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Chapter 51 Pingyuan County Tyrant

There are two main powerful families in Pingyuan County. One is the Liu family, and the patriarch is named Liu Ping. Like Liu Bei, he is also a descendant of the royal family. The other is the Wang family, and the patriarch is named Wang Han. The current Magistrate of Pingyuan County

Wang Er is a member of the Wang family in Pingyuan.

After Wang Er was taken back by Liu Bei, he returned to his family in anger.

"What kind of person is this new Pingyuan County Magistrate? He actually took away your authority as soon as he arrived." Wang Han, the head of the Wang family, was very surprised after hearing that Wang Er was deprived of his authority by the new county magistrate.

"I have found out clearly that the new Pingyuan County Magistrate, like Liu Ping, is also a descendant of the royal family, and his name is Liu Bei. In the past few years, he has achieved a lot of military exploits by encircling and suppressing the Yellow Turbans and other rebels. He was also awarded the title because of his military exploits.

For the sake of Pingyuan County Magistrate.

This county magistrate is not like the previous ones, so it may not be easy for us to deal with him."

After Wang Han heard this, he looked surprised and asked:

"What's the difference? Tell me quickly."

"The county magistrates who came to take office in the past basically brought a few or dozens of servants or retainers, and were not very strong. But this Liu Bei is indeed very different. He actually brought 700 cavalry with him, and now

These seven hundred cavalry are stationed outside Pingyuan City."

When Wang Han heard that Liu Bei had brought 700 cavalry to the plain, he jumped up.

"Is this serious?" Wang Han asked seriously.

"It's absolutely true. When I came back, I purposely passed by the place where the cavalry was stationed. There were so many military tents that I couldn't even count them, and the neighing of the horses kept coming and going."

"So, this new Pingyuan County Magistrate is indeed extraordinary."

"Chief, what should we do now? If we can't capture this county magistrate, it may be detrimental to our plan!" Wang Er was a little impatient.

Wang Han did not panic at this time. After all, the new county magistrate was just an outsider and was not familiar with Pingyuan County. He should take him down now while his foothold is not stable, otherwise he will be delayed further.

, the more difficult it becomes.

"Don't worry, go and invite Mr. Sun here. I have something important to discuss with him." Wang Han said to Wang Er.

Not long after, a man in his thirties walked in, stroking the sparse beard on his chin with his right hand.

This Mr. Sun is also unusual. When he was young, his family background was pretty good, he had studied for several years, and he was quite wise. But the good times did not last long, and this Mr. Sun had not grown up yet.

Everyone died in the plague, and only Mr. Sun was left. In order to bury his relatives, Mr. Sun sold all his family's land, and his family fell into decline.

In order to survive, Mr. Sun took the initiative to come to the Wang family, which was not very big in Pingyuan County at that time, and became a disciple of the Wang family. However, he did not expect that after Mr. Sun came to the Wang family, he actually helped the Wang family.

After many ideas, the Wang family gradually developed over the years and became one of the most powerful families in Pingyuan County, almost on par with another powerful family in Pingyuan County, the Liu family.

After Mr. Sun arrived, Wang Han hurriedly informed Mr. Sun of the news he had just learned from Wang Er.

After hearing this, Mr. Sun was very calm. He stroked the beard on his chin and said:

"In this case, we should drive it away or eliminate it now, before its foothold is stable."

When Wang Han heard this, he felt happy. He didn't expect that Mr. Sun would actually think of him.

"It's just that the county magistrate who came here actually has 700 fine cavalry in his hands. I'm afraid it will be difficult to destroy him."

"Why does the master of the house have such ambitions as others? In my eyes, seven hundred fine knights are just like chickens and dogs."

When Wang Han heard this, he looked happy and asked hurriedly:

"Sir, does he have a clever idea?"

"Master, now the magistrate of Pingyuan County has 700 war horses. If we can take these 700 horses into our hands, the Liu family will definitely become the most powerful family in Pingyuan County, and the master's strength will also be great.

