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Chapter 1019 Buy Seven Get One Free

In fact, Chu Qing really didn't want to kill all the princes, everything was just a mistake.

The strange thing is that many people have forgotten a name, Feng Gong.

For this General Yiwei whom he had never met before, the legitimate son of the Feng family and the eldest son of the British Duke, Chu Qing could only admire and admire him.

The court owed it to the Feng family, and the country owed it to the border army, and the name Feng Gong moved Chu Qing countless times.

Ma Rujing led the generals away. Everyone expressed their understanding and were not surprised that Chu Qing suddenly killed the envoy.

In fact, when Chu Qing said the words Yiwei General Feng Gong, several veteran frontier generals had blue veins popping up on their foreheads. Chu Qing just did what they wanted to do.

An envoy, just a prairie prince, is not a big deal, at least for Chu Qing, it is not a big deal.

Golden Wolf King Khan, he really doesn’t have any trump cards now. All his sons are dead, and there is only one big prince. Even if he wants to train the third generation, it will take a certain amount of time. Unless he is crazy, otherwise he will definitely not come back.

At the beginning of the war, even if he fights, how many troops can be gathered? Will the tribes still listen to him?

Moreover, the border troops were not afraid, but hoped that Liang Rong would come and kill them.

After killing the old man from the grassland, Chu Qing's mood worsened. He didn't send the generals off and sat in the main hall, his face as gloomy as water.

The friends were all gathered at the door, it was very quiet.

"Girl Dusk Blossom!"

Chu Qing called out, and Mu Hua walked in quickly: "Say."

"In a few days, the news will be released on the grassland. Whoever can destroy the Rongmu tribe will be the first to come to the Chang Dynasty and be bred by the eldest prince."


Mu Hua nodded: "It will definitely be as you wish. The Rongmu tribe is not a big tribe or a noble tribe. The eighth prince is a useless person. The tribe that follows him does not have many warriors."

Chu Qing hummed absentmindedly and waved his hand. Mu Hua went out and Lu Zhu walked in.

After calling out "Sir Chu" softly, Lu Zhu said cautiously: "Sir, I want to ask you something."

"What's wrong?"

"If you go back, I want to stay in Wangyuan City."

Chu Qing was slightly surprised: "Why?"

"Don't worry, I hope that Wangyuan City is all your hard work. I have no talents and virtues, and I don't have the skills of Master Tao and others, but I still want to stay. I have learned a lot of sarcastic words and want to lead the herdsmen to fully integrate into us.

Among the prosperous people, I am waiting for the papermaking workshops to be built, and all the things you asked me to do have been completed. If I go back, I can repay your kindness. Do you think it is acceptable?"

Chu Qing shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It's good that you can stay, but the border crossing is too painful. Even now, it's still painful. Have you thought about it?"

"My mind has been decided."

"Okay, I thank you, but I have one request. You can stay until winter at most. Our daughter is still waiting for you in the academy to go back and celebrate the New Year with her."

After saying "our daughter", Luzhu's eyes turned red, and he gave a gift to Chu Qing. Tears flowed down, but he broke into tears and smiled: "Then go back before the end of the year, thank you sir."

"I should thank you."

"Then when you go back, take care of yourself." Lu Zhu's pretty face turned slightly red, and she looked at Fu San behind Chu Qing: "Third brother, you should also take care of yourself."

Fusan stared at the ceiling, as if he was asleep.

Chu Qing smiled half-heartedly, nodded, gave a few more instructions, and Lu Zhu left.

As soon as Lu Zhu left, Chu Qing turned to look at Fu San: "Third brother, early tomorrow morning, go to the south of the city to buy some leather goods or something. You can't go back to Beijing empty-handed."

"Master, please let the others go. The younger one has to be by your side to protect you."

"No, you go with Lvzhu, go alone and don't get fooled. Looking at Wangyuan City now, there are all unruly people."

"Okay." Fu San hesitated for a moment and said, "One more thing, I always feel that you may have fallen into a trap?"

