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Chapter 50 Settlement

A wonderful night passed.

Xu Yuan has another woman, and it is impossible to get rid of her even if she wants to.

Because Song Jiayun gave him her precious first time, if Xu Yuan dared to give up all the time, he would definitely face a very tragic end.

"I'll knock that dick off of you myself!"

Song Jiayun endured the pain and threatened with bared teeth and claws.

"Don't worry, in this Blue Star, I will only have you as a woman."

Xu Yuan put his arm around her shoulders and spoke sweetly, and promised that this was 100% true. If he did something that was sorry for her, he could kill her wherever he wanted.

"Hmph! That's pretty much it."

Song Jiayun raised her chin and gave him a half-satisfied, half-charming look. However, Xu Yuan couldn't resist this special charm, and immediately turned it up again, causing more painful cries.

All in all, Xu Yuan spent a lot of energy this night and lost a lot of nutrients.

The price was that Song Jiayun was very inconvenient to move the next day. She was so angry that she pinched many bruises on his hands, complained to him several times, and made him take care of her all day long. He also had to think of various ways to make her happy.


Only then did Xu Yuan realize that, unlike that shrewd business partner, Song Jiayun's true personality seemed to be a bit... coquettish. As long as there was something not as satisfactory as he wanted, he would lose his temper in various ways, and be even more angry than usual.

Girls are difficult to deal with.

I finally saw what a princess personality is.

Of course, Song Jiayun's situation is not that serious now, and she can be reconciled with a little accommodation, but I don't know what will happen in the future. After all, people get to know each other over time, and they are perfect at first, but as their understanding deepens,

, shortcomings will continue to be exposed, and conflicts will become larger and larger. This is inevitable - Xu Yuan, who has been in love once before, has experience and lessons in this regard.


Xu Yuan does not regret establishing a relationship with Song Jiayun, and is willing to continue the relationship and even conclude a marriage contract.

Because Song Jiayun is very useful to him.

In other words, her Tianfeng Jewelry Gold and Silver Building and the family behind her are very important to Xu Yuan.

He wants to establish a more stable and long-term cooperation and achieve deeper binding. It is best to ensure permanent trust so that this cooperation channel can always be used.

But how can permanent trust be established?

The only option is to take in Song Jiayun and make her his woman. With one or two children as a bond, he can basically trust her unconditionally.

Therefore, this was Xu Yuan's initiative when facing Song Jiayun. He did not refuse with an upright look, but instead thought a little and came up with this wishful thinking.

But what surprised Xu Yuan even more was that although they were just business partners who had worked together dozens of times, and the relationship between the two was not very close, why did Song Jiayun act more proactively and seemed to really like him.

"I'm not that handsome, I'm just above average."

Xu Yuan looked in the mirror and didn't quite understand why Song Jiayun, a beautiful woman who couldn't lack the pursuit of high-quality boys, would fall in love with him.

What does she like about herself?

Faced with this question, Song Jiayun was really not easy to answer. She was very afraid of damaging her image in the eyes of men. She couldn't answer that she was attracted to him because he was "young and rich" and "he looks handsome when he sweats like rain while carrying gold bricks."

'Such advantages, she grew up in a privileged family environment. She definitely does not worship money very much, but she has been in contact with gold since she was a child. It is easy for her to judge a man through gold.

Of real strength.

Xu Yuan's 'strength' completely shocked her.

In addition, in the past few years of cooperation, unlike those customers who like to haggle over every detail, Xu Yuan is the kind of person who can negotiate a cooperation with her within fifteen minutes no matter how much gold he brings.

He is very decisive in making concessions, but never gives up the bottom line. He is a very principled man, so every cooperation is very pleasant. Over time, it develops into appreciation, never forgetting, and finally even admiration.

So it is actually not difficult to conquer a certain goddess. As long as you can give her the deepest shock in the field that she knows best and is good at, you can easily win her over.

"I just admire your character, otherwise why would I take advantage of a bad guy like you?" Song Jiayun explained.

"My personality? What personality do you like about me?"

"Being cheerful, not procrastinating, respecting me, and having a more upright character... Okay, don't ask me anymore, I won't like you anymore." Song Jiayun covered her head with a quilt and said.

"I respect you?"

I have asked you to help carry very heavy gold bricks several times. Is this a sign of respect for you and makes you feel equal?

never mind.

Stop thinking about it, don't guess about women's thoughts, because you will always be wrong if you guess.

No. 21, No. 22, No. 23.

Three days.

