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Chapter 6 Outsmarting Xindu

I would rather be a peace dog than a person in troubled times!

Jizhou is the base camp of Zhang Jiao, the leader of the Yellow Turban Uprising. Jizhou is also the state most affected by the Yellow Turban Uprising.

After leaving Zhuojun, we entered the Hejian Kingdom of Jizhou to the south.

The once prosperous villages and cities have now become ruins. Creatures such as wild dogs are the happiest at this time, because they no longer have to worry about food crises and survival crises.

As a person who has always lived in peaceful times, although he has also experienced an ancient war, when Chen Meng saw several wild dogs gnawing around a corpse, he still couldn't control himself and wanted to drive these wild dogs away.


Although this is of no use at all.

After Zhang Fei saw Chen Meng's actions, he said jokingly:

"Fourth brother, the plum blossom gun in your hand can only be used to chase away wild dogs! Haha."

After Zhang Fei finished speaking, everyone burst into laughter.

"Third brother, there is a master of marksmanship in Jizhou. It is said that this man can make the movement of clouds and flowing water with a long spear. He is so miraculous and shocked that he can take the head of a general among thousands of troops, just like picking out an object from a bag. Do you know?" Chen Meng asked?


"Ah! There is such a person in Jizhou. Who is his name? Fourth brother, tell me quickly. I will definitely compete with him this time." Zhang Fei said.

After Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Jian Yong heard Chen Meng's words, they were also very curious about this man. They drove their horses to Chen Meng's side and listened quietly to Chen Meng's words.

"This person's surname is Zhao Mingyun, and he is a surname from Zhending in Changshan."

"I will definitely use such a brave man," Liu Bei said.

"Brother, how about I go to Changshan Zhending for a walk?" Chen Meng said.

"No. I must go to these warriors in person."

"Haha. When the time comes, I will definitely fight this warrior myself."

Go straight south, cross Hejian Kingdom, and arrive at Anping Kingdom.

In 178 BC, Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty granted Liu Pijiang, King of Hejian, to Hejian County of Zhao State, so Hejian County was first established as Hejian State.

In the first year of Yanguang (122 years), the country was changed from Lecheng Kingdom to Anping Kingdom.

The state where the Yellow Turban Uprising was most active was Jizhou, and the most active counties in Jizhou were Julu County and Anping State.

After entering Anping Kingdom, Chen Meng discovered that the current Zhuo County is heaven, Hejian Kingdom is the world, and Anping Kingdom is hell.

There is no one in the world, which is an understatement to describe the Anping Kingdom at this time.

Xindu, once the seat of Anping Kingdom, has long been occupied by the Yellow Turban rebels. The people of Anping Kingdom, whom Liu Xu, the king of Anping, had abandoned long ago, fled.

At this time, Beizhonglang General Lu Zhizheng and the Yellow Turban Army Tiangong General Zhang Jiao fought a decisive battle in Guangzong. If Liu Bei wanted to rush to Guangzong, he had to pass through Xindu. And after passing through Xindu, he had to eliminate the Yellow Turban rebels in Xindu


When the refugees who escaped from Xindu learned that there were only two thousand Yellow Turban rebels in Xindu, Liu Bei and others were all surprised.

"Xuande, in such an important place, why did the Yellow Turban rebels release so few troops?" Jian Yong asked.

Liu Bei thought for a while, but couldn't think of any reason, so he looked at Chen Meng, and Chen Meng said immediately:

"At that time, the fighting in Guangzong was very fierce, so Zhang Jiao concentrated all his troops on Guangzong, so the defensive forces in these places were so small."

After getting in touch with each other during this time, Liu Bei also knew very well that although Chen Meng's martial arts was not as good as the three of them, his resourcefulness was far superior to the three of them.

"Haha. There are only two thousand people! Brother, leave it to me, and I will capture this capital for you with two hundred people." Guan Yu said.

"Brother, I only need a hundred people." Zhang Fei said immediately.

"Brother, I think we should send scouts to Xindu City first to investigate. Don't believe the words of the refugees." Chen Meng said.