"Fell into a trap, what do you mean?"

"I can't say for sure. It's not that I fell into a trap. I just feel that this eighth prince of the prairie was sent by the Golden Wolf King Khan. It should be... it should be..."

Chu Qing's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of needlepoints: "The Great Khan, the Golden Wolf King, deliberately sent the Eighth Prince of the Grassland here to lend my hand to kill his good-for-nothing son?"

Fu San nodded, that's what he wanted to say.

The third brother woke up the dreamer with his words, and Chu Qing instantly understood what was going on.

The old man on the grassland is a useless person, and not many people know about it. Muhua knows it because he heard it from Prince War Eagle. Sheng Zhaojun knows it because Brother Muna told them. In fact, the people who knew about it on the grassland did not

not much.

This means that if all the other princes die, then the heir must be Lao Ba of the Prairie. Even if Lao Ba cannot give birth to any heirs, there will be many uninformed tribes who will seek refuge with Lao Ba of the Prairie who has won.

The Great Khan, the Golden Wolf King, is old, so the big tribes on the grassland can only have two situations. The first is to fight for power and pull the Golden Wolf King's bloodline from the position of the Great Khan. The second is to take sides.

, now only Lao Ba is left, and they will definitely join Lao Ba.

The Golden Wolf King Khan, who was already in a state of distress, not only had to prevent those tribes from joining Lao Ba, but he also had to consolidate his own power.

The second thing, the Golden Wolf King Khan had to do it himself, but the first thing was that he could never kill his own son. If he did, what would other tribes think?

The old man will definitely not be able to inherit the throne of Khan. Even if he is not a useless person, this guy does not have the blood of the Golden Eagle. How can he convince the public? So when it comes to the current situation, the only hope of the Golden Wolf King Khan is the humanoid fixed seeder prince.

The next step is to find ways to get the eldest prince back.

Now the Golden Wolf King Khan has sent Lao Ba because he guessed that the Chang people would kill Lao Ba, which was tantamount to using the hands of the Chang people to kill Lao Ba.

Chu Qing frowned: "Then if we didn't kill Aletie, how could the Golden Wolf King be sure that we would do it?"

"If we don't take action, they will do it themselves, and they will die in our Dachang Dynasty, even if it is our Chang people who did it."

"That's it." Chu Qing showed a look of sudden realization: "This old man Jin Lang is quite good at business. He held a birthday promotion, buy seven and get one free, haha."

Fu San clasped his fists towards the north: "Golden Wolf is sweating profusely and is righteous."

What the third brother guessed was not false at all. The Golden Wolf King Khan had the idea to kill Lao Ba with the help of people from Chang.

The reason why Lao Ba became a cripple was entirely due to his father, the Golden Wolf King Khan. It was also the fault of this guy. He had to hook up with the Golden Wolf King Khan's woman. In the end, the Golden Wolf King Khan discovered it and confiscated it directly.

His tool of crime.

It is a scandal after all for his own son and his own woman to be intimate with each other. The Golden Wolf King Khan has no way to directly kill Lao Ba, so he just raises him as a useless person. Now it seems that this useless person is going to win, and

Even if he wins, he can't keep his position, so he comes up with this strategy. Of course, he has completely achieved the platinum achievement that the whole family of the Prince of Chu Qing Prairie achieved.

After thinking about all this, Chu Qing felt a little regretful: "After all, I still haven't met this old man, and I didn't expect that he would be useless even if I gave them a chance."

Chu Qing really felt that it was a pity that nine princes were not as good as one father. If he could change it, he would rather kill Golden Wolf King Khan. That would have a better effect. The princes below would get into chaos and completely enter the grassland.

A period of internal strife.

But now it doesn't make much sense for him to continue to stay at the border. The rest can be left to Ma Rujing and the others.

Stretching greatly, Chu Qing's lips formed a smile and sneered.

"It's time to return to the capital to kill people. According to Ergou's letter, there are many traitors in the capital!"

This chapter has been completed!
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