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Chapter 3 Battle of the Yellow Turbans

In the next few days, Zhang Fei spent all his money and recruited 300 young and strong warriors. Later, Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang, two great merchants from Zhongshan, learned of the four men's feats and brought out fifty good horses and five gold and silver coins.

One hundred taels, one thousand kilograms of iron, to support four people.

The four people used the iron to make a weapon each. Liu Bei got the double sword, Guan Yu got the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, Zhang Fei got the eight-foot-long snake spear, and Chen Meng got the plum blossom spear. The plum blossom spear weighed 30 kilograms and was nearly 3 meters long.

m. There is a trace that looks like a plum blossom at the end of the barrel of the spear, so Chen Meng named it the Plum Blossom Spear.

"Brother, now that we have good horses and soldiers, armor and weapons, I think we might as well go directly to find the rebel Yellow Turban, and then kill him without leaving any trace of his armor behind." Zhang Fei said.

"Third brother, this must not be done!" Chen Meng said hurriedly.

"Fourth brother, what do you have to say?" Liu Bei asked.

"Now the world is the world of the Han Dynasty, and everyone respects the Emperor of Han. We should also obtain the permission of the Emperor of Han before we send troops, otherwise there is no difference between us and the rebels."

"What the fourth brother said is absolutely true," Liu Bei said.

"We have weapons and soldiers, but we can't go into battle to kill the enemy. It's really annoying. Fourth brother, what do you think we can do to let us go to the battlefield happily?" Zhang Fei said.

"This matter is easy to handle. Isn't the governor of Youzhou recruiting rebels now? Why don't we go and join him? The eldest brother is the queen of the royal family, and the governor of Youzhou Liu Yu is also the queen of the royal family. After the eldest brother got to know him, I think that Liu Yu

He will definitely be taken seriously. By then, we will have a reason to send troops," Chen Meng said.

At this time, what Liu Guan and Zhang need most is reputation. Chen Meng knows it best. With reputation, only the heroes and martyrs of the world will rely on them, and only with reputation will the court pay attention. At this time, among the four people, the one who is easiest to gain fame is

Liu Bei, the easiest way for Liu Bei to gain fame is to be recognized as a descendant of the royal family, and Chen Meng has already found the person to be recognized, and that is Liu Yu, the governor of Youzhou.

The four of them had decided on their plan, and immediately took the 300 people they had recruited as well as Zhang Shiping and 200 people from Su Shuang, a total of 500 soldiers, to Jixian County and the place where Liu Yu, the governor of Youzhou, lived.

When we came to Jixian, we found that the county seat of Jixian County was not big, just like the towns of later generations. The county seat covered an area of ​​more than 2 square kilometers, which was considered a good county seat at the time. The county seat was basically laid out in a square shape, with city walls built around it.

The height is more than twelve feet, which is about 3 meters today. The city wall is not very wide, but there is no problem in walking on it.

There are four east, south, west and north gates around the county. At this time, rebels were rampant and the world was in chaos. In order to ensure safety, the prefect Liu Yu had closed the east, south and west gates, leaving only the north gate.

Liu Bei and his four men led the crowd to the north gate. They saw that the suspension bridge at the entrance had been raised, and there were many refugees waiting for the government to give them porridge, as well as businessmen who wanted to enter the county seat.

Seeing the guards on the city wall, Liu Bei shouted:

"We are the brave men from the township of Zhuojun. After seeing the announcement issued by the prefect, we came here specifically to assist the prefect in defeating the thieves."

"On the order of the prefect, the suspension bridge was raised to prevent rebels from taking advantage of the situation." said a guard on the city wall.

"I am a clan member of the Han Dynasty. After Liu Sheng, Prince Jing of Zhongshan, I came here to assist the prefect. If you delay us, can you bear the consequences?" Liu Bei said.

The soldier on the city wall was a little undecided when he heard that Liu Bei claimed to be a member of the Han clan. If what the people outside the city said was true, then he really couldn't bear it. After thinking about it, the man said:

"Please wait a moment, I will report to the prefect and listen to the prefect's instructions."

After Chen Meng saw the soldier leaving, he came to Liu Bei's side and said to Liu Bei:

"Brother, don't worry. After the soldiers heard that you claimed to be a clan member of the Han Dynasty, they naturally did not dare to neglect you. We will just wait here for a while."

