Sun Tzu said: The husband's method of using soldiers, the whole country is the top, the country is the second; the whole army is the top, the army is the second;
On the last, the second is the second.
Therefore, the soldiers' conspiracy, followed by the second forth, the second to cut the soldiers, and the next siege.
Therefore, he said: Knowing and knowing that he knows one another, he does not know how to fight; I do n’t know the confidant, one victory and one loser; I do n’t know, I do n’t know if I do n’t know if I do n’t know if I do n’t know myself.
In the Japanese brigade of Niutou Town, Lianchuan Kangfu held a grandson's warfare, and he was reading loudly. He raised his hand in his hand from time to time and made a circle in the book.
"Sun Tzu's Art of War" is also known as "Sun Wu's Art of War", "Wu Sun Tzu's Art of War", "Sun Tzu's Book", "Sun Wushu Bingshu", etc., is a brilliant treasure in Chinese classical military cultural heritage.
One of the three major soldiers in the world is profound and profound, with exquisite thoughts and richness, and meticulous logic.
"Sun Tzu's Art of War" is the oldest and most outstanding military book in my country. It has always been highly respected. The trainees have published them. There are 13 books in the book. It is divided into upper volumes, middle volumes, lower volumes. This article was unearthed in Ma Wangdui. It was eighty -eight. Because there were only 5 words left, there were only eighty -three articles in the current method.
"Sun Tzu's Military Law" is a military book that has been popular since the Warring States Period. Military people in ancient and modern Chinese and foreign countries have used the military theory discussed to guide the war. Moreover, the basic theory and ideas of the discussion have been used in modern business decisions and decisions.
In terms of social management.
Modern countries have attached great importance to "Sun Tzu's Art of War". This book has been translated into 20 languages such as British, Russia, Germany, and Japan. There are thousands of publishing books about "Sun Tzu's Art of War" in the world.
Military Academy listed it as a textbook.
The core of the warfare is to challenge the rules. The only rule is that there is no rule. The military law is strategy. The strategy is not a small trick, but a big strategy, great wisdom.
I was holding the grandson's art of war. It came out of the door. There was a shouting report outside the door, and then he heard that footsteps stopped there.
"Come in." Lianchuan Kangfu didn't lift his head, and he was still immersed in the mystery of ancient Chinese war.
The grandson's military law is too mysterious. The more I read the Kangfu Fu, the more I feel that the book is terrible. It is a rare military classic.
"Unfortunately, such a good military classics, the Chinese even abandoned it, it is really a heavenly thing, the violence of heaven." After half an hour, Lianchuan Kangfu combined his grandson warfare and put it aside. Then he looked up and looked at it.
Seeing several subordinates that came in, waved their hands towards them, "S sitader."
These subordinates are the middle captain and captain under his men, but some have been replaced by newcomers, because in the mines, the ghost of a squadron has the strategy of Jingshan.
The captain was not allowed.
After everyone sat down, Lianchuan Kangfu swept his face and saw a trace of excitement, so he laughed, "Look at you, just a small ambush, as so excited?"
A small captain rushed to open his mouth, said, "Captain, this plan is not small, but is preparing to catch a big fish, Tsuchihara is panicked, please forgive me." After that, he stood up and got up.
, Straight in the body, bowed ninety -degree bow towards Lianchuan Kangfu.
Others laughed, but they could hear the joy in the laughter. For this kind of peer who was born with a good companion, what they liked most was what he looked serious.
However, people will not forget. Once they go to the battlefield, Turushara will definitely change and become a bloody butcher. He once held a war knife and killed 11 Northeast soldiers and captured their position.
Lianchuan Kangfu also laughed. He stood up and walked down, came to Tinhara, stretched out his hands to help him, and then said, "Turkara, I don't blame you, so you don’t have to blame yourself, do not do yourself, do it quickly, do it quickly, do it quickly and do it quickly.
All right."
Tsuchihara was very happy, and after another military ceremony, I sat back to her position.
After everyone was done, Lianchuan Kangfu came to everyone and cleared his throat. "Today, let everyone come, it is the specific arrangement of the execution plan."
All Japanese commanders stood up. They stood up and said uniformly, "Hay."
The meeting was more than half an hour, and then the meeting was scattered. The commanders of each Japanese army went back to arrange. For a time, the Japanese army in Niutou Town was busy.
In this way, the atmosphere in Niutou Town was suddenly tense. Those Japanese soldiers carrying rifles with rifles, as well as the law and order in the town with various guns, made people's hearts tighter. People knew that the day finally came.
Then, then
Jingshan is very good. Most of the people in the town have had his favor, so people will protest and want to save Mr. Jingshan.
But no one expected that Lianchuan Kangfu was an unmanned beast. He even shot a gun on those protested people, and finally even used the war car.
The people were seriously casualties. There were more than 20 killed on the spot and more than 70 injuries. Next, there were two or three hundred people who were put into prison for the demonstration of the parade.
These things were angry in the people of Niutou Town, but no one dared to show it, otherwise it would be another disaster.
