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Chapter 997

Just ask, how good can a person's luck be? Please refer to Chu Qing.

When Chu Qing came out of seclusion, he didn't bring many people with him. Many of them looked a bit like people who were just pretending to be fake.

The people brought out of the customs were not the best combination Chu Qing had expected. Among them were the unexpected guests Tao Shaozhang and the two fools of the Fu family who made up for the loss.

But it turned out that after arriving in the grassland, it was his uncle Tao Tao who made the most difference. Chu Qing even thought that this guy was the son of luck.

Now, facts have once again proven that the two fools of the Fu family and the two dart runners played a key role.

This is a bit like the clown is actually myself. Chu Qing still thought that others were pretending to be false, but now he feels that he may be the one who is false.

Two guys who couldn't even study five hundred guan and one thousand guan took into account the art of war, the enemy's psychology, what would happen, and all the known and unknown conditions and factors.

The most important thing is that everyone feels that things will develop as expected by the Fu family, without any loopholes.

Then let’s ask again, how bad can a person’s luck be, refer to the Great Prince of the Prairie.

The Great Prince of the Grassland, the Commander of the Pioneer Army, and the Golden Eagle Prince Alepeng under the Golden Wolf King of Liangrong, his full name is Alepeng.

The vanguard army consists of the slave army Banner Soldiers, Golden Eagle Tribe, Golden Wolf Left Guard, Iron Wolf Guard and three noble tribes, totaling 250,000 people.

Two hundred and fifty thousand people, the most elite rangers on the grassland, including slave soldiers, all have horse armor.

The so-called horse armor is not the armor of the war horse, but a kind of embroidered cloth wrapped around the upper body and head of the war horse. It is colorful and embroidered with the totems of various tribes.

Tribes that can wear horse armor have a long history or have great military exploits.

This time, 250,000 rangers will engage in siege warfare. After surrounding the border gate of Changren, a steady stream of tribal rangers will go to the border gate and join the vanguard army, eventually forming an army of no less than 500,000 people.

Alepeng, who is riding a horse, is majestic. Although he is only a little over 1.7 meters tall, he has a huge frame. He is already over fifty years old, but his face is full of majesty. He has deep features, a high nose and big eyes. His black cloak is rustling behind him.

, which is a vanguard army of 250,000, all of which are cavalry and cavalry.

The scorching sun is rising, the wind is howling, the central Golden Wolf Division, 80,000 cavalry, are like the setting sun in the sky, and the red horse armor is like blood and fire.

On the left and right wings, there are 20,000 slaves in the army on each side, a total of 40,000 people. They have no armor, but have iron helmets to cover their faces. These rangers who have lost their relatives and their homes and have been branded as slaves are called the most vicious rangers on the grassland.

of wolves.

The three major tribes have different colors of horse armor. The rangers each hold two scimitars, which are worn on both sides of the waist and located at the rear. There are a total of 60,000 people. Each tribe sends 20,000 elites to follow the prince to form a vanguard army. The others

They are the Golden Wolf Left Guard and the Iron Wolf Guard, with a total of 250,000 people.

In the front, in the middle, and on both wings, there are men dancing with swords, beating drums and blowing horns, the sound of drums is loud, and the trumpets are blasting loudly.

The sound of bull horns resounded throughout the world, and although the war horses were not galloping, they were still impressively powerful. The 250,000-strong army stretched as far as the eye could see, like a colorful torrent, moving slowly, dividing the endless prairie.

On the west side, more than fifty riders came quickly.

The eldest prince Alepeng, who was in the front army rather than the center, noticed the fifty cavalry and knew that they were not the advance spies. He waved his hand slightly, and then his followers pulled the reins and led a hundred people to meet them.

The army was still advancing slowly. After a while, a close entourage came over with a panic-stricken old man from Liang Rong.

The trusted followers also looked panicked: "It's the leader of the Dongri tribe who wants to see you and says that the food and grass have been robbed."

Most of the small tribes near the Dongtu Department spoke with the word "winter" in their mouths. Just as the Fu family's second fool expected, early in the morning, a small tribe nearby came to report the news.

The eldest prince's majestic face showed no emotion or anger, and he nodded slightly. The Dongribu clan leader was brought over and sat on his horse.

"The bravest prince on the grassland, Al Shakaraka Peng, who will become the king in the future, your servant, Winter Department Arotaro, offers you the highest respect."

"What do you mean when you say that food and grass were plundered?"

The eldest prince's voice is very low, like a subwoofer, and very oppressive.

"Dongtu Department, rebelled."

Alepeng's thick and long eyebrows twitched inadvertently: "Did Dong Tubu run away with the food and grass?"

"Yes, a lot of food and grass, lots and lots of food and grass, are prepared for the vanguard army, and there are also food and grass sent by the slave army."

"How much to take away?"

"I don't know. The rangers of the Dongtu tribe were guarding the river valley, not letting anyone get close. At night, there were many torches and many people. Not only the Dongtu tribe, but also other tribes. Other tribes also betrayed the Golden Wolf King.

of the gods."

There was not much expression on Alepeng's face, but an old man next to him asked loudly: "Where did they run to?"

"I don't know. We can't cross the river valley. All the tribesmen who wanted to explore were shot dead."

The old man looked at Alepeng with a gloomy expression: "They can't bring much food and grass, but there are a lot of cattle, sheep and war horses. If they take them all away, we won't have more food."

"No, they can't run far. We ordered to speed up the march and let the spies lead the way for us to follow the traces of cattle and sheep excrement and grass. If it is the south side, the direction of the army will not change. If it is other directions, let Ana go.

Chase them down."

After finishing speaking, the eldest prince looked at the leader of the winter tribe, Aluotalu, and smiled: "After twenty sun and moon cycles, take your tribe to the border of Changren and join us to become the Golden Wolf King.

, to seize wider pasture and territory.”

"The gods bless you, my beloved eldest prince."

Fuyugabe Arotaru turned around and walked away on horseback. As a result, he saw that he was riding away for more than a hundred paces. The eldest prince stretched out his hand, and the attendant handed over a huge bow.

The string shook and the arrow came out, and the big arrow shot through Arotaro's chest.

"Damn coward, you should have come to report last night."

The eldest prince spit out a mouthful of phlegm on the ground, turned to his cronies and said: "Send five thousand slaves to join the army to the west, rob the winter tribe of all the food and grass, slaughter all their young men, exile their women, and destroy the tribe.

Bring all the children into the formation and give them bows and arrows."

The confidant responded, and the eldest prince looked at the old man next to him: "Speed ​​up the march, they are driving cattle and sheep, they can't run too fast."

As soon as he finished speaking, more than a dozen Golden Wolf Troopers ran over half a mile ahead, waving black flags.

"Is there an enemy?"

The eldest prince's brows knitted together. He didn't believe that the Dongtu Department would attack, so where did the enemy appear?

One after another, the detectives who were delivering the order turned around and shouted.

"Enemy attack, three thousand people!"

"Enemy attack, three thousand people!"

"Enemy attack, three thousand people!"

"Are there only three thousand people?" A trace of confusion flashed across the eldest prince's eyes, and there were more and more strange things happening.

"Tell Ana to take eight thousand rangers and kill those people. I want to see three thousand heads before sunset, no matter whose it is."

This chapter has been completed!
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