As a person who has traveled through time in later generations, Chen Meng naturally knows that. The governor of Youzhou at this time was Liu Yu, and Liu Yu was also a clan member of the Han Dynasty. Therefore, Liu Yu should meet Liu Bei after hearing that he claimed to be a clan member of the Han clan.

Meet Liu Bei.

As for the story about Liu Yan, the governor of Youzhou, accepting Liu Bei as his nephew in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms written in Chen Meng's later generations, it was completely fabricated by the author.

Not long after, the soldier who had just left brought a middle-aged man wearing the uniform of a governor to the city wall. The man stood on the city wall, looked outside the city gate, and said:

"Who claims to be a member of the Han clan?"

After Liu Bei heard this, he hurriedly said:

"I am Liu Bei of Zhuo County, after Liu Sheng, King Jing of Zhongshan. I saw the recruitment notice issued by the governor and summoned five hundred warriors from the countryside to help the governor defeat the thieves."

"It turns out he is a descendant of Prince Jing of Zhongshan. Wait a moment and I will send someone to lower the suspension bridge."

After entering the city, Liu Bei went to see Liu Yu. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Chen Meng were waiting outside Liu Yu's gate.

"Fourth brother, do you think Liu Yu can recognize our eldest brother?" Guan Yu asked.

"Of course it will. Originally, the identity of the eldest brother's Han clan clan is unquestionable. The eldest brother is also a benevolent and righteous person. Liu Yu will definitely try his best to recruit the eldest brother. Therefore, Liu Yu will admit the eldest brother's identity for his own sake.

Status. After all, this matter will be of great benefit to Liu Yu and not harmful at all. Liu Yu is also a smart person, so he can definitely see through this." Chen Meng said.

"Haha! In that case, from now on we are all brothers of the royal family. Haha." Zhang Fei said with a laugh.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Liu Bei to walk out of Liu Yu's house. Chen Meng looked at Liu Bei's happy expression and knew that this must be a happy ending.

"Brother, how are you? How will the governor treat you?" Zhang Fei asked hurriedly after seeing Liu Bei come out.

"This is not the place to talk. Let's go to the residence first and then talk in detail." Liu Bei said.

Sure enough, everything was as Chen Meng expected. After Liu Yu met Liu Bei, he felt from Liu Bei's conversation that Liu Bei was definitely an extraordinary person. So Liu Yu not only recognized Liu Bei's identity, but also took the initiative to recognize Liu Bei as his younger brother.

When Liu Bei said this, everyone was very happy. Especially Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang, as businessmen, they suddenly felt that they had made a lot of money from this investment.

On the second day, Liu Yu introduced Liu Bei to various officials in Youzhou, and at the same time told everyone about the identity of Liu Bei's royal family members.

With Liu Yu's support, Liu Bei and others finally established a firm foothold in Jixian County and settled down.

With two warriors, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, Chen Meng did not need to worry about the training tasks of these five hundred soldiers. Chen Meng also knew at this time that what he needed to do was to guide Liu Bei in the right direction and provide him with the right solution at the critical moment.

This strategy is enough.

After Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang stayed in Jixian County for a few days, they were practicing military training. They found it very boring. After explaining the reason to Liu Bei, they began to travel back and forth to the border and engage in business again. Although Liu Bei was reluctant to abandon them, he considered that

After they started doing business, they could support themselves, so they were allowed to go.

In the past few days, under the guidance of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, Chen Meng's marksmanship has improved by leaps and bounds. Although it is not as good as the two, he is not afraid of ordinary generals.

Not a few days after the peaceful days, spies came to report that the Yellow Turban rebel Cheng Yuanzhi from Jizhou led more than 5,000 troops and came to attack Zhuojun.

After Liu Yu received the news, he hurriedly summoned his subordinates for discussion, and the four of Liu Bei were among them. When they heard Liu Yu tell the number of people in the Yellow Turbans, everyone was surprised. How can they resist more than 5,000 people? After recruiting volunteers during this period,

, and now there are only more than 2,000 soldiers in the entire Ji County.