"On business, we still have scouts?" Jian Yong asked in surprise.

"Yes! I am!"


After the sky turned completely dark, Chen Meng dragged his smelly body to Liu Bei's campsite.

"Fourth brother, what's wrong with you?" Liu Bei asked.

"When I came back, I accidentally fell into a manure pit."

Chen Meng could only say this. He couldn't say that when he came out of Xindu City, he was accidentally robbed by a group of city residents and then thrown into a smelly ditch! Third brother Zhang Fei must not be allowed to know about this.

, otherwise Chen Meng will be laughed at again. Chen Meng doesn't want to be laughed at.

"Haha. Fourth brother, you fell into a cesspit!"

Chen Meng made a mistake and was laughed at by Zhang Fei. So when he saw Zhang Fei laughing loudly, Chen Meng took the initiative to give Zhang Fei a big hug, and then rubbed his hands on Zhang Fei.

As a result of Chen Meng's actions, he not only received a severe beating from Zhang Fei, but also got some Zhang Fei's vomit on his body.

After washing himself several times and changing into clean clothes, Chen Meng came over again. Then he revealed the information to Liu Bei.

"Today, there are only a thousand soldiers in Xindu City. The city has been almost destroyed by the Yellow Turban rebels. Today's Xindu City is almost like a dead city. However, I found the Yellow Turbans in the residence of King Anping in Xindu City.

The rebels robbed a lot of money and food," Chen Meng said.

What is the most important thing in troubled times, food!

After hearing that there was a large amount of food in Xindu City, Liu Bei immediately decided to capture Xindu City.

Xindu City has been the seat of Anping Kingdom for many years, so the city wall is very tall. It is definitely impossible to attack by force with Liu Bei's five hundred soldiers.

"To capture this city, we still need to outsmart it." Chen Meng said.

After looking at Guan Yu's tall body and Zhang Fei's rough face, Chen Meng felt that he had to do such a technical thing as disguise himself.

On the second day, Chen Meng put on the yellow turban that Jian Yong had obtained from some rebels, and put on the clothes of common people that Jian Yong had obtained from whom he did not know.

A man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on its saddle. At this time, Chen Meng looked like a yellow turban rebel.

Chen Meng really wanted to ask Jian Yong how he got a hundred pieces of this kind of clothes overnight, but after thinking about it, he gave up because Chen Meng thought it was better that he didn't know.

When Chen Meng led more than a hundred soldiers disguised as Yellow Turban rebels, on the way to Xindu City, he saw the naked corpses of refugees from time to time, and Chen Meng had an urge to kill.

Chen Meng now knew very well why he was lying naked in the wild.

Arrive at the gate of Xindu City. The suspension bridge has not been lowered yet, and it is estimated that it will not be lowered at this time.

"We are warriors sent by General Tiangong to get food. Open the city gate quickly and lower the suspension bridge." Chen Meng shouted loudly.

The Yellow Turban rebels on the city wall had long seen Chen Meng and his group. After hearing Chen Meng's shouting, one of the rebels responded loudly:

"Why are there so few warriors sent to get food this time? Aren't you afraid of being robbed?"

"The entire Jizhou and the entire Han Dynasty belong to General Tiangong. Who dares to rob General Tiangong's food? Quickly let me wait in, otherwise the important events of General Tiangong will be delayed. The ghosts and gods in the sky will not let you go."

After Chen Meng finished speaking, he saw several people coming down from the city wall, and then saw the suspension bridge being slowly lowered and the gate being slowly opened.

Chen Meng pinched the horse's belly with his legs and walked towards the suspension bridge first.

After walking across the suspension bridge and entering the city gate, Chen Meng felt that he had basically taken all the letters.

At Chen Meng's signal, several soldiers behind him easily captured several yellow turban rebels on both sides of the gate.

Liu Bei and others who were hiding not far from the city gate saw Chen Meng giving the signal that they had successfully captured the city gate, and led their troops to fight towards the city gate.
This chapter has been completed!
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