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Chapter 61 Battle on the Plain (5)

Seeing the signal to attack, Xu Hu immediately issued the order to attack the city.

Although there are only four roads that can be used by people, which is smaller than expected, that's all it can do now.

Following Xu Hu's order, dozens of four or five meter long ladders were carried out.

Four people per long ladder ran toward the city wall, shouting.

These rebels carrying long ladders, as well as the rebels who rushed out from behind these long ladders, were all wearing linen clothes, and the linen clothes were also in tatters. The weapons in the hands of these rebels were also diverse and varied.

In the first wave of attacks, Xu Hu did not arrange for his men to rush forward.

When these rebels were about to rush to the moat, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who were standing on the city wall, suddenly shouted loudly.

"Fire the arrow."

Fifteen hundred arrows were shot out from their strings at this moment, making a harsh sound as they shot through the air, roaring towards the rebels below the city wall.

The linen clothes worn by these rebels were like a thin piece of paper in front of these whistling arrows, and had no defensive effect at all.

Puff puff puff...

The sound of arrows hitting the rebel thief's body kept ringing. The rebel thief who was hit by the arrow looked down at the arrow on his body and fell down unwillingly.

These rebels had neither shields nor armor, and relied solely on their bodies to resist the arrows fired from the city walls, resulting in very heavy casualties.

Those rebels who were not hit by the arrows retreated immediately after feeling the lethality of the arrows.

Xu Hu was a little angry when he saw the rebels who had retreated. They all ran back before they even reached the moat, which was very demoralizing.

Xu Hu looked at the rebels who were retreating, and with a wave of his hand, dozens of strong men with swords in their hands and bare shoulders rushed out from behind them. He looked at the rebels who were retreating fiercely.

"Anyone who retreats will be killed without mercy." Xu Hu shouted loudly.

When the rebels who retreated saw these dozens of strong men with swords in their hands, who looked like evil ghosts who wanted to eat people, they all showed fear.

Xu Hu also knew that relying solely on these rebels would not be effective at this time. Xu Hu immediately ordered thousands of his subordinates to accompany these people and rush to the city wall again.

These men of Xu Hu were obviously different from other rebels. Each of these thousands of people held wooden shields in their hands and raised the shields above their heads to block the arrows shot from the city wall.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei on the city wall looked happy when they saw the first round of arrows fired and pushed back the first wave of rebels. But the two of them had not been happy for too long when they saw,

Thousands of rebels holding wooden shields rushed over again.

After Guan Yu saw these rebels holding shields, he shouted loudly to the soldiers on the city wall:

"Shoot these rebels in the feet, shoot these rebels in the feet."

With the defense of wooden shields, the defensive power of this wave of rebels has increased a lot, and the lethality of bows and arrows against this wave of rebels has also become much weaker.

Although the two rounds of arrows killed and injured hundreds of rebels, the remaining nearly a thousand rebels still rushed across the moat and came to the bottom of the city wall.

More than a dozen long ladders were leaning against the city wall. Several rebels holding shields below were holding the long ladder firmly to prevent the soldiers on the wall from pushing the ladder down. Other rebels began to move along the long ladder.

Climb the ladder up.

The countless rolling logs and pounding stones placed on the city wall finally came into use at this time.

Outside the city wall, a fierce battle was ongoing. Inside the city, the eight hundred thieves organized by Wang Han also walked out of the burning compound. One team rushed towards the east city gate, and the other team rushed towards the east city gate.

Liu Bei's mansion.

The compound that these two groups of rebels walked out of was originally located in the east of the city, not too far from the east gate of Pingyuan City.

When the two groups of rebels rushed out of the gate facing the main street, howling, they were immediately spotted by the soldiers guarding the East Gate.

When they saw hundreds of people rushing towards the east city gate with weapons in hand and shouting, the soldiers guarding the city gate immediately raised their bows and arrows without hesitation and fired the arrows on their bodies without hesitation.

Shoot at the oncoming rebels.

The rebels were not afraid at this time. Twenty rebels with bows and arrows in hand stood directly on the street and exchanged bows and arrows with the soldiers guarding the city gate.

It's just that the sights between the two are quite different. The soldiers guarding the city gate have all participated in many bandit suppressions with Liu Bei, so their bow and arrow skills are naturally higher.

The two sides exchanged shots for less than a cup of tea, and the twenty archers on the rebel side had basically suffered all their casualties.

When the rebels first appeared, a soldier guarding the city gate hurriedly took out a blazing arrow, stretched his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot the blazing arrow into the air.

The sounding arrows whizzed and made a piercing scream.

Zhao Yun and Tian Yu, who were patrolling in the city, heard the sound of arrows fired at the east city gate, and immediately led the following soldiers to support the soldiers defending the east city gate.

The soldiers guarding the other three city gates, each numbering twenty, quickly rushed to the east city gate.

Zhu Kui and Mr. Sun mingled in the crowd of 600 people, shouting "charge" and "kill" loudly. They commanded the group of rebels and rushed to the east gate without fear of death.

After paying the price of dozens of people, this group of rebels also rushed to the antlers guarding the city gate.

A few rebels who were not afraid of death desperately moved an antler aside, regardless of the spears thrust by the soldiers in front of them.

Without the protection of the antlers, the rebels successfully rushed to the city gate and started a brutal hand-to-hand battle with the soldiers guarding the city gate.

The forty soldiers guarding the city gate were gradually defeated under the attack of hundreds of rebels. Just when the city gate was about to be lost, Zhao Yun and Tian Yu rushed over.

The joining of Zhao Yun and Tian Yu gave the soldiers who defended the East City Gate a super strong cardiotonic.

When Tian Yu saw that the city gate was about to be lost, he hurriedly shouted to Zhao Yun:

"Zilong, city gate."

After Zhao Yun heard this, he put the silver gun in his hand, the tip of the gun touched the ground, held the handle of the gun with both hands, and with the help of the bright silver gun, he jumped and came to the front of the East City Gate.

After landing, the bright silver gun immediately thrust forward, piercing the body of a rebel who was charging towards him.

Then I saw Zhao Yun pull back his right arm, and pull out the bright silver gun from the rebel's body. The rebel covered the wound on his body with both hands, and fell down with a crash.

Then Zhao Yun pointed the bright silver gun forward and shouted loudly:

"I am Zhao Zilong of Changshan. Who comes here to die?"

The sound is deafening and the momentum is shaking the mountains.

The originally high-spirited rebels had lost some of their momentum due to the addition of Zhao Yun and others. Now with Zhao Yun's shout, the momentum even disappeared, and some even showed signs of fear.

When Zhu Kui saw this, he was extremely anxious and shouted hurriedly:

"There are many of us, don't be afraid, kill, kill, kill."

When Tian Yu saw Zhu Kui shouting loudly, he immediately understood that this man must be the leader of this group of rebels. To capture the thieves first, capture the king. Tian Yu immediately led dozens of soldiers to kill Zhu Kui without hesitation.

Then Zhu Kui suddenly saw a man wearing fish scale armor and holding a spear, leading dozens of soldiers to kill him.

Seeing that the rebels in front of him could not last a round under the man with a spear in his hand, Zhu Kui suddenly looked timid and his body involuntarily retreated backwards.

Sixty soldiers who came from the other three city gates also came from behind and killed the rebels. Liu Bei led two hundred soldiers and also killed them from the city wall.

The addition of this wave of soldiers completely defeated the psychological defense of these rebels.

There were less than 300 rebels still alive. After seeing Zhu Kui escaping, they immediately dispersed.

This chapter has been completed!
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