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Chapter 1058 Gua Gua Gua

In fact, Chu Qing would be lying if he said he wasn't curious about his life experience, but he didn't care too much.

His father was so good to him, and he was already satisfied. He didn't need another princess mother.

Deep down in his heart, Chu Qing even rejected the identity of a royal child, but he couldn't explain the reason.

If he is really a noble man from Tianhuang, many things will change. Everything he does will be given some meaning that is contrary to his original intention.

Chu Qing believed that his current status and everything he had were achieved by himself and by his own life. He also relied on his own luck and made friends with many like-minded friends. This is why he has worked hard step by step to get to where he is today.

But once you become a Tianhuang noble, you are no longer a hot-blooded fan, but a second-generation fan. What has happened? The bad adventure of a grassroots turned into the wonderful adventure of a wild prince?

Standing outside the cell, the answer might be right in front of him, but Chu Qing didn't know how to ask for a moment.

His back still hurt a little, so Chu Qing took two steps back, leaned against the wall, and spoke.

"Three hidden doors?"

Feng Taoist was not very surprised, he admitted without any hesitation: "The elder of the Three Dao Hidden Sect, Feng Taoist, is an experienced Taoist."

"Why are you looking for Tuoba Le, looking for a cool person."

"No comment."

"If you don't say yes, then I'll have him killed."

Feng Taoist laughed: "Grassland Liangrong, the last bloodline of the Tuoba clan, are you willing to give up?"

Chu Qing was also happy: "You never asked about me before you came to trouble me."

"A living beast in the capital, hated by thousands of people in the northern city, the executioner of an aristocratic family, and a troublemaker in the court."

Chu Qing was stunned and turned to look at Fu San. The third brother also looked confused.

Where did the last sentence come from?

Chu Qing cursed loudly: "You are the only one who stirs shit, your whole family is one."

Feng Taoist was not angry either: "It's not what the old Taoist said."

Fu San said firmly: "Master, this must be what the court officials said."

"Well, that's what these bastards must have said."

"Since they are courtiers, then they have become..." Fu San chuckled.

Chu Qing gave a thumbs up: "Third brother, your perspective on the problem is getting more and more tricky."

The two brothers looked at each other and smiled, and Chu Qing subconsciously ignored the fact that no matter who the courtier was, he was always a troublemaker.

"Let's get down to business." Chu Qing kicked the cell fence: "Why are you looking for Tuoba Le?"

"The old Taoist said, I have no comment."

"I also said that if you don't tell me, I will kill him."

"You won't let it go."

"Old man, it doesn't make any sense for you to talk about the number of words with me." Chu Qing pointed at his face: "Do you think I'm a joker, or do you think I care about the life of a Liang person without the Tuoba tribe?

, I still have the Great Prince of the Prairie, even if the Great Prince of the Prairie is gone, I still have many ways to cause chaos in the grassland."

Feng Taoist's expression changed slightly: "What can you do?"

"There are so many ways."

The Feng Taoist stood up suddenly, the iron chains on his body rattling, and his momentum was astonishing.

Fu San quickly drew out Qian Ji, but Feng Daoren, who had an astonishing momentum, suddenly turned pale, bent over, crossed his legs, and sucked in the cold air.

Chu Qing laughed loudly: "My balls hurt, I feel so good."

Feng Taoist sat down cross-legged tremblingly again, his painful forehead covered with sweat.

After taking a few deep breaths, the old Taoist priest sneered: "Boy, don't get complacent with the Taoist master. You, the imperial hawk, have been arrogant for a long time. Chang Chao is already seriously ill, and there is no cure or cure.

There will be no intact eggs under the overturned nest, and the situation will soon be chaotic. How can a high-ranking official like you survive alone?"

"Based on your words, I will kill you now and no one will ask a single question."

"If you kill Taoist Master, my three Dao Hidden Sect disciples will hunt you down to the ends of the earth."

Chu Qing was silent, his expression gloomy and uncertain.

The old Taoist priest snorted coldly: "I know you don't believe it, let alone what kind of commander you are, you are Tianhuang nobleman. If our three hidden sects want to take your life, it is as easy as turning the palm of your hand to read the lines."

Chu Qing was still silent.

