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Chapter 58 Battle on the Plain (2)

Following Xu Hu's order, hundreds of rebels holding sacks and wearing armor came out from behind.

Everyone on the city wall was shocked when they saw hundreds of rebels wearing armor.

No one expected that the weapons and equipment of this group of rebels could be so sophisticated. Most of the rebels we met before were basically wearing sackcloth and holding hoes and sticks in their hands to fight against the officers and soldiers.

However, this group of rebels in front of us not only held spears and spears, but also had hundreds of armors. How could we not be surprised?

Zhajia is to use leather strips and ropes as armor ropes, and put the square nail pieces into groups vertically and horizontally. The nail pieces are stacked on each other horizontally and vertically. This composition can achieve the best defense effect.

The ingenuity of the ancients is amazing. The ancients strung together the isolated pieces of armor with ropes, and a great armor was born.

The existence of Zhajia and the entire cold weapon era gradually withdrew from the stage of history after the advent of the hot weapon era.

The moat surrounding Pingyuan City is the first obstacle that the rebels need to solve to attack Pingyuan City. If the rebels do not solve the moat, the rebels will not even have a chance to get close to the city wall.

These hundreds of rebels holding sacks and wearing armor were used to fill in the moat.

The moat of Pingyuan City is about twenty meters away from the city wall of Pingyuan City. There is water more than one meter deep in the river. However, the water is stagnant. If it can flow, it will be more difficult for the rebels to fill up the moat.

Hundreds of rebels in armor, each carrying a sack full of soil, ran toward the moat, shouting.

The rebels wearing Zha armor had a greatly increased defense. After a round of arrows, only a dozen rebels were seriously injured. The vast majority of the rebels threw the sacks filled with soil into the moat intact.

, and then returned.

Suddenly hundreds of sacks filled with soil were thrown into the moat. People on the city could clearly see the sacks in the water, and some sacks were exposed above the water.

In this round, not many rebels were eliminated, but more than a thousand arrows were lost.

In Pingyuan County, there are 5,000 bows and about 80,000 arrows in the arsenal. Now this round has consumed more than 1,000 arrows. If this continues, it will only last for more than 60 rounds at most, and one round will kill someone.

We can't afford to spend more than a dozen rebel thieves!

"Brother, we can't go on like this. We can't afford to use up the arrows in our arsenal." Chen Meng came to Liu Bei and said to Liu Bei.

Liu Bei also discovered this problem and could not just watch the rebels fill up the moat.

At this time, Guan Yu also came over. After hearing what Chen Meng said, he put forward his own ideas.

"How about we send the cavalry out to harass them?"

When Liu Bei and Chen Meng heard this, they thought it was feasible.

"Second brother, after you go out, remember not to be too eager to fight. It's best if you can kill some rebels. If you can't, then return to Pingyuan City immediately." Liu Bei explained to Guan Yu.

"Second brother, you can go out through other city gates and catch these rebels by surprise," Chen Meng said.

After Guan Yu bowed his hands to the two of them, he turned and left the city wall, taking two hundred soldiers with him.

Zhang Fei felt a little strange when he saw Guan Yu leading two hundred soldiers down the city wall. He rushed to Liu Bei's side and asked:

"Brother, what have you done, second brother?"

"Going to kill the enemy outside the city." As soon as Liu Bei finished speaking, he realized that he seemed to have said the wrong thing.

Sure enough, Zhang Fei was a little unhappy after hearing this.

"The eldest brother is so partial. When he goes out to kill the enemy in the city, he only lets the second brother go, but not me, Yide."

"Haha. Third brother, this is not just a chance to go out to the city to kill the enemy. When the next time comes, just let third brother lead the troops."

While the three of them were talking, Guan Yu had already led two hundred cavalry to kill them.

Guan Yu chose the right time to attack this time. He happened to rush towards the hundreds of rebels when they were running towards the moat carrying sacks.

Guan Yu led his troops out of the west gate of Pingyuan City. After walking half a circle around Pingyuan City, he suddenly appeared in front of the rebels at the east gate.

When hundreds of rebels carrying sacks saw the sudden appearance of two hundred cavalry, they all showed surprise. Seeing the sudden appearance of cavalry, Xu Hu from behind hurriedly rushed to the hundreds of rebels in front and shouted:

"Get back quickly, get back quickly."

These hundreds of rebels carrying sacks did not carry weapons in order to run to the moat faster. Now they were like lambs to be slaughtered in front of the cavalry, ready to be slaughtered.

The distance of a few hundred meters was not too far in front of the charging cavalry. In just a few breaths, Guan Yu led two hundred cavalry and rushed in front of these rebels.

The raised Qinglong Yanyue Sword was like a sickle harvesting a wheat field, harvesting the lives of these rebels wantonly.

The two hundred cavalrymen behind them each held a ring-headed sword in their hands and slashed hard at the rebels who were fleeing in front of them.

Xu Hu also saw with his own eyes the power of the cavalry at this time. These rebels wearing armor were completely defenseless against the sudden appearance of the cavalry. Xu Hu could only look at his hundreds of subordinates.

He was ruthlessly hacked to death by Guan Yu and his party.

"Set arrows, shoot arrows. Shoot them to death." Xu Hu shouted angrily at the archers behind him after seeing the cavalry break away from his men.

When Guan Yu and his party killed the rebels, they did not slow down the running speed of their horses. The two hundred elite cavalry almost flashed by in front of these rebels and were not interested in fighting. After killing the rebels, they immediately headed towards the plain.

He ran away from the west gate of the city.

Before the archers behind Xu Hu could shoot out their arrows, the two hundred cavalry led by Guan Yu had already disappeared in front of the rebels. Thousands of archers held up their bows and arrows. Look at me, I

Look at you, you don't know if you still need to shoot the arrow in your hand.

Xu Hu looked at the remaining rebels wearing Zha armor in front of him, and felt regretful. These rebels were all Xu Hu's elite, and all of them were strong and healthy. It was precisely for this reason that Xu Hu specially arranged

This group of elites came to fill in the moat.

Let these elites wearing Zha armor fill in the moat because they wear Zha armor and have stronger defense, which can very well reduce the lethality of arrows shot by soldiers on the city wall. Moreover,

This is exactly the case.

Xu Hu was extremely happy when he saw that the bows and arrows fired by the soldiers on the city wall only caused more than a dozen casualties. If this continues, Pingyuan City's first line of defense will soon lose its effectiveness, and then the army will be able to

Arrive at the city.

But Xu Hu never expected that the officers and soldiers in the city would rush out from another city gate to kill these rebels carrying sacks.

"You two, each with a thousand men and horses, defend on both sides of the city wall. When you see the cavalry coming, shoot them with arrows.

You take five hundred people and go to the front to carry back the dead."

After Xu Hu thought for a moment, he immediately came up with a countermeasure.
This chapter has been completed!
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