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Chapter 43 Thousand Miles Rescue

One day later, Gongsun Yue led a thousand fine cavalry back from Yuyang County. At the same time, Gongsun Yue brought back two thousand war horses for Liu Bei's use in this expedition.

Gongsun Yue also brought a man who had been to Guanzi City as a guide. After all, Gongsun Yue, Liu Bei and others had never been to Guanzicheng, but they only knew that Guanzicheng was northeast of Wuzhong City.

Liu Bei arranged for Jian Yong to stay in Wu Ending City, and also left fifty soldiers with Jian Yong to help Jian Yong manage Wu Ending City.

Guanzi City was a city built by the Han Dynasty army when they were on an expedition against the Huns. It was mainly intended to provide a place for soldiers to stay on the way, and it could also serve as a transfer station for grain, grass and military supplies.

It was nearly a thousand miles from Wuzhong City to Guanzi City. This time we set out for Guanzi City with 1,600 soldiers, each equipped with two war horses, and 400 war horses specifically to carry the necessary supplies. All of this

The purpose is to rush to Guanzi City as soon as possible.

Starting from Wu Ending City and heading northeast, at a speed of two hundred miles a day, Chen Meng's body was almost torn apart.

"Marching in a hurry is really not something humans do." Chen Meng couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Marching in a hurry can cause damage to both the enemy and yourself. If you appear in front of the enemy at an unexpected time, you can launch a sudden attack on the enemy without any precautions, and the victory rate is determined.

The most direct consequence of marching at a speed that no one of you can imagine is to be scolded by the soldiers. You can comfortably walk 40 miles a day, but if you insist on walking 100 miles a day, the soldiers will have to eat and rest.

There is no time, it would be strange if the commander does not get scolded!

At this moment, Chen Meng was constantly slandering Gongsun Zan and Gongsun Yue. Chen Meng wanted to tell Gongsun Yue, don't worry, don't worry, your cousin ran out on his own after being surrounded for more than two hundred days. But when he watched

Seeing Gongsun Yue's impatient look and Liu Bei's worried look, Chen Meng swallowed these words knowingly.

After dark, when Gongsun Yue told him to rest twice, Chen Meng jumped off the horse. Chen Meng believed that this was definitely the fastest time he had ever dismounted.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, Chen Meng suddenly felt a sense of solidity from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. Lying on the ground and taking a breath of the grassland air, Chen Meng felt much more relaxed.

Turning around to look at Zhao Yuntian and Yu, the three of them couldn't help laughing. The laughter spread far across the open grassland.

After taking a bite of the hard flatbread, and then taking a sip of the cold water after boiling it and letting it cool down, Chen Meng felt that all the fatigue of the day had completely dissipated.

Drinking boiled water is Chen Meng's most important request for everyone in the Liu Bei Group. Chen Meng does not want to cause personal injury in the Liu Bei Group because of drinking water.

On the third day of the rapid march of two hundred miles a day, people began to fall behind. After Chen Meng saw this phenomenon, he righteously asked Gongsun Yue to slow down the marching speed. After all, they only had 1,600 people.

There are hundreds of people, but the enemy has tens of thousands.

Among these 1,600 people, one less person is the greatest damage to the combat effectiveness of the army. Moreover, what Chen Meng wants is to arrive at Guanzicheng with a group of soldiers who are recharged and with high morale, not a group of exhausted soldiers who are constantly cursing.


Going further, you will pass by Liucheng, the core area of ​​the Wuhuan people. At this time, there are not many Wuhuan people in this place, and most of the Wuhuan people have gone to Guanzi City to surround Gongsun Zan.

In order to ensure that they would not be discovered by the Wuhuan people, Gongsun Yue, Liu Bei and others discussed and decided to quickly pass through Liucheng under the cover of night.

After passing Liucheng, continuing forward is Guanzi City.

Six days later, after marching more than a thousand miles in a hurry, everyone finally arrived near Guanzi City.

Everyone rested for a night in a place not far from Guanzi City and where they would not be discovered by the Wuhuan people to recharge their batteries.

At the end of Yin Shi and the beginning of Mao Shi, 1,600 people, with their titles and horses' hooves bound, took advantage of the fact that it was still dark and quietly attacked the Wuhuan military camp surrounding Guanzi City.

Less than a kilometer away from the Wuhuan military camp, the charge began. The war horses, constantly accelerating, galloped towards the military camp ahead like floods breaking through the river.

This time point is the sleepiest time of the day. Soldiers who have been on duty all night are extremely sleepy at this time, and soldiers who have rested all night have not yet recovered their energy from yesterday.

Soldiers without spirit were living targets in front of premeditated and excited soldiers. The soldiers on alert outside the military camp were awakened by the sound of galloping hooves of war horses and were rushed to the front before they could issue a warning.

Guan, Zhang, Zhao and Tian were killed.

Liu Bei and his six men led their six hundred troops according to the previous plan. After rushing into the military camp, they went straight to the stables in the military camp. Rushing to the stables and setting fire to the stables was the goal of Liu Bei and others this time.

The sneak attack had been successful, and the next step was to create chaos in the Wuhuan military camp. The frightened horses running around like crazy were the main force causing chaos in the military camp.

Burning the tents with fire was Gongsun Yue's goal after he led a thousand elite cavalry into the military camp. When rockets were shot out from the elite cavalry, the military tents that were hit slowly started to burn.

Killing the enemy is not the purpose of Liu Bei and his team, but causing chaos to the Wuhuan people is the ultimate goal.

The military tents burned slowly one after another, and were finally swallowed up by the fire. Many Wuhuan people who had no time to put on armor or even take weapons ran around in the military camp like headless flies.

Qiu Liju, the leader of the Wuhuan people, shouted loudly to everyone not to panic or make chaos, but it had no effect at all.

After Liu Bei and others set the stables on fire, thousands of war horses galloped out of the stables crazily. The crazy war horses ran rampant in the military camp. Countless military tents were trampled to the ground by the war horses. Some relied on their excellent riding skills to

The Wuhuan people tried to control the war horses, but most of them were trampled to pieces by the horses.

Gongsun Zan in Guanzi City discovered something unusual in the Wuhuan military camp outside the city very early. When he saw the burning military tents in the military camp, heard the shouting crowds in the military camp outside the city, and heard the galloping horses in the military camp outside the city,

When he heard the shouts of killing in the military camp outside the city, Gongsun Zan knew that it was at this moment that he could break out of the siege. The most likely reason for this situation was that reinforcements were coming.

"Yi followers, the Wuhuan people are in chaos outside the city. Our reinforcements are killing all directions outside the city. Now is our best chance to break out of the siege. Whether we can break out of the siege is now. Get on your horse and pick up your long sword.

With your spear and crossbow on your back, follow me to kill the Wuhuan thieves."

Thousands of fine cavalry in Guanzi City, led by Gongsun Zan, were like tigers coming down the mountain, and they were killing the Wuhuan army camp that was already in chaos.
This chapter has been completed!
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