The old Taoist laughed loudly: "Just kill him. Do you think the old Taoist is afraid of you?"

"No, I'm thinking about something else."

"What's the matter?"

"How about I let you go now and ask the two men to take a look at your balls?"

The old Taoist looked confused: "Let me go, why?"

"Didn't you say that your friends would hunt me down?"

"Do you believe it?"

Chu Qing nodded: "Yes."

"Are you afraid?"

Chu Qing still nodded: "Yes."

Feng Taoist was stunned for a moment, and then cursed loudly: "The Holy Pet has taken over the Qianqi Battalion and made the Liangrong Pioneer Army run around on the grassland. All the families are afraid, how can you...how...how can you be so damn timid as a mouse?"


Chu Qing shrugged: "Is it wrong to be afraid of death?"

Feng Taoist was stunned again and nodded: "That's right."

"Then it's over, isn't it?"

"But..." Feng Taoist frowned and shouted: "But you are the commander of Qianqi Camp and you are so famous. You...you actually..."

"Let me ask you, am I wrong to be afraid of death?"

The Feng Taoist was silent. After a moment, he said feebly: "That's right."

"It's not impossible to let you go."

Feng Taoist looked suspicious: "Really?"

"Really, but you have to write a note that after I let you go, you are not allowed to come back to trouble me, not any Taoist priest, otherwise you will give birth to a child covered with buttocks, thunder will strike from the sky, and the three hidden doors will make everyone laugh.

, Bragging and not drafting are all bastards. After you finish writing, sign and fingerprint, and I will post the notice."

Feng Daoren grinned: "Are you serious?"


"Then the old man won't leave."

Fu San's face was full of sternness: "Young Master, kill him. This man still wants to cause trouble for you."

"The old Taoist will find Tuoba Le sooner or later." Taoist Feng sneered and said, "But the old Taoist has always said it is the same. It's just that these so-called evidences, nonsense, and farts are all farts. Who will agree to you?"

Chu Qing was debating: "Then you make an oath."

Feng Daoren did not hesitate at all: "Sanqing is above me. If my disciple Feng Daoren walks out of this cell, he will never come back to trouble Chu Qing again."

Chu Qing laughed happily.

His goal has been achieved.

If you ask key questions at the beginning, the other party will definitely not answer. Communication is about establishing initial trust.

Taking out a bunch of keys and throwing them in, Chu Qing said, "You should open the chains on your body first."

Feng Daoren looked deeply at Chu Qing, reached out to pick up the key, and started to unlock the door.

Chu Qing also sat cross-legged on the ground: "Tell me about your three hidden doors. I understand them like thunder."

"The disciples are withered and they are hiding from the world. There is nothing to say."

"Tell me about it."

"The old Taoist said, there is nothing more to say."

Chu Qing was cheerful, as if talking to an old friend: "If you can't come out of the world, then you come out and fuck chicken feathers. Also, you just said that Dachang Dynasty is about to be finished. I think Chang Dynasty is pretty good. It was going downhill before.

But now many problems have been solved, and apart from other places, the lives of the people in Beijing are getting better and better, right?"

"You doll, what do you know?"

"Let's present the facts and reason and tell you what your three hidden doors are."

"My three hidden doors..."

Halfway through, Feng Daoren suddenly threw the general to the ground and said angrily: "Who the hell tied this to me? Let him open the lock!"

Chu Qing shrugged: "You are so old, why do you have such a bad temper?"

Fu San echoed: "You still have a bad mouth. If you open your mouth and shut up, the country will perish. That means you will meet the young master. If you go out and shout, you will have been killed by the nine tribes."

"What do you two kids know? The old Taoist said that if Dachang is going to perish, it will definitely perish."

"Then you have to tell me why you want to die." Chu Qing gave tentative guidance: "Uncle, do you know something inside? For example, who wants to cause trouble again, or something like that, there are rewards for reporting and exposing.


"You don't understand even after I tell you. Call someone quickly and open these locks."

"If you hadn't told me, I would have thought you were bragging, just a fortune teller, and a blind idiot."

As soon as Chu Qing finished speaking, Taoist Feng suddenly raised his head, his eyes dim.

"Holy shit." Chu Qing was dumbfounded: "It's really a fortune teller."

This chapter has been completed!
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