But anger cannot be eliminated by itself. It is like an magma that is pressed under the volcano, but it is temporarily calm. At the right time, it will suddenly erupt.
Flying ash.
"Old Sun, do you know, the Master Jingshan is going to be held at noon." A second -rate child who was going to hang out on the street did not stroll around today, but ran north along the street towards Niutou Town. It was the so -called execution ground.
Many people have been surrounded now.
The old man who was called the old man of the grandson was a hawker selling the cabbage on the ground. He couldn't get a fart in his honest kick, so he knew that he squatted on the corner of the street and sold vegetables.
A sound.
But today, when he heard the second -rate son, he stood for a long time. Suddenly, the cabbage packed in the big basket, and then picked up the big basket towards the execution ground.
Not only they, many people also came from all directions as they were, gathered here, and then went to the execution ground.
For a while, it was deserted in Niutou Town, and all of them rushed to the execution ground to the prosperity that spawned there.
Many hawkers really saw the stitches, and they even opened the posture here in advance. What brown sugar, sweet potatoes, cigarettes, melon seeds ... all made all of them, so that Lang was full, and people thought that they had been on the market.
Zheng Xiao and Uncle Long were mixed in the crowd. They all experienced the outfit, even if acquaintances could not recognize them, so they stood quietly in the crowd and looked at the ghost warning line not far away.
It may be because of worrying about the accident. The devil sent a more rigorous alert forces, surrounding the execution ground, and it was not easy to get close. It was not so easy to approach.
In the periphery, more than a dozen of suspicious people were suddenly faint, always looking at the crowd. Zheng Xiao estimated that they were all eyeliners arranged by devils, so they signaled several special combat players.
I would like it, and immediately leaned quietly.
It's not a good time now, so these special combat players don't do it, but if you leave the guys, you will wait for the order to issue the command.
Zheng Xiao's eyes have been looking for in the crowd. He estimates that this time he comes to save people not only his own group, because Jingshan is a righteousness, and has helped many people. Many of them are rivers and lakes.
It is very likely to come back to the execution ground.
However, Zheng Xiao didn't know why, and he always felt that there was no right place in it. The performance of the devils was too obvious, which made him unhappy.
According to their understanding of the Japanese, Zheng Xiao knows that they are not only perseverance, but also cunning, and can even be said to be omnipotent. Therefore, they must leave a few more hearts with such opponents, otherwise they do n’t know how to die if they die.
At the pre -war arrangement meeting, in order to impress everyone, Zheng Xiao gave an example:
The wolf is a carnivore. Its nature is cunning and brutal. Everyone knows the idioms that are embarrassed. In Pu Songling's "Liao Zhai", there are two articles about writing wolf cunning. Although the wolf has sharp teeth, it is compared to tigers.
The cat family is just a little witch. The wolf's figure is relatively small in the meat ethics group. The wolf is not as venom as a venom like a poisonous snake, but the vitality of the wolf on this planet is ranked in the front spear of all meat animals. If the earth is the earth.
If a disaster occurs, then the wolf will be one of the last extinct animals.
Many countries have a deep relationship with the wolf. Some countries worship the wolf, and some countries despise the wolf. Japan is a country worshiping the wolf.
Some people say that the Japanese are the descendants of the werewolf, especially 1000 years ago (before the Song Dynasty of China) Japanese people regarded the wolf as their ancestors. In some places, they also built a special place of sacrifice. At that time, almost every family was in their lobby.
Hanging a portrait of a wolf is like a tiger hanging on the walls of the ancient Chinese people on the wall of their lobby.
Why do the Japanese admire the wolf so much?
In fact, the answer is very simple. Everyone knows that many Chinese in ancient times would worship tigers, because tigers were the most fierce animals in China. The most fierce animal on the narrow island in Japan is the wolf!
Japanese ancestors' worship, learning wolf's habits, learning wolf's attack tactics, learning the way of survival of the wolf. Wolf is good at solidifying groups to attack a prey, and will definitely not abandon the injured companion, but the tiger is independent.
It also fully reflects that the Japanese now like to unite and do things, and the Chinese always like to fight alone!
After the Song Dynasty, the Japanese began to advocate the spirit of the Bushido. After careful research by the author, they found that the spirit of the Bushido is more brutal than the wolf road.
都, wolf, and the same ethnic group, belonging to the wolf tribe. Among these three animals, the attack power is ranked at the forefront, and the latter is behind. Although the smartest is the military division in the wolf group, it is a disabled.
Well, the front legs cannot be left. They can only run on the wolf's buttocks, so they have the idioms that are embarrassed.
猛 is more fierce than the wolf. When the wolf attacks the prey, it will not be at the expense of their lives. But 豺 is not the same. They advocate self -sacrifice to loyal to the entire group.
The survival of the entire group is replaced.
The insidious cunning of the wolf also inherited the cruel side of the wolf, and at the same time, it also carried forward the spirit of not being afraid of death. Japanese samurai is simply a replica of the Wolf!