After Chen Meng heard the news, he was a little strange, because Chen Meng clearly remembered that 50,000 people came at this time in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

"Is it possible that the novel was written incorrectly?"

Liu Bei saw that everyone was afraid of the rebels, and because he was a newcomer to Liu Yu's camp, he was in urgent need of military glory. Therefore, Liu Bei took the initiative to volunteer and was willing to lead his troops to destroy the rebels.

Liu Yu was moved by Liu Bei's bravery and immediately decided to send Lieutenant Zou Jing to lead a thousand troops to resist the rebels. Liu Bei's four men and their subordinate 500 soldiers were also among the 1,000 people.

Zou Jing led his troops to Daxing Mountain and met the rebels. Zou Jing was afraid of the enemy's strength, so he camped close to the mountain and did not dare to fight.

Zhang Fei had long wanted to go into battle to kill the enemy, but now he saw that the commander-in-chief did not dare to send troops to fight, so he was naturally very anxious.

"Brother, the commander-in-chief is afraid of the enemy and does not dare to fight. What should we do?" Zhang Fei said angrily.

Chen Meng was also a little anxious at this time. If Zou Jing didn't go to battle, how could Liu, Guan, and Zhang be famous? How could Chen Meng himself be famous?

"Third brother, don't worry. In my opinion, how about we propose to the commander-in-chief that the four of us lead our troops to fight. After we win, let the commander-in-chief lead the remaining soldiers to fight out." Chen Meng said.

"That's great!" Liu Bei said.

The four men were sure of their plans. Liu Bei went to Zou Jing in person and told Zou Jing their plans. When Zou Jing heard this, he was overjoyed. These four men were his subordinates. If they won and achieved military merit, it would naturally be his own military merit.

.If he fails, then just put the responsibility for the failure on Liu Bei. Zou Jing naturally agreed to such a thing that had the best of both worlds.

After Liu Bei received the order, he led his troops out of the camp to fight. Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Chen Meng, each riding a war horse, stood in front of the formation. Behind them stood a hundred cavalry and four hundred infantry, each soldier

They were all wearing iron armor, and under the sunlight, bursts of cold light were reflected, which was intimidating to look at. The cavalrymen held a spear in their hands and a ring-headed sword hanging from their waists. Some of the cavalrymen also held crossbows. The infantrymen

He is holding a long halberd in his hand and a ring-headed sword hanging on his waist.

Although the number is small, the lineup is neat and powerful. Under the training of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, they have become an elite soldier.

On the opposite side, the Yellow Turban rebels were all disheveled, with yellow scarves on their heads, clothed in civilian clothes, and holding various weapons in their hands. They were all standing sparsely and unevenly. Although there were many people, they could not be seen.

Like a herd of pigs, they don't look like soldiers at all.

The Yellow Turban rebels, taking advantage of the large number of people, couldn't help laughing when they saw the hundreds of people in front of them. One of the leading rebels shouted:

"Haha. There is no one in the government. Let me, Deng Mao, kill you all by myself."

After saying that, the rebel thief rushed out. In this way, it played into Chen Meng's heart. If the rebel thief swarmed up, it would be very difficult indeed.

"Deng Mao, you must not do this!" Cheng Yuanzhi shouted hurriedly after seeing this, but it was too late. Seeing this, Cheng Yuanzhi no longer hesitated, waved his hand, and the entire army immediately came to Liu Bei.

When Zhang Fei saw Deng Mao going out, he rushed out without waiting for Liu Bei's instructions and shouted:

"Yeah, yeah, watch me, Zhang Fei, take the dog's head from your neck."

As soon as Zhang Fei rushed out, he saw Cheng Yuanzhi leading his army to attack. But since he had already taken the initiative to fight, there was no reason to be afraid and retreat. Zhang Fei still attacked Deng Mao one man and one horse, just like a lone hero.

Upon seeing this, Liu Bei hurriedly shouted:

"Third brother, be careful!"

After finishing speaking, he also led his army and followed Zhang Fei out.

Chen Meng clapped his horse and followed Liu Bei, and couldn't help cursing in his heart:

"Let me go, Luo Guanzhong, isn't there a one-on-one fight in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms you wrote? Why are they fighting in groups? Five hundred against five thousand!"
This chapter has been completed!
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