money. Instead of selling pork to make money, it is better to give

The villagers eat it and use it to strengthen the people and avoid being targeted by jackals."

"I see."

Sun Lin suddenly understood and nodded repeatedly: "It's no wonder that at the police training station in Xujiazhuang, with my strength and skill, I couldn't even subdue an ordinary servant. If there are such strong people in Xujiazhuang, they will rebel against the imperial court in the future.

, and we may not be able to do anything about Xujiazhuang."

"Brother Sun, please be careful. From what I have seen, Xujiazhuang has no objection at all. What they did was just to put an end to the greed of some greedy people." Qian Chengzhi reminded.

"Yes, yes, I said the wrong thing." Sun Lin quickly admitted his mistake.

the next day.

Xujiazhuang Education School.

At Fang Yizhi's strong request, I came here to visit again.

Class 1 of Grade 3, this class that Fang Yizhi has focused on observing.

After just over half a year of absence, Fang Yizhi followed another day of class and found that the students in this class were making amazing progress.

The number of simplified Chinese characters mastered has increased from around 3,000 to more than 5,000, and I can now write relatively fluent articles in vernacular.

Master all the rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in mathematics, and start to learn some practical physics knowledge, such as the principle of levers, mechanics, etc., which can play a great role in real life.


According to Xu Yuan, these students are basically qualified and have reached the standard for primary school graduation.

"After graduating from primary school, what knowledge will these children continue to learn? Will they learn the principles of sages and classics and historical records?"

Qian Chengzhi couldn't help but asked.


Xu Yuandao: "The teachings of saints cannot change the world, and the collection of classics and history can make people wise. But the lesson people can learn from these books is to never learn lessons, otherwise none of the many dynasties of our Chinese civilization will be able to escape.

The law of rise and fall that will surely perish within three hundred years.”

"I will let the smartest students in Xujiazhuang learn the knowledge of cultivating improved seeds to make crops more productive; I will let them learn the knowledge of improving machines, which can increase production efficiency hundreds of times; I will let them study how to create powerful machines.

As long as a soldier holds this weapon, he can easily kill hundreds of slave Tatars; he also has the knowledge to speed up horse carriages ten times, and the technology to allow ships to carry millions of stones and sail thousands of miles...

…As long as we master this advanced knowledge, we will not be afraid that China will not be strong, we will not be afraid of the brutality of the barbarians around us, we will not be afraid that we will not be able to break out of the cycle of rise and fall, we will not be afraid that we will not be able to conquer the world and establish a civilization that will last for thousands of years and will last forever!”

For the first time, Xu Yuan revealed his little ambition in front of outsiders.

"It is possible to convince people with force, but force is not lasting. If you have no heart of benevolence and righteousness, do not understand the principles of saints, let alone filial piety and loyalty, you just use force. How is this different from barbarians and beasts? Even if you can be proud and dominate for a while, but

Not to mention three hundred years, I won't be able to hold on for a hundred years."

Qian Chengzhi had no choice but to persuade him and reject Xu Yuan's ridiculous thinking. Although Sun Lin was tugging at his sleeves, he couldn't help but speak out what was in his heart.

Sun Lin and Fang Yizhi next to him also agreed with his advice, because although Xu Yuan's advice sounds good, agriculture, industry, military, and economy can all develop tremendously, but the people have no core ideas.

Guidance, without the heart of benevolence, justice, loyalty and filial piety, then everyone will only be selfish, everyone will bully the weak, it will only self-explode faster, and there will be no national destiny for a century.

The previous dynasty Dayuan is a lesson learned from the past.

"Vigorously developing productivity is only one aspect. I also have a set of ideological magic weapons."

Xu Yuan smiled slightly and continued: "The core meaning of this set of ideas is to put people first, or to value people."

"Let's take Daming as a comparison. The specific principles of people-oriented are as follows -"

"The current Ming Dynasty is based on officials, the royal family, the nobles, the gentry and landlords, and a few people. But our Xujiazhuang is based on the masses and all the people of the village. The many benefits generated by Xujiazhuang are not

Serve a very small number of people, but serve everyone in Xujiazhuang, and no one will be left behind."

"In terms of talents, the Ming Dynasty treasures scholars, but most of the scholars cannot carry their shoulders, lift their hands, are not grounded, and do not know the sufferings of the people. They can maintain their inherent interests, but they cannot make the cake bigger and bring greater benefits to the people.

They have more than enough ability to defend themselves, but lack the ability to develop. They even harm the people and become the harshest exploiters. Although they claim to be loyal to the emperor and love the people, in fact they are the ones who are forcing the people to rebel, and they are increasingly unwilling to restrain themselves." The three people who said this said

His face was burning, and he felt like he was scolding them.

"We, Xujiazhuang, do not value scholars like this, but talents who can refine steel and build machines and help realize industrialization; generals who can lead an army of 10,000 to annihilate millions of enemy troops; people who can enable a farmer to produce enough

Food for hundreds of thousands of people; talents who can bring more goods and resources to the world, so that everyone can live a prosperous and comfortable life, are the treasures in my eyes! The more such treasures, the better, and I will do the same

Invest a lot of resources to train these talents."

"In addition, the upper class of the Ming Dynasty pursued gold and silver buried in cellars as treasures, rights as treasures, land as treasures, and beauty as treasures. Although Xujiazhuang also pursued money and land, they did not regard these as treasures.

Treasure, but treasure people, because people are everything, and people can create everything. If people are gone, what is the use of so much money, rights and land? Therefore, people are everything, and people must be treasured!"

Xu Yuan expressed his core thoughts.

"But without the idea of ​​loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness, how can it last forever?" Qian Chengzhi still found it difficult to understand.

"Being based on the public, as long as it includes your emperor, that is loyalty! Being based on the public, as long as it includes your parents and elders, that is filial piety! Based on the public, as long as there are old, weak, women, children, disabled people and sick people,

That is benevolence and righteousness! People are treasures. As long as you abandon the hypocrisy in books, act, and become a scientific and technological worker who contributes to the common people, then you will be a treasure in my eyes!"

Xu Yuan said firmly.

After hearing these words.

Fang Yizhi's mind buzzed, and he felt like something had been opened, and he suddenly felt enlightened.

found it.

The answer he had been longing for seemed to be found!

This chapter has been completed!
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