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Chapter 50

Chen Meng and Liu Yingmai never expected that Uncle Fu would come here at this time, and they seemed to hear their voices.

After Liu Yingmai heard what Uncle Fu said, she was very anxious. If Uncle Fu saw a man appearing in his boudoir, Uncle Fu would definitely give him a lesson, even if this man would be his husband in the future.

Jun. But where can my husband hide in such a hurry?

After Chen Meng heard Uncle Fu's voice, he was surprised and worried at the same time. He didn't expect that Uncle Fu would come here at such a late hour. He must not let Uncle Fu see him in the boudoir, otherwise,

It will definitely have a bad impact on my reputation. However, Uncle Fu outside the door is about to come in. Where can I hide in such a hurry?

Chen Meng turned around and looked around. Uncle Fu outside the door had already opened the door and was about to come in. Chen Meng jumped up and jumped onto his mother's bed, and even closed the boudoir curtain. Jump

When Chen Meng went to bed, he suddenly jumped into the bed like an extremely smooth loach.

Liu Yingmai never expected that Chen Meng would hide in her quilt. She was about to push him away, but Uncle Fu had already come in at this time.

Uncle Fu came to the house and saw the boudoir tent shaking a little, and couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"Is the little girl asleep?"

"What's wrong, Uncle Fu?"

"I just passed by my mother's bedroom and seemed to hear voices. I was worried about my mother, so I came in to take a look."

"Oh. I wasn't very sleepy just now, so I got up and read for a while. Now that I'm feeling sleepy, I'm ready to rest. If Uncle Fu has nothing else to do, please come back!"

Uncle Fu originally wanted to say something, but my mother was ready to rest, so he naturally had no reason to stay here any longer.

After Chen Meng hid in his mother's quilt, he felt as if he was entering a bush of flowers. The aroma of the quilt, the aroma of the pillow, and the body fragrance of his mother made Chen Meng intoxicated.

The bed at this time was not very big, so if two people were on the same bed, it would be a bit crowded. After Chen Mengang was just under the quilt, Liu Yingmai hurriedly turned her body sideways, and she had been leaning sideways while talking to Uncle Fu.

Lying down.

In order not to make my mother too nervous, Chen Meng deliberately stayed away from my mother after getting into the bed. However, because the bed itself was not big, it was difficult for Chen Meng to stay far away from my mother even if he wanted to.

Liu Yingmai was lying on her side beside the bed, and the manly breath of Chen Meng behind her came into her nose from time to time. The man's breath gently brushed her neck, tickling her heart, making Liu Yingmai's heart flutter.

After Uncle Fu left, Liu Yingmai turned around quickly, wanting Chen Meng to leave quickly, but who would have thought that Chen Meng was also turning sideways at this time. When Liu Yingmai turned around, she came face to face with Chen Meng.

At this time, the two met each other very close to each other, their noses almost touched each other, and they could clearly hear each other's rapid breathing. Chen Meng could even hear his own violent heartbeat at this time.

Liu Yingmai was anxious and hurriedly stepped back. However, due to the narrow bed itself, she couldn't get too far away from Chen Meng. Looking at Chen Meng's expression that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Liu Yingmai hurriedly moved her body away.

Lying down, he said anxiously:

"Uncle Fu has left, you should leave quickly too!"

After Chen Meng came to the Eastern Han Dynasty, today was the first time he entered a woman's boudoir, and even got into his sweetheart's bed. Naturally, he would not leave easily.

"I'm a little tired. Let's lie down for a while."

When Liu Yingmai heard this, she was immediately anxious. She didn't expect that her future husband would be so dissolute. She was immediately angry and annoyed:

"How can that be possible? You and I are not married yet, how can you spend the night at my place!"

When Chen Meng heard this, he said rogue again:

"Spend the night? Could it be that Mr. Xi wants Mr. Xi to spend the night here? Although this matter is unreasonable, I have no objection to Mr. Xi."

When Liu Yingmai heard this, she became even more angry. She didn't mean that. It was clearly you who misinterpreted my words.

"If you don't go out, I will go out!"

After Liu Yingmai finished speaking, she was about to get up. When Chen Meng saw it, how could this be possible? Although the weather is a bit hot during the day, it is still a bit cool at night. It is easier to get sick between the heat and the coolness. Chen Meng

Naturally, he didn't want the little girl in his heart to get sick, so now it was Chen Meng who was anxious.

"Don't go out, it's a little cold outside, I'm going out, I'm going out, hehe."

After Chen Meng finished speaking, he slipped out of the quilt and sat on the edge of the bed again. He reached into the quilt with one hand and grabbed the girl's hand. The girl broke away for a while, but she didn't break away. Then she thought about it.

, this man will immediately become his husband. If the husband wants to catch him, let him catch him!

"Xijun, I find that God is really good to me."


"I crawled out from the pile of dead people. They were all people who died once. Unexpectedly, after I came back to life again, I saw Xijun at the first sight and got Xijun's help. I originally thought about saying goodbye that day.

I will never see Xijun again, but I didn’t expect that God would be so kind to me and push Xijun in front of me again.”

Liu Yingmai listened to Chen Meng calling her "Xi Jun" for a while, and felt it was inappropriate.

"We haven't gotten married yet, so the word "Xijun" is not appropriate right now."

"Then I..."

"My father and elder brother both call me Yingmai."

When Chen Meng heard this, he realized that his wife already regarded him as her dearest person, and he was naturally very happy.

"There is a lot of water in the room, and my pulse is speechless."

It is easy to relax when your sweetheart is next to you. After relaxing, people will become sleepy easily. Liu Yingmai wanted to continue talking quietly with Chen Meng, but in the end she couldn't resist the onset of sleepiness, and slowly

closed his eyes.

Chen Meng looked at the sleeping Yingmai, with a slight smile on his lips from time to time. The two people's hands were still holding each other tightly in the bed, but just now it was Chen Meng's hand holding Yingmai's hand, and now

It was Yingmai's hand that held Chen Meng's hand.

Chen Meng looked at Yingmai sleeping sweetly, and couldn't help lowering his head, and kissed her gently on the forehead. At this time, the smile at the corner of Liu Yingmai's mouth became even thicker.

Chen Meng was worried that if he rashly pulled out his hand, Yingmai would be awakened, so he just sat next to him and looked at Yingmai silently. The hand that was caught in the quilt also lay there quietly, motionless.

The next morning, after Liu Yingmai woke up, she looked around and found no sign of Chen Meng. She couldn't help but feel a little regretful. However, this regret soon disappeared. The maid also walked in at this time and opened the boudoir.

, getting ready to dress Liu Yingmai.

"My little girl is in good spirits today and her face is very rosy. She must have had a good sleep last night."

Liu Yingmai could feel that she had indeed slept very soundly last night. Moreover, Liu Yingmai also had the feeling that her future husband was always here to accompany her.

As soon as Chen Meng dragged his tired body back to his residence, Liu Bei sent someone to call him over. On the way, he learned from the stranger that the rebels in Pingyuan were about to lead an army to attack Pingyuan County.
This chapter has been completed!
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