If you increase your rank, your status in the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army will be much higher."

When Wang Han heard this, he was a little anxious. He didn't know the importance of those seven hundred war horses, but now Wang Han could only covet them!

"Mr. Sun, please tell us your plan quickly! If this new Pingyuan County magistrate is not eliminated, it will definitely have an adverse impact on our plan." Wang Han was a little anxious and spoke in a fast tone.


After hearing this, Mr. Sun smiled and said:

"Master, it's time for the group of rebels we have been secretly cultivating over the years and the underground forces in Pingyuan County to take action."

"Sir, what do you mean by this?"

"The seven hundred elite cavalry in the hands of the magistrate Xin Lai have all participated in many wars to encircle and suppress the rebels. Their combat effectiveness is naturally extraordinary. We cannot do it just by relying on the few hundred disciples in our hands."

Mr. Sun looked at Wang Han and then continued:

"Well... for the current plan, the head of the family can send people to the rebels and let the rebels come out of the mountains to attack Pingyuan County. When the rebels attack Pingyuan County, the head of the family can let the underground forces in the county rise up bravely.

One group acted as internal officers to seize the gate of the county city to welcome the rebels from outside the city. The other group besieged the Pingyuan County Magistrate's residence, captured the magistrate's family, and forced the magistrate to surrender. In this way, the Pingyuan County Magistrate will be eliminated in one fell swoop.

Maybe the head of the family can take over this Pingyuan City from this."

After Wang Han heard this, he couldn't help but laugh loudly and agreed very much with Mr. Sun's plan, as if he had now seen that he owned Pingyuan City.


In 188 AD, the Yellow Turban rebels rose up again in Qingzhou and Xuzhou, gathering hundreds of thousands of people. In order to wipe out the rebels in these two states, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty appointed Tao Qian as the governor of Xuzhou and Jiao He as the governor of Qingzhou respectively.

After Tao Qian took office as the governor of Xuzhou, he relied on his Danyang soldiers and combined with the bandits in Taishan County to wipe out the rebels in Xuzhou.

After Jiao He, the governor of Qingzhou, took office, he failed to win many battles against the Yellow Turban rebels, which led to the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans becoming more and more rampant. At the same time, the Xuzhou Yellow Turbans also came to Qingzhou from Xuzhou because of Tao Qian's suppression.

, which further strengthened the power of Qingzhou Yellow Turban.

At this time, the main area of ​​activity of the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans was in central Qingzhou and around Linzi County, the seat of Qingzhou. Then these rebels relied on this area and gradually developed into the Pingyuan Kingdom to the west of Qingzhou and the Beihai Kingdom to the east of Qingzhou.

By 189, when Liu Bei took office as the magistrate of Pingyuan County, the scope of activities of these Yellow Turban rebels had expanded to the entire Pingyuan Kingdom. There were several groups of rebels in Pingyuan County alone, and the number of rebels was as high as 20,000 to 30,000.

Among these rebels, the most powerful and populous are the thousands of Yellow Turban rebels located a hundred miles east of Pingyuan County.

This group of rebels is different from those in other places. Among the rebels in other places, there are many people with their families, including the elderly, children, women and children, etc. There are not many young and strong men who can actually go to the battlefield. In Pingyuan County,

Although the rebels in several places are said to have thousands of people, in fact only a small proportion of them are young and strong men, and their combat effectiveness is not strong.

However, the thousands of Yellow Turban rebels hundreds of miles east of Pingyuan County are a little different. Most of these rebels are young and strong men, and they also plundered the few hundred women to satisfy their animal desires.


On this day, Xu Hu, the leader of the rebel group, was drinking and having fun in the stronghold. Suddenly, a group of rebel thieves entered the house and told him that there was a man outside the gate of the stronghold who called himself Mr. Sun and said he wanted to meet the leader. Xu

When Tiger heard this, his heart tightened, he pushed the woman in his arms away and whispered:

"Why is he here?"
This chapter has been completed!
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