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Chapter 54 The Wang Family's Hole Card

In Pingyuan County, in the east of the city, there is a courtyard. The overall courtyard has a rectangular layout and is symmetrical. On the right side is a residential area, where the owner of the house and his relatives live. The left side is also a residential area, but this area

The size and exterior decoration of the house are much inferior to those on the right. The people living here are all male servants and maids who are dependent on the owner of the house.

In the residential area on the right, there are two gates. The first gate is the gate of the entire compound. Enter the gate and walk straight in. After passing several houses, you will come to the second gate. But this gate

The second gate is much smaller than the first gate, but this smallness is relative to the first gate. Compared with the gates of ordinary people's houses, the second gate is much more imposing.


Behind the second gate, there are two rows of houses. The front row is the owner's meeting hall, and the back row is the owner's living room.

The meeting hall is very large, and there is no problem for hundreds of people to kneel down at the same time. However, although so many people can kneel down at the same time, there is no such scene. Most of the time, there are only a few people discussing things here, like

This is the first time that more than twenty people are discussing things at the same time today.

At the front of the crowd, there was a person sitting on his knees, facing the others. This person was none other than Wang Han, the patriarch of the Wang family.

"I have just informed you of my plan. I wonder what your plans are?" Wang Han said.

Everyone else, you look at me, I look at you, and then you see a tall man who respectfully said:

"What the king said today is very important. If we go by what the king said, this act is actually a rebellion."

After hearing what the tall man said, many others nodded in agreement.

At this time, although the turmoil in the Han Dynasty continued, and rebels were rising one after another in various places, they were all refugees, people who could not survive in the first place. And these people in the conference hall at this time, just by looking at their clothes, can be sure

They are not such people.

"Those who conspire against the rebels will not only be executed, but also three tribes will be annihilated!" Another man echoed.

"That's right, that's right!" Everyone in the venue said this time.

However, at this time, a man who looked a little frail stood up and said loudly:

"We have all been helped by Wang Jun, and Wang Jun has really been very kind to us. Li Er, when you were robbed by rebels a few years ago, if Wang Jun hadn't appeared in time and drove away the rebels, you would still be alive.

To this day.

Wan San, last year your 100-acre field was almost dead due to severe drought. Did Wang Jun send someone to dig a water diversion ditch for your field?

Zhao Si, two years ago, you were caught by the government for committing a crime and were about to be beheaded. Did the king spend millions of dollars to buy your life?

A true man, when he receives kindness from others, he should repay it with a spring of water. Today, the king needs me for something, but you are so afraid that you can't move forward. You are really not a true man."

"Yes, I agree with Brother Li. The king has done a great favor to me. I have long wanted to repay the king, but I have been suffering from no chance. Now the opportunity has come. I, Zhu Kui, am at the disposal of the king." This person's name is Zhu Kui.

the man said.

When those who had objected just now heard the words of these two people, they all looked embarrassed, especially the three men who had just been named. At this time, their heads were lowered and they wanted to find a gap in the ground to get in.

After Wang Han saw everyone's reaction at this time, he was slightly happy, but his face was still the same as before, with no expression.

"For this matter, there are tens of thousands of elite soldiers outside and hundreds of powerful retainers led by you inside. They will definitely be able to capture Pingyuan City in one fell swoop. Then the Yellow Turban Army from central Qingzhou will come to Pingyuan City and head north to Jizhou from here.

Join the Black Mountain Army in Jizhou.

By then, if our millions of troops gather together in one place, how difficult will it be to capture the entire Jizhou!

Then we can take Jizhou as the center and conquer the world, even if we capture the Han world, it won't be a bad idea."

The matter of drawing big cakes has existed since ancient times, and the effect is very good. When everyone heard that they could win Jizhou, and then heard that they could win the world of Han Dynasty, they all became a little excited.

Wealth and honor have always been sought after danger, and this has been the case since ancient times.

Wang Han saw that everyone was gradually getting excited, looked at their eyes that were getting a little hot, and continued to draw his pie.

"The leader of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army has told me that if I can capture Pingyuan City, he will appoint me as its commander. By then, all of you here will be meritorious officials. If you win this great Han Dynasty, then all of you will

But they are all the founding ministers of the country!"

After Wang Han finished speaking, everyone in the meeting hall became extremely excited, as if everyone had seen the scene where they became the founding ministers and became famous all over the world.

"We are willing to listen to the king's orders." Everyone in the meeting hall said one after another.

"Pah..." Wang Han saw that no one had any objections, and he couldn't help but burst into flames. Then he said happily:

"Okay. In that case, after you all go back, prepare a lot of bows and arrows and other weapons. When the rebels attack the city outside the city, we will rise up inside the city.

However, everyone must remember that this matter must be carried out secretly and must not be known to anyone in the government."

"No." Everyone in the venue said in unison.

After Wang Han explained some more things to everyone, he let everyone leave. After a while, only Wang Han, Zhu Kui, and Li Qing were left in the meeting hall.

"Fortunately, I discussed it with you two before, otherwise what happened today might have ended differently." Wang Han said with a smile.

"The king told us about this first, which is a sign of great trust in us. Naturally, we want to help the king." Li Qing said.

"Haha. Okay. I promised you two a few days ago, but now I want to change it."

When Zhu Kui and Li Qing heard this, they were stunned. Could it be that Wang Jun was about to turn his back on him now?

After Wang Han saw the somewhat puzzled expressions of the two men, he hurriedly said:

"It's not what you two think. A few days ago, I promised the two of them that I would give them 20 million each when the matter is completed. Now I feel that it is less. I can make a promise to the two of them now and wait for this Pingyuan City to get it.

After that, Liu Shuo's mansion in Pingyuan Kingdom can be plundered by the two of you, and only by the two of you."

When Zhu Kui and Li Qing heard this, they were overjoyed. Liu Shuo's mansion in Pingyuan Kingdom had been occupied by Pingyuan kings for several generations. How could the gold and silver treasures inside be comparable to that of the 20 million yuan.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The two said in unison.

"Haha. When we rise up, I hope you two will spare no effort."

"We will definitely live up to the king's expectations." Zhu Kui and Li Qing responded.

After Li Qing finished speaking, he thought for a while and then said:

"Your Majesty, I heard that a fairy-like woman lives in the county magistrate's mansion! After we take over the county magistrate's mansion, we will definitely give this woman to your Majesty."

"Haha. Okay." Wang Han laughed endlessly.

This chapter has been completed!
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