In Xuyuan's villa, Song Jiayun actually stayed here for three days.

It was not until he regained the ability to move freely on the 24th, and with the severe urging of his father Song Rongsheng, that he did not continue to stay in Xu Yuan's villa, but took Xu Yuan out to play for a whole day, and returned to the Purple Flower City Community in the evening.


Song Jiayun, who had not returned home for four consecutive days, finally entered her home and saw her father Song Rongsheng, who seemed to have lost weight. He was looking at her with disappointment and anger.

Not to be outdone, Song Jiayun stared back, her arrogant chin raised again.

Father and daughter looked at each other for a few seconds.

Song Rongsheng quickly faded, walked over with a flattering smile, and said flatteringly: "Daughter, how are you doing outside these days? I'm almost worried to death."

"I'm such an old man and can take care of myself. Why do I need you to worry?"

Song Jiayun scolded him, then ignored him and went back to her room.

Song Rongsheng looked at her back and carefully observed her walking posture. Although the unnaturalness was very small, he still felt like his heart was being cut.

After that, Song Rongsheng felt like he was on fire. Although he did not dare to get angry at his daughter Song Jiayun, he often stared at Xu Yuan with cannibalistic eyes, which put Xu Yuan under great mental pressure.

Fortunately, Wen Ruohong was virtuous and generous. She criticized her husband Song Rongsheng several times and was even more enthusiastic and satisfied with Xu Yuan, the 'prospective son-in-law'. However, during the chat after dinner, she said neither softly nor hardly that the Song family's family tradition was relatively good.

Traditional and conservative, you have to take responsibility for certain things. I wonder what Xu Yuan will do next?

I heard such an ‘explicit statement’.

Then I saw Song Rongsheng saying that he was going to the kitchen to find a kitchen knife.

After a while, he said he was going to the tool room to find a hammer.

Then I saw the look of anticipation on Song Jiayun's face with a hint of worry.

"Uncle and aunt, don't worry, I will be responsible for Jiayun to the end, and I have already brought some of the things that should be brought."

Xu Yuan said solemnly, then picked up the briefcase on the coffee table, opened the bag, took out several items from it, and placed them on the glass coffee table.

They were a large bundle of one hundred yuan in cash.

A gold bar.

A pair of bracelets.

A green gemstone.

Xu Yuan pushed the cash and gold bars in front of Song Jiayun and said: "Here is 188,000 in cash and a gold bar weighing 1314.52 grams. These are the deposit for you and my promise to you. I hope you don't want it."

If you find it too little, accept it."

"Hmm~" Song Jiayun nodded happily, quickly took the cash and gold bars in her hands, picked up her phone to take a photo, and couldn't wait to post it on her WeChat Moments.

"Auntie, these are a pair of high-quality mutton-fat white Hetian jade bracelets. They are a small gift from my junior generation. Jade can nourish people. I wish you forever young and happy, always healthy and happy." Xu Yuan handed a pair of bracelets to you.

, pushed it in front of Wen Ruohong.

"Okay, okay, you can give such a beautiful bracelet to Jiayun, you don't have to give it to me." Wen Ruohong smiled from ear to ear.

Xu Yuan said he wanted it, and then gently pushed the last emerald green gem in front of Song Rongsheng: "Uncle, this is a top-grade imperial green jadeite. I spent a lot of effort to collect it.

It's definitely worth 10,000 yuan. If you don't mind it, I hope you can accept it."

Imperial green?

Seeing this piece of jade, Song Rongsheng's face almost turned green with anger.

Damn boy, I think you are the only one who is green, your whole family is green!

But after all, he is knowledgeable. With just one look, he knew that this piece of imperial green jade was genuine. Judging from the size of a pigeon egg, it was worth not hundreds of thousands, but more than 3 million. This kid was really generous in his approach.

It's just that the name was so unlucky, it was a mockery of him, and made him have the urge to get angry and curse.

However, facing the warning glances from his daughter and wife at the same time, Song Rongsheng did not dare to explode and accepted the jade obediently.

"Uncle and aunt, please don't worry, I will definitely treat Jiayun well." Xu Yuan put his arms around Song Jiayun's waist and reassured her again.

"Silly boy, you've given me the betrothal gift, why are you still calling me aunt?" Wen Ruohong glared at him displeased.

"Uh...Mom!" Although it felt a bit fast, Xu Yuan still called out.

"Hey! Hahaha!"

Wen Ruohong clapped her hands and laughed, and then the whole living room was filled with joy and laughter.

This chapter has